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Jeevananthan R Professional Profile
Contact details
Mobile : +91 77084 62923
Email ID: jeevananthanr@gmail.com
4 years of over-all IT experience including Analysis, Design,
Development, Unit Testing and Delivery in Data ware housing.
Having strong knowledge in data warehousing  Informatica,
Oracle, Unix Shell scripting.
Have designed and led the development team throughout the
development phase.
Extensive knowledge on Oracle to create complex Query,
Procedures, Packages, Triggers, Indexes and Cursors.
Expertise in ETL processes using Informatica.
Strong knowledge on physical data modeling.
Basic Knowledge on Teradata, Big data and Hadoop.
Bachelor of Computer Application (2005-2008),
Gobi Arts and Science College,
Bharathiar University- Coimbatore.
Post-Graduation :
Master of Computer Application(2008-2011),
Kongu Engineering College,
Anna University  Chennai.
Internship period: (During my final semester project)
Hewlett Packard Global Soft Private Limited,
Olympia Technology Park,
No. 1, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Chennai - 600032
Duration: Jan 20, 2011  Jul 05, 2011. (5.5 months)
Environnent: Java, Oracle.
 Hands on experience in Oracle,
Informatica, UNIX,Teradata.
 Fast grasping of any new process
and technologies.
 Can implement new techniques
that can improve productivity.
Skill set
Areaof interest- Data Warehousing
Tools : Informatica8.6, 9.6.1,
Sql Developer, Putty.
RDBMS : Oracle, Teradata
Platforms : UNIX,Windows
Work Experience
(16 Apr2014 till date)
Project: RUBIK Module1- GBIP Foundation
Software Used: Informatica 9.1, Oracle 12c, PUTTY,Sqldeveloper
OperatingSystem: Windows, UNIX
TeamSize: 35
Client: Smith & Nephew
Role: ETLDeveloper/Module Lead
Period:Sep 2014  Till Date
The objectiveof the project is to deliver a scalable Data Warehouse solution to accomplish Smith
and Nephews reporting needs and lay a foundation forits future Business analytics.
Rubik Module 1 Specific Master and Transactional data sources from SAP PR1 system and third
party files from France, Germany and UK data transformed into the Data warehouse
Extracted data from SAP source flowsinto Staging Layer, Normalised layer, DDS and ADS Layers
1. Handling the end-to-end delivery of projects from offshore team
2. Handshake meeting with onsite to gather requirement.
3. Interact with data modeler and prepare the source to target mapping flow document
4. Develop the mappings, sessions and workflows using Informatica.
5. Prepare scripts for table creations and also the daily script for the new created job.
6. Propose the design solutions.
7. Complete the Development, testing and implementation of the DW objects.
8. Adhere to the process and quality norms as defined by the client
Project: Big Decisions
SoftwareUsed: Informatica PowerCenter 9.5.1, Oracle,MSSQL Server, Hadoop Big Data
OperatingSystem: Windows, UNIX
TeamSize: 30
POC: Business applications
Role: ETLDeveloper
Period:Apr 2014  Sep 2014
This is CTSs internal project to build and provide a framework forclients to build their data
warehouse in an efficientmanner. We are collecting the commonrequirements from various clients
and building a common data modelling as well as Informaticamappings. Also, this product is also
capable of taking data from Most of the Source Like social medias, Big data source etc. It can
quickly generate the analytical Reports with Additive capabilities.
1. Involved in Informatica mapping design based on requirements.
2. Development of ETL mappings and workflows according to the design.
3. Developing ETL mappings and workflows in Informatica cloud
4. Development of Oracle SQL queries and Packages.
5. Unit testing of all the developed objects
6. Post Deployment support.
Organization:Hewlett-PackardGlobal SoftLimited
(10 August2011 11 Apr2014)
Project: CVS Caremark On Demand
SoftwareUsed: Informatica Client Tools, Oracle,Teradata
Operating System: Windows, UNIX
TeamSize: 40
Client: CVS Caremark
Role: Lead Designer/Developer
CVS Caremark Corporation is an American drug retailing company with a U.S. pharmacy chain.
CVS Caremark project is a data ware house project where there is a scope for creating Informatica
mappings, UNIX shell scripts, Teradata/Oracle tables and SQL statements .
Projects Worked
1. Aetna Load  Load history files of Aetna members and Claims data into EDW.
Duration: 2 months
Team members: 2
2. CDD FULL  The CDD is the combined code value for the particular Group, Member and Claim
provided by Aetna part of RxClaim and we fetch the description value in the lookup table and the
data loaded into the reporting view.
Duration: 4 months
Team members: 5
3. ETL Migrations  Migrating all the ETL object such as mappings, workflows and scripts
from one server to another.
Duration: 4 months
Team members: 10
4. PDM Load the prescriber data from different source systems. Prescriber data from source
systems will be sent to third party vendor for matching process. After this process, HMS will
send the master records which will be loaded to PDM new database. Extract files will be
sent to consuming system.
Duration: 1.1 Years
Team members: 8
5. DEA Restrictions - Several additions and change requests of PDM.
Duration: 4 months
Team members: 5
6. PDM Organization- Load the organization data into PDM DB and data reconciliation
Process against the PDM data.
Duration: Currently working.
Team members: 5
1. Creating High level and Detail level design as per the requirements.
2. Development of ETL mappings and workflows according to the design.
3. Development of Oracle SQL queries and Procedures/Packages.
4. Development of UNIX shell scripts.
5. Unit testing of all the developed objects
6. Post Deployment support.

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  • 1. Jeevananthan R Professional Profile Contact details Mobile : +91 77084 62923 Email ID: jeevananthanr@gmail.com Summary: 4 years of over-all IT experience including Analysis, Design, Development, Unit Testing and Delivery in Data ware housing. Having strong knowledge in data warehousing Informatica, Oracle, Unix Shell scripting. Have designed and led the development team throughout the development phase. Extensive knowledge on Oracle to create complex Query, Procedures, Packages, Triggers, Indexes and Cursors. Expertise in ETL processes using Informatica. Strong knowledge on physical data modeling. Basic Knowledge on Teradata, Big data and Hadoop. Education Graduation: Bachelor of Computer Application (2005-2008), Gobi Arts and Science College, Bharathiar University- Coimbatore. Post-Graduation : Master of Computer Application(2008-2011), Kongu Engineering College, Anna University Chennai. Internship period: (During my final semester project) Hewlett Packard Global Soft Private Limited, Olympia Technology Park, No. 1, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600032 Duration: Jan 20, 2011 Jul 05, 2011. (5.5 months) Environnent: Java, Oracle. Strengths Hands on experience in Oracle, Informatica, UNIX,Teradata. Fast grasping of any new process and technologies. Can implement new techniques that can improve productivity. Skill set Informatica Oracle Unix Teradata Technicalskills: Areaof interest- Data Warehousing Tools : Informatica8.6, 9.6.1, Sql Developer, Putty. RDBMS : Oracle, Teradata Platforms : UNIX,Windows SpokenLanguages English Tamil
  • 2. Work Experience Organization:CognizantTechnologySolutions (16 Apr2014 till date) Project: RUBIK Module1- GBIP Foundation Software Used: Informatica 9.1, Oracle 12c, PUTTY,Sqldeveloper OperatingSystem: Windows, UNIX TeamSize: 35 Client: Smith & Nephew Role: ETLDeveloper/Module Lead Period:Sep 2014 Till Date Description The objectiveof the project is to deliver a scalable Data Warehouse solution to accomplish Smith and Nephews reporting needs and lay a foundation forits future Business analytics. Rubik Module 1 Specific Master and Transactional data sources from SAP PR1 system and third party files from France, Germany and UK data transformed into the Data warehouse Extracted data from SAP source flowsinto Staging Layer, Normalised layer, DDS and ADS Layers Responsibilities 1. Handling the end-to-end delivery of projects from offshore team 2. Handshake meeting with onsite to gather requirement. 3. Interact with data modeler and prepare the source to target mapping flow document 4. Develop the mappings, sessions and workflows using Informatica. 5. Prepare scripts for table creations and also the daily script for the new created job. 6. Propose the design solutions. 7. Complete the Development, testing and implementation of the DW objects. 8. Adhere to the process and quality norms as defined by the client Project: Big Decisions SoftwareUsed: Informatica PowerCenter 9.5.1, Oracle,MSSQL Server, Hadoop Big Data OperatingSystem: Windows, UNIX TeamSize: 30
  • 3. POC: Business applications Role: ETLDeveloper Period:Apr 2014 Sep 2014 Description This is CTSs internal project to build and provide a framework forclients to build their data warehouse in an efficientmanner. We are collecting the commonrequirements from various clients and building a common data modelling as well as Informaticamappings. Also, this product is also capable of taking data from Most of the Source Like social medias, Big data source etc. It can quickly generate the analytical Reports with Additive capabilities. Responsibilities 1. Involved in Informatica mapping design based on requirements. 2. Development of ETL mappings and workflows according to the design. 3. Developing ETL mappings and workflows in Informatica cloud 4. Development of Oracle SQL queries and Packages. 5. Unit testing of all the developed objects 6. Post Deployment support. Organization:Hewlett-PackardGlobal SoftLimited (10 August2011 11 Apr2014) Project: CVS Caremark On Demand SoftwareUsed: Informatica Client Tools, Oracle,Teradata Operating System: Windows, UNIX TeamSize: 40 Client: CVS Caremark Role: Lead Designer/Developer Description CVS Caremark Corporation is an American drug retailing company with a U.S. pharmacy chain. CVS Caremark project is a data ware house project where there is a scope for creating Informatica mappings, UNIX shell scripts, Teradata/Oracle tables and SQL statements . Projects Worked 1. Aetna Load Load history files of Aetna members and Claims data into EDW. Duration: 2 months Team members: 2
  • 4. 2. CDD FULL The CDD is the combined code value for the particular Group, Member and Claim provided by Aetna part of RxClaim and we fetch the description value in the lookup table and the data loaded into the reporting view. Duration: 4 months Team members: 5 3. ETL Migrations Migrating all the ETL object such as mappings, workflows and scripts from one server to another. Duration: 4 months Team members: 10 4. PDM Load the prescriber data from different source systems. Prescriber data from source systems will be sent to third party vendor for matching process. After this process, HMS will send the master records which will be loaded to PDM new database. Extract files will be sent to consuming system. Duration: 1.1 Years Team members: 8 5. DEA Restrictions - Several additions and change requests of PDM. Duration: 4 months Team members: 5 6. PDM Organization- Load the organization data into PDM DB and data reconciliation Process against the PDM data. Duration: Currently working. Team members: 5 Responsibilities 1. Creating High level and Detail level design as per the requirements. 2. Development of ETL mappings and workflows according to the design. 3. Development of Oracle SQL queries and Procedures/Packages. 4. Development of UNIX shell scripts. 5. Unit testing of all the developed objects 6. Post Deployment support.