Sarah Lee, Vice President for Arts & Culture, Slover Linett Audience Research
Sharon Yazowski, Executive Director, Levitt Pavillions
Placemaking begins and ends with people. While current creative placemaking vibrancy indicators focus primarily on economic impact, we believe there’s more to the story: social impact.
Join Sharon Yazowski, Executive Director of Levitt Pavilions, and Sarah Lee, Vice President for Arts & Culture at Slover Linett Audience Research, to learn about how they are working together to develop tools and methodologies to measure the social impact of creative placemaking projects, using Levitt Pavilions as a case study.
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It’s all about people: Measuring the Social Impact of Creative Placemaking
#10: Q1.
Placemaking interventions are organically and necessarily about a system
… but measurement often requires disentangling the contributions of multiple factors/agents in order to say something about causality
How do we say something about causality when we KNOW that placemaking operates w/in a complex system?
How do we communicate effectively about impact, when we may not be able to boil impact down to a single sentence?
Denver baseline study is a powerful example of how measurement work can also inform design directly
How present is the “development evaluation” paradigm in placemaking?
Can evaluation be a tool for deeply engaging community?
How do we effectively communicate that social impact is just as important as economic impact when discussing the role of creative placemaking in developing healthy communities?