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Layout ManagerLayout Manager
?Arranges the layout of window containing diffArranges the layout of window containing diff
?Default is the flow LayoutDefault is the flow Layout
?setLayout() :setLayout() :
void setLayout(Layout Managervoid setLayout(Layout Manager
?Disable layout by passingDisable layout by passing nullnull for objectfor object
?Component can be manually placed byComponent can be manually placed by
usingusing setBounds()setBounds()
Types of Layout ManagerTypes of Layout Manager
1. FlowLayout1. FlowLayout
3. GridLayout3. GridLayout
4. CardLayout4. CardLayout
5. GridbagLayout5. GridbagLayout
? It is default flowlayoutIt is default flowlayout
? Implements simple layout styleImplements simple layout style
? Constructor are-Constructor are-
- FlowLayout()FlowLayout()
- FlowLayout(int how)FlowLayout(int how)
- FlowLayout(int how, int horz, int vert )FlowLayout(int how, int horz, int vert )
? Valid values for how-Valid values for how-
? FlowLayout.LEFTFlowLayout.LEFT
? FlowLayout.RIGHTFlowLayout.RIGHT
? FlowLayout.CENTERFlowLayout.CENTER
? The border layout has four narrow, fixed-The border layout has four narrow, fixed-
width components at the edges & 1 largewidth components at the edges & 1 large
area in the centerarea in the center
? Constructor of BorderLayout are-Constructor of BorderLayout are-
-BorderLayout(int horz, int vert)-BorderLayout(int horz, int vert)
? Component can be used with add() methodComponent can be used with add() method
Void add(component compobj, ObjectVoid add(component compobj, Object
? BorderLayout Defines certain regionBorderLayout Defines certain region
? Used to layout Component in twoUsed to layout Component in two
dimensional griddimensional grid
? Need to define no. of rows & col.Need to define no. of rows & col.
? Constructors are-Constructors are-
--GridLayout ()GridLayout ()
- GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols)GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols)
- GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols, int horz, int vert)GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols, int horz, int vert)
? The CardLayout class manages the components inThe CardLayout class manages the components in
such a manner that only one component is visible atsuch a manner that only one component is visible at
a time. It treats each component as a card that isa time. It treats each component as a card that is
why it is known as CardLayout.why it is known as CardLayout.
? Constructor are-Constructor are-
? CardLayout( )CardLayout( )
? CardLayout(intCardLayout(int horz, int vert)horz, int vert)
? use this form of add( ) when adding cards to a paneluse this form of add( ) when adding cards to a panel
? void add(Componentvoid add(Component panelObj, Object name)panelObj, Object name)
?Methods defined byMethods defined by CardLayoutCardLayout
? void first(Containervoid first(Container deck)deck)
? void last(Containervoid last(Container deck)deck)
? void next(Containervoid next(Container deck)deck)
? void previous(Containervoid previous(Container deck)deck)
? void show(Containervoid show(Container deck, String cardName)deck, String cardName)
? The class GridBagLayout arranges components inThe class GridBagLayout arranges components in
a horizontal and vertical manner Implements simplea horizontal and vertical manner Implements simple
layout stylelayout style
? each GridBagLayout object maintains a dynamic,each GridBagLayout object maintains a dynamic,
rectangular grid of cells, with each componentrectangular grid of cells, with each component
occupying one or more cellsoccupying one or more cells
? Constructor are-Constructor are-
? GridBagLayout()GridBagLayout()
? Method used to set constraintsMethod used to set constraints
-void setContsraints(Component-void setContsraints(Component
comp,Gridbagconstraints cns)comp,Gridbagconstraints cns)
?Absolute ValuesAbsolute Values
? GridBagConstraints.NORTHGridBagConstraints.NORTH
GridBagConstraints.CENTER (the default)GridBagConstraints.CENTER (the default)
?Orientation Relative ValuesOrientation Relative Values
? GridBagConstraints.PAGE_STARTGridBagConstraints.PAGE_START
?Baseline Relative ValuesBaseline Relative Values
? GridBagConstraints.BASELINEGridBagConstraints.BASELINE

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  • 1. Layout ManagerLayout Manager ?Arranges the layout of window containing diffArranges the layout of window containing diff controls.controls. ?Default is the flow LayoutDefault is the flow Layout ?setLayout() :setLayout() : void setLayout(Layout Managervoid setLayout(Layout Manager lyoutObj)lyoutObj) ?Disable layout by passingDisable layout by passing nullnull for objectfor object ?Component can be manually placed byComponent can be manually placed by usingusing setBounds()setBounds() ?minimumLayoutSize()minimumLayoutSize() ?preferredLayoutSize()preferredLayoutSize()
  • 2. Types of Layout ManagerTypes of Layout Manager 1. FlowLayout1. FlowLayout 2.BorderLayout2.BorderLayout 3. GridLayout3. GridLayout 4. CardLayout4. CardLayout 5. GridbagLayout5. GridbagLayout
  • 3. FlowLayoutFlowLayout ? It is default flowlayoutIt is default flowlayout ? Implements simple layout styleImplements simple layout style ? Constructor are-Constructor are- - FlowLayout()FlowLayout() - FlowLayout(int how)FlowLayout(int how) - FlowLayout(int how, int horz, int vert )FlowLayout(int how, int horz, int vert ) ? Valid values for how-Valid values for how- ? FlowLayout.LEFTFlowLayout.LEFT ? FlowLayout.RIGHTFlowLayout.RIGHT ? FlowLayout.CENTERFlowLayout.CENTER
  • 4. BorderLayoutBorderLayout ? The border layout has four narrow, fixed-The border layout has four narrow, fixed- width components at the edges & 1 largewidth components at the edges & 1 large area in the centerarea in the center ? Constructor of BorderLayout are-Constructor of BorderLayout are- -BorderLayout()-BorderLayout() -BorderLayout(int horz, int vert)-BorderLayout(int horz, int vert) ? Component can be used with add() methodComponent can be used with add() method Void add(component compobj, ObjectVoid add(component compobj, Object region)region)
  • 5. BorderLayoutBorderLayout ? BorderLayout Defines certain regionBorderLayout Defines certain region -BorderLayout.CENTER-BorderLayout.CENTER -BorderLayout.SOUTH-BorderLayout.SOUTH -BorderLayout.EAST-BorderLayout.EAST -BorderLayout.WEST-BorderLayout.WEST -BorderLayoutNORTH-BorderLayoutNORTH
  • 6. GridLayoutGridLayout ? Used to layout Component in twoUsed to layout Component in two dimensional griddimensional grid ? Need to define no. of rows & col.Need to define no. of rows & col. ? Constructors are-Constructors are- --GridLayout ()GridLayout () - GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols)GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols) - GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols, int horz, int vert)GridLayout(int noRows, int noCols, int horz, int vert)
  • 7. CardLayoutCardLayout ? The CardLayout class manages the components inThe CardLayout class manages the components in such a manner that only one component is visible atsuch a manner that only one component is visible at a time. It treats each component as a card that isa time. It treats each component as a card that is why it is known as CardLayout.why it is known as CardLayout. ? Constructor are-Constructor are- ? CardLayout( )CardLayout( ) ? CardLayout(intCardLayout(int horz, int vert)horz, int vert) ? use this form of add( ) when adding cards to a paneluse this form of add( ) when adding cards to a panel ? void add(Componentvoid add(Component panelObj, Object name)panelObj, Object name)
  • 8. CardLayoutCardLayout ?Methods defined byMethods defined by CardLayoutCardLayout ? void first(Containervoid first(Container deck)deck) ? void last(Containervoid last(Container deck)deck) ? void next(Containervoid next(Container deck)deck) ? void previous(Containervoid previous(Container deck)deck) ? void show(Containervoid show(Container deck, String cardName)deck, String cardName)
  • 9. GridbagLayoutGridbagLayout ? The class GridBagLayout arranges components inThe class GridBagLayout arranges components in a horizontal and vertical manner Implements simplea horizontal and vertical manner Implements simple layout stylelayout style ? each GridBagLayout object maintains a dynamic,each GridBagLayout object maintains a dynamic, rectangular grid of cells, with each componentrectangular grid of cells, with each component occupying one or more cellsoccupying one or more cells ? Constructor are-Constructor are- ? GridBagLayout()GridBagLayout() ? Method used to set constraintsMethod used to set constraints -void setContsraints(Component-void setContsraints(Component comp,Gridbagconstraints cns)comp,Gridbagconstraints cns)
  • 10. GridbagLayoutGridbagLayout ?Absolute ValuesAbsolute Values ? GridBagConstraints.NORTHGridBagConstraints.NORTH GridBagConstraints.SOUTHGridBagConstraints.SOUTH GridBagConstraints.WESTGridBagConstraints.WEST GridBagConstraints.EASTGridBagConstraints.EAST GridBagConstraints.NORTHWESTGridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST GridBagConstraints.NORTHEASTGridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWESTGridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEASTGridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST GridBagConstraints.CENTER (the default)GridBagConstraints.CENTER (the default)
  • 11. GridbagLayoutGridbagLayout ?Orientation Relative ValuesOrientation Relative Values ? GridBagConstraints.PAGE_STARTGridBagConstraints.PAGE_START GridBagConstraints.PAGE_ENDGridBagConstraints.PAGE_END GridBagConstraints.LINE_STARTGridBagConstraints.LINE_START GridBagConstraints.LINE_ENDGridBagConstraints.LINE_END GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_STARTGridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_ENDGridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_END GridBagConstraints.LAST_LINE_STARTGridBagConstraints.LAST_LINE_START GridBagConstraints.LAST_LINE_ENDGridBagConstraints.LAST_LINE_END
  • 12. GridbagLayoutGridbagLayout ?Baseline Relative ValuesBaseline Relative Values ? GridBagConstraints.BASELINEGridBagConstraints.BASELINE GridBagConstraints.BASELINE_LEADINGGridBagConstraints.BASELINE_LEADING GridBagConstraints.BASELINE_TRAILINGGridBagConstraints.BASELINE_TRAILING GridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINEGridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINE GridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINE_LEADINGGridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINE_LEADING GridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINE_TRAILINGGridBagConstraints.ABOVE_BASELINE_TRAILING GridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINEGridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINE GridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINE_LEADINGGridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINE_LEADING GridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINE_TRAILINGGridBagConstraints.BELOW_BASELINE_TRAILING

Editor's Notes

  1. MFC was introduced in 1992. VB created in 1991. Replaced by VB.NET. MS stopped supporting VB in 2005. ASP first developed in 1996. Used VBScript. ^Write once, test everywhere. ̄ C Hooks to OS or hardware specific devices means Java code must be changed.
  2. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  3. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  4. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  5. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  6. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  7. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  8. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  9. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  10. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?
  11. C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg who also developed Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Visual J++. C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) supersedes managed C++. It contains new syntax that helps clarify if using managed or unmanaged memory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI Managed vs. unmanaged code. What is the advantage of running managed code? Of running unmanaged code?