The Snow Goose lives in northeastern Siberia, North America, and Greenland. They have a wingspan of 50-65 inches and weigh between 5-7 pounds. They eat plants like grass, wheat, and rice. Snow Geese lay 4-5 eggs and are cared for by both parents. They are very noisy birds known for their shrill calls and honks.
2. Discription
Its wingspan is 50-65
For a smaller Snow Goose
its weight is 5-6 pounds
For a greater Snow Goose
is 6-7 pounds
A Snow Goose has a black
tip on its tail and wings.
Some have a yellowish
3. Habitat
Snow Geese live in
the northeastern
Siberia, North
America and
There environment
is north-eastern
America and
Their environment
is usually in the artic
4. Diet
They eat most stuff
that are in the plant
Such as
grass,wheat,rice and
other vegetations
There predators are the
artic wolf and a Polar
5. Off-spring
Snow Geese lay 4-5 creamy white eggs
They are usually pregnant for 40 days
They are born in mid June
They get cared by their mother and father
Their life span is 3-4 years and captive birds
live 15-20 years
6. Fun Facts
Noisiest of all birds
shrills and also honks
Heard long before it
comes in site
7. End of the slide
I hope you are now interested in snow geese
because they are very intelligent and
interesting animals
Bye :)