
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Second life is a 3-D immersive platform in which users represent themselves as avatars that can build the 3-D spaces in which they interact. Roughly 500,000-1,000,000 active users. 35-45,000 users in-world at any given time.  300 universities conducting classes or research.  Japanese universities conducting classes in SL? 100`s of companies conducting business & research.
Group of about 250 universities and organizations dedicated to the exploration and use of new media and new technologies. http://sl.nmc.org/2006/06/12/seriously-engaging-movie/
Brain-computer interface for controlling Second Life avatars   Neurophilosophy 10.12.07 Second Life: A Virtual Universe for Real Engineering   Design News 10.12.07 Virtual world allows for educational opportunities   The Wildcat Online 10.10.07 Free the Avatars   油 New York Times 10.10.07 More Internet users getting a virtual life   San Francisco Chronicle 10.08.07 Real Hope in a Virtual World   Washington Post 10.06.07 Second Life on CSI: NY   NYTimes Video 10.04.07 Law & Order October 2007 The Office October 2007
Paradigm shift in the way we communicate, interact, consume, create, and learn. The industrial age has been characterized by a centralized model of mass production in which consumers are passive receptacles of finished goods . In the information age, the means of producing and distributing information, culture, entertainment, education, and learning are at the fingertips of most people in the developed world.
Elite Masses Finished goods
Finished  goods Elite
Sharing Creating Producing & Consuming = Prosumer? Collaboration Playing an active role Tools that enable and promote:
Immersion in the target language David Wood  November, 2007 JALT Journal Create their own learning experiences Collaboration (co-creation) Safe experimentation Authentic interaction Highly motivational-  Fun & Utilize past learning
Simulate real life classes  virtual NOVA Authentic interactions Co-creation of learning experiences Safe experimentation Role play Extension of current practices Leverages immersive platform http:// kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2007/edition-15
ENSAT (cole Nationale Sup辿rieure d'Architecture de Toulouse)
Weekly Teachers` Meeting
Students were divided into teams of about 7 and tasked with creating a new society within Second Life that combined aspects of the various cultures in their teams.  Specifically, students were asked to: Introduce themselves (& their culture) Decide on 10 team rules for interaction Design a team flag Create a representation of their new society using SL`s building tools.
Students were setup with: Yahoo e-mail accounts Wiki worlduniversityexchange.wikispaces.com Second Life avatars (anonymous names) Wiki Backbone of the exchange Asynchronous communications Coordination
Successes Impediments to success
Extensive asynchronous communication through the wiki. Synchronous communication through SL was difficult to time, but very exciting and motivating whenever it occurred. When in-world, students truly felt immersed in an English environment and only used English even with each other. Students were very relaxed when communicating through their avatars and could experiment with language use. Created their own learning experiences. Were able to utilize their English education by engaging in  AUTHENTIC  interactions to accomplish tasks and for fun. Highly  ENGAGED
Steven Moinester Elmo Wilder Face to Face Can be intimidating Shy Lack confidence Easily embarrassed by mistakes Difficult to experiment Typically don`t approach strangers Avatar Interaction Relaxed Not shy Bold Not easily embarrassed by mistakes Easily experiment Start conversations with strangers any time Therapy
[2007/10/13 7:11]  Ashley WorldUE: I can not meet my team mate but I can talk with foreign people! it is nice experiment for me [2007/10/13 7:13]  Ashley WorldUE: Surely! I'm not good English so I can not talk with you in class but in chat I can speak to you casually :o)
Technological Hardware and connection issues Steep technological learning curve Other Scheduling synchronous communications Not accustomed to open-ended assignments  Coordinating and setting norms
Second Life is an excellent platform for promoting authentic interactions, safe experimentation, and engagement in the learning process. Butto fully realize the potential of this platform within a university exchange program the classes should be conducted synchronously to ensure sufficient interaction.
Synchronously coordinated university exchange classes. Using SL and other collaborative communication tools to substitute simulated communications with authentic interactions whenever possible. Assignments based classes.
Thank you!

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Jalt Presentation Sl03

  • 1.
  • 2. Second life is a 3-D immersive platform in which users represent themselves as avatars that can build the 3-D spaces in which they interact. Roughly 500,000-1,000,000 active users. 35-45,000 users in-world at any given time. 300 universities conducting classes or research. Japanese universities conducting classes in SL? 100`s of companies conducting business & research.
  • 3. Group of about 250 universities and organizations dedicated to the exploration and use of new media and new technologies. http://sl.nmc.org/2006/06/12/seriously-engaging-movie/
  • 4. Brain-computer interface for controlling Second Life avatars Neurophilosophy 10.12.07 Second Life: A Virtual Universe for Real Engineering Design News 10.12.07 Virtual world allows for educational opportunities The Wildcat Online 10.10.07 Free the Avatars 油 New York Times 10.10.07 More Internet users getting a virtual life San Francisco Chronicle 10.08.07 Real Hope in a Virtual World Washington Post 10.06.07 Second Life on CSI: NY NYTimes Video 10.04.07 Law & Order October 2007 The Office October 2007
  • 5. Paradigm shift in the way we communicate, interact, consume, create, and learn. The industrial age has been characterized by a centralized model of mass production in which consumers are passive receptacles of finished goods . In the information age, the means of producing and distributing information, culture, entertainment, education, and learning are at the fingertips of most people in the developed world.
  • 8. Sharing Creating Producing & Consuming = Prosumer? Collaboration Playing an active role Tools that enable and promote:
  • 9. Immersion in the target language David Wood November, 2007 JALT Journal Create their own learning experiences Collaboration (co-creation) Safe experimentation Authentic interaction Highly motivational- Fun & Utilize past learning
  • 10. Simulate real life classes virtual NOVA Authentic interactions Co-creation of learning experiences Safe experimentation Role play Extension of current practices Leverages immersive platform http:// kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2007/edition-15
  • 12. ENSAT (cole Nationale Sup辿rieure d'Architecture de Toulouse)
  • 14. Students were divided into teams of about 7 and tasked with creating a new society within Second Life that combined aspects of the various cultures in their teams. Specifically, students were asked to: Introduce themselves (& their culture) Decide on 10 team rules for interaction Design a team flag Create a representation of their new society using SL`s building tools.
  • 15. Students were setup with: Yahoo e-mail accounts Wiki worlduniversityexchange.wikispaces.com Second Life avatars (anonymous names) Wiki Backbone of the exchange Asynchronous communications Coordination
  • 17. Extensive asynchronous communication through the wiki. Synchronous communication through SL was difficult to time, but very exciting and motivating whenever it occurred. When in-world, students truly felt immersed in an English environment and only used English even with each other. Students were very relaxed when communicating through their avatars and could experiment with language use. Created their own learning experiences. Were able to utilize their English education by engaging in AUTHENTIC interactions to accomplish tasks and for fun. Highly ENGAGED
  • 18. Steven Moinester Elmo Wilder Face to Face Can be intimidating Shy Lack confidence Easily embarrassed by mistakes Difficult to experiment Typically don`t approach strangers Avatar Interaction Relaxed Not shy Bold Not easily embarrassed by mistakes Easily experiment Start conversations with strangers any time Therapy
  • 19. [2007/10/13 7:11] Ashley WorldUE: I can not meet my team mate but I can talk with foreign people! it is nice experiment for me [2007/10/13 7:13] Ashley WorldUE: Surely! I'm not good English so I can not talk with you in class but in chat I can speak to you casually :o)
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Technological Hardware and connection issues Steep technological learning curve Other Scheduling synchronous communications Not accustomed to open-ended assignments Coordinating and setting norms
  • 24. Second Life is an excellent platform for promoting authentic interactions, safe experimentation, and engagement in the learning process. Butto fully realize the potential of this platform within a university exchange program the classes should be conducted synchronously to ensure sufficient interaction.
  • 25. Synchronously coordinated university exchange classes. Using SL and other collaborative communication tools to substitute simulated communications with authentic interactions whenever possible. Assignments based classes.