Jaspersoft Studio is a visual designer plugin for Eclipse that allows users to design, execute, test and deploy reports created with JasperReports. It provides a complete environment for report development through visual design tools, debugging functionality, and integration with Eclipse components like builders and preferences. The open source project began as a port of iReport to Eclipse and is focused on supporting both developers and high-level users in working with JasperReports.
2. What is Jaspersoft StudioVisual Designer for JasperReportsPlugin for Eclipse IDEStandalone version based on Eclipse RCPComplete environment for reports design, execution, testing and deploymentOpen SourceProject started as port of iReport designer (based on NetBeans IDE)Focused on both developers and high level usersDesigned to be easily extended by other plug-ins
3. Main used Eclipse components Visual designer based on GEFOutline view + tabbed propertiesPreferences per workspace and per projectEclipse based builder to compile reportsClasspath managment based on Eclipse project classloaderDatatools integrationInternationalizationChatsheets / HelpWizards...
4. DemonstrationDemo: Quick tour of Jaspersoft StudioConfiguring a JDBC connectionCreate and run a new report?2011 Jaspersoft Corp. All rights reserved.