There is a bunch of Android N features announced by Google. We have curated them in this presentation nicely that will surely help you. Take a look and share.
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2. Googles pre-announcement of N
Googles announcement of releasing the developer testing version of
Android N is now rolling .
Termed as New York Cheesecake the new preview of N is expected
to give insights
This new platform is still in its developing phase
Android N is aimed at giving brand new experience to its users
3. A pre-baked multi-window
Makes it possible to multi-task between two apps
Thin black line between the apps allows resizing of screen for better
Q. How to take the N Droid multi-window advantage?
A. Simply set the attribute android:resizableActivity to true
4. Powerful Notifications
Makes it possible to reply to messages directly from notifications
Now it is possible to bundle notifications from the same app
Q. How to take the N Droid powerful notifications advantage?
A. Use Notification.Builder.setGroup() in your app
5. Faster App Switches
N lets you switch between your active app and last used app much
Simply, double tap the Recents button to switch between the 2 apps
6. User Tweak-able Settings:
Option to customize the status bar according to the preferences
One such tweak is - Night Mode. When activated, the Night Mode switches the UI
to a darker theme.
Freedom to set DPI scaling makes it possible to increase or decrease the display
size of a screen.
Q. How to take the N Droid tweak-able settings?
A. Access the System UI Tuner, (by holding down the gear icon in the notifications
shade) and select/de-select the features you want to display in the status bar.
7. Emergency Info
An incorporated Emergency info feature
This saves Name, Address, Date, Blood Type, Allergies, Medications, Medical
Conditions etc.
Q. How to take an advantage of Emergency Info?
A. When calling 911, the Emergency Info button will be only a tap away.
8. Faster App Installs
N is powered by new version of Java Android RunTime. This helps app installed on
the phone run and update faster than before.
Now, the installed app wont need time to optimize after every OS update.
It is all possible because of Googles Project Svelte which works on reducing the
size and weight of the Android OS
9. Longer Battery Life:
Finally, it is possible to run your mobile for longer, thanks to Doze update
With N, Doze saves even more power when the screen turns off
On Screen lock, Doze will start conserving energy.
10. Built-in File Manager
N comes pre-equipped with file manager called Explorer,
N copies folders and files, helps move them, rename them, and create new ones
A new graphic is put to show up when you go to an empty directory.
11. Final words
Some of these developers preview feature might not make a cut to final
commercial version.
If Google N clicks well with users, they can recapture the tablet market with N -
and perhaps, turn Pixel C in to the success it was meant to be!
N is expected to change the course of Androids success by scaling it to a new