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IX535 Informal RLO Review
Norman Britt
Andy Golembeske
Maya Jones
Amanda Kramer
Cindy Vaughn
Critique of slide presentation Shift Happens
Is the objective clear as to what this learning object is
trying to achieve?
Answer: No
There were no clearly stated objectives at the beginning or at the end of
this RLO to show what the presentation was trying to achieve. Fact
after fact was presented without a clear goal or objective. There was a
common theme that emerged by the end, change or Shift happens.
There was no clear indication of if the shift/change was in technology,
whos in power, how we learn based on the various facts presented.
The author should have used KISS (Stimson, 2002, p.14) made the point
in the simplest and clearest way.
What parts of the presentation, if any, were ineffective?
Answer: From start to finish this RLO was mostly ineffective on all counts.
1. Failed to state any objective.
2. Failed to make any point.
3. Failed to engage.
4. Pass cohesiveness.
5. Inflexible (outdated and unable to update the original version)
There were several two part slides separating one thought from the other
disjointing things. The imagery used at times was distracting from the slide
information. Images catch the eye (Stimson, 2002, p.26) and if you're trying to
make a point with text the image needs to strengthen the point not take away
from it. The length was entirely too long to make such a simple point.
What part or parts were effective?
Answer: There were various characteristics in which the RLO was
effective. In focusing specifically on RLO effectiveness, the following
was included in Shift Happens.
1)This is digital/web-based and is therefore accessible 24/7
2)Reusable in terms of being used in multiple contexts; for multiple
purpose; at multiple times (this slideshare could be used in an
economics, technology, earth science course and more).
3) Small in size to focus learners attention (2-15 minutes)
4) Suited for new types of learners such as net-generation learner, and
also has effective visuals to put the text into perspective.
Grunwald & Reddy (2007)
Was it a useful training tool?
As a general factoid module, this training tool was effective. However, as
a training tool, the module was not that useful. There was no context
provided for the training, nor was there an objective provided. In
addition, there were no mechanisms employed to connect the learner
with the material. As Mariani, Terra, & Paulo (2012) note, the greatest
criticism of e-learning is the absence of direct contact and the
deficiencies that this may cause, such as limitation of students
socialization (其 13).
Does the overall visual presentation contribute to the
learning experience? What might be done to improve it?
 The effectiveness of the presentation is subjective to the fact that it
could be used for multiple purposes yet lacks an official objective. The
statistics that included the illustrations to connect the numbers to a
picture were extremely helpful to the learner grasp the concept and
broke down the complex data (MindTools, 2015).
 Improvements could be made in the realm of keeping is simple, as
there were many statistics and points made, it was not organized or
directed towards a specific objective (MindTools,2015).
What were the most glaring presentation mistakes
The most glaring mistakes that I felt were made is that this
presentation was really long. There are 67 slides and there isnt a lot
of white space in each slide, some have black backgrounds and some
are too busy. The author could have grouped more sentences together
on one slide while having a faded photo behind the text. There are
ways to get your point across without too much information in one
slide, and keeping it short and simple (KISS) is always a plus because
people will not want to go through so many slides. Also there is not a
lot of consistent color, several of the same colors are used often in the
slides but your eye needs to draw towards each slide while keeping it
interesting. Then in some slides there is way too much color.
Critique of Shift Happens
This is slide #40, why would you
have question marks on the
whole slide? The author could
have used just one question
mark or phrased it differently,
there is white space though in
this slide. Just one example of
what not to do, I feel!
From our text How to write & prepare training manuals.
 According to Stimson (2002), probably the most influential
factor in capturing and keeping your readers attention is
what you dont write - the white space surrounding your
words. A perennial advertising favourite, even preferred to
dazzling colour and animation, whitespace works.
Grunwald, S. & Reddy, R. (2007)Concept Guide on Reusable Learning Objects with Application to Soil,
Water and Environmental Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville. (pp.2)Retreived from:
Mariani, Alessandro Wasum, Terra, Ricardo Mingarini, & P棚go-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel. (2012). E-
Learning: from useful to indispensable tool. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 130(6), 357-359. Retrieved
from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-
31802012000600001&lng=en&tlng=en. 10.1590/S1516-31802012000600001.
MindTools, (2015). Creating effective presentation visuals. Retreived
Stimson, N. (2002). How to write & prepare training materials. London: Kogan Page.

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01_BasicTechniquesTools.pptx "Malware creeps unseen, corrupting data and cont...

Ix535 unit 1 slides

  • 1. IX535 Informal RLO Review Norman Britt Andy Golembeske Maya Jones Amanda Kramer Cindy Vaughn Critique of slide presentation Shift Happens
  • 2. Is the objective clear as to what this learning object is trying to achieve? Answer: No There were no clearly stated objectives at the beginning or at the end of this RLO to show what the presentation was trying to achieve. Fact after fact was presented without a clear goal or objective. There was a common theme that emerged by the end, change or Shift happens. There was no clear indication of if the shift/change was in technology, whos in power, how we learn based on the various facts presented. The author should have used KISS (Stimson, 2002, p.14) made the point in the simplest and clearest way.
  • 3. What parts of the presentation, if any, were ineffective? Answer: From start to finish this RLO was mostly ineffective on all counts. 1. Failed to state any objective. 2. Failed to make any point. 3. Failed to engage. 4. Pass cohesiveness. 5. Inflexible (outdated and unable to update the original version) There were several two part slides separating one thought from the other disjointing things. The imagery used at times was distracting from the slide information. Images catch the eye (Stimson, 2002, p.26) and if you're trying to make a point with text the image needs to strengthen the point not take away from it. The length was entirely too long to make such a simple point.
  • 4. What part or parts were effective? Answer: There were various characteristics in which the RLO was effective. In focusing specifically on RLO effectiveness, the following was included in Shift Happens. 1)This is digital/web-based and is therefore accessible 24/7 2)Reusable in terms of being used in multiple contexts; for multiple purpose; at multiple times (this slideshare could be used in an economics, technology, earth science course and more). 3) Small in size to focus learners attention (2-15 minutes) 4) Suited for new types of learners such as net-generation learner, and also has effective visuals to put the text into perspective. Grunwald & Reddy (2007)
  • 5. Was it a useful training tool? Answer: As a general factoid module, this training tool was effective. However, as a training tool, the module was not that useful. There was no context provided for the training, nor was there an objective provided. In addition, there were no mechanisms employed to connect the learner with the material. As Mariani, Terra, & Paulo (2012) note, the greatest criticism of e-learning is the absence of direct contact and the deficiencies that this may cause, such as limitation of students socialization (其 13).
  • 6. Does the overall visual presentation contribute to the learning experience? What might be done to improve it? The effectiveness of the presentation is subjective to the fact that it could be used for multiple purposes yet lacks an official objective. The statistics that included the illustrations to connect the numbers to a picture were extremely helpful to the learner grasp the concept and broke down the complex data (MindTools, 2015). Improvements could be made in the realm of keeping is simple, as there were many statistics and points made, it was not organized or directed towards a specific objective (MindTools,2015).
  • 7. What were the most glaring presentation mistakes made? The most glaring mistakes that I felt were made is that this presentation was really long. There are 67 slides and there isnt a lot of white space in each slide, some have black backgrounds and some are too busy. The author could have grouped more sentences together on one slide while having a faded photo behind the text. There are ways to get your point across without too much information in one slide, and keeping it short and simple (KISS) is always a plus because people will not want to go through so many slides. Also there is not a lot of consistent color, several of the same colors are used often in the slides but your eye needs to draw towards each slide while keeping it interesting. Then in some slides there is way too much color.
  • 8. Critique of Shift Happens This is slide #40, why would you have question marks on the whole slide? The author could have used just one question mark or phrased it differently, there is white space though in this slide. Just one example of what not to do, I feel!
  • 9. From our text How to write & prepare training manuals. According to Stimson (2002), probably the most influential factor in capturing and keeping your readers attention is what you dont write - the white space surrounding your words. A perennial advertising favourite, even preferred to dazzling colour and animation, whitespace works.
  • 10. References Grunwald, S. & Reddy, R. (2007)Concept Guide on Reusable Learning Objects with Application to Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville. (pp.2)Retreived from: http://ecolearnit.ifas.ufl.edu/documentation/concept_guide.pdf Mariani, Alessandro Wasum, Terra, Ricardo Mingarini, & P棚go-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel. (2012). E- Learning: from useful to indispensable tool. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 130(6), 357-359. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516- 31802012000600001&lng=en&tlng=en. 10.1590/S1516-31802012000600001. MindTools, (2015). Creating effective presentation visuals. Retreived from:https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/creating-presentation-visuals.htm Stimson, N. (2002). How to write & prepare training materials. London: Kogan Page.