Developed by the Center for Health Literacy and McGee & Evers Consulting, Inc. Presented in Jeanne McGee's workshop on September 6, 2012 at the third annual Center for Health Literacy Conference: Plain Talk in Complex Times.
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Jeanne McGee and the Center for Health Literacy - Quick checklist for plain language
1. Quick Checklist for Plain Language Center for Health Literacy | MAXIMUS
and McGee & Evers Consulting, Inc.
This checklist will help you see if print and web materials are written
in plain language and formatted in ways that help readers find
and understand key messages. Check each item below that is present
in the material. The more items with checks, the more likely it will
be that readers can understand and use the material.
Reader focus Design and formatting
The title and introduction tell what the The material has similar style and structure
material is about, whom it is for, and how to throughout, with consistent use of fonts,
use it. italics, bold print, color, numbers, and bullets.
The tone is direct, friendly, and positive, using The material looks inviting and easy to read,
personal pronouns such as you and we. with an uncluttered layout, plenty of white
space, and dark colored type on a light
The content is limited to what readers need
to know, and anticipates their questions
and concerns. The fonts are clean in their design and easy
to read (not fancy or unusual).
Organization The text size is large enough for easy reading
The material begins with the most important and each line has about 10 to 15 words.
message. Italics and bold print are used sparingly.
The content is arranged in an order that Images are clear and uncluttered, related
makes sense to readers. to the content, and culturally appropriate for
Informative headings signal whats coming the readers.
and make it easy for readers to skim.
Tips for checking the language
Writing Take a careful look at the vocabulary. Identify
The writing is mostly in the active voice. words you think readers would be unlikely
to use in their everyday speech. Whenever
The words are common and familiar to the possible, replace these words with others that
intended readers. would be easier and more familiar.
Acronyms, abbreviations, technical terms, Read it aloud or have someone read it
and legal terms are used only if readers need to you. You will hear if the tone is too formal,
to know them. If used, they are explained. the wording is awkward, the sentences
Paragraphs are one topic and brief, with are too long, or the paragraphs too dense.
simple and straightforward sentences.
Key terms are used consistently. Turn over for more tips and resources ??
Instructions are brief, step-by-step, and placed
right where readers need them.
The writing is cohesive C making connections
among ideas to help readers understand and
absorb new information.
2. Quick Checklist for Plain Language (continued)
More tips Authors and resources
What about using readability formulas? Center for Health Literacy
You might think from the name that readability formulas
measure reading ease or comprehension, but they do not. 1891 Metro Center Drive
They count syllables, words, and sentences to calculate Reston, VA 20190
a grade level score, and ignore everything else. (703) 251-8500
If the grade level score is high, it means the material is too
difficult for most readers. However, a low score does not
The Health Literacy Style Manual
mean the material will be easy for readers to understand and
Translation: A Must-Have Guide
use. Thats because short words and sentences are only
one of many things that help readers understand the material. Five Guidelines for Developing
Customer-Friendly Websites
Formulas cannot measure whether the purpose is clear, the To see these manuals in PDF, go to
words are familiar, or the explanations make sense. They
dont address whether the main points are easy to find or the
formatting guides the reader. They cant see if the text is too McGee & Evers Consulting, Inc.
small or the page is too crowded. Jeanne McGee, PhD
Vancouver, Washington
Because readability formulas ignore most of the factors that
(360) 574-4744
facilitate comprehension, grade level scores cannot accurately
assess whether the material is easy to read and understand.
Toolkit for Making Written Material
What about field testing? Clear and Effective. Jeanne McGee,
for the Centers for Medicare &
Field testing is the best and most direct way to tell if materials Medicaid Services (CMS).
are easy to understand and use. Show them to people who
represent the readers, and watch your test participants while This 11-part toolkit includes a step-by-
they read. If youre testing informational materials, ask them to step guide to field testing. Search for
tell you about the content in their own words. If youre testing Toolkit Part 6.
instructional materials, ask them to do the tasks, or (if thats not
practical) ask them to tell you what they would do.
You will learn whether they can read and understand the
materials, and how long it takes. You can find out if they think
the materials are useful and appealing, and whether they
can easily follow instructions and recognize important
messages. Youll see if they get confused or frustrated, and
youll know where to make improvements.