3. 爐爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦え爐爛 爐爐鉦げ爛 爐爛爐 爐爐項げ爐鉦く爛爛
爐爐爐爛爐項爐爛 爐爐爐爛 爐伍き爛 爐爐爐爛爐萎た爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爛爐 爐迦げ爐爐鉦イ
Jin means winner on all senses of
Jains are the followers of Jina the
conqueror, the spiritual victor, the
one who has conquered all the
worldly passion and desires.
爐爛爐 爐оぎ爐
14. The term syd means maybe
Relative nature of Knowledge
Theory of Syadvad are accepting
the views of other religions.
It promotes intellectual
tolerance to avoid religious and
ideological fundamentalism.
Syadvad 爐伍爐爐鉦う爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐 爐迦じ爐爛爐оぞ爐爐
19. Birth place of four Tirtankaras in Varanasi
7th Tirthankar : Suparswanath at Bhadaini,
8th Tirthankar : Chandra Prabhu at Chandrapuri,
11th Tirthankar : Shreyansanath at Sarnath,
23rd Tirthankar : Parswanath at Bhelupur,