Have you ever used Oracle WebLogic Server? If the answer is no, this presentation is for you. We explain core WebLogic Server concepts and perform a live walkthrough of the console covering core administration areas that include managed servers, JVM servers, JMS resources, logs, data sources, application deployments, and more.
Complete Training on Youtube with all topics - FREE
Weblogic Application Server overview and concepts
Weblogic integration with apache and security hardening with multi user realms and SSL
JMS Overview with queues/topic and jms bridges
JDBC overview with failover and HA modes
WLST & Node manager commands and setup
Weblogic deployment concepts
Offline and online backup recovery comcepts
Jakarta EE 最前線 - Jakarta EEの現在、ロードマップなどオラクルエンジニア通信
This document provides an overview of Jakarta EE 8 and the future plans for Jakarta EE 9 and beyond. It discusses how Java EE was donated to the Eclipse Foundation and renamed to Jakarta EE. It outlines the release timeline and key features of Jakarta EE 8. It also summarizes the goals and proposed changes for Jakarta EE 9, including renaming javax packages to jakarta and tooling updates. Finally, it speculates on potential new specifications that could be added to Jakarta EE in the future.
Oracle e-business suite R12 step by step InstallationOraERP
http://www.oraerp.com - Installing e-Business Suite R12 on Linux, Step by Step Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite R12 installation. Redhat Linux Installation, Pre-requisite/Preparation for Oracle e-Business suite R12, Readiness with Oracle EBS R12 software from Media or e-Delivery
JDK Flight Recorder introduced in OpenJDK 11.
This feature is low overhead of profiling and be able to used on production environment.
High Performance recording engine is embedded to Hotspot VM.
This document provides an overview of GraalVM, including what it is, its key features, and how it can be used. GraalVM is a polyglot virtual machine that allows running applications written in multiple languages. It includes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that can speed up Java applications, an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler to create native binaries, and language interoperability features. The document demonstrates how GraalVM allows Java applications to leverage code and modules written in other languages like JavaScript, and how it enables building polyglot applications that combine languages. It also discusses using GraalVM's AOT compiler to package polyglot applications into standalone executables.
Complete Training on Youtube with all topics - FREE
Weblogic Application Server overview and concepts
Weblogic integration with apache and security hardening with multi user realms and SSL
JMS Overview with queues/topic and jms bridges
JDBC overview with failover and HA modes
WLST & Node manager commands and setup
Weblogic deployment concepts
Offline and online backup recovery comcepts
Jakarta EE 最前線 - Jakarta EEの現在、ロードマップなどオラクルエンジニア通信
This document provides an overview of Jakarta EE 8 and the future plans for Jakarta EE 9 and beyond. It discusses how Java EE was donated to the Eclipse Foundation and renamed to Jakarta EE. It outlines the release timeline and key features of Jakarta EE 8. It also summarizes the goals and proposed changes for Jakarta EE 9, including renaming javax packages to jakarta and tooling updates. Finally, it speculates on potential new specifications that could be added to Jakarta EE in the future.
Oracle e-business suite R12 step by step InstallationOraERP
http://www.oraerp.com - Installing e-Business Suite R12 on Linux, Step by Step Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite R12 installation. Redhat Linux Installation, Pre-requisite/Preparation for Oracle e-Business suite R12, Readiness with Oracle EBS R12 software from Media or e-Delivery
JDK Flight Recorder introduced in OpenJDK 11.
This feature is low overhead of profiling and be able to used on production environment.
High Performance recording engine is embedded to Hotspot VM.
This document provides an overview of GraalVM, including what it is, its key features, and how it can be used. GraalVM is a polyglot virtual machine that allows running applications written in multiple languages. It includes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that can speed up Java applications, an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler to create native binaries, and language interoperability features. The document demonstrates how GraalVM allows Java applications to leverage code and modules written in other languages like JavaScript, and how it enables building polyglot applications that combine languages. It also discusses using GraalVM's AOT compiler to package polyglot applications into standalone executables.
39. [参考] 判断軸による比較(例) – 使いやすさ
インストーラ SDKMAN
& Scoop
知名度 備考
8 11
Oracle JDK S A B B S Docker対応はServer JRE 8 のみ
Oracle OpenJDK - - S A A LTSはないが最新版を利用可能
Red Hat OpenJDK A A - B B Red Hat Container Catalogで利用
再配布自由なUniversal Base Image(UBI)に今後注目
Azul Zulu B S A S B インストーラ?Dockerなども各種環境に注力
SapMachine - A A S - Docker公式イメージもあり (ベースOSはUbuntu)
BellSoft Liberica JDK A S A S - AlpineのDockerイメージはjlink用jmodsなし (11以降)
AdoptOpenJDK B A S S A IDEバンドルも含めて一通り利用可能
Amazon Corretto A A A A A DockerのベースOSはAmazon Linux2のみ
? JDK 8のインストーラは、既存のWindow用Oracle JRE 8との互換性を基準に評価
? JDK 11のインストーラは、多くのプラットフォームに対応しているかに注目
? 知名度は過去に実施したアンケートなどから判断
#sfggjp #javajo 39
40. [参考] 判断軸による比較(例) -どこで運用するか
ディストリビューション クラウド オンプレミス クライアント コンテナ 組み込み 備考
Oracle JDK OCI A S B A クライアント用のJava Web
Start (アプレットは非推奨)
Oracle OpenJDK (any) A - A - 最新版はコンテナに適す
Red Hat OpenJDK OpenShift A A B - IcedTea-Web for Windows
Azul Zulu Azure A B S A OpenJFXバンドル版や
SapMachine (any) A - S - 基本はサーバ環境用途
BellSoft Liberica JDK Yandex A A S A JavaFX/OpenJFXバンドル
AdoptOpenJDK (any) A A S A IcedTea-Web for Windows
Amazon Corretto AWS A - A - 8のみOpenJFXバンドルだが
? オンプレミスのサーバ環境は、特にどれでも問題なし (対応プラットフォーム次第)
? 既存クライアント環境との互換性を重視する場合は、Oracle JRE 8が妥当か
#sfggjp #javajo 40