Judy Lapointe has over 20 years of experience in public speaking, media relations, and community outreach. She currently serves as the Director of Community Relations for the Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center, where she oversees marketing, legislative liaison duties, and nonprofit management. Previously, she owned and operated a medical supply company, hosted health-focused radio and television shows, and served as the Director of Employment Services for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. She has received several awards for her work, including Small Business Person of the Year and Outstanding State Employee of the Year.
Cindy McConkey Cox has over 13 years of experience directing corporate communications for Scripps Networks Interactive. She oversees reputation management, media relations, social responsibility programs, and other communications initiatives. Previously, she worked as a public relations consultant for 15 years serving various clients. Cox began her career as an investigative journalist, receiving awards for her reporting. She has received numerous awards for her communications work and pioneering the use of social media in crisis situations. Cox currently serves on several boards and committees focused on communications, business, health, and leadership.
Michelle R. Davis has a Master's in Social Work from UNC Charlotte and a Bachelor's in Psychology from Furman University. She has experience conducting individual and group therapy using cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy models. Her clinical experience includes working with incarcerated women, adults, elders, and ex-offenders. She has worked as a clinical research assistant, clinical intern, graduate assistant, and neuropsychology technician. Her volunteer experience involves supporting at-risk youth and AIDS awareness events.
This document contains a weekly schedule for a church with times for bible study, worship services, youth groups, grocery pickup, and a Christmas drama practice. It also welcomes new visitors and families with young children to join them after services at the coffee bar to meet others and the pastor, and notes a family room is available with a live feed of the service for parents with young ones.
Desv鱈o de 10 a 11 horas Carrera Urbana de Ciudad Realmiciudadreal
El documento presenta un horario de servicio de 10 a 11 horas y 15 horas para Valverde y Las Casas. Fue dibujado y firmado por el 叩rea de movilidad del ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real como plan de v鱈as prueba deportiva para el d鱈a 6 y aprobado por el jefe de servicio de movilidad.
O documento apresenta a programa巽達o de shows e apresenta巽探es durante o S達o Jo達o em diferentes locais, incluindo palcos, salas de reboco e arraiais. Haver叩 apresenta巽探es musicais de v叩rios artistas e g棚neros nordestinos, como forr坦, coco e quadrilhas juninas, durante os dias 13 a 27 de junho.
HOFOR - Activating social in the public sectorKomfo
The document discusses social media strategy for public sector organizations. It recommends establishing 5 strategic tracks for social media use, including branding & campaigns, project communication, energy counseling, and customer service. It also recommends assembling a reference group of internal and external stakeholders to provide feedback and help develop a coordinated, systematic social media approach across the organization as opposed to isolated initiatives. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of leadership buy-in and integrating social media with customer service functions.
El documento resume las perspectivas del comercio internacional y las exportaciones e importaciones de El Salvador en 2015. Se prev辿 un moderado crecimiento de la econom鱈a mundial impulsado por la estabilizaci坦n de la demanda y los precios del petr坦leo. Las exportaciones salvadore単as crecieron un 4% gracias al dinamismo de sectores como confecci坦n, agroindustria y maquila. Los principales destinos fueron Estados Unidos, Guatemala y Honduras. Las importaciones tuvieron una leve ca鱈da del 1% debido a los bajos
Distros, licen巽as, pacotes, depend棚ncias, terminal, o que 辿 esse vocabul叩rio do universo Software Livre? O que mais existe nele, como saber mais? Como colaborar? Esses e outros assuntos que iremos ver nessa apresenta巽達o.
The document compares and contrasts the OSI and DOD network models. The OSI model has 7 layers and defines the process of network communication by dividing it into distinct groups of related functions. It includes the application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical layers. The DOD model is a condensed version with only 4 layers - process, host-to-host, internet, and network access layers. Both models provide conceptual frameworks for understanding how applications can communicate over a network.
This document discusses ontologies and their use for knowledge representation. It provides definitions of ontologies from computer science and information science perspectives. The document outlines some key components of ontologies including concepts, relations between concepts, and axioms. It discusses why ontologies are useful for communication, knowledge reuse and analysis. Examples of ontologies are provided, including AGROVOC and a fisheries ontology. The differences between thesauri and ontologies are also summarized.
Anna Hall_ Beyond the Heptathlon, A Story Woven in Grit and Gold.docxvoice ofarticle
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Youve probably heard the name "Anna Hall." Track and field circles, especially those following the heptathlon, are buzzing. But, you know, a name on a medal doesn't tell the whole story, does it? We're talking about a person, a life, a journey thats way more interesting than any Wikipedia entry. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's unravel the tapestry that is the Anna Hall biography. It's a story of grit, sheer willpower, and a whole lot of heart. This isn't just about records and rankings; its about the human being behind the accolades.
The Future of Health Data Platforms_ Trends to Watch in the Next Decade.pdfInsider Market Research
Health data platforms in 2025: 1. Epic Systems 2. HealthTap 3. Teladoc Health 4. Fitbit 5. Practo 6. Zocdoc 7. Ada Health 8. Welltok 9. Apple Health and more
John Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
Reflective News provides in-depth analysis and coverage of various global and
regional issues. The platform focuses on topics such as Kenya's strategic position in the
Indo-Pacific region, the influence of China, Japan, South Asia in Kenyan affairs, and the
impact of climate change on Kenya. Reflective News aims to offer insightful perspectives
on political, economic, and social developments, helping readers understand the
complexities of the modern world
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
How Estevan Mercury Shaped Community Journalism for 122 YearsNorthland News
The Estevan Mercury has played a vital role in the citys media landscape for more than a century. As one of the longest-running newspapers in Saskatchewan, its closure marks the end of an era for local journalism. With its final edition, No. 1228, the publication leaves behind a rich legacy of informing, educating, and connecting the people of Estevan. Editor David Willberg announced the difficult decision on social media, leading to an outpouring of tributes from residents and journalists alike. While print editions will no longer be available, articles from Estevan will still be accessible through SaskToday.ca.
Belle Dingle has been at the heart of some of Emmerdales most emotional and intense plots. From struggling with schizophrenia to dealing with a toxic relationship, her journey has kept viewers hooked.
One of Belle Dingles most gripping storylines was her experience with domestic abuse. Her relationship with Tom King started with love but soon turned controlling and manipulative. After enduring months of emotional pain, Belle finally took a stand, reporting Tom to the police and reclaiming her freedom.
Belle Dingles resilience makes her one of Emmerdales strongest characters, and fans cant wait to see whats next for her!
Distros, licen巽as, pacotes, depend棚ncias, terminal, o que 辿 esse vocabul叩rio do universo Software Livre? O que mais existe nele, como saber mais? Como colaborar? Esses e outros assuntos que iremos ver nessa apresenta巽達o.
The document compares and contrasts the OSI and DOD network models. The OSI model has 7 layers and defines the process of network communication by dividing it into distinct groups of related functions. It includes the application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical layers. The DOD model is a condensed version with only 4 layers - process, host-to-host, internet, and network access layers. Both models provide conceptual frameworks for understanding how applications can communicate over a network.
This document discusses ontologies and their use for knowledge representation. It provides definitions of ontologies from computer science and information science perspectives. The document outlines some key components of ontologies including concepts, relations between concepts, and axioms. It discusses why ontologies are useful for communication, knowledge reuse and analysis. Examples of ontologies are provided, including AGROVOC and a fisheries ontology. The differences between thesauri and ontologies are also summarized.
Anna Hall_ Beyond the Heptathlon, A Story Woven in Grit and Gold.docxvoice ofarticle
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Youve probably heard the name "Anna Hall." Track and field circles, especially those following the heptathlon, are buzzing. But, you know, a name on a medal doesn't tell the whole story, does it? We're talking about a person, a life, a journey thats way more interesting than any Wikipedia entry. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's unravel the tapestry that is the Anna Hall biography. It's a story of grit, sheer willpower, and a whole lot of heart. This isn't just about records and rankings; its about the human being behind the accolades.
The Future of Health Data Platforms_ Trends to Watch in the Next Decade.pdfInsider Market Research
Health data platforms in 2025: 1. Epic Systems 2. HealthTap 3. Teladoc Health 4. Fitbit 5. Practo 6. Zocdoc 7. Ada Health 8. Welltok 9. Apple Health and more
John Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
Reflective News provides in-depth analysis and coverage of various global and
regional issues. The platform focuses on topics such as Kenya's strategic position in the
Indo-Pacific region, the influence of China, Japan, South Asia in Kenyan affairs, and the
impact of climate change on Kenya. Reflective News aims to offer insightful perspectives
on political, economic, and social developments, helping readers understand the
complexities of the modern world
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
How Estevan Mercury Shaped Community Journalism for 122 YearsNorthland News
The Estevan Mercury has played a vital role in the citys media landscape for more than a century. As one of the longest-running newspapers in Saskatchewan, its closure marks the end of an era for local journalism. With its final edition, No. 1228, the publication leaves behind a rich legacy of informing, educating, and connecting the people of Estevan. Editor David Willberg announced the difficult decision on social media, leading to an outpouring of tributes from residents and journalists alike. While print editions will no longer be available, articles from Estevan will still be accessible through SaskToday.ca.
Belle Dingle has been at the heart of some of Emmerdales most emotional and intense plots. From struggling with schizophrenia to dealing with a toxic relationship, her journey has kept viewers hooked.
One of Belle Dingles most gripping storylines was her experience with domestic abuse. Her relationship with Tom King started with love but soon turned controlling and manipulative. After enduring months of emotional pain, Belle finally took a stand, reporting Tom to the police and reclaiming her freedom.
Belle Dingles resilience makes her one of Emmerdales strongest characters, and fans cant wait to see whats next for her!
JD Euroway presents itself as a trusted investment advisory firm, but is there more beneath the surface? Uncover the hidden role of Fritz, the firms deceptive tactics, and why investors should be wary of Talal Hameds sudden rise as its public face.
Madhu Rajan is a journalist and media personality known for his dedication to bringing important stories to light. Based in Bridgewater, New Jersey, Rajan has built a reputation for his in-depth reporting on social issues, humanitarian causes, and community resilience.
Unpredictable Earnings: The volatility of pay packets and its impact on livin...ResolutionFoundation
Most people are used to receiving regular monthly pay cheques, hopefully with the occasional bonus and an annual rise. But while this is often taken for granted, for other workers the size and timing of their pay cheques are far more volatile with knock on effects on their ability to pay bills, save, plan ahead and smooth their living standards over time. But with Brits notoriously adverse to talking about pay, the scale of earnings volatility across the country is unknown.
How many workers are subject to volatile earnings, and how much does the timing and size vary from pay cheque to pay cheque? Who is most likely to experience earnings volatility, and in which industries is it most prevalent? What are the wider living standards consequences for families? And what can policy makers do to mitigate the impacts of unpredictable earnings?
Unpredictable Earnings: The volatility of pay packets and its impact on livin...ResolutionFoundation
JaVonni brustow
1. JaVonni Brustow
NewsWriterand CommunicationsSpecialist
JaVonni Brustow isa CommunicationsandMediaConsultantwithadecade of experience inevent
production,newseditingandadministeringbestpracticesinbusinessmanagement.JaVonni gainedhis
musical backgroundasan assistantchoirdirectorfor a DC area megachurch, goingon to become a
concert producerforDC Gospel Events,brokeringrelationshipswithmanygospelartistsinthe
Washingtonmetropolitanarea.He laterjoinedforceswithPRprofessional BryanSharpe forthe now
defunctcelebritynewssite DefGlam,aidinginthe expansionandmanagementalongwithMsStylistik
Comingfroma familyof businessownersinthe commercial transportation,contractingandreal estate
arenas,JaVonni wasraisedwithanentrepreneurial spirit.StartinghiscareerwithSteptoe &Johnson
and workingoverthe yearsfora national unionandinglobal povertyrelief heslearnedpolicyforboth
the workingAmericanandthose whoneed helpanddirectionthe mostaroundthe world.
As friendsof JaVonnisbeganrunningforoffice while workinginmental healthforthe Districtof
Columbia,he begantotake time to learninclusive urbandevelopmentthatwouldallow all totake part
ina changingcitylandscape.Championinghishardworkethicoverthe years,sharingresourcesthat
wouldallowotherstodothe same,it wasat thistime JaVonni joinedthe RepublicanPartyashe feltthe
bestwayfor the communitytoimprove wasnot bygovernmentbutintrustingthe actionsof the
He wentonto joinBreitbartsSonnie Johnsontospeakatthe 20th anniversaryDavidHorowitzFreedom
collaboratingonurbanoutreachfor the RepublicanParty.
JaVonni hasgrownto become a trustedname bothinbusinessandcommunityadvocacyinWashington
withhismediaandcommunicationscompanyVM3Mediamanagingthe governmentnewssite
MogulPunditandcelebritynewssite PopGlitz.