Amit Bharti is an Assistant Manager of Security and Airport Operations with over 13 years of experience in airport security and operations. He is currently employed by Interglobe Aviation Limited (Indigo) Airlines and is responsible for coordinating safe and secure flight operations at Udaipur Airport in India. Amit has a background in aviation, tourism and hospitality management and holds several certificates in airport security screening, dangerous goods handling, and aircraft operations.
Dustin Tucker is an experienced operations supervisor with over 7 years of experience in customer service, maintenance, and staff supervision in both military and civilian contexts. He has a track record of exceptional service and achieving goals safely and on time, as demonstrated by numerous commendations, medals, and awards. Tucker's experience includes roles as a flight operations supervisor, defense travel clerk, property manager, and supply clerk in the US Army across multiple duty locations. He is currently pursuing a B.S. in Business Finance from the University of Phoenix.
This document outlines the organizational structure and culture of SkyView, a growing technology company. It describes the four main departments - technology, marketing, finance/HR, and accounting - and how the 285 employees are divided into specialized teams within each department. It also discusses SkyView's mission, emphasis on teamwork and productivity, and use of an online database to facilitate communication and sharing of information across departments.
Duane Lewis is seeking a pilot position and has over 6,800 hours of total flight time including over 5,600 hours of multi-engine time. He has been a corporate pilot since 2002, flying Falcon 2000 Classic and Hawker 800XP aircraft. He holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate with type ratings for several aircraft types and is also a certified flight instructor. His experience includes roles in corporate flight departments, as a flight instructor, and he previously worked in sales, administration, and for the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic.
Beshoy Marcos is an Egyptian engineer seeking new opportunities. He has over 10 years of experience in installation, maintenance, and project management roles. Currently he is the Assistant Chief Engineer at Bella Vista Resort, where he oversees maintenance schedules, evaluates staff performance, and ensures adequate supplies. Previously he held positions as Installation & Maintenance Department Manager and Field Engineer. Marcos has a BSc in Communication Engineering and certificates in networking, telecommunications, and fire safety systems.
Desmon Kiprutokoech is a Kenyan citizen seeking a career as an aircraft maintenance engineer. He has a diploma in aeronautical engineering from Eldoret Aviation Training Institute from 2009-2013. He has worked on various aircraft including Cessna, Piper, Mooney, and Zenith aircraft. His skills include aircraft maintenance, computer use, painting, and tile fitting. He is available immediately and is willing to work to the satisfaction of any employer. He provides references from his professional network.
Simon Semonju Phiri is a Botswanan pilot seeking a challenging position. He has over 16,000 hours of flying experience, including over 15,000 hours flying ATR 42/72 aircraft as a pilot-in-command. He holds an Airline Transport Pilot License and has extensive training in aviation safety, systems, and instruction. Currently he works as a Commander and instructor for Air Botswana, where he has been employed since 1991.
Thomas Joseph is seeking a position as an HSE Officer. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Botany from Maharajas College in Ernakulam, India and certifications in IOSH and NEBOSH. He currently works as a Security Officer for Spark Security Services in Al Ain, UAE and has previously worked as a Marketing Executive in Kochi, India. He has relevant experience and skills such as risk assessment certification, security licenses, and training in first aid and safety.
Mapa mental de elementos de un sistema de computo Dante560
El mapa mental describe los elementos clave de un sistema de computo, incluyendo el hardware (procesador, tarjeta madre, memoria RAM, disco duro, memoria ROM), el sistema operativo (BIOS), y los programas de software. El mapa mental fue creado por Jonathan Daniel de Santiago Ortiz, Guillermo Cach炭 Orozco y Jes炭s Covarrubias Guitierrez para describir su uso de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n del autom坦vil desde sus or鱈genes hasta la actualidad, destacando hitos como el primer coche sin caballos en 1893 y el modelo de producci坦n en serie de Henry Ford en 1908. Tambi辿n describe los diferentes tipos de combustibles alternativos que se usan hoy en d鱈a como el etanol, gas natural, electricidad, hidr坦geno y biodiesel, se単alando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Por 炭ltimo, presenta estad鱈sticas sobre las ventas de veh鱈culos que usan diferentes combustibles y sobre las estaciones de metro con mayor y menor afluencia de
ATMS Marine Transportation Training Management Systeminsidersatms
Whether a shipping company is providing commercial, recreation or the military services, they must comply with strict regulatory compliance requirements, including the IMDG Code. ATMS is a robust marine transportation training management system to simplify recurrent regulatory compliance training and recordkeeping for key roles in the shipping industry such as: deck crews responsible for managing navigation and handling cargo; ship engineers responsible for propulsion, maintenance and management; and steward/hotel employees responsible for food services, sanitation, and accommodations.
Modern Maritime Freight Transportation Training Software for Marine Professionals including:
Crew Management, Vessel Engineering, Container Transport, Freight Brokerage, Freight Forwarding, Drilling Rigs: Energy, Oil and Gas, Cruise Line Operators
Shipping Logistics Services
Port Terminal Operations
Discover more at:
Bahasa sebagai alat berpikir,filsafat,representatifidapurnama7475
Berikut ringkasan dokumen tersebut dalam 3 kalimat:
Proses berpikir membentuk pengetahuan melalui serangkaian gerakan pemikiran untuk mencapai kesimpulan. Bahasa dan matematika diperlukan untuk berpikir ilmiah secara teratur dan cermat. Fungsi bahasa antara lain sebagai alat simbol, untuk berinteraksi, dan mengungkapkan emosi.
APA IPS 2015: Videoconferencing Uses & Integration with Other Technologies in...Steve Daviss MD
1) Dr. Steve Daviss gave a presentation on videoconferencing and how it can be integrated with other technologies in psychiatry. He is the Chief Medical Information Officer at M3 Information LLC.
2) He discussed how telepsychiatry and telecollaboration can expand access to psychiatric treatment. Technologies like mobile apps allow for remote monitoring of symptoms.
3) M3 Information provides a platform for consulting psychiatrists, behavioral health specialists supervised by psychiatrists, and encrypted patient records to facilitate collaborative care through telehealth.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre tres sitios web de comercio electr坦nico: eBay, Dell y Mercado Libre. Resume la historia, funcionalidad y ventajas de cada sitio. eBay es un sitio de subastas fundado en 1995, Dell es una empresa de computadoras fundada por Michael Dell en 1984 y Mercado Libre es un mercado online que se basa en el concepto de libre competencia.
The document discusses India's balance of payments (BoP). It defines BoP as a systematic record of all economic transactions between residents of a country and foreign countries over a period. India's BoP includes a current account for trade in goods/services and transfers, and a capital account for financial flows. In the early 1990s, India faced a BoP crisis due to rising oil prices and falling equity prices. To address this, India introduced economic reforms like decontrolling the rupee and liberalizing foreign investment and trade. These reforms expanded India's foreign trade and improved its BoP position over time.
El documento presenta varios ejemplos de algoritmos para resolver problemas matem叩ticos como divisi坦n, 叩rea de trapecio, velocidad y volumen. Luego explica qu辿 es un algoritmo y c坦mo se define. Finalmente, muestra diferentes cajas negras con f坦rmulas de c叩lculo, ejemplos num辿ricos y los pasos requeridos para resolver cada problema planteado.
Pedro candioti.pptx. horacio german garciaRobertoOtazu
Pedro Antonio Candioti fue un nadador argentino que estableci坦 el r辿cord mundial de permanencia en aguas abiertas en 1939 al nadar durante 100 horas y 33 minutos entre las ciudades de San Javier y Santa Fe. En 1922 ya hab鱈a obtenido el t鱈tulo de Campe坦n Mundial al nadar 104 km en 26 horas y 1 minuto. Adem叩s de ser un destacado deportista, Candioti se recibi坦 de farmac辿utico, profesor de qu鱈mica y profesor de educaci坦n f鱈sica y ejerci坦 la docencia
O documento discute a import但ncia da pesquisa como princ鱈pio educativo e cient鱈fico segundo o autor Demo (2006). A pesquisa deveria fazer parte do processo de ensino-aprendizagem desde a educa巽達o b叩sica, permitindo uma aprendizagem significativa atrav辿s do di叩logo e da articula巽達o entre teoria e pr叩tica. A avalia巽達o tamb辿m poderia se beneficiar da pesquisa como forma de acompanhamento do processo de produ巽達o do conhecimento.
Este documento apresenta conceitos b叩sicos de fonologia, incluindo: (1) fonema como menor unidade sonora de uma l鱈ngua que estabelece distin巽達o entre palavras, (2) letra como representa巽達o gr叩fica do fonema, (3) classifica巽達o dos fonemas em vogais, semivogais e consoantes.
Mustafa Mohamoud Ali is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his skills and one year of experience in the UAE. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Burao University in Somalia. His most recent role was as an aircraft loading supervisor for Etihad Airways, where he led teams and ensured safe and efficient aircraft loading. Previously, he worked as a project officer for a community center in Somalia, where he planned activities, wrote reports, and managed staff. He has training in aircraft safety and loading as well as computer skills in Microsoft Office.
The document provides a summary of Christopher Ovo Avbenake's career profile, including his objective, qualifications, professional courses, work experience, skills, and references. He has a B.Sc. in Petroleum & Gas Engineering and over 10 years of experience in projects involving offshore inspections, maintenance, and safety compliance for oil and gas companies in Nigeria. His most recent role was as an Assistant Project Engineer and Safety Officer for Second Adams International Limited.
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Mapa mental de elementos de un sistema de computo Dante560
El mapa mental describe los elementos clave de un sistema de computo, incluyendo el hardware (procesador, tarjeta madre, memoria RAM, disco duro, memoria ROM), el sistema operativo (BIOS), y los programas de software. El mapa mental fue creado por Jonathan Daniel de Santiago Ortiz, Guillermo Cach炭 Orozco y Jes炭s Covarrubias Guitierrez para describir su uso de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n del autom坦vil desde sus or鱈genes hasta la actualidad, destacando hitos como el primer coche sin caballos en 1893 y el modelo de producci坦n en serie de Henry Ford en 1908. Tambi辿n describe los diferentes tipos de combustibles alternativos que se usan hoy en d鱈a como el etanol, gas natural, electricidad, hidr坦geno y biodiesel, se単alando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Por 炭ltimo, presenta estad鱈sticas sobre las ventas de veh鱈culos que usan diferentes combustibles y sobre las estaciones de metro con mayor y menor afluencia de
ATMS Marine Transportation Training Management Systeminsidersatms
Whether a shipping company is providing commercial, recreation or the military services, they must comply with strict regulatory compliance requirements, including the IMDG Code. ATMS is a robust marine transportation training management system to simplify recurrent regulatory compliance training and recordkeeping for key roles in the shipping industry such as: deck crews responsible for managing navigation and handling cargo; ship engineers responsible for propulsion, maintenance and management; and steward/hotel employees responsible for food services, sanitation, and accommodations.
Modern Maritime Freight Transportation Training Software for Marine Professionals including:
Crew Management, Vessel Engineering, Container Transport, Freight Brokerage, Freight Forwarding, Drilling Rigs: Energy, Oil and Gas, Cruise Line Operators
Shipping Logistics Services
Port Terminal Operations
Discover more at:
Bahasa sebagai alat berpikir,filsafat,representatifidapurnama7475
Berikut ringkasan dokumen tersebut dalam 3 kalimat:
Proses berpikir membentuk pengetahuan melalui serangkaian gerakan pemikiran untuk mencapai kesimpulan. Bahasa dan matematika diperlukan untuk berpikir ilmiah secara teratur dan cermat. Fungsi bahasa antara lain sebagai alat simbol, untuk berinteraksi, dan mengungkapkan emosi.
APA IPS 2015: Videoconferencing Uses & Integration with Other Technologies in...Steve Daviss MD
1) Dr. Steve Daviss gave a presentation on videoconferencing and how it can be integrated with other technologies in psychiatry. He is the Chief Medical Information Officer at M3 Information LLC.
2) He discussed how telepsychiatry and telecollaboration can expand access to psychiatric treatment. Technologies like mobile apps allow for remote monitoring of symptoms.
3) M3 Information provides a platform for consulting psychiatrists, behavioral health specialists supervised by psychiatrists, and encrypted patient records to facilitate collaborative care through telehealth.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre tres sitios web de comercio electr坦nico: eBay, Dell y Mercado Libre. Resume la historia, funcionalidad y ventajas de cada sitio. eBay es un sitio de subastas fundado en 1995, Dell es una empresa de computadoras fundada por Michael Dell en 1984 y Mercado Libre es un mercado online que se basa en el concepto de libre competencia.
The document discusses India's balance of payments (BoP). It defines BoP as a systematic record of all economic transactions between residents of a country and foreign countries over a period. India's BoP includes a current account for trade in goods/services and transfers, and a capital account for financial flows. In the early 1990s, India faced a BoP crisis due to rising oil prices and falling equity prices. To address this, India introduced economic reforms like decontrolling the rupee and liberalizing foreign investment and trade. These reforms expanded India's foreign trade and improved its BoP position over time.
El documento presenta varios ejemplos de algoritmos para resolver problemas matem叩ticos como divisi坦n, 叩rea de trapecio, velocidad y volumen. Luego explica qu辿 es un algoritmo y c坦mo se define. Finalmente, muestra diferentes cajas negras con f坦rmulas de c叩lculo, ejemplos num辿ricos y los pasos requeridos para resolver cada problema planteado.
Pedro candioti.pptx. horacio german garciaRobertoOtazu
Pedro Antonio Candioti fue un nadador argentino que estableci坦 el r辿cord mundial de permanencia en aguas abiertas en 1939 al nadar durante 100 horas y 33 minutos entre las ciudades de San Javier y Santa Fe. En 1922 ya hab鱈a obtenido el t鱈tulo de Campe坦n Mundial al nadar 104 km en 26 horas y 1 minuto. Adem叩s de ser un destacado deportista, Candioti se recibi坦 de farmac辿utico, profesor de qu鱈mica y profesor de educaci坦n f鱈sica y ejerci坦 la docencia
O documento discute a import但ncia da pesquisa como princ鱈pio educativo e cient鱈fico segundo o autor Demo (2006). A pesquisa deveria fazer parte do processo de ensino-aprendizagem desde a educa巽達o b叩sica, permitindo uma aprendizagem significativa atrav辿s do di叩logo e da articula巽達o entre teoria e pr叩tica. A avalia巽達o tamb辿m poderia se beneficiar da pesquisa como forma de acompanhamento do processo de produ巽達o do conhecimento.
Este documento apresenta conceitos b叩sicos de fonologia, incluindo: (1) fonema como menor unidade sonora de uma l鱈ngua que estabelece distin巽達o entre palavras, (2) letra como representa巽達o gr叩fica do fonema, (3) classifica巽達o dos fonemas em vogais, semivogais e consoantes.
Mapa mental de elementos de un sistema de computo Dante560
Mustafa Mohamoud Ali is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his skills and one year of experience in the UAE. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Burao University in Somalia. His most recent role was as an aircraft loading supervisor for Etihad Airways, where he led teams and ensured safe and efficient aircraft loading. Previously, he worked as a project officer for a community center in Somalia, where he planned activities, wrote reports, and managed staff. He has training in aircraft safety and loading as well as computer skills in Microsoft Office.
The document provides a summary of Christopher Ovo Avbenake's career profile, including his objective, qualifications, professional courses, work experience, skills, and references. He has a B.Sc. in Petroleum & Gas Engineering and over 10 years of experience in projects involving offshore inspections, maintenance, and safety compliance for oil and gas companies in Nigeria. His most recent role was as an Assistant Project Engineer and Safety Officer for Second Adams International Limited.
Su-Ann Yeoh has over 15 years of experience in aviation and hospitality roles. She has worked as a flight attendant and VVIP attendant for several airlines, including Jet Aviation, Amiri Flights, Qatar Airways, and Etihad Airways. Her responsibilities included ensuring passenger safety, meeting passenger needs, and providing excellent customer service. She also has experience in public relations and marketing roles with Marina Bay Sands and Panaron Engineering. Su-Ann holds a STPM and SPM and is fluent in English and Malay and conversant in several other languages. She is seeking a challenging position that allows her to develop meaningful relationships while contributing to an organization's success.
Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ghamdi is seeking a position as a computer engineer where he can use his technical and management skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Yanbu University College with a GPA of 2.27/4.00. His experience includes 6 months as an Integration Engineer at Ericsson and working as Help Desk at Arabian Float Glass Company since 2015. He has achieved honors in circuit analysis and received third honors twice during his education.
Randy Kwame Nti is a safety professional seeking to utilize his skills and experience in an organization that values creativity, innovation and expertise. He holds a BSc in Computer Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has over 10 years of experience in health, safety and environmental roles for mining companies. His career includes positions as a Project Safety Officer at Kinross-Chirano Gold Mines and Health, Safety and Environmental Officer at Mining and Building Contractors Limited. He has extensive training in areas such as NEBOSH, safety engineering, environmental programs, first aid, and accident investigation.
This curriculum vitae outlines the qualifications and experience of Edward K. Pieterson. It summarizes that he has over 15 years of experience in health and safety roles, with his current position as Senior Safety Supervisor at Bouygues Construction Ghana since 2014. Prior to that he held health and safety roles at companies including Boartlongyear, Gyanvik Automobile Ltd, Amansie Goldmines Ltd, and Ghana Bauxite Company. He has various qualifications in occupational health, safety, and environmental management from institutions in Ghana and the UK.
Jake Bowers has over 4 years of experience in safety management and hazard recognition. He has held safety roles at CTRS, Inc., Corrpro, Inc., Swift Transportation, and Welspun Tubular. Bowers is a Certified Safety Professional and has additional certifications in competent person, defensive driving instruction, and OSHA training. He has a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Health and Safety Management and is a member of several safety professional organizations.
Kavi Selvan is applying for a suitable position such as Superintendent, Auditor, Coach, or Health and Safety Officer. He has 14 years of experience in the marine industry, including 4 years in offshore. For the past 3 years, he has specialized in quality, health, safety, security, and environment (QHSSE). As a QHSSE Coach, he has conducted audits and inspections, provided training, and facilitated external audits. He believes his skills and expertise would be an asset to the company.
Kabeersha is applying for a safety officer position with over 6 years of experience in health and safety roles in the power, oil & gas, and construction industries. He has a diploma in civil engineering and fire safety engineering, and holds NEBOSH and defensive driving certifications. His responsibilities have included risk assessment, safety training, audits, and ensuring compliance with regulations. He is looking for a growth opportunity where he can further develop his qualifications, experience, and talents.
This curriculum vitae is for Ashika Chotoo, who has extensive experience in aviation safety training and instruction. She has worked as a Safety & Emergency Procedures Instructor and Designated Examiner for several aviation training organizations. Previously, she was the Safety & Emergency Procedures Training Manager at South African Airways, where she managed all aspects of safety training for pilots and cabin crew. She also has experience working as a cabin crew member and inflight services coordinator at South African Airways. Ashika Chotoo has numerous qualifications in aviation safety, training, and assessment.
Abdul Wahid has over 20 years of experience in learning and organizational development. He has held senior leadership roles managing learning and development functions with companies in various industries. He specializes in competency profiling, performance management, leadership development, and implementing learning organization practices.
Doney George is a HSE Officer/Supervisor with over 7 years of experience in occupational health, safety, and environment roles. He currently works as an HSE Supervisor for Emirates Transport in Dubai. Prior to that, he held HSE roles in India for construction companies including Al Rajhi Construction and Gammon India Limited. He has expertise in implementing safety procedures and conducting inspections, investigations, and trainings. He also specializes in developing documentation like risk assessments, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements and standards.
Abdul Saleem Syed is an Assistant Manager of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) with over 7 years of experience in various infrastructure projects. He holds certifications in NEBOSH, radiation safety, and scaffolding. Currently working with Larsen & Toubro Ltd on the Unnao to Lucknow Expressway project in Uttar Pradesh, his previous projects include the Outer Ring Road project in Vijayawada and several highway projects with NHAI. His roles include ensuring safety standards are followed, conducting training programs, audits and inspections, and acting as the point of contact between the client and project site on all EHS issues.
This document contains the contact information, job objective, work experience, education, training, languages, skills, awards, interests, and certificates of an individual. Based on the information provided, the individual has over 30 years of experience in security management roles within the Egyptian armed forces and private sector, as well as experience in teaching and administration. They hold a Bachelor's degree in Military Science and Business Administration, and have received additional training in areas such as commando instruction, parachuting, and computer skills.
Brandon Ahler has over 5 years of experience in disability claims and leave of absence representation at Sedgwick CMS in Dubuque, IA. He graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 with a concentration in Operations/Information Management and a minor in Classical Studies. His skills include expertise in Microsoft Office, Adobe Design Suite, communications, and disability case management certifications.
Devashish Sinha is a motivated and hardworking Health and Safety Advisor seeking a position with his qualifications in NEBOSH, PDIS, and over 15 years of experience managing EHS for construction projects in India. He has extensive experience conducting risk assessments, inspections, audits, investigations, and training. His duties also include ensuring compliance, identifying hazards, preparing reports, advising staff, organizing training, liaising with clients, and analyzing incident trends to initiate preventative measures. He is proficient in English, Hindi, and Bengali.
Oliver Sydney de Souza is a Singaporean citizen seeking an Australian skilled visa. He has a diploma in chemical engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and GCE 'O' Level qualifications from St Patrick's School. His work experience includes positions as an operations technician at ExxonMobil Chemical, a process technician at Pfizer, and barista at Starbucks. He also completed an industrial attachment at Singapore Oxygen Air Liquide. Oliver has excellent communication skills and initiative, and seeks to understand chemical processes. He lists three referees who can speak to his qualifications and work history.
Tammy Van Niekerk is a Skills Development Facilitator with over 3 years of experience developing people through training. Her responsibilities include compiling and submitting skills plans and reports to MerSeta, monitoring apprentices and interns, ensuring training is up to date, and administering bursary programs. She has strengths in customer service, strategic thinking, communication, and team building. Her career includes roles in safety administration, imports/exports, and as a safety officer.
This document is a resume for Wilfredo O Obis summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 20 years of experience in aircraft maintenance and repair working for both the Philippines Air Force and private companies. His resume outlines his extensive technical skills and qualifications in areas like aircraft maintenance, communication systems, and security operations. He also lists his educational background and safety and technical training courses completed over his career.
Andrew M. Grega has a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics from Kent State University with a concentration in Flight Technology and a minor in Management for Non-Business Majors. He has over 370 total flight hours and certifications as a Commercial Multi Engine Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor. His work experience includes being an Aircraft Dispatch Officer at Kent State University Airport and a Flight Instructor at T&G Flying Club. He also has leadership experience from his involvement with Kappa Sigma Fraternity and Air Force ROTC.
The Luxury Travel Agency, where your dreams turn into breathtaking realities, combining unmatched personalization and world-class connections to craft unforgettable experiences. Here, you will witness unparalleled service, exclusive access, and unforgettable adventures that redefine luxury travel. Let's discover more below:
Tired of long, exhausting journeys on risky mountain roads? Discover 7 solid reasons why road travel to Char Dham is a complete waste of time and energy. Choose smarter, faster alternatives for a seamless pilgrimage experience.
#CharDhamYatra #HelicopterTour #AvoidRoadTravel #LuxuryYatra
This 7-day journey takes you deep into the heart of Pakistans remote Kalash Valley, home to the unique Kalash people and their rich cultural heritage. Beginning in Islamabad, you will travel through the stunning Hindukush Mountains to reach Chitral and the Kalash Valleys, where you will witness the mesmerizing Chilam Joshi Festival. This festival, celebrated in May, marks the arrival of spring with traditional dances, colorful attire, and sacred rituals. Beyond the festivities, explore the scenic valleys of Bumburet and Rumbur, interact with the Kalash communities, and experience their way of life in one of the worlds most fascinating indigenous cultures.
Trekking in Uttarakhand with Cooltrails.pptxCooltrails
Uttarakhand, the "Land of Gods," offers some of the most breathtaking trekking experiences in India. Home to the majestic Himalayas, it features diverse trails, from the scenic Brahmatal Trek to the adventurous Kedarkantha Trek. With stunning landscapes, lush forests, and serene alpine lakes, Uttarakhand is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trekker, the regions well-marked trails and mesmerizing views promise an unforgettable trekking adventure.
"Join us on an unforgettable journey through the untapped valleys of the Hindukush Mountains in Northern Pakistan Ghizer, Ishkoman, Yasin, and Phander. From luxury stays and local cuisine to serene lakes, lush meadows, and warm village hospitality, this trip blends adventure with culture. Discover hidden hiking trails, meet the locals, and savor the famous chai of Northern Pakistan. Subscribe for more off-the-beaten-path adventures!"
Unleash the Wild - Jungle Adventure Tours at Brisa Tropical Lodge.pptxBRISA TROPICAL LODGE
Brisa Tropical Lodge offers jungle adventure tours that let you experience the magic of nature in a way that's unlike any other. Our guided excursions offer both thrills and tranquility, ensuring an unforgettable experience. Enjoy luxurious accommodations and world-class service in a serene, exotic setting. Take a trip that redefines what relaxation and exploration mean.
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Avoid these Top 10 Mistakes During Char Dham Yatra by Helicopter to ensure a smooth, comfortable, and divine experience. From missing permits to packing errors, learn what to skip for a hassle-free journey. 鏝
#CharDhamYatra #HelicopterYatra #TravelTips #SpiritualJourney
Embark on the sacred Char Dham Yatra, but beware long, tiring road journeys can turn your spiritual quest into a nightmare! Skip the hassle and soar above the chaos with a luxury helicopter ride.
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Top Ecommerce Platforms to Choose for Your Online Store in 2025Kun Fulfilment Ltd
Top e commerce platforms: According to experts, if the current trends continue, the global e-commerce business is projected to reach $7.3 trillion in 2025.[1] After reading this, you should have a better understanding of the potential profit margins for an online store.
Top Holi Events in Dubai 2025: Where to Enjoy the Festivitiesnehavermaofficial123
Dubai is all set to celebrate Holi 2025 with grand events, music festivals, and cultural performances. Whether you prefer a beachside Holi party, a family-friendly festival, or a thrilling rain dance event, Dubai has something for everyone. From Bollywood-themed concerts to desert Holi celebrations, the city offers a variety of fun and colorful experiences. Join the festivities at Bollywood Parks, JBR Beach, Dubai Creek, Global Village, and more, and make unforgettable memories. Get ready to splash vibrant colors, dance to energetic beats, and indulge in delicious Holi treats!
History and Legends Associated with Do Dham Yatra.docxanilkumarrr736
The Do Dham Yatra is a sacred pilgrimage to two of the most revered shrines in HinduismKedarnath and Badrinath. These temples, nestled in the majestic Himalayas of Uttarakhand, hold immense historical and mythological significance.
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Uncover the top 5 reasons why most travelers face difficulties during the Char Dham Yatra. From unpredictable weather to poor infrastructure, know what makes this journey so challenging. #CharDhamYatra #TravelTips #YatraStruggles #Himalayas
Mortgage data entry services involve digitizing, processing, and managing mortgage-related documents.
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1. Mr. Jesse Becker BCom, PGDipCom, BAv, DipQA
Career Objective: To continue to contribute as a high quality member of a professional team
and to exceed safety, quality, and profitability goals.
Birth date:
5th August 1980
New Zealander
Four weeks
Current Location:
West Java, Indonesia
As required
+62 81 3101 62359
License: New Zealand CPL (A), Class 1 Medical, MEIR, Night, C Cat Flight Instructor rating.
Indonesian CPL (A). Flying Experience: 1900+ hours total. 1650+ Multi-crew Turbine.
2014 2017
- Master of Aviation Management - Part-time by distance learning while
working full-time.
2012 - 2013
Diploma of Quality Auditing, incl Lead Auditor Qualification. Southpac
Aerospace, Aus.
Flight Instructor Rating, Nelson Aviation College, NZ.
2006 to 2009
- Bachelor of Aviation - Air Transport Pilot, Massey University, NZ.
- Postgraduate Diploma of Commerce (PGDipCOM) with distinction,
University of Otago, NZ.
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Majoring in Management, University of
Otago, NZ.
Sept 2013
- Crew Resource Management Instructor Global Air Training, UK.
- Safety & Emergency Procedures Instructor Global Air Training, UK.
March 2013
- C208B simulator training, Flight Safety, Wichita, Kansas, USA.
- McCall Mountain Flying course, West Papua, Indonesia.
- Nov: DGAC Company Check Pilot Course, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Sept: Safety Management Systems Train the Trainer, Sofema Aviation
Services, Singapore.
2. Recent Employment Summary
April 2013 current : Simulator Instructor Susi Air Training Department.
January April 2013: Training Manager Susi Air Training Department.
Responsible for managing the company Training Department, staff, schedules, resources, and
Sept 2012 Dec 2012: Simulator Training Manager Susi Air Training Department.
Developing training material, conducting simchecks and simulator based training using our
advanced C208B simulator. Conducting pilot interviews.
June Dec 2012: Additional responsibility as the base Safety Officer managing the electronic
Safety Management System, as well as organising and chairing safety meetings.
2012: Simulator Instructor and Course Coordinator Susi Air Training Department.
Sept 2009 2012: First Officer & Captain on C208B. Susi Air, a Pt. 135 airline.
Jul 2005 Jul 2006: Financial Lines - Underwriter American International Group (AIG).
Training component in Manhattan, New York. This role taught me a lot about risk assessment
and management in a commercial setting.
Referee contact details available on request.
Being promoted to Simulator Training Manager and then Training Manager at Susi Air.
A contributor to Project Excellence, a Massey University initiative to recognise excellence in
academic work (2008).
Being selected to be the New Zealands first trainee in the AIG Insurance Ltd Professional
Associate training initiative.
Scholarship to research into Knowledge Management in Hong Kong and Wuhan, China by the
Asia Institute, University of Otago (2004).
Accepted to Dilworth Boys High on a full scholarship. (1993)