This document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint slides and avoiding common pitfalls. It addresses slide structure, fonts, color, backgrounds, graphs, spelling and grammar. The key recommendations are to use point form, limit text on slides, choose high contrast fonts large enough to read, use consistent and simple backgrounds and formatting, include titles and labels on graphs, and proofread for errors. Overall, the tips aim to make slides easy to understand, focused on the presenter's message, and not distracting for the audience.
In light of the progression of Islamic finance in non-Muslim countries and the design of innovative financial products, the next frontier for Islamic finance is to attract customers and investors from beliefs other than Islam. This paper examines and discusses the case of a specific Islamic contract, Waqf and highlights its possible use as a (Socially Responsible Investment) SRI offering which is not only attractive to the non-Muslim investor, but also in-line with the actual spirit of Islamic teachings. The methodology is an examination of the Waqf contract through different sources of Islamic law as well as an evaluation of mainstream secondary literature on the link of corporate social responsibility and investor prospection in Non-Muslim countries.
The ultimate result is a proposed viable Waqf product which is in-line with the spirit of Islamic teachings and can be an attractive proposition to the socially conscious investor.
A nova edi??o de Viagens S/A traz o perfil de Isaac Azar, dono do bistr? Paris 6, com tr¨ºs casas em S?o Paulo e uma no Rio. ? um dos principais endere?os frequentados por famosos em geral. Em dezembro, ele abre uma filial em Orlando, nos Estados Unidos
The document outlines a rubric for evaluating collaborative planning sessions among teachers with categories and criteria for a score of 1-4. A score of 4 indicates the session fully met all criteria within a category, such as adhering to the scheduled time, having all materials readily available, and ensuring all topics were addressed. A score of 1 means the session did not meet the criteria within a category. The rubric includes 14 categories for evaluating aspects of the planning session like facilitation, leadership, participation, and keeping of session notes.
Shoes2Go (S2G) is a company that aims to partner with shoe manufacturers, retailers, and service providers to offer customers access to a variety of shoes through a network of kiosks. S2G plans to target commuters, business people, gym goers, hikers, and medical professionals by offering flexibility and convenience through the ability to change shoes at any time without storage or ownership commitments. Potential financial resources for S2G include venture capitalists, bank loans, and personal savings.
This document provides 10 steps for effective internet marketing. Step 1 recommends addressing your target audience and ensuring website code produces pages that look good on different browsers. Step 2 suggests making content and graphics relevant and following accessibility standards. Step 3 advises alerting visitors by email when new content is added. Step 4 offers free bonuses for other products or services to get advertising. Steps 5-7 provide options for offline viewing, original content, and incentives for revisiting. Steps 8-9 recommend publishing FAQs and ensuring navigational links work. Step 10 is to organize the website logically and profitably.
EAB sorgt mit OpenText RightFax f¨¹r Kostenersparnisse und effizientere Kommun...egsSoft GmbH
Der OpenText-Partner egsSoft steht seit ¨¹ber f¨¹nfzehn
Jahren f¨¹r innovative Business- und Fax-Server-L?sungen,
professionelles Dokumentenmanagement, anwenderfreundliche
Kommunikationssoftware sowie L?sungen f¨¹r
Prozessmanagement. Das Leistungsangebot von egsSoft reicht
von Beratung, Analyse und Konzeption bis zu Implementierung.
Langj?hrige Partnerschaften mit namhaften Anbietern wie
OpenText garantieren die Passgenauigkeit der eingesetzten
Unternehmenssoftwarel?sung auf die jeweilige Kundensituation.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Effects and music after download.
Music:Massari - Real Love
Bloque 1 igualdad en el espacio domestico, corresponsabilidad en el hogardariopcpiprado1
Este documento trata sobre la igualdad de g¨¦nero en el hogar y la corresponsabilidad familiar. Discute los cambios en la organizaci¨®n familiar a trav¨¦s de la historia y la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales basadas en la igualdad. Tambi¨¦n aborda la necesidad de compartir las responsabilidades dom¨¦sticas entre hombres y mujeres y valorar adecuadamente el trabajo dom¨¦stico.
Este documento es un anuncio publicitario para un nuevo acondicionador llamado "CrAzY BABOSILLA" que promete dejar el cabello hermoso y saludable usando extractos de babas de animales como perros, babosas y caracoles. Se presenta el producto como la soluci¨®n para el cabello quemado, seco y sin vida despu¨¦s del lavado, y anima al lector a comprarlo ya porque es muy econ¨®mico.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n al software libre y explica qu¨¦ es Linux. Define el software libre como aquel que brinda libertad a los usuarios para usar, copiar, estudiar, modificar y redistribuir el software libremente. Explica que Linux es un sistema operativo tipo Unix distribuido bajo la licencia GPL que permite el acceso al c¨®digo fuente. Tambi¨¦n introduce otros conceptos clave como distribuciones, gestores de ventanas y escritorios.
This document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint slides and avoiding common pitfalls. It addresses slide structure, fonts, color, backgrounds, graphs, spelling and grammar. The key recommendations are to use point form, limit text on slides, choose high contrast fonts large enough to read, use consistent and simple backgrounds and formatting, include titles and labels on graphs, and proofread for errors. Overall, the tips aim to make slides easy to understand, focused on the presenter's message, and not distracting for the audience.
In light of the progression of Islamic finance in non-Muslim countries and the design of innovative financial products, the next frontier for Islamic finance is to attract customers and investors from beliefs other than Islam. This paper examines and discusses the case of a specific Islamic contract, Waqf and highlights its possible use as a (Socially Responsible Investment) SRI offering which is not only attractive to the non-Muslim investor, but also in-line with the actual spirit of Islamic teachings. The methodology is an examination of the Waqf contract through different sources of Islamic law as well as an evaluation of mainstream secondary literature on the link of corporate social responsibility and investor prospection in Non-Muslim countries.
The ultimate result is a proposed viable Waqf product which is in-line with the spirit of Islamic teachings and can be an attractive proposition to the socially conscious investor.
A nova edi??o de Viagens S/A traz o perfil de Isaac Azar, dono do bistr? Paris 6, com tr¨ºs casas em S?o Paulo e uma no Rio. ? um dos principais endere?os frequentados por famosos em geral. Em dezembro, ele abre uma filial em Orlando, nos Estados Unidos
The document outlines a rubric for evaluating collaborative planning sessions among teachers with categories and criteria for a score of 1-4. A score of 4 indicates the session fully met all criteria within a category, such as adhering to the scheduled time, having all materials readily available, and ensuring all topics were addressed. A score of 1 means the session did not meet the criteria within a category. The rubric includes 14 categories for evaluating aspects of the planning session like facilitation, leadership, participation, and keeping of session notes.
Shoes2Go (S2G) is a company that aims to partner with shoe manufacturers, retailers, and service providers to offer customers access to a variety of shoes through a network of kiosks. S2G plans to target commuters, business people, gym goers, hikers, and medical professionals by offering flexibility and convenience through the ability to change shoes at any time without storage or ownership commitments. Potential financial resources for S2G include venture capitalists, bank loans, and personal savings.
This document provides 10 steps for effective internet marketing. Step 1 recommends addressing your target audience and ensuring website code produces pages that look good on different browsers. Step 2 suggests making content and graphics relevant and following accessibility standards. Step 3 advises alerting visitors by email when new content is added. Step 4 offers free bonuses for other products or services to get advertising. Steps 5-7 provide options for offline viewing, original content, and incentives for revisiting. Steps 8-9 recommend publishing FAQs and ensuring navigational links work. Step 10 is to organize the website logically and profitably.
EAB sorgt mit OpenText RightFax f¨¹r Kostenersparnisse und effizientere Kommun...egsSoft GmbH
Der OpenText-Partner egsSoft steht seit ¨¹ber f¨¹nfzehn
Jahren f¨¹r innovative Business- und Fax-Server-L?sungen,
professionelles Dokumentenmanagement, anwenderfreundliche
Kommunikationssoftware sowie L?sungen f¨¹r
Prozessmanagement. Das Leistungsangebot von egsSoft reicht
von Beratung, Analyse und Konzeption bis zu Implementierung.
Langj?hrige Partnerschaften mit namhaften Anbietern wie
OpenText garantieren die Passgenauigkeit der eingesetzten
Unternehmenssoftwarel?sung auf die jeweilige Kundensituation.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Effects and music after download.
Music:Massari - Real Love
Bloque 1 igualdad en el espacio domestico, corresponsabilidad en el hogardariopcpiprado1
Este documento trata sobre la igualdad de g¨¦nero en el hogar y la corresponsabilidad familiar. Discute los cambios en la organizaci¨®n familiar a trav¨¦s de la historia y la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales basadas en la igualdad. Tambi¨¦n aborda la necesidad de compartir las responsabilidades dom¨¦sticas entre hombres y mujeres y valorar adecuadamente el trabajo dom¨¦stico.
Este documento es un anuncio publicitario para un nuevo acondicionador llamado "CrAzY BABOSILLA" que promete dejar el cabello hermoso y saludable usando extractos de babas de animales como perros, babosas y caracoles. Se presenta el producto como la soluci¨®n para el cabello quemado, seco y sin vida despu¨¦s del lavado, y anima al lector a comprarlo ya porque es muy econ¨®mico.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n al software libre y explica qu¨¦ es Linux. Define el software libre como aquel que brinda libertad a los usuarios para usar, copiar, estudiar, modificar y redistribuir el software libremente. Explica que Linux es un sistema operativo tipo Unix distribuido bajo la licencia GPL que permite el acceso al c¨®digo fuente. Tambi¨¦n introduce otros conceptos clave como distribuciones, gestores de ventanas y escritorios.
2011. febru¨¢r 19-¨¦n szombaton
Vezet?: M?RI M?RTA
Az els? alkalommal a foglalkoz¨¢s
d¨¦lel?tt lesz.
(ovis 8.30-t¨®l, kezd? 9.15-t?l, halad¨®
t¨¢rsast¨¢nc 10.45-t?l- nagy jazzbalett
A t?bbi alkalommal d¨¦lut¨¢n:
OVIS JAZZBALATT 14.30-15.15-ig
KEZD? JAZZBALETT 15.15-16.00-ig
HALAD? JAZZBALETT 16.00-16.45-
T?RSAST?NC TANFOLYAM 17.00-17.45-ig
NAGY JAZZBALETT 17.45-18.30-ig
D?JA: 7800 Ft. /12 alkalom/
/13. alkalom: a tanfolyam bemutat¨® ¨®r¨¢val
2. Kedvezm¨¦nyt adunk: - ha t?bb testv¨¦r j¨¢r egy csoportba
- ha egy gyerek t?bb csoportba is j¨¢r.
JELENTKEZ?S: FOLYAMATOSAN a kezd¨¦s id?pontj¨¢ig.
Szem¨¦lyesen M?vel?d¨¦si K?zpont, Nagyk¨¢ta, Bajcsy Zs. u. 9.,
vagy telefonon: 29/641-270-es telefonsz¨¢mon.