Introduction lesson.
Students prepare 5 selfie photos to introduce themselves to their peers.
1. Students sit in a horse shoe
2. Divide the class into 2
3. One half sits in the center and the other half sit facing their partner
4. Set a timer to 3 minute
5. Students talk about their photos while their partner listens and writes key words to remind them of what they heard. That student must ask a follow up question for every photo.
6. When the timer sounds the speaker moves one space clockwise.
7. continue until each student has spoken to 6 students.
8. Follow up - Students report about one of the students they listened to. other students listen and guess who the student is.
9. Finish with a little error correction
Language focus - Follow up questions.
17. What to do
1. Take 5 selfies/photos.
2. 5 different topics that best describe
3. Example food / movie / bestie
/friends / hobby / usual weekend /
travel / goal / stress release
/achievement/ love / memory
/something you dont like / etc.
4. Next class - Bring your photos and
prepare what you are going to say.
5. Class activity - Talk about your photos
to other students in English.