Jasmine is a JavaScript testing framework that can be used with JavaScript and CoffeeScript. It provides tools like suites, specs, matchers, spies and mocks to test asynchronous functions. Guard is a tool that can be used to automatically run Jasmine tests when files change. Jasmine-headless-webkit runs Jasmine tests in a headless browser environment. Jasmine-jquery adds jQuery specific matchers, fixtures, and event spies to Jasmine. Jasmine-ajax helps test ajax requests by defining responses and expectations.
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Testing JS with Jasmine
1. Testing JS with Jasmine
Jasmine itself and useful instruments
8. Guard
Guard is a command line tool
to easily handle events on 鍖le modi鍖cations.
gem 'guard-rspec'
gem 'guard-annotate'
gem 'guard-bundler'
gem 'guard-rails-assets'
gem 'guard-jasmine-headless-webkit'
10. jasmine-headless-webkit
It integrates with Guard for a continuous testing setup.
It compiles CoffeeScript, both for your tests and for your application
It can be con鍖gured like RSpec, and its output is very similar to RSpec's
It provides cleaner debugging and backtrace output than a lot of other
console-based test tools provide.
It's fast.