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JaVonni Brustow
NewsWriterand CommunicationsSpecialist
JaVonni Brustow isa CommunicationsandMediaConsultantwithadecade of experience inevent
production,newseditingandadministeringbestpracticesinbusinessmanagement.JaVonni gainedhis
musical backgroundasan assistantchoirdirectorfor a DC area megachurch, goingon to become a
concert producerforDC Gospel Events,brokeringrelationshipswithmanygospelartistsinthe
Washingtonmetropolitanarea.He laterjoinedforceswithPRprofessional BryanSharpe forthe now
defunctcelebritynewssite DefGlam,aidinginthe expansionandmanagementalongwithMsStylistik
Comingfroma familyof businessownersinthe commercial transportation,contractingandreal estate
arenas,JaVonni wasraisedwithanentrepreneurial spirit.StartinghiscareerwithSteptoe &Johnson
and workingoverthe yearsfora national unionandinglobal povertyrelief heslearnedpolicyforboth
the workingAmericanandthose whoneed helpanddirectionthe mostaroundthe world.
As friendsof JaVonnisbeganrunningforoffice while workinginmental healthforthe Districtof
Columbia,he begantotake time to learninclusive urbandevelopmentthatwouldallow all totake part
ina changingcitylandscape.Championinghishardworkethicoverthe years,sharingresourcesthat
wouldallowotherstodothe same,it wasat thistime JaVonni joinedthe RepublicanPartyashe feltthe
bestwayfor the communitytoimprove wasnot bygovernmentbutintrustingthe actionsof the
He wentonto joinBreitbartsSonnie Johnsontospeakatthe 20th anniversaryDavidHorowitzFreedom
collaboratingonurbanoutreachfor the RepublicanParty.
JaVonni hasgrownto become a trustedname bothinbusinessandcommunityadvocacyinWashington
withhismediaandcommunicationscompanyVM3Mediamanagingthe governmentnewssite
MogulPunditandcelebritynewssite PopGlitz.

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JaVonni brustow

  • 1. JaVonni Brustow NewsWriterand CommunicationsSpecialist JaVonni Brustow isa CommunicationsandMediaConsultantwithadecade of experience inevent production,newseditingandadministeringbestpracticesinbusinessmanagement.JaVonni gainedhis musical backgroundasan assistantchoirdirectorfor a DC area megachurch, goingon to become a concert producerforDC Gospel Events,brokeringrelationshipswithmanygospelartistsinthe Washingtonmetropolitanarea.He laterjoinedforceswithPRprofessional BryanSharpe forthe now defunctcelebritynewssite DefGlam,aidinginthe expansionandmanagementalongwithMsStylistik amongothers. Comingfroma familyof businessownersinthe commercial transportation,contractingandreal estate arenas,JaVonni wasraisedwithanentrepreneurial spirit.StartinghiscareerwithSteptoe &Johnson and workingoverthe yearsfora national unionandinglobal povertyrelief heslearnedpolicyforboth the workingAmericanandthose whoneed helpanddirectionthe mostaroundthe world. As friendsof JaVonnisbeganrunningforoffice while workinginmental healthforthe Districtof Columbia,he begantotake time to learninclusive urbandevelopmentthatwouldallow all totake part ina changingcitylandscape.Championinghishardworkethicoverthe years,sharingresourcesthat wouldallowotherstodothe same,it wasat thistime JaVonni joinedthe RepublicanPartyashe feltthe bestwayfor the communitytoimprove wasnot bygovernmentbutintrustingthe actionsof the communityitself. He wentonto joinBreitbartsSonnie Johnsontospeakatthe 20th anniversaryDavidHorowitzFreedom CenterRestorationWeekendinWestPalmBeach,Florida,definingurbanconservatismalongwith collaboratingonurbanoutreachfor the RepublicanParty. JaVonni hasgrownto become a trustedname bothinbusinessandcommunityadvocacyinWashington withhismediaandcommunicationscompanyVM3Mediamanagingthe governmentnewssite MogulPunditandcelebritynewssite PopGlitz.