Victor Khramov spent a semester studying abroad in Japan as an industrial design student. He shares photos from his travels around Tokyo and other areas that highlight the contrasts in Japanese culture. The cities are modern and busy during the day but peaceful at night. Traditional customs still exist alongside western influences and modern fashion. Khramov expresses gratitude to the professors and programs at the University of Cincinnati that made his study abroad experience possible.
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Study Abroad Presentation - Japan
1. a compendium of photos from study abroad
? Victor Khramov 2013
japan 2012
victor khramov
2. my journey began at the
My name is Victor Khramov, and I am
currently a senior industrial design
student at the school of DAAP at UC. In
the fall of 2012 I was fortunate enough
to be given the opportunity to travel to
Japan for a semester of study abroad.
The following is a small taste of the
things I found there along with some
insights I was able to glean from my
3. and I arrived to
After one month in Tokyo and coming
to grips with the basics of the language,
I started classes at Chiba University. I
took classes in Japanese at the Service
Design Department in addition to more
language study. Over the next five
months I would travel around the city
and its outskirts, back to Tokyo and
4. ? Victor Khramov 2013
After my arrival it became clear that Japan is a
country of contrasts.
21. ? Victor Khramov 2013
And everyone stands together to ring
in the new year
22. ? Victor Khramov 2013
thank you
A big thank you goes out to those who
made this possible: Steve Doehler and
Peter Chamberlain, two of my professors
at the school of Design, Architecture,
Art, and Planning at the University
of Cincinnati; also Ryan Meyer and
everyone at the UC International Office;
and everyone involved with the UC
Honors Program. A special thank you to
everyone in Japan, especially those I met
in Chiba University.
there is always something to be inspired by
23. all photography is original effort
for more please visit:
Victor Khramov 2013