Internet Week Denmark is a week-long festival held in Aarhus, Denmark that celebrates the internet economy. The festival brings together public and private sector actors working in the internet industry through a variety of events including debates, workshops, and hackathons. The first Internet Week Denmark was held in 2014 and attracted over 3,000 participants across 123 events hosted by companies, educational institutions, public authorities, and organizations. The festival aims to strengthen innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital skills in Denmark.
3. The purpose of Internet Week Denmark is to strengthen the Internet economy in Denmark. We
fulfill this purpose through facilitating meetups between private and public actors who work with
and within the Internet economy.
The backbone in Internet Week Denmark is a week long festival that brings attention to the In-
ternet economys impact on growth and job creation, as well as the attraction and retention of tal-
ent and entrepreneurship. In addition, it is a week with an array of activities, debates, workshops
and hackathons on how the public sector and its citizens meet each other in the digital space.
First and foremost, Internet Week Denmark is a professional festival with both large and small
quality events at which knowledge and experience is shared and access is given to international
experts as well as national experts within the field. People from the digital profession meet in
open spaces and surroundings, across mobile apps and services, web and it development, and trust
and intimate environments for knowledge sharing and commercial interests are created. With
Internet Week Denmark, innovation and cooperation across sectors is supported with the aim of
strengthening the Internet economy and the business sector in general.
However, Internet Week Denmark is also a public festival that generates network and supports
initiatives that enhance the digital sophistication and education of citizens in Denmark. It is cru-
cial for both growth and Danish welfare model that citizens are involved and digitally educated,
since this creates the fundament for the society of the future.
The first Internet Week Denmark took place in 2014, and throughout an entire week more than
3000 participants helped celebrate Denmarks successful and growing Internet environment.The
idea behind Internet Week Denmark stems from Smart Aarhus, a partnership between Aarhus
Municipality and a group of institutions and companies. Smart Aarhus wishes to be an interna-
tionally renowned, Scandinavian model for urban development, and it sees digital technologies
and services as a central part of the solution for the city in the future.
The format was simple. During five week days, 123 events and activities were held in and around
Aarhus. During the week large and small companies were hosts to various crowdsourced events,
and educational institutions and networks contributed with knowledge, presentations and public
Internet Week Denmark
Denmark's Internet Festival in Aarhus
5. 123 events hosted by:
Private companies 54,4%
Educational Institutions 12,7%
Public authorities 17,7%
Network and institutions 11%
Internet Week Denmark 4,2%
Within the following topics:
Digital citizenship
Gaming, Learning & Experience
Digital Business, Marketing & Commerce
Social media
Media, Journalism & Publishing
The Dark Side of the Internet
Big data
Digital Leadership
123 events
Growing Investors was an event with the purpose of scal-
ing capital to continued growth and development for IT
startups. The aim was to educate investors and create an
understanding of digital entrepreneurship. More than 100
investors met up with a long list of app developers, web
services and digital products, and valuable contacts were
Lower the Barrier - seniors online was an example of a
collaboration between the private and the public sec-
tors.The event was a contribution to how you can create
solutions in the aim of getting seniors online and thereby
creating a possibility for all citizens to navigate in the
digitalized public services.
The digital sector organized a large number of events and
contributed with presentations, inspiration and knowl-
edge sharing. There were meetings and network where
digital employees shared new knowledge and experiences
and students received inspiration on future career options.
3 examples
7. We participated in Internet Week Denmark where we
hosted a debate on Digital Leadership.The purpose was
to to find an answer to what consequences the digitization
of companies has on managerial roles. We had a full house
and ensured that the participants had time to reflect on the
topic during the debate and during an open networking
session afterwards. We were happy to be able to give our
inputs to the week through this event.
Ejvind J淡rgensen, CEO
Ramb淡ll Management
Internet Week Denmark is its own thing and not just
another conference. Like Folkem淡det on Bornholm, but
for the Internet.The digital agenda is crucial for all of
Denmark, and Internet Week Denmark plays a new and
important role in this field.
Janus Sandsgaard, Chief Consultant
Danish Chamber of Commerce
We both think and hope that the many hours of
direct support and dialogue, we had with our users
during Internet Week Denmark, will result in an
actual product or at least an idea we can develop
further and that is why we see a great potential and
welcome this type of events in the future.
Flemming Laugesen, CTO
eBay Denmark
Internet Week Denmark put digital sophistication on
the Danish agenda.This important topic, which should
be included the thought processes of more Danes, has a
great impact in the future of Denmark. Partly, on how
we ensure that our children engage in safe and valuable
relationships with other people in a continuously more
important virtual world. And partly on how Danish Chil-
dren and young people can learn the necessary skills to
be able to fulfill the role as future entrepreneurs, creating
amazing digital products that can produce a tax income
for Denmark and new jobs.
Jan Neiiendam, CEO
Interactive Denmark
At Jyske Bank TV, we closely follow the technolog-
ical developments, the newest trends and the most
groundbreaking innovative thoughts with reports
from conferences in Las Vegas, San Francisco and
New York.The fantastic thing about Internet Week
Denmark is that inspiration, thoughts and ideas
from the greater world moves into a local context in
a way where we can discuss and inspire each other
in our local environment in Aarhus and Silkeborg.
It makes a difference.There is no doubt that Jyske
Bank TV will cover Internet Week Denmark even
more in 2015.
Lasse H淡gfeldt, Head of Division
Communications, Jyske Bank
We encouraged all our employees to participate in
relevant events to gather inspiration and share experi-
ences.The selection of strong events was high and our
employees have gained a lot from their participation.
Henrik L淡vig, CEO
8. During the festival, Internet Week
Denmark was in top 3 of the most
mentioned Danish hashtags on Twitter
Social Media
44.000+ website visits
2500+ tweets
1002 likes on Facebook
532 followers on Twitter
400+ news subscribers
9. 120+ media mentions
At Publico, we are obviously proud of the many men-
tions in the media. We participated as a PR partner on a
pro bono basis and it was our job to make sure the festival
was generously mentioned in the media as a serious and
national event. When Internet Week Denmark is held yet
again, we will absolutely be ready if we are invited to be
PR partner once again.
Uffe Lyngaa, CEO,
Publico Kommunikation
Internet Week Denmark is an important initiative that,
in a very beneficial way, sheds light on the reality for
many new startups, but simultaneously also stays relevant
for the digital transformation many older companies are
in the middle of right now.
Claus Hovge Andersen,
Managing Director, Jyllands-Posten
60+ newspaper articles, 55+ online news articles, 3 TV stories. 5 radio interviews.
11. Invest in Denmark was very pleased with our partici-
pation in Internet Week Denmark, both as sponsor
and event organizer. We were impressed with the level
of enthusiasm the organization behind showed both
before and after this large, complex event.
We were incredibly happy with the result of our event,
which resulted in a number of new leads and service
for existing customers.
S淡ren Tranberg Hansen
Project Manager, Invest in Denmark
Founding Partners
Internet Week Denmark in Aarhus is essential
when it comes to putting IT on the agenda AND
MARK that IT is the most important driver for
growth and welfare and not just a tool. For that
reason we obviously support the festival by parti-
ciapting and making sure our knowledge is available
within current topics such as security, education and
smart cities.
Ole Lehrmann Andersen
CEO, Alexandra Institut
Creuna has participated in Internet Week Denmark
because it is important for us to support the digital
environment in Aarhus. We were born from this
environment and therefore feel responsible to play
a part in the ongoing development of the environ-
ment. Furthermore, we depend on this exact envi-
ronment when it comes to recruitment and retention
of employees.
Roar Nissen,
Managing Director, Creuna
The event Growing Investors was a milestone for
the investment and entrepreneurial environment in
Aarhus - and we need more of this! During and after
the festival, both entrepreneurs and investors showed
a great interest in utilizing the momentum the event
had created to build even better connections with
investors and entrepreneurs in the region.
Lasse Chor, Entrepreneur
Mayor Startup City
VIA enhances business development through educa-
tion, research and innovation and in these fields the
Internet contains endless opportunities for organisa-
tional and business developments. VIA was in 2014
awarded Denmarks most entrepreneurial education
and knowledge institution, and consequently we are
proud to have contributed to make the first ever Inter-
net Week Denmark a success.
Peter Friese, Prorektor
VIA University College
Mj淡lner Informatics chose to become a sponsor
of Internet Week Denmark because we feel it is an
important initiative to promote the Aarhus areas
position as a driver in the field of IT.This contributes
in the preservation of an innovative environment and
making sure that the experts stay in the city.
Mikkel Yde Kj脱r, Manager
Mj淡lner Informatics
We believe that Internet culture in Denmark is
a part of the creative raw material that Denmark
should build upon.The week is a festival for social
and digital media and, among other things, it gives
Geelmuyden Kiese the opportunity to share and
gain knowledge and establish new partnerships.
Benjamin Rud Elberth
Digital Manager, Geelmuydien Kiese