This document provides information about a land surveying service in Indonesia called Surveyor Indonesia. The services offered include topography measurement surveys, hydrography surveys, construction measurements, calculating cut and fill volumes, creating cross sections and long sections, monitoring, stake out services, determining land and plot boundaries, creating fixed benchmark points, and producing comprehensive site drawings. Contact information is provided for Edi Supriyanto, who can be reached by phone or email.
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Jasa Survey Tanah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara-Aek Kanopan Sumatera Utara
Melayani permintaaan Jasa Survey dan Pemetaan, mencakup :
- Survey Pengukuran Topography
- Survey Pengukuran Hydrography
- Pengukuran Konstruksi
- Hitung Volume Cut/fill.
- Cross/longcross section.
- Monitoring- Staking Out-
- Stake out Kavling titik pancang dan perumahan
- Luas Area tanah/Batas tanah- Grid As Bangunan
- Pembuatan BM (titik tetap) untuk memudahkan pada pelaksanan konstruksi
- Gambar Situasi Menyeluruh ( Existing Bangunan, Elevasi permukaantanah, Kontur,
Dll )
Kontak Person :Edi Supriyanto, ST
Telephon : +6281338718071
Email :
Topography Survey Services, include:
2. - Topography Measurement Survey
- Survey Measurement Hydrography
- Measurement Construction
- Calculate the Volume Cut / fill.
- Cross / Longcross section.
- Monitoring
- Staking Out
- Stake point out pickets and residential Plot
- Extensive areas of land / soil Limits
- Grid As Building
- Preparation of BM (fixed point) to facilitate the conduct of future construction-
- Comprehensive Situation drawing (Existing Buildings, surface elevations, contours,
Contact Person: Edi Supriyanto, ST
Telephone: +6281338718071
Tag : Land Survey, Topography, Topografi, Topo Survei, Theodolite, Total Station, Civil
3D, Land Desktop, Autodesk, Autocad, Pemetaan, Mapping, Jasa, Service, Contour,
Interval, BM, Fixed Point, Bench Mark, Land, Measurement, Cross Section, Long Section
3. , Water drop, Grid, Marking, Stake Out, Staking, Drawing, Cut & Fill, Volume,
Hidrography, Surface, Elevations, jasa pemetaan, peta, pemetaan, ukur tanah, jasa ukur
tanah, land surveying, pengukuran tanah, master plan, sub divide, jasa pembuatan peta,
bidang jasa survey topografi, jasa geodesi, geofisika, pas digital total station (topcone –
gowin), Profil Memanjang dan Melintang, Luas Area Tanah dan Batas Tanah, Stake Out
Titik Tetap, Laporan Hard Copy dan Soft Copy, existing area, elevasi permukaan tanah,
kontur, batas tanah, atlas, peta dinding, peta topografi, bola dunia, dicetak, globe,
concrete point, penyusunan data base jalan, perumahan, iklan, rumah sakit,
puskesmas, land surveyor, land survey, jasa pemetaan, jasa
pengukuran tanah