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IUT Castres

18 nov 2013

@ alexmccardell

IUT Castres

18 nov 2013

@ alexmccardell

my name is alex mccardell
i was born in the usa
i live and work in toulouse
i speak english

@ alexmccardell

mais on va parler français

@ alexmccardell




@ alexmccardell

< HTML, digital, web, CMS, content strategy, mobile, UX,
web services, SEO, SEM, SES, XML, LAMP, HTML5, CSS3, JS,
Jquery, java, design, apps, PHP, 3D, tablet, IA, flash, after
effects, PS, WP, Drupal, Automne, social media, href, class,
calques, iMac, Android, firefox, safari, chrome, opera, bing,
forum, web participation, apache, linux, windows,
ergonomie, touch, sitemap, surface, iPhone, iTunes,YouTube,
Google, CDN, Sublime Text, twitter, facebook, pinterest,
flickr, linkedin, quora, dribbble, bitly, scoop.it, G+, slideshare,
instagram, ebooks, wireframe, prototype, analytics, div, span,
strong, h1, h2, h3, title, meetup, jslint, lean web, agile,Yahoo,
sprites, jpg, gif, png, cache >
@ alexmccardell


what’s a web professional to do

@ alexmccardell

fais moi confiance, on va parler français

@ alexmccardell

< HTML, digital, web, CMS, content strategy, mobile, UX,
web services, SEO, SEM, SES, XML, LAMP, HTML5, CSS3, JS,
Jquery, java, design, apps, PHP, 3D, tablet, IA, flash, after
effects, PS, WP, Drupal, Automne, social media, href, class,
calques, iMac, Android, firefox, safari, chrome, opera, bing,
forum, web participation, apache, linux, windows,
ergonomie, touch, sitemap, surface, iPhone, iTunes,YouTube,
Google, CDN, Sublime Text, twitter, facebook, pinterest,
flickr, linkedin, quora, dribbble, bitly, scoop.it, G+, slideshare,
instagram, ebooks, wireframe, prototype, analytics, div, span,
strong, h1, h2, h3, title, meetup, jslint, lean web, agile,Yahoo,
sprites, jpg, gif, png, cache >
@ alexmccardell

< HTML, digital, web, CMS, content strategy, mobile, UX,
web services, SEO, SEM, SES, XML, LAMP, HTML5, CSS3, JS,
Jquery, java, design, apps, PHP, 3D, tablet, IA, flash, after
effects, PS, WP, Drupal, Automne, social media, href, class,
calques, iMac, Androïd, firefox, safari, chrome, opéra, bing,
forum, web participation, apache, linux, windows,
ergonomie, touch, sitemap, surface, iPhone, iTunes,YouTube,
Google, CDN, Sublime Text, twitter, facebook, pinterest,
flickr, linkedin, quora, dribbble, bitly, scoop.it, G+, slideshare,
instagram, ebooks, wireframe, prototype, analytics, div, span,
strong, h1, h2, h3, title, meetup, jslint, lean web, agile,Yahoo,
sprites, jpg, gif, png, cache >
@ alexmccardell

< UX >
les cinq piliers

@ alexmccardell

< speed >
chaque milliseconde compte

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

< honesty >
Qui trompe ses utilisateurs ?

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

< empathy >
Comprendre l’utilisateur

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

< unique >
inspirer l’utilisateur

@ alexmccardell

alex mccardell
@ alexmccardell

< community >
partager avec et entre les utilisateurs

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

< UX >




@ alexmccardell

< Building Trust >
sites, blogs et réseaux sociaux

@ alexmccardell

< Content Curation >
réseaux sociaux

@ alexmccardell

La curation de contenu





merci à Beth Kanter : www.bethkanter.org

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

< Content Creation >
sites et blogs

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

@ alexmccardell

Customer journey map
Exprimez votre message central


@ alexmccardell

Connaître vos visiteurs
Personas : le profil de l’utilisateur

@ alexmccardell

Construire l’architecture de l’information
Prioriser et structurer le contenu

@ alexmccardell

Développer un réseau de confiance
Les critères d’évaluation TrustRank (google)

Âge du domaine	

Qualité du contenu	

Qualité des backlinks	

Réseaux sociaux	

La confiance de l’utilisateur sur le site	

La nouveauté du contenu	

Le trafic sur le site

@ alexmccardell

iThank you
@ alexmccardell


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IUT Castres : présentation UX le 18/11/2013