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Jason Sparlin
Current Address:
(574) 527-6886 19621 Clifton Way
sparlin.jason@gmail.com Mokena IL 60448
Purdue University
College of Technology, West Lafayette, IN
Graduation Date: May 2013
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Relevant Courses taken: Senior Capstone Design, Independent Study in Guitar Manufacturing, Controls and Instrumentation
in Automation, Strength in Materials, CAD in the Enterprise, Production Design and Specification, Thermodynamics,
Advanced Materials in Manufacturing, Monetary Analysis for Industrial Decisions, Manufacturing Sys tems, Fluid Power,
Applied Fluid Mechanics.
Skilled with Microsoft Word, Excel, SolidWorks, Microsoft Dynamics AX, IronCAD, Catia, Visual Basic.NET, EES, and
ProCut, AutoDesk, Unigraphics NX 7.5, SolidEdge, ProEngineer, LabView, Hydraforce iDesign, NI MAX, and PowerPoint.
Mobile Fluid Power Sales Engineer April 2016-December 2016
Quality Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Mundelien, IL
 Technical Outside Sales for Mobile Hydraulics covering the State of Illinois
 Worked with Manufacturers to create customized products for my customers
 Oversaw a statewide territory with $3 million in Net Sales
 Designed products to meet customer requirements
 Worked with Customers to create purchasing process that allowed for betteron time delivery
 Developed pricing structures based on how customers purchase and the best way to purchase product
 Developed relationships with customers,particularly in the Engineering and Purchasing Departments
 Worked with customers to diagnose issues overthe phone,and in person using diagnostic instruments
 Able to use technical data sheets to help select products and use that to sell the product
 Create technical diagrams to help layout systemdesigns to sell product.
 Create and manage customer database
 Travelled extensively across the state of Illinois covering the Sales territory
 Proficient product knowledge relating to the brands that were carried and serviced
 Used knowledge of applications to create custom-tailored solution for customers
 Able to use product knowledge to help provide alternative sourcing for customers based on the products used currently
Program Engineer June 2013-April 2016
FORCE America LLC, Shorewood, IL
 Technical Sales for Mobile Hydraulics, centered around snow and ice removal
 Able to walk customers through complicated diagnostic processes overthe phone
 Managed orders requiring extensive knowledge of distribution, manufacturing and supply chain network
 Worked with Continuous improvement to streamline Distribution transfers
 Worked with Director of Distribution to restructure pricing model for entire company while maintaining current pricing.
 Worked as on site engineer for Direct sales out of Fort Dodge IA and Shorewood IL
 Developed full Hydraulic systemdesigns for mobile applications based customer requirements
 Worked as material handler and assembly technician.
 Assembled and shipped Pumps, PTOs, Valves, Tank assemblies, hoses,cables,motors, power units,and drive lines.
 Member of ERP Implementation Core team.
 Ran Daily training sessions forShorewood Facility on new ERP software
 Helped to create and vet new processes within ERP software for dissemination through Distribution Division
 On site ERP Expert, troubleshooting issues as they arose during the course of business day
 Assisted fellow employees to manage workload through ERP transition process.
 Proficient product knowledge relating to the brands that were carried and serviced
SOS Summer Coordination Intern/URPA Intern June 2009- August 2012
Wiley, Owen, and Tarkington Residence Halls, Purdue University
 Directly supervised 8 Student Office Staff over 3 different residence halls
 Responsible for training staff, creating schedule for shifts,assigning tasks,and disciplining infractions
 Acted as principal Main Office redirect for questions from parents of incoming students regarding campus life and
course structure
 Reported to three separate clerks and their Director of Operations.
 Handled clerical work for students seeking changes in residence contracts
 Led guided tours of facilities
 Managed Residential aspects of summer camp programs residing in facilities throughout course of year
Surgical Assistant April 2007- Aug 2007
The Zimmer Institute, Warsaw, IN
 Assisted Surgeons in instructional surgical procedures
 Acted as scrub nurse during training and instructional demonstrations
 Responsible for intake and handling of anatomical material
 Documented and logged surgical data for over 20 training programs
 Effectively interacted and communicated with some of the top Orthopedic Surgeons in the world
Assistant Manager May 2003- Aug 2007
Ritters Frozen Custard, Warsaw, IN
 Facilitated synergistic workflow between up to 11 employees at a time
 Predicted an unknown demand and created products to meet that demand
 Responsible for handling large amounts of cash and providing documentation.
Alto Saxophone Section Leader/Assistant Operations Head 2008-2011
Purdue University All-American Marching Band/Gold and Black Sound
 Supervised, instructed and critiqued up to 60 students
 Collaborated and coordinated with over 380 students
 Developed a synergistic environment for 35 key members
 Adapted to working with tight deadlines and high pressure situations
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity 2008 - 2012
Purdue University Bands Department
 Collaborated and coordinated with 40 members of our chapter
 Actively recruited new members as part of the Membership Committee
 Oversaw several renovation projects for the department as part of the Services Committee

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Jason_Sparlin_ResumeLongform Dec16

  • 1. Jason Sparlin Current Address: (574) 527-6886 19621 Clifton Way sparlin.jason@gmail.com Mokena IL 60448 EDUCATION Purdue University College of Technology, West Lafayette, IN Graduation Date: May 2013 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology Relevant Courses taken: Senior Capstone Design, Independent Study in Guitar Manufacturing, Controls and Instrumentation in Automation, Strength in Materials, CAD in the Enterprise, Production Design and Specification, Thermodynamics, Advanced Materials in Manufacturing, Monetary Analysis for Industrial Decisions, Manufacturing Sys tems, Fluid Power, Applied Fluid Mechanics. SOFTWARE SKILLS Skilled with Microsoft Word, Excel, SolidWorks, Microsoft Dynamics AX, IronCAD, Catia, Visual Basic.NET, EES, and ProCut, AutoDesk, Unigraphics NX 7.5, SolidEdge, ProEngineer, LabView, Hydraforce iDesign, NI MAX, and PowerPoint. EXPERIENCE Mobile Fluid Power Sales Engineer April 2016-December 2016 Quality Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Mundelien, IL Technical Outside Sales for Mobile Hydraulics covering the State of Illinois Worked with Manufacturers to create customized products for my customers Oversaw a statewide territory with $3 million in Net Sales Designed products to meet customer requirements Worked with Customers to create purchasing process that allowed for betteron time delivery Developed pricing structures based on how customers purchase and the best way to purchase product Developed relationships with customers,particularly in the Engineering and Purchasing Departments Worked with customers to diagnose issues overthe phone,and in person using diagnostic instruments Able to use technical data sheets to help select products and use that to sell the product Create technical diagrams to help layout systemdesigns to sell product. Create and manage customer database Travelled extensively across the state of Illinois covering the Sales territory Proficient product knowledge relating to the brands that were carried and serviced Used knowledge of applications to create custom-tailored solution for customers Able to use product knowledge to help provide alternative sourcing for customers based on the products used currently Program Engineer June 2013-April 2016 FORCE America LLC, Shorewood, IL Technical Sales for Mobile Hydraulics, centered around snow and ice removal Able to walk customers through complicated diagnostic processes overthe phone Managed orders requiring extensive knowledge of distribution, manufacturing and supply chain network Worked with Continuous improvement to streamline Distribution transfers Worked with Director of Distribution to restructure pricing model for entire company while maintaining current pricing. Worked as on site engineer for Direct sales out of Fort Dodge IA and Shorewood IL Developed full Hydraulic systemdesigns for mobile applications based customer requirements Worked as material handler and assembly technician. Assembled and shipped Pumps, PTOs, Valves, Tank assemblies, hoses,cables,motors, power units,and drive lines. Member of ERP Implementation Core team. Ran Daily training sessions forShorewood Facility on new ERP software Helped to create and vet new processes within ERP software for dissemination through Distribution Division On site ERP Expert, troubleshooting issues as they arose during the course of business day Assisted fellow employees to manage workload through ERP transition process. Proficient product knowledge relating to the brands that were carried and serviced
  • 2. SOS Summer Coordination Intern/URPA Intern June 2009- August 2012 Wiley, Owen, and Tarkington Residence Halls, Purdue University Directly supervised 8 Student Office Staff over 3 different residence halls Responsible for training staff, creating schedule for shifts,assigning tasks,and disciplining infractions Acted as principal Main Office redirect for questions from parents of incoming students regarding campus life and course structure Reported to three separate clerks and their Director of Operations. Handled clerical work for students seeking changes in residence contracts Led guided tours of facilities Managed Residential aspects of summer camp programs residing in facilities throughout course of year ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Surgical Assistant April 2007- Aug 2007 The Zimmer Institute, Warsaw, IN Assisted Surgeons in instructional surgical procedures Acted as scrub nurse during training and instructional demonstrations Responsible for intake and handling of anatomical material Documented and logged surgical data for over 20 training programs Effectively interacted and communicated with some of the top Orthopedic Surgeons in the world Assistant Manager May 2003- Aug 2007 Ritters Frozen Custard, Warsaw, IN Facilitated synergistic workflow between up to 11 employees at a time Predicted an unknown demand and created products to meet that demand Responsible for handling large amounts of cash and providing documentation. STUDENT LEADERSHIP Alto Saxophone Section Leader/Assistant Operations Head 2008-2011 Purdue University All-American Marching Band/Gold and Black Sound Supervised, instructed and critiqued up to 60 students Collaborated and coordinated with over 380 students Developed a synergistic environment for 35 key members Adapted to working with tight deadlines and high pressure situations Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity 2008 - 2012 Purdue University Bands Department Collaborated and coordinated with 40 members of our chapter Actively recruited new members as part of the Membership Committee Oversaw several renovation projects for the department as part of the Services Committee