Guillermo Tovar de Teresa mostró un interés temprano por la lectura y la historia que fue alentado por su abuelo. Creció en un ambiente intelectual que lo expuso a diversos temas culturales. A una edad temprana ya había leído extensivamente y asesoró al presidente sobre asuntos de arte colonial. Continuó sus estudios de forma autodidacta mientras exploraba archivos y se codeaba con eruditos. Publicó su primer libro a los diecinueve a?os, demostrando su pasión por preservar la historia
Create rest webservice for oracle public api using java class via jdevelopershravan kumar chelika
This document provides instructions for creating a custom application in JDeveloper, adding required libraries, creating a RESTful web service, running the integrated WebLogic server, and testing the REST web service. The key steps are:
1. Create a custom application and Java class project in JDeveloper.
2. Add required Oracle API JAR files to resolve errors.
3. Right click the Java file and select "Create RESTful Service" to add annotations.
4. Run the service on the integrated WebLogic server and test it by sending requests and verifying records in backend tables.
Le DOM (Document Object Model) est un standard W3C qui permet à des script (ici JavaScript) d'accéder ou de mettre à jour le contenu visuel, la structure ou le style de documents XML et HTML.
The document discusses best practices for exception handling in Java applications. It recommends that exceptions should only be used for exceptional situations, be properly logged, and result in appropriate error responses. Business exceptions should be thrown for invalid user behavior, while technical exceptions occurring internally should be wrapped in business exceptions. Exceptions should have clear, descriptive names and result in the proper HTTP status codes. The document also provides examples of implementing localized exceptions, handling exceptions globally or at the controller level, and using SLF4J with Logback for logging.
Advanced Interfaces and Repositories in LaravelJonathan Behr
This document discusses best practices for organizing code in a maintainable way using interfaces, repositories, and dependency injection. It advocates separating code from the database layer by using repositories to act as a service layer between the application and database. Repositories follow contracts defined by interfaces rather than directly using models. This loosens coupling and allows more flexibility. The document provides examples of implementing repositories, interfaces, dependency injection, multi-tenant support, and an admin resource controller to demonstrate these concepts.
This document provides an introduction and overview of PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), a widely-used open source scripting language for web development. It discusses that PHP is a server-side scripting language that can generate dynamic web page content. Key points covered include PHP's history and uses, how it differs from client-side scripting, advantages of server-side scripting, basic PHP syntax, variables, and variable scope.
O documento discute os principais conceitos de bancos de dados, incluindo modelagem de dados usando o modelo Entidade-Relacionamento, o modelo relacional, a linguagem SQL e comandos para manipular tabelas e dados. ? dividido em 9 unidades que cobrem tópicos como classifica??o de SGBDs, mapeamento de ER para o modelo relacional, normaliza??o de dados, cria??o e altera??o de tabelas, e consultas em uma única tabela.
Layout with Stack View, Table View, and Collection ViewMake School
This document provides an overview and comparison of different layout options in iOS including UIStackView, UIScrollView, UITableView, and UICollectionView. It describes UIStackView as a layout mechanism similar to CSS Flexbox that is better than Auto Layout for dynamic layouts. UIScrollView allows displaying content larger than the screen size by allowing the user to scroll. UITableView is ideal for uniform list content while UICollectionView provides a more flexible non-linear layout like filters.
jQuery Tutorial For Beginners | Developing User Interface (UI) Using jQuery |...Edureka!
( ** Full Stack Masters Training: ** )
This PPT on jQuery will help you understand the basics of jQuery and you will also be able to create your own program using jQuery by the end of this PPT.
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Most of us use Design Patterns on a daily basis without noticing. Design patterns are commonly defined as solutions to recurring design problems. Frameworks like Laravel use Design Patterns throughout the codebase to keep structure and maintainability. In this talk we will explore the Design Patterns used in Laravel.
This document provides an overview of the Laravel PHP framework, including instructions for installation, directory structure, MVC concepts, and a sample "task list" application to demonstrate basic Laravel features. The summary covers creating a Laravel project, defining a database migration and Eloquent model, adding routes and views with Blade templating, performing validation and CRUD operations, and more.
This document discusses Spring Boot and how it provides automatic configuration for common web application functionalities like JPA, security, and Spring MVC. It also covers how Spring Boot uses starter dependencies to select libraries automatically and provides tools like the CLI and Spring Initializr. The document then demonstrates creating a basic Spring Boot application and discusses testing Spring Boot applications using techniques like mocking Spring MVC and integrating tests.
Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework created in 2011. It provides powerful features like Eloquent ORM, query builder, Blade templating engine and middleware that save developers time. The document discusses installing Laravel with Composer, the file structure, using Artisan commands, routing, middleware, Blade templates, Eloquent ORM for databases and CRUD operations. It recommends useful Laravel packages and provides best practices like separating controller logic from models and using CSRF protection.
The document is a slide presentation on JavaScript and ECMAScript. It discusses the history and development of JavaScript, noting that it was originally created in 10 days by Brendan Eich in 1995 for Netscape Navigator to enable dynamic web pages. It was later submitted to Ecma International and became the ECMAScript standard. The presentation covers core JavaScript concepts like data types, operators, variables, and functions.
This document discusses techniques for improving React Native performance. It notes that React Native is not truly native but provides native capabilities. The main thread can lag if loops take longer than 16.67ms each frame. Common mistakes include creating massive components, not removing listeners on unmount, double rendering, and heavy computation on the main thread. Ways to improve performance include using native animation, caching resources, dividing components, and using high performance libraries. The document is a presentation on optimizing React Native applications for high performance.
This document introduces Flask, a Python framework for building web applications. It explains that Flask uses Python decorators to define routes for the web server. Before writing a Flask application, the reader is instructed to install Python, pip, virtualenv, and Flask within a new project directory. The basics of writing a Flask application are then covered, including running the application and defining routes to return responses. The document ends with quiz questions and resources for learning more about Flask.
Faster PHP apps using Queues and WorkersRichard Baker
PHP apps typically perform tasks in a synchronous manner; Resizing an image or sending a push notification. For most applications this works well, but as apps grow or experience increased traffic, each task adds extra milliseconds to a request, leaving users waiting.
A common solution is to defer these tasks to the background using a cron task. However, there is a better way. Job queues not only help to decouple your application and improve resilience but will also cut request times.
In this talk I we’ll explore some common queue systems; the features and tradeoffs of each solution, what to queue, refactoring existing code into jobs, and running workers. By the end you’ll be ready to build your next app one job at a time.
The document discusses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model manages the application's data logic and rules. The view displays the data to the user. The controller handles input and converts it to commands for the model and view. An example PHP MVC application is provided to illustrate how the components work together. Benefits of MVC include flexibility, testability, and separation of concerns between the three components.
Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative process where tests are written before code to validate requirements. It follows the "red-green-refactor" cycle: write a failing test, write code to pass the test, refactor code. The document demonstrates TDD with a palindrome checker function, writing multiple tests to handle different cases before refactoring the code. Unit testing frameworks like unittest, py.test, and nose make TDD easier by automating test discovery and providing features like parallel testing and code coverage reports. Nose is currently the most popular alternative to unittest for Python projects.
**** Java Certification Training: ****
This Edureka tutorial on “Advanced Java” will talk about 3 main concepts i.e. JAVA Database Connectivity, Servlets, and Java Server Pages. It will also talk about the various features, connections, statements, advantages, and need for advanced Java etc. Through this tutorial you will learn the following topics:
Introduction to J2EE
JDBC Architecture
JDBC Connections
JDBC Statements
Introduction to servlets
Servlet Life Cycle
Steps to create Servlet in Eclipse
Session Tracking and Cookies
Introduction to Java Server Pages
JSP Life Cycle
JSP Scripting Elements
Check out our Java Tutorial blog series:
Check out our complete Youtube playlist here:
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This document discusses error management in ZIO compared to Future. It begins with an overview of ZIO and Future effects before comparing how each handles errors. Key differences noted are that Future throws errors away on a side channel while ZIO composes errors. The document recommends best practices for error handling in ZIO like extending exceptions in sealed traits and avoiding reflexive logging. It concludes by discussing how ZIO enables next-generation debugging by tracking fibers and continuations during asynchronous execution.
Layout with Stack View, Table View, and Collection ViewMake School
This document provides an overview and comparison of different layout options in iOS including UIStackView, UIScrollView, UITableView, and UICollectionView. It describes UIStackView as a layout mechanism similar to CSS Flexbox that is better than Auto Layout for dynamic layouts. UIScrollView allows displaying content larger than the screen size by allowing the user to scroll. UITableView is ideal for uniform list content while UICollectionView provides a more flexible non-linear layout like filters.
jQuery Tutorial For Beginners | Developing User Interface (UI) Using jQuery |...Edureka!
( ** Full Stack Masters Training: ** )
This PPT on jQuery will help you understand the basics of jQuery and you will also be able to create your own program using jQuery by the end of this PPT.
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Most of us use Design Patterns on a daily basis without noticing. Design patterns are commonly defined as solutions to recurring design problems. Frameworks like Laravel use Design Patterns throughout the codebase to keep structure and maintainability. In this talk we will explore the Design Patterns used in Laravel.
This document provides an overview of the Laravel PHP framework, including instructions for installation, directory structure, MVC concepts, and a sample "task list" application to demonstrate basic Laravel features. The summary covers creating a Laravel project, defining a database migration and Eloquent model, adding routes and views with Blade templating, performing validation and CRUD operations, and more.
This document discusses Spring Boot and how it provides automatic configuration for common web application functionalities like JPA, security, and Spring MVC. It also covers how Spring Boot uses starter dependencies to select libraries automatically and provides tools like the CLI and Spring Initializr. The document then demonstrates creating a basic Spring Boot application and discusses testing Spring Boot applications using techniques like mocking Spring MVC and integrating tests.
Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework created in 2011. It provides powerful features like Eloquent ORM, query builder, Blade templating engine and middleware that save developers time. The document discusses installing Laravel with Composer, the file structure, using Artisan commands, routing, middleware, Blade templates, Eloquent ORM for databases and CRUD operations. It recommends useful Laravel packages and provides best practices like separating controller logic from models and using CSRF protection.
The document is a slide presentation on JavaScript and ECMAScript. It discusses the history and development of JavaScript, noting that it was originally created in 10 days by Brendan Eich in 1995 for Netscape Navigator to enable dynamic web pages. It was later submitted to Ecma International and became the ECMAScript standard. The presentation covers core JavaScript concepts like data types, operators, variables, and functions.
This document discusses techniques for improving React Native performance. It notes that React Native is not truly native but provides native capabilities. The main thread can lag if loops take longer than 16.67ms each frame. Common mistakes include creating massive components, not removing listeners on unmount, double rendering, and heavy computation on the main thread. Ways to improve performance include using native animation, caching resources, dividing components, and using high performance libraries. The document is a presentation on optimizing React Native applications for high performance.
This document introduces Flask, a Python framework for building web applications. It explains that Flask uses Python decorators to define routes for the web server. Before writing a Flask application, the reader is instructed to install Python, pip, virtualenv, and Flask within a new project directory. The basics of writing a Flask application are then covered, including running the application and defining routes to return responses. The document ends with quiz questions and resources for learning more about Flask.
Faster PHP apps using Queues and WorkersRichard Baker
PHP apps typically perform tasks in a synchronous manner; Resizing an image or sending a push notification. For most applications this works well, but as apps grow or experience increased traffic, each task adds extra milliseconds to a request, leaving users waiting.
A common solution is to defer these tasks to the background using a cron task. However, there is a better way. Job queues not only help to decouple your application and improve resilience but will also cut request times.
In this talk I we’ll explore some common queue systems; the features and tradeoffs of each solution, what to queue, refactoring existing code into jobs, and running workers. By the end you’ll be ready to build your next app one job at a time.
The document discusses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model manages the application's data logic and rules. The view displays the data to the user. The controller handles input and converts it to commands for the model and view. An example PHP MVC application is provided to illustrate how the components work together. Benefits of MVC include flexibility, testability, and separation of concerns between the three components.
Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative process where tests are written before code to validate requirements. It follows the "red-green-refactor" cycle: write a failing test, write code to pass the test, refactor code. The document demonstrates TDD with a palindrome checker function, writing multiple tests to handle different cases before refactoring the code. Unit testing frameworks like unittest, py.test, and nose make TDD easier by automating test discovery and providing features like parallel testing and code coverage reports. Nose is currently the most popular alternative to unittest for Python projects.
**** Java Certification Training: ****
This Edureka tutorial on “Advanced Java” will talk about 3 main concepts i.e. JAVA Database Connectivity, Servlets, and Java Server Pages. It will also talk about the various features, connections, statements, advantages, and need for advanced Java etc. Through this tutorial you will learn the following topics:
Introduction to J2EE
JDBC Architecture
JDBC Connections
JDBC Statements
Introduction to servlets
Servlet Life Cycle
Steps to create Servlet in Eclipse
Session Tracking and Cookies
Introduction to Java Server Pages
JSP Life Cycle
JSP Scripting Elements
Check out our Java Tutorial blog series:
Check out our complete Youtube playlist here:
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This document discusses error management in ZIO compared to Future. It begins with an overview of ZIO and Future effects before comparing how each handles errors. Key differences noted are that Future throws errors away on a side channel while ZIO composes errors. The document recommends best practices for error handling in ZIO like extending exceptions in sealed traits and avoiding reflexive logging. It concludes by discussing how ZIO enables next-generation debugging by tracking fibers and continuations during asynchronous execution.