1. Indah adalah siswi berprestasi dari desa yang memperoleh beasiswa untuk sekolah di Jakarta.
2. Di sekolah barunya, Indah berkenalan dengan teman-teman baru meski awalnya dijahili oleh Sisil.
3. Kelvin yang awalnya sering mengganggu Indah, justru membelanya dan menolong Indah saat terjatuh.
Jadwal harian Aqila Hilmy yang terdiri dari 14 kegiatan mulai dari sholat subuh, sekolah, bermain, makan, ngaji, sholat, istirahat, belajar dan tidur. Pada hari Jumat dan Minggu ada waktu untuk les bahasa Inggris. HP diperbolehkan hanya saat bermain.
Ringkasan cerita Buah Kesabaran dalam 3 kalimat:
Su'ud dan Mukri adalah dua anak miskin yang bertemu dengan Pak Kasan dan mendapat pekerjaan setelah Su'ud membuktikan kepintarannya, yaitu bergabung dengan tim penelitian tebu dan Mukri menjadi kuli perkebunan. Nasib Su'ud dan Mukri menjadi lebih baik setelah mendapat bantuan dari Pak Kasan.
This presentation argues that Paul Gauguin's paintings are racial and gender stereotypes. It introduces the topic and thesis, then discusses how Gauguin depicted Polynesian women in a stereotypical manner as instinctive, sex objects obsessed with white men. The presentation cites critics like Abigail Godeau who argue Gauguin perpetuated a colonialist discourse that objectified Polynesian women without benefiting them. Sojourner Truth also criticized Gauguin for exploiting other cultures' sexual practices. In conclusion, the presentation proves Gauguin regarded indigenous people as "noble savages" and stereotyped Tahitian women in his paintings.
Students at a school participated in a Comenius competition where they learned about different European countries. Each class was assigned a country to research and present on. Class 5's presentation on Spain won. Additional country assignments included Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania and France. Lithuania's presentation focused on food.
La alegor鱈a de la caverna pretende poner de manifiesto el estado en que, con respecto a la educaci坦n o falta de ella, se halla nuestra naturaleza, es decir, el estado en que se halla la mayor鱈a de los hombres con relaci坦n al conocimiento de la verdad o a la ignorancia. As鱈, los prisioneros representan a la mayor鱈a de la humanidad, esclava y prisionera de su ignorancia e inconsciente de ella, aferrada a las costumbres, opiniones, prejuicios y falsas creencias de siempre. Estos
prisioneros, al igual que la mayor鱈a de los hombres, creen que saben y se sienten felices en su ignorancia, pero viven en el error, y toman por real y verdadero lo que no son sino simples sombras de objetos fabricados y ecos de voces.
The document appears to be meeting minutes from November 2014 for the Marimba Users Group. It lists 4 topics that were likely discussed but does not provide any details on the topics or outcomes of the meeting.
El Teeteto constituye una especie
de introducci坦n a los llamados di叩logos metaf鱈sicos
de Plat叩n y en 辿l se declara que la sensaci坦n
nada tiene que ver con la ciencia ni son id辿nticas,
se explica el error diciendo que se puede tener
una opini坦n correcta sin poseer ninguna ciencia
y, finalmente, se rechaza que la raz坦n se encuentre
en el lenguaje, en la enumeraci坦n o la diferencia.
Para Plat坦n el conocimiento cient鱈fico o episteme es el que se corresponde con
aquellas parcelas estables y necesarias de la realidad. Es el conocimiento del mundo de
las Ideas. El conocimiento del Mundo sensible no es ciencia, ni siquiera verdadero
conocimiento, es s坦lo opini坦n.
Este texto se単ala el origen del t辿rmino epistemolog鱈a, referido a la teor鱈a del
conocimiento cient鱈fico. El tema est叩 centrado en el desarrollo de la ciencia moderna y en
particular en la crisis de los conceptos b叩sicos a comienzos del siglo XX. Esto signific坦 el
fin de la filosof鱈a especulativa en su capacidad para dar cuenta de las conceptualizaciones
y de las teor鱈as de la ciencia contempor叩nea. Al avanzar el siglo, tambi辿n los m叩s destacados
empiristas debieron admitir su fracaso. La renuncia a las posiciones aprioristas y
empiristas llev坦 a la necesidad de concebir el conocimiento como un proceso constructivo
que al nivel individual se desarrolla desde el nacimiento hasta la edad adulta, y se prolonga
al nivel social con el desarrollo de la ciencia.
El prop坦sito de la epistemolog鱈a es distinguir la ciencia aut辿ntica de la seudociencia, la investigaci坦n profunda de la superficial, la b炭squeda de la verdad de s坦lo un modus vivendi. Tambi辿n debe ser capaz de criticar programas y aun resultados err坦neos, as鱈 como de sugerir nuevos enfoques promisorios.
This document appears to be an excerpt from a travel diary, describing trips to Poland, Hungary, and the Netherlands. The diary entries from Poland focus on time spent at the seaside and in the mountains. Entries from Hungary provide few details. The Netherlands section also lacks description. The diary touches on three countries as part of a larger theme of healthy living.
Down the Rabbit Hole, Into the Fallopian Tree, and Through the Vaginal Tunnel...Chris Olson
This document is an academic paper that analyzes female sexuality and coming of age themes in the films Spirited Away, Pan's Labyrinth, and Coraline. It discusses how these films contain elements that reference classic fairy tales like Alice in Wonderland, including tunnels to other worlds, talking animals, frightening authority figures, and a young girl's journey of discovery. Specifically, it explores how the films depict themes of sexual awakening, relationships with older male figures, forbidden rooms and doorways representing sexuality, the role of "other mothers", and the impact of body image issues on female sexuality.
This document outlines the types of cards for a snake and ladder game that promotes health. There are 5 categories of cards - healthy food from Lithuania, healthy body from Hungary, healthy environment from the Netherlands, mental and emotional health from Poland, and healthy social connections from Italy. Each category has positive, negative, bonus, and punishment cards to move players up or down the game board.
Gangstas, thugs, vikings, and drivers pptChris Olson
This thesis considers how the depictions of masculinity in the films of Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn function as a critique of mainstream Hollywood cinemas perpetuation of the notion that violent male behavior represents a heroic ideal for men to emulate. In films such as Pusher, Bronson, Valhalla Rising, and Drive, Refn constructs and presents his male characters by drawing upon recurring archetypal figures such as the gangster, the gangsta, the gunslinger, and the samurai. These figures recur throughout popular culture and across genres, and they perpetuate and reinforce a specific version of masculinity that emphasizes individualism, stoicism, and violence. Mainstream Hollywood films in general and male action cinema in particular often present this narrow and rigid vision of masculinity as a heroic manly ideal, and this, in turn, can inform how male viewers construct their own masculine personae. The male characters in Refns films serve to critique and destabilize this ideal by demonstrating how an insistence on appropriating or conforming to this sort of violent masculinity results in negative consequences for both the individual and the society around him.
For more, please see my complete thesis, which can be viewed here: http://via.library.depaul.edu/cmnt/25/
This document provides background information on Bata India Limited, including:
- It discusses the company's history dating back to shoemakers in medieval times and establishes Bata as "Shoemaker and chappal maker to the world."
- The objectives of the project report are to analyze the market potential and consumer perception of Bata footwear in Mohali.
- It outlines the scope, significance, objectives and limitations of the study.
- An index is provided showing the topics that will be covered in the project report, including the company profile, research methodology, data analysis, and conclusions.
Gangstas, Thugs, Vikings and Drivers: Depictions of Masculinity and the Sear...Chris Olson
A look at how masculinity is depicted in the films of Nicolas Winding Refn. I argue that while the characters in Refn's films appear to conform to or embody traditional notions of dominant masculinity, they actually present a subversion of traditional gender norms.
La filosof鱈a es un intento del esp鱈ritu humano para llegar a una concepci坦n del universo mediante la autorreflexi坦n sobre sus funciones valorativas te坦ricas y pr叩cticas.
Penghuni unit dan pengelola rumah tangga memiliki kegiatan yang berbeda pada setiap harinya, mulai dari mandi, sholat, sarapan, bekerja, belajar, bersih-bersih, hingga beristirahat. Kebutuhan ruang yang digunakan meliputi kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dapur, ruang keluarga, dan area publik.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan jadwal kegiatan Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Mantang selama 4 hari. Jadwal tersebut mencakup tema-tema pelatihan seperti pengenalan sekolah, pendidikan karakter, organisasi, dan minat bakat serta nama-nama pemateri dan jam pelaksanaannya.
This presentation argues that Paul Gauguin's paintings are racial and gender stereotypes. It introduces the topic and thesis, then discusses how Gauguin depicted Polynesian women in a stereotypical manner as instinctive, sex objects obsessed with white men. The presentation cites critics like Abigail Godeau who argue Gauguin perpetuated a colonialist discourse that objectified Polynesian women without benefiting them. Sojourner Truth also criticized Gauguin for exploiting other cultures' sexual practices. In conclusion, the presentation proves Gauguin regarded indigenous people as "noble savages" and stereotyped Tahitian women in his paintings.
Students at a school participated in a Comenius competition where they learned about different European countries. Each class was assigned a country to research and present on. Class 5's presentation on Spain won. Additional country assignments included Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania and France. Lithuania's presentation focused on food.
La alegor鱈a de la caverna pretende poner de manifiesto el estado en que, con respecto a la educaci坦n o falta de ella, se halla nuestra naturaleza, es decir, el estado en que se halla la mayor鱈a de los hombres con relaci坦n al conocimiento de la verdad o a la ignorancia. As鱈, los prisioneros representan a la mayor鱈a de la humanidad, esclava y prisionera de su ignorancia e inconsciente de ella, aferrada a las costumbres, opiniones, prejuicios y falsas creencias de siempre. Estos
prisioneros, al igual que la mayor鱈a de los hombres, creen que saben y se sienten felices en su ignorancia, pero viven en el error, y toman por real y verdadero lo que no son sino simples sombras de objetos fabricados y ecos de voces.
The document appears to be meeting minutes from November 2014 for the Marimba Users Group. It lists 4 topics that were likely discussed but does not provide any details on the topics or outcomes of the meeting.
El Teeteto constituye una especie
de introducci坦n a los llamados di叩logos metaf鱈sicos
de Plat叩n y en 辿l se declara que la sensaci坦n
nada tiene que ver con la ciencia ni son id辿nticas,
se explica el error diciendo que se puede tener
una opini坦n correcta sin poseer ninguna ciencia
y, finalmente, se rechaza que la raz坦n se encuentre
en el lenguaje, en la enumeraci坦n o la diferencia.
Para Plat坦n el conocimiento cient鱈fico o episteme es el que se corresponde con
aquellas parcelas estables y necesarias de la realidad. Es el conocimiento del mundo de
las Ideas. El conocimiento del Mundo sensible no es ciencia, ni siquiera verdadero
conocimiento, es s坦lo opini坦n.
Este texto se単ala el origen del t辿rmino epistemolog鱈a, referido a la teor鱈a del
conocimiento cient鱈fico. El tema est叩 centrado en el desarrollo de la ciencia moderna y en
particular en la crisis de los conceptos b叩sicos a comienzos del siglo XX. Esto signific坦 el
fin de la filosof鱈a especulativa en su capacidad para dar cuenta de las conceptualizaciones
y de las teor鱈as de la ciencia contempor叩nea. Al avanzar el siglo, tambi辿n los m叩s destacados
empiristas debieron admitir su fracaso. La renuncia a las posiciones aprioristas y
empiristas llev坦 a la necesidad de concebir el conocimiento como un proceso constructivo
que al nivel individual se desarrolla desde el nacimiento hasta la edad adulta, y se prolonga
al nivel social con el desarrollo de la ciencia.
El prop坦sito de la epistemolog鱈a es distinguir la ciencia aut辿ntica de la seudociencia, la investigaci坦n profunda de la superficial, la b炭squeda de la verdad de s坦lo un modus vivendi. Tambi辿n debe ser capaz de criticar programas y aun resultados err坦neos, as鱈 como de sugerir nuevos enfoques promisorios.
This document appears to be an excerpt from a travel diary, describing trips to Poland, Hungary, and the Netherlands. The diary entries from Poland focus on time spent at the seaside and in the mountains. Entries from Hungary provide few details. The Netherlands section also lacks description. The diary touches on three countries as part of a larger theme of healthy living.
Down the Rabbit Hole, Into the Fallopian Tree, and Through the Vaginal Tunnel...Chris Olson
This document is an academic paper that analyzes female sexuality and coming of age themes in the films Spirited Away, Pan's Labyrinth, and Coraline. It discusses how these films contain elements that reference classic fairy tales like Alice in Wonderland, including tunnels to other worlds, talking animals, frightening authority figures, and a young girl's journey of discovery. Specifically, it explores how the films depict themes of sexual awakening, relationships with older male figures, forbidden rooms and doorways representing sexuality, the role of "other mothers", and the impact of body image issues on female sexuality.
This document outlines the types of cards for a snake and ladder game that promotes health. There are 5 categories of cards - healthy food from Lithuania, healthy body from Hungary, healthy environment from the Netherlands, mental and emotional health from Poland, and healthy social connections from Italy. Each category has positive, negative, bonus, and punishment cards to move players up or down the game board.
Gangstas, thugs, vikings, and drivers pptChris Olson
This thesis considers how the depictions of masculinity in the films of Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn function as a critique of mainstream Hollywood cinemas perpetuation of the notion that violent male behavior represents a heroic ideal for men to emulate. In films such as Pusher, Bronson, Valhalla Rising, and Drive, Refn constructs and presents his male characters by drawing upon recurring archetypal figures such as the gangster, the gangsta, the gunslinger, and the samurai. These figures recur throughout popular culture and across genres, and they perpetuate and reinforce a specific version of masculinity that emphasizes individualism, stoicism, and violence. Mainstream Hollywood films in general and male action cinema in particular often present this narrow and rigid vision of masculinity as a heroic manly ideal, and this, in turn, can inform how male viewers construct their own masculine personae. The male characters in Refns films serve to critique and destabilize this ideal by demonstrating how an insistence on appropriating or conforming to this sort of violent masculinity results in negative consequences for both the individual and the society around him.
For more, please see my complete thesis, which can be viewed here: http://via.library.depaul.edu/cmnt/25/
This document provides background information on Bata India Limited, including:
- It discusses the company's history dating back to shoemakers in medieval times and establishes Bata as "Shoemaker and chappal maker to the world."
- The objectives of the project report are to analyze the market potential and consumer perception of Bata footwear in Mohali.
- It outlines the scope, significance, objectives and limitations of the study.
- An index is provided showing the topics that will be covered in the project report, including the company profile, research methodology, data analysis, and conclusions.
Gangstas, Thugs, Vikings and Drivers: Depictions of Masculinity and the Sear...Chris Olson
A look at how masculinity is depicted in the films of Nicolas Winding Refn. I argue that while the characters in Refn's films appear to conform to or embody traditional notions of dominant masculinity, they actually present a subversion of traditional gender norms.
La filosof鱈a es un intento del esp鱈ritu humano para llegar a una concepci坦n del universo mediante la autorreflexi坦n sobre sus funciones valorativas te坦ricas y pr叩cticas.
Penghuni unit dan pengelola rumah tangga memiliki kegiatan yang berbeda pada setiap harinya, mulai dari mandi, sholat, sarapan, bekerja, belajar, bersih-bersih, hingga beristirahat. Kebutuhan ruang yang digunakan meliputi kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dapur, ruang keluarga, dan area publik.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan jadwal kegiatan Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Mantang selama 4 hari. Jadwal tersebut mencakup tema-tema pelatihan seperti pengenalan sekolah, pendidikan karakter, organisasi, dan minat bakat serta nama-nama pemateri dan jam pelaksanaannya.
Jadwal harian selama seminggu mencakup kegiatan rutin seperti shalat, baca Al-Quran, olahraga, mandi, sarapan, istirahat, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, dan berkomunikasi dengan keluarga.
Lawatan sekeluarga ke ibu negeri Pulau Pinang, menginap di Hotel Seri Malaysia Georgetown. Hari pertama melawat bandar Georgetown, berkelah di Padang Kota dan Komtar. Hari kedua naik kereta api Bukit Bendera menikmati pemandangan Pulau Pinang, selepas itu bersiar di pantai Batu Feringgi sebelum pulang ke rumah menaiki feri.
Jadwal operasional praktiksar satuan Menwa 010 STAI An-Nadwah Kuala Tungkal selama 3 hari meliputi kegiatan orientasi, pengenalan organisasi, pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, latihan kepemimpinan, seni bela diri, dan upacara pembukaan dan penutupan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di berbagai tempat seperti musholla, lapangan, dan balai adat dengan instruktur dari unsur internal maupun eksternal.
Dokumen ini berisi jadwal kegiatan belajar mengajar dan jadwal harian untuk berbagai kelas di TK Rumah Ke-2 Ku, mulai dari kelas Baby (0-1,5 tahun) hingga kelas Galaxy (5-6,5 tahun). Jadwal tersebut mencakup kegiatan belajar, makan, istirahat, bermain, hingga penjemputan anak.
- Keluarga melawat ibu negeri tempat tinggal, menginap di Hotel Seri Malaysia Georgetown
- Hari pertama, melawat sekitar bandar Georgetown, makan di Restoran Nasi Kandar dan Padang Kota
- Hari kedua, melawat Bukit Bendera menikmati pemandangan Pulau Pinang, berkelah di Batu Feringgi
- Pulang ke rumah menaiki feri
SILATURAHMI DAN SOSIALISASI Tahun 2024 - 2025 V3.pptxaddadd8
Bahan tayang sosialisasi kegiatan sekolah selama tahun pelajaran 2024 - 2025 dari kelas 7 sampai kelas 9 baik intrakurikuler, ekstrakurikuler dan kokurikuler maupun P5
Kegiatan ini telah diusulkan dan disetujui oleh komite sekolah dan dewan pendidik untuk dilaksanakan selama tahun pelajaran 2024 - 2025.
Kegiatan Intrakurikuler adalah kegiatan belajar tatap muka di kelas sesuai Struktur Kurikulum yang dilaksanakan selama jam belajar dari Senin Jumat di sekolah.
Selain kemampuan akademik juga praktik dalam jam belajar untuk mata pelajar Seni, Budaya dan Prakarya, Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olah raga, serta Informatika
Jadwal acara retreat katekisan terpadu tahun 2011 selama 3 hari 2 malam meliputi kegiatan ibadah, seminar, rekreasi, makan bersama, dan outbound. Kegiatan diawali pada Jumat sore hingga Minggu siang di Lembah Safari dengan tema dan narasumber beragam untuk mengembangkan iman para peserta.
1. Hari Senin:
Pukul Keterangan
21.30 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Mandi pagi, saat teduh
06.00 06.30 Saat teduh
06.30 08.30 Membantu ibu
08.30 10.30 Belajar, mengulang materi seminggu yang lalu
10.30 11.30 Nonton TV
11.30 12.00 Istirahat
12.00 14.00 Tidur
14.00 16.30 Belajar materi selanjutnya, santai, bergegas kuliah
16.30 18.30 Perjalanan kuliah
18.30 20.30 Kuliah
20.30 22.00 Perjalanan pulang
22.00 23.00 Istirahat, belajar materi kuliah hari ini
Hari Selasa:
Pukul Keterangan
23.00 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Mandi pagi, saat teduh
06.30 08.30 Membantu ibu
08.30 10.30 Belajar
11.00 13.00 Renang
13.00 13.30 Sampai rumah
14.00 16.00 Tidur
16.00 18.00 Santai, mandi
18.00 19.30 Belajar
19.30 20.30 Nonton TV
20.30 21.00 Istirahat
21.00 22.00 Belajar
22.00 Tidur malam
Hari Rabu:
Pukul Keterangan
22.00 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Mandi pagi,saat teduh
06.30 08.30 Membantu ibu
08.30 10.30 Belajar
2. 10.30 11.30 Nonton TV
11.30 12.00 Istirahat
12.00 14.00 Tidur
14.00 16.30 Belajar untuk materi selanjutnya, bergegas kuliah
16.30 18.30 Perjalanan kuliah
18.30 22.30 Kuliah
23.00 Tidur malam
Hari Kamis:
Pukul Keterangan
23.00 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Mandi pagi, saat teduh
06.00 08.00 Olahraga, santai
08.00 10.00 Belajar
10.00 11.30 Ngegame
12.00 14.00 Tidur
14.00 15.00 Belajar
15.00 16.00 Olahraga
16.00 18.00 Santai, mandi
18.00 18.30 Berangkat kuliah
18.30 20.30 Kuliah
20.30 21.00 Sampai kos
21.00 22.00 Belajar materi hari ini
22.00 Tidur malam
Hari Jumat
Pukul Keterangan
22.00 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Mandi pagi, saat teduh
06.00 08.00 Olahraga, santai
08.00 10.00 Belajar
10.00 11.30 Ngegame
12.00 14.00 Tidur
14.00 15.00 Belajar
15.00 16.00 Olahraga
16.00 18.00 Santai, mandi
18.30 20.30 Kuliah
3. 20.30 21.00 Sampai kos
21.00 22.00 Belajar materi hari ini
22.00 Tidur malam
Hari Sabtu:
Pukul Keterangan
22.00 05.30 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.30 06.00 Saat teduh
06.00 07.00 Mandi, sarapan
07.00 07.30 Berangkat kuliah
07.30 18.00 Kuliah
18.00 19.30 Sampai rumah
19.30 20.00 Istirahat
20.00 21.00 Belajar
21.30 Tidur
Hari Minggu:
Pukul Keterangan
21.30 05.00 Tidur malam dan bangun tidur
05.00 05.30 Mandi dan saat teduh
05.00 09.00 Membantu ibu
09.00 12.00 Nonton TV sambil belajar
12.00 14.00 Tidur siang
14.00 16.00 Ngegame
16.00 17.30 Nonton TV
17.30 18.00 Sampai gereja
18.00 19.30 Gereja
19.30 20.00 Sampai rumah
20.00 21.00 Belajar