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息 袖-Joining 袖C 121206
121203 LCS

                                             Micro - Joining,
                                the Adhesive Bonding Approach.

                                                             Themadag Mikrocentrum
                                                          Eindhoven  6 december 2012

LCS Belgium bvba, Consultancy in Adhesive Bonding Technology
 Where its all about 
 Introduction  always with examples
 Bonding as alternative for 
 What is bonding ? The theory 
 Surface Treatment Methods
 External Influences
 Adhesive Types
 Design with Adhesives
 Examples including equipment and QC

NASA  Spaceshuttle  Heatshield              vs     Medical Needle  PP to Inox

Bonding: an alternative for 
 Welding:  Electric Arc Welding,  Ultrasonic Welding,  Laser Welding
 Screws, Bolts & Nuts
 Clinch-nails & Rivets
 Folding, Pressing en Flowdrilling
 Clasp constructions & Springs
 Sewing, Stitching & Stapling

Advantages of Adhesives
 Easy & Fast: less rework
 Also for dissimilar materials  e.g. metal-plastic & thick-thin
 Higher Strength: uninterrupted joint  No or less weak points
 Improved Stress-distribution & -reduction  Higher fatiguestrength
 Sealing: corrosion prevention  Liquid- & gastight
 Damped Vibrations  less Noise S&R
 Light: weight reduction
 Esthetic: invisible
 Bonding also Thin & Small components
 Less components袖

LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba                                      Copyright 息              2012-06-07
Pseudo-disadvantages of Bonding
 Its Chemistry ! Its a mess !? = Operator dependent
 Environmental aspects:  Water based adhesives  Recycling of adhesive and cleaners
 Cleanliness of substrates
 Design flexibility: is manageable
 Speed: adhesive type dependent
 Dangers: exothermic reactions, H&S
 Difficult Disassembly: recycling
 Limited Strength & Temperature Resistance

Sticking as a Gecko  IFAM
 Subtle hairs with a molecular bond: van der Waals forces

                                          Whats Bonding ? Definition

                                          Joining of
                                       two substrates
                                        by means of a
                                        third medium
                                       = the adhesive

                                                Adhesion vs Cohesion

                         LCS 100218                          Copyright LCS   速          18

Whats Bonding ? Mechanisms (cfr Wikipedia)
 Vanderwaals:  Glassplates experiment
 Chemical:  Si primer
 Mechanical:  Surface roughness

But whats really on the Surface ?!
Surface condition of substrates !!!

Why Surface Treatment ?
 Strength: adhesion - cohesion ( rupture )
 Wetting ( > 40 Dyne/cm)
 Contact Angle measurement

Pretreatment of substrates
 Degreasing: cloth, vapour, ultrasonic
 Grinding: roughen = > surface
 Blasting: grit-, ice- . NON-recirculating !
 Primers: silanes  thickness = 袖m
 Chemical etch: bv Aluminium
 Flame & Corona: foil & sheet
 Plasma: vacuum & atmospheric  CA!
 Laser: surface structure change

Failure Types
 Cohesive failure: in the adhesive
 Adhesive failure: on the surface of at least one of the substrates
 Material Failure: one of both substrates
 Mixed Failure: a combination of the above

LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba                            Copyright 息                             2012-06-07
Failure Types Medical needles
 Cohesion failure: lack of cure
 Material failure: plasma treated + fully cured

Surface Treatment with Atmospheric Plasma  Video
External Influences
 Time: aging  degradation in function of time
 Temperature: -change en thermoshock  under the hood: -55属 tot +125属
                                                                  C               C
 Vibrations & Shock: noise - S&R
 Chemical: salt + humidity = corrosion
 Radiation: X-ray, 留-, 硫-, 粒-radiation  Radioactive  Light: UV degradation  color permanency
 Medical: USP Class VI  ISO 10993 - sterilisation, biocompatibility, citotoxicity
Adhesive Types - Graph
 Epoxy: highest performance, chemical resistant
 Polyurethane: humidty sensitive, cheap
 Silicone: flexible, price , Mix-Ratio, Visc  f(T)
 Phenolics: high temperature applications
 UV & light- curing: fast, price , light sensitive
 Acrylates: highest strength, smell, initiators
 Cyanoacrylates: moisture cure
 Anaerobics: thread lock  metal+ & air cut off
 Hybrids : EP/Si, PU/EP, UV + moisture or T 
 Exotics: polybutadiene, MS-polymer, PSA, 
 Hotmelts: cheap, reactive types, performance
 Tapes: single and double sided
 Ceramic : HT  Waterglass

Ink Cartridges
Gas Filtration
Heat Exchanger
Solvent Based Adhesives
 Medical disposables:  Stress Cracking
 Urgency repair of pantys:  Acetone based nail remover
 Solvent alternatives
Adhesive Types  UV & LIGHT Curing
 Medical needles
 Glass & plexiglass structures
 CD  DVD lens focus mechanism
 Carglass repair
      Cristal clear  Refractive index  Non-yellowing  Fast curing  No oxygen inhibition  not tacky  Strong

Health & Safety  H&S - Thats why there are Safety Measures 
Design = alternative thinking
 Tensile - Trekbelasting
 Shear  Afschuiving L&R  Best for Bonding Applications
 Cleavage - Splijtbelasting
 Peel - Afpelbelasting

Examples (contd)
 Tea bags
 Medical Needles en Catheters
 Curing of Adhesives - Timing
 Ra-ra-ra whats this ?
 Glucose Test
 Blood Tubes
 Detector in Toothbrush
 Balloon Catheder
 Pacemakers & Hearing Aids
 Surgical Glue & Dental Surgery
 Scanner Sensors
 CA Rubber Bonding
 CD/DVD Laser
 Motor Control

LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba                               Copyright 息                                2012-06-07
 RFID  Identification Systems
 SMD in Electronics
 Watch Mechanism with Chip
 Stacking Potentiometers
 Piezo Diesel Injection
 Piezoelectric Evaporation Device
 Biological Pest Control
 Shaver Blade Cover
 Dosing Equipment  Volumetric  XYZ  2K
 Nano dispensing equipment - 1 mm - 10 nl
 Chip Packaging in Micro-Electronics

Quality Control with Vision System
 A: non Fluo  B: non Fluo  C: OK  D: Defect

A few Trends
 Multiple functionalities: Vibration dampening - S&R

 More composites and all-in adhesives
 Increasing Price pressure  : Lopez effect - raw materials & energy price increases
 Nanotechnology in adhesives
 It all happens on the surface, less in the adhesive
 Selfhealing Adhesives
 More automation with adhesives
 More Bonding for your new Application

The only chance realising bonding projects successfully, is that the
Triumvirate of
              the customer with his project
              the glue manufacturer with the adhesive
              the machine manufacturers with their equipment
is working intensively and expertly together, from the design phase on and
on all aspects of the application.
Success Guaranteed !

Thanks for your attention, and we welcome you in The Adhesives World
LCS  Your partner in Adhesive Bonding
LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Independent Consultancy in Adhesive Bonding Technology
Bergenstraat 84
B-3053 Haasrode  Leuven
+32-(0)16-38 90 45
+32-475-45 48 98

121203 LCS 息 袖-joining 袖C 121206

LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba                                            Copyright 息        2012-06-07

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  • 1. 息 袖-Joining 袖C 121206 121203 LCS Micro - Joining, the Adhesive Bonding Approach. Themadag Mikrocentrum Eindhoven 6 december 2012 LCS Belgium bvba, Consultancy in Adhesive Bonding Technology www.lcs-adhesivebonding.com Where its all about Introduction always with examples Bonding as alternative for What is bonding ? The theory Surface Treatment Methods External Influences Adhesive Types Design with Adhesives Examples including equipment and QC Conclusion NASA Spaceshuttle Heatshield vs Medical Needle PP to Inox Bonding: an alternative for Welding: Electric Arc Welding, Ultrasonic Welding, Laser Welding Soldering Screws, Bolts & Nuts Clinch-nails & Rivets Folding, Pressing en Flowdrilling Clasp constructions & Springs Sewing, Stitching & Stapling Advantages of Adhesives Easy & Fast: less rework Also for dissimilar materials e.g. metal-plastic & thick-thin Higher Strength: uninterrupted joint No or less weak points Improved Stress-distribution & -reduction Higher fatiguestrength Sealing: corrosion prevention Liquid- & gastight Damped Vibrations less Noise S&R Light: weight reduction Esthetic: invisible Bonding also Thin & Small components Less components袖 LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Copyright 息 2012-06-07
  • 2. Pseudo-disadvantages of Bonding Its Chemistry ! Its a mess !? = Operator dependent Environmental aspects: Water based adhesives Recycling of adhesive and cleaners Cleanliness of substrates Design flexibility: is manageable Speed: adhesive type dependent Dangers: exothermic reactions, H&S Difficult Disassembly: recycling Limited Strength & Temperature Resistance Sticking as a Gecko IFAM Subtle hairs with a molecular bond: van der Waals forces Whats Bonding ? Definition Joining of two substrates by means of a third medium = the adhesive Adhesion vs Cohesion LCS 100218 Copyright LCS 速 18 Whats Bonding ? Mechanisms (cfr Wikipedia) Vanderwaals: Glassplates experiment Chemical: Si primer Mechanical: Surface roughness But whats really on the Surface ?! Surface condition of substrates !!! Why Surface Treatment ? Strength: adhesion - cohesion ( rupture ) Wetting ( > 40 Dyne/cm) Contact Angle measurement Watertest Pretreatment of substrates Degreasing: cloth, vapour, ultrasonic Grinding: roughen = > surface Blasting: grit-, ice- . NON-recirculating ! Primers: silanes thickness = 袖m Chemical etch: bv Aluminium Flame & Corona: foil & sheet Plasma: vacuum & atmospheric CA! Laser: surface structure change Failure Types Cohesive failure: in the adhesive Adhesive failure: on the surface of at least one of the substrates Material Failure: one of both substrates Mixed Failure: a combination of the above LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Copyright 息 2012-06-07
  • 3. Failure Types Medical needles Cohesion failure: lack of cure Material failure: plasma treated + fully cured Surface Treatment with Atmospheric Plasma Video External Influences Time: aging degradation in function of time Temperature: -change en thermoshock under the hood: -55属 tot +125属 C C Vibrations & Shock: noise - S&R Chemical: salt + humidity = corrosion Radiation: X-ray, 留-, 硫-, 粒-radiation Radioactive Light: UV degradation color permanency Medical: USP Class VI ISO 10993 - sterilisation, biocompatibility, citotoxicity Adhesive Types - Graph Epoxy: highest performance, chemical resistant Polyurethane: humidty sensitive, cheap Silicone: flexible, price , Mix-Ratio, Visc f(T) Phenolics: high temperature applications UV & light- curing: fast, price , light sensitive Acrylates: highest strength, smell, initiators Cyanoacrylates: moisture cure Anaerobics: thread lock metal+ & air cut off Hybrids : EP/Si, PU/EP, UV + moisture or T Exotics: polybutadiene, MS-polymer, PSA, Hotmelts: cheap, reactive types, performance Tapes: single and double sided Ceramic : HT Waterglass Ink Cartridges Gas Filtration Heat Exchanger Solvent Based Adhesives Medical disposables: Stress Cracking Urgency repair of pantys: Acetone based nail remover Solvent alternatives Adhesive Types UV & LIGHT Curing Medical needles Glass & plexiglass structures CD DVD lens focus mechanism Carglass repair Jewelry Cristal clear Refractive index Non-yellowing Fast curing No oxygen inhibition not tacky Strong Health & Safety H&S - Thats why there are Safety Measures Design = alternative thinking Tensile - Trekbelasting Shear Afschuiving L&R Best for Bonding Applications Cleavage - Splijtbelasting Peel - Afpelbelasting Examples (contd) Tea bags Medical Needles en Catheters Curing of Adhesives - Timing Ra-ra-ra whats this ? Glucose Test Blood Tubes Detector in Toothbrush Modelbouw Balloon Catheder Pacemakers & Hearing Aids Surgical Glue & Dental Surgery Nageltrends Scanner Sensors CA Rubber Bonding CD/DVD Laser Motor Control LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Copyright 息 2012-06-07
  • 4. RFID Identification Systems SMD in Electronics Watch Mechanism with Chip Stacking Potentiometers Piezo Diesel Injection Piezoelectric Evaporation Device Biological Pest Control Shaver Blade Cover Dosing Equipment Volumetric XYZ 2K Nano dispensing equipment - 1 mm - 10 nl Chip Packaging in Micro-Electronics Fiber-Optics Quality Control with Vision System A: non Fluo B: non Fluo C: OK D: Defect A few Trends Multiple functionalities: Vibration dampening - S&R More composites and all-in adhesives Increasing Price pressure : Lopez effect - raw materials & energy price increases Nanotechnology in adhesives It all happens on the surface, less in the adhesive Selfhealing Adhesives More automation with adhesives More Bonding for your new Application Conclusion The only chance realising bonding projects successfully, is that the Triumvirate of the customer with his project the glue manufacturer with the adhesive the machine manufacturers with their equipment is working intensively and expertly together, from the design phase on and on all aspects of the application. Success Guaranteed ! Thanks for your attention, and we welcome you in The Adhesives World LCS Your partner in Adhesive Bonding LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Independent Consultancy in Adhesive Bonding Technology Ing. Jan A. LAMBRECHTS MSc. Bergenstraat 84 B-3053 Haasrode Leuven +32-(0)16-38 90 45 +32-475-45 48 98 jan.lambrechts@consultant.com www.lcs-adhesivebonding.com 121203 LCS 息 袖-joining 袖C 121206 LCS Adhesive Bonding bvba Copyright 息 2012-06-07