This document discusses the relationship between meaning, design discourse, and competitive advantage. It analyzes Pernambuco's production clusters and finds their ability to create meaning and competitive value is limited. By mapping actors and relationships, it determines Pernambuco currently lacks the complex, heterogeneous interactions or "buzz" needed for robust design discourse. Several initiatives aim to foster an environment where innovation can emerge through design-driven processes, but more work remains to fully develop this paradigm in Pernambuco's economy.
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Designare ??Designing the meaning as a way to the local competitivenes?? -ISA2014
1. Designare
Designing the meaning as a way to the
local competitivenes
Gabriella Martins - Msc Design student UFPE
Leonardo Castillo- PhD. Professor, UFPE
Recife 2013
3. Meaning theories ( Grosch, 1970/
Gotzsch,2000/Krippendor, 1989...)
¡°Design-Driven Innovation¡±
(Verganti, 2009)
¡°Buzz: the economic force of the
city¡± (Storper & Venables , 2002)
5. Meaning & Myth (Barthes &
Meaning as function(Jochem Gros)
De+signare (Krippendorff)
6. Gros : Product Language
Theory of Product Language
(Jochem Gros)
Product Message
Semiotic Function
Indicative Function
Symbolic Function
Formal-Aesthetic Function
Based on the
Functionality of the
Based on culture
( imaginary and
Based on
- Order and Complexity
- Additive, integrative
Objective: Understand
the Product(Product
Objective: Report on the Objective: Product¡¯s
aesthetic appreciation
product owner
Direct Symbols
Product Symbols
Subjective (taste,
7. "The objects have to fulfill their
functions, but the emotional
function is more important"
Alberto Alessi
9. Competitive Advantages
(Barney, 1991)
- Valuable- to exploit opportunities and neutralize
their environmental threats;
- Rare- when very few or none of the existing and
potential competitors the industry have it;
- Inimitable -difficult to imitate by competitors;
- Irreplaceable- by other equivalent resources that
can be exploited for implement the same strategy
12. Design Discourse:
¡°a process of
informal and
diffuse research and experimentation - similar to a
collective discussion between actors of several areas
that co-share interest to understand the changes in
society, culture and technology... A research
process in 360 degrees about the possible meaning
of things¡± (Verganti, 2009, 122-126)
15. BUZZ main motto: Face to Face as the main
communication technology among the social actors.
Transmit Complex Discourse (and information
More quality -> ¡°in-groups¡± (resultant ¡°elite¡±)
More Commitment (trust based relation overcome
other relational incentives)
18. Stage1 Understand the Pernambuco¡¯s production - Using
official documents and other support article, we¡¯ve mapped
local production and analysed if the ¡°signification process¡±
were a competitive advantage.
Stage2 Mapping actors and interpreters - Besides the use of
documents and support articles, we¡¯ve used ethnographic
techniques and interviews in order to understand the
relationships between the actors and interpreters.
Stage3 Analyze strategic projects - We researched impactful
strategic projects (whether federal, state, municipal or even
private), and others initiatives that could encourage the
development of design-discourses and Buzz.
19. Stage 1
Signification = little or no
competitive value
Hinterland - Product or Services Clusters:
Viticulture, Gypsum, Clothing and Furniture.
Coast - Petrochemical, Pharmaco, Naval MetalMechanical, Logistic, Touristic (South Coast),
Cacha?a and Hardware.
State¡¯s Capital (Recife)- Medical, gastronomy and
21. Stage 2
A little F2F, in Recife a Buzz begining but yet
22. Stage 3
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In progress...
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