The MyBatis data mapper framework makes it easier to use a relational database with object-oriented applications. This document explain about MyBatis basic concept.
The document discusses MapStruct, which is a code generation library that simplifies mapping between Java bean classes. It provides several features for mapping source objects to target objects, including:
1. Mapping fields with the same name automatically.
2. Mapping fields with different names using the @Mapping annotation.
3. Mapping to nested/child objects by composing mappings and using additional mappers.
4. Mapping collection properties like lists.
5. Updating an existing target object instance by mapping from a source object.
It demonstrates how to configure MapStruct and implement mappings between simple POJO classes to copy and transform data between them. The generated implementation code handles null checking and population of the
The document discusses MapStruct, an open-source code generation library that simplifies object mapping in Java. It provides examples of how to configure MapStruct for different mapping use cases, including: basic property mapping between objects with same property names; mapping to objects with different property names; mapping multiple source objects to a single target object; and mapping collections. The examples demonstrate how to define mappings using annotations and how MapStruct generates implementation classes to perform the mappings.