The true story about a norfolk based agency that saved cost by outsourcingEbizon
This document summarizes the story of TweenTribune, a free online newspaper for kids aged 8-15 created by Alan Jacobson. Jacobson created TweenTribune to make news more interesting for his daughter during homework. Seeing her increased engagement, he wanted to expand it into a larger platform. He hired Ebizon to develop a new website with enhanced features within 3 months on a limited budget. Ebizon delivered the new site on time and within budget. TweenTribune now receives over 7 million page views monthly and is used in over 110,000 classrooms.
Soneva’s vision is inspired by nature’s magnitude, mystery and enchanting beauty. We work hand in hand with the environment to craft beautiful, beyond bespoke experiences where discovery is a way of life. At Soneva, we believe that a business must exist for a greater purpose than just shareholder return. We have created a Waste-to-Wealth concept that sees value and beauty where other views as waste. Through small tweaks in our business model we are able to deliver a desirable resort experience and yet have net positive total impact on society and the environment.
The document discusses challenges and best practices for outsourcing projects. It identifies common benefits like reduced costs but also drawbacks like language barriers. It emphasizes choosing the right outsourcing partner by vetting their capabilities, track record, and cultural fit. Key mistakes include ignoring low bids, poor documentation, and red flags. The document provides tips to minimize language barriers through research, multi-layer communication processes, and video conferencing etiquette.
The document provides instructions for upgrading a Drupal 6 website to Drupal 7. It outlines the key steps, which include converting custom modules and themes, backing up the database and files, downloading Drupal 7, running the update.php script, and testing the upgraded site. It also addresses common issues such as changes to how nodes, comments, users, and taxonomy are handled in Drupal 7 compared to Drupal 6. The FAQ section answers additional questions about differences between the two versions.
The presentation will focus on the achievements and challenges of the community-based tourism projects of YAANA Ventures. It will highlight a number of projects, including kayaking in the Kayah State in Myanmar, the Banteay Chhmar CBT, Sambor Prei Kuk in Cambodia, and Anurak Community Lodge in Thailand. It will use these examples to inspire others in thinking outside the box and looking for new and innovative routes. With the advent of low-cost airlines, the tourism hubs in the region are under the severe pressure of mass tourism. To ensure sustainability in the sector, we need to have a more entrepreneurial spirit and meaningful cooperation between private sector, NGOs and governmental bodies to support visitor dispersion.
Social engagement - how restaurant marketeers are finding new ways to connect...liveRES
Social media and digital technology are opening up exciting and effective new ways to connect with customers. Social engagement is becoming increasingly important for the restaurant industry as customers remain loyal to those venues who can offer a personalised experience, Restaurant marketeers need to open a two-way engagement with their customers, opening up the opportunity to build a community. This social engagement can come in many forms from smartphone ordering right through to automatically suggesting upsells like extra sides. Responding to customer reviews, sending out targeted email marketing, and using push notifications are all ways for restaurant marketeers to connect with their customers. Find out more by reading our slideshare.
Korea Tourism Organization - MICE Presentation MICEboard
Korean convention centers and exhibition halls are popular venues that attract international visitors. However, statistics show that it is actually Korean food that thrills fans the most around the world rather than movies or Korea's history of division. Korean food has proven to be very popular internationally according to data.
Nobel Biocare, a company focused on shaping innovation in the dental industry, is seeking candidates for several engineering and software development roles. Positions are available in areas like image computing, software development, testing, quality assurance, product management, application engineering, UX design, and functional analysis. Candidates should apply by sending their CV and cover letter to Wim Vanhaele at the provided email address. Nobel Biocare's Center of Competence for Digital Dentistry Software is located in Mechelen, Belgium and focuses on developing innovative 3D software solutions.
Importancia del liderazgo en la gestión de seguridad, higiene y ambiente Safety Control Peru
This document provides background information on grounding systems and their importance for lightning protection. It discusses how grounding systems provide a low impedance path to safely dissipate lightning currents and reduce risks of damage, injury, and hazards. The document outlines criteria for a good grounding system, including providing a low impedance return path, reducing breakdown risks, minimizing electric shock hazard, and meeting safe touch and step voltage limits. It also presents examples of lightning damages that can occur without a proper grounding system and discusses basic design rules for sizing and spacing grounding wires.
This document summarizes a company called HyGenesis that has developed long-lasting antimicrobial technologies to reduce infections. It discusses the problems of hospital and healthcare acquired infections (HAIs), citing statistics on deaths and costs. HyGenesis has created Hand Armor and Surface Armor products that provide hours to months of antimicrobial protection through a mechanical killing mechanism. Studies at hospitals and universities have shown the technologies effectively kill pathogens. Management is seeking $350,000 in funding to continue product development and scaling operations to achieve $49 million in global sales by 2020.
Este documento describe un proyecto realizado por estudiantes de práctica en una escuela primaria. El proyecto consistió en crear ábacos artesanales con los estudiantes para reforzar conceptos matemáticos como la suma y la resta. Las actividades incluyeron conversaciones previas, la construcción de los ábacos con materiales como palitos y bolitas, y el uso posterior de los ábacos por los estudiantes. El proyecto ayudó a desarrollar competencias como el conteo y la creatividad en los estudiantes de primer grado
Este documento describe el ciclo 2 de competencia en solución de problemas con tecnologÃa para niños de 9 a 10 años. Los contenidos incluyen diseñar artefactos seguros para niños en la agricultura, crear conciencia sobre medios de transporte tradicionales, y manejar huertas escolares rurales aplicando artefactos creados por la comunidad. Los estudiantes identificarán ventajas y desventajas de soluciones tecnológicas, propondrán soluciones a problemas, y diseñarán y construirán maquetas
Este proyecto busca crear ábacos artesanales con niños utilizando materiales reciclados como tapas de gaseosa y palitos de paleta. Los objetivos son promover la reutilización de materiales, desarrollar habilidades matemáticas con el ábaco, y comprometer a los estudiantes con su aprendizaje. Las actividades incluyen identificar oportunidades de reciclaje, diseñar y construir los ábacos, y evaluar el proceso y producto final.
Este documento evalúa el portal educativo "Juego ArcoÃris". Ofrece varios servicios informativos, formativos y recursos didácticos para estudiantes, profesores y familias. Proporciona noticias, juegos educativos, materiales para estudiantes y asesoramiento didáctico. La evaluación concluye que el portal tiene una presentación atractiva con diversos recursos multimedia, aunque contiene demasiada publicidad.
El documento presenta una matriz de valoración para evaluar el portafolio digital de un estudiante. La matriz contiene criterios como propósito, contenido, fuentes, público, escritura, contenidos publicados, caracterÃsticas adicionales, creatividad y uso de recursos TIC. Para cada criterio se asignan puntajes de 1 a 4 para evaluar el desempeño del estudiante en su portafolio digital.
The document provides instructions for upgrading a Drupal 6 website to Drupal 7. It outlines the key steps, which include converting custom modules and themes, backing up the database and files, downloading Drupal 7, running the update.php script, and testing the upgraded site. It also addresses common issues such as changes to how nodes, comments, users, and taxonomy are handled in Drupal 7 compared to Drupal 6. The FAQ section answers additional questions about differences between the two versions.
The presentation will focus on the achievements and challenges of the community-based tourism projects of YAANA Ventures. It will highlight a number of projects, including kayaking in the Kayah State in Myanmar, the Banteay Chhmar CBT, Sambor Prei Kuk in Cambodia, and Anurak Community Lodge in Thailand. It will use these examples to inspire others in thinking outside the box and looking for new and innovative routes. With the advent of low-cost airlines, the tourism hubs in the region are under the severe pressure of mass tourism. To ensure sustainability in the sector, we need to have a more entrepreneurial spirit and meaningful cooperation between private sector, NGOs and governmental bodies to support visitor dispersion.
Social engagement - how restaurant marketeers are finding new ways to connect...liveRES
Social media and digital technology are opening up exciting and effective new ways to connect with customers. Social engagement is becoming increasingly important for the restaurant industry as customers remain loyal to those venues who can offer a personalised experience, Restaurant marketeers need to open a two-way engagement with their customers, opening up the opportunity to build a community. This social engagement can come in many forms from smartphone ordering right through to automatically suggesting upsells like extra sides. Responding to customer reviews, sending out targeted email marketing, and using push notifications are all ways for restaurant marketeers to connect with their customers. Find out more by reading our slideshare.
Korea Tourism Organization - MICE Presentation MICEboard
Korean convention centers and exhibition halls are popular venues that attract international visitors. However, statistics show that it is actually Korean food that thrills fans the most around the world rather than movies or Korea's history of division. Korean food has proven to be very popular internationally according to data.
Nobel Biocare, a company focused on shaping innovation in the dental industry, is seeking candidates for several engineering and software development roles. Positions are available in areas like image computing, software development, testing, quality assurance, product management, application engineering, UX design, and functional analysis. Candidates should apply by sending their CV and cover letter to Wim Vanhaele at the provided email address. Nobel Biocare's Center of Competence for Digital Dentistry Software is located in Mechelen, Belgium and focuses on developing innovative 3D software solutions.
Importancia del liderazgo en la gestión de seguridad, higiene y ambiente Safety Control Peru
This document provides background information on grounding systems and their importance for lightning protection. It discusses how grounding systems provide a low impedance path to safely dissipate lightning currents and reduce risks of damage, injury, and hazards. The document outlines criteria for a good grounding system, including providing a low impedance return path, reducing breakdown risks, minimizing electric shock hazard, and meeting safe touch and step voltage limits. It also presents examples of lightning damages that can occur without a proper grounding system and discusses basic design rules for sizing and spacing grounding wires.
This document summarizes a company called HyGenesis that has developed long-lasting antimicrobial technologies to reduce infections. It discusses the problems of hospital and healthcare acquired infections (HAIs), citing statistics on deaths and costs. HyGenesis has created Hand Armor and Surface Armor products that provide hours to months of antimicrobial protection through a mechanical killing mechanism. Studies at hospitals and universities have shown the technologies effectively kill pathogens. Management is seeking $350,000 in funding to continue product development and scaling operations to achieve $49 million in global sales by 2020.
Este documento describe un proyecto realizado por estudiantes de práctica en una escuela primaria. El proyecto consistió en crear ábacos artesanales con los estudiantes para reforzar conceptos matemáticos como la suma y la resta. Las actividades incluyeron conversaciones previas, la construcción de los ábacos con materiales como palitos y bolitas, y el uso posterior de los ábacos por los estudiantes. El proyecto ayudó a desarrollar competencias como el conteo y la creatividad en los estudiantes de primer grado
Este documento describe el ciclo 2 de competencia en solución de problemas con tecnologÃa para niños de 9 a 10 años. Los contenidos incluyen diseñar artefactos seguros para niños en la agricultura, crear conciencia sobre medios de transporte tradicionales, y manejar huertas escolares rurales aplicando artefactos creados por la comunidad. Los estudiantes identificarán ventajas y desventajas de soluciones tecnológicas, propondrán soluciones a problemas, y diseñarán y construirán maquetas
Este proyecto busca crear ábacos artesanales con niños utilizando materiales reciclados como tapas de gaseosa y palitos de paleta. Los objetivos son promover la reutilización de materiales, desarrollar habilidades matemáticas con el ábaco, y comprometer a los estudiantes con su aprendizaje. Las actividades incluyen identificar oportunidades de reciclaje, diseñar y construir los ábacos, y evaluar el proceso y producto final.
Este documento evalúa el portal educativo "Juego ArcoÃris". Ofrece varios servicios informativos, formativos y recursos didácticos para estudiantes, profesores y familias. Proporciona noticias, juegos educativos, materiales para estudiantes y asesoramiento didáctico. La evaluación concluye que el portal tiene una presentación atractiva con diversos recursos multimedia, aunque contiene demasiada publicidad.
El documento presenta una matriz de valoración para evaluar el portafolio digital de un estudiante. La matriz contiene criterios como propósito, contenido, fuentes, público, escritura, contenidos publicados, caracterÃsticas adicionales, creatividad y uso de recursos TIC. Para cada criterio se asignan puntajes de 1 a 4 para evaluar el desempeño del estudiante en su portafolio digital.
Este documento presenta una lista de verificación del portafolio digital de un estudiante. Evalúa si el estudiante Jeimi johana ruiz rodriguez completó varias tareas y componentes requeridos para el portafolio digital, incluyendo una presentación personal, un entorno personal de aprendizaje, un perfil de Google+, publicaciones en Google+, animaciones en PowerPoint, un juego en PowerPoint, una presentación en Prezi, un guion de video, un video publicado en YouTube y un folleto en Publisher. El evaluador comentó que el estudiante necesita complet
Este documento presenta una lista de verificación del portafolio digital de un estudiante. Evalúa si el estudiante Jeimi johana ruiz rodriguez completó varias tareas y componentes requeridos para su portafolio digital en el semestre 1-1, incluyendo una presentación personal, un entorno personal de aprendizaje, un perfil de Google+, publicaciones en Google+, animaciones en PowerPoint, un juego en PowerPoint, una presentación en Prezi, un guion de video, un video publicado en YouTube, un folleto en Publisher, participación en un foro
Este documento presenta 10 preguntas de opción múltiple con respuestas de tipo A, B o C. Las preguntas son de carácter lúdico y pueden ser respondidas por niños o adultos. Tienen el objetivo de evaluar la capacidad de razonamiento y resolución de problemas de quien las conteste.