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Access for Black, Asian
  and Minority Ethnic Elders

Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
   Jennifer Werner and Chithmini De Silva
Older people in Lewisham and Southwark
       informed us that they feel:

240 older people:
Empowered and informed to make/take decisions and voice their choices

Increased levels of physical activity

Increased levels of enjoyment and social activity

Connected with their communities and have active social networks

60 volunteers:
Will have gained new skills and increase their confidence leading to
increased employability and better life chances
Person Centred Planning is

A set of tools and approaches that can be

used to plan support with someone rather

than for them. It is a process of continual

listening and learning that focuses on what

 is important to someone now and in the

Gathering rich
      Gathering rich
information using person
 information using person
      centred tools
       centred tools

    One Page Profile
    One Page Profile

 Working/Not working
 Working/Not working

    Action Planning
    Action Planning
What is important to Remi                                          How best to support Remi

   My children, I have two sons and one                              Do not call me SIR!!
    daughter                                                          My memory is not what it used to be, I
   My family history, I have been through                             sometimes forget names but I am good
    a lot in my life. I am normally a private                          with faces, dont be offended if I dont
    person but I might share a little of my                            remember your name
                                                                      If you are coming to visit me, call the day
    life story listen!
                                                                       before to remind me and again before you
   My physical health, keeping active and                             arrive to warn me so I can be ready on
    maintaining good circulation to keep                               time
    mobile, I want to remain independent                              Knock on the door and step back so I can
   My mental health, having stimulating                               see you from the window
    conversation and keeping in control of                            Ask me if I would like to take part in any
    the things happening around me              Remis Gifts and       activities or programmes, I like to have
                                                   Talents             some variety
   Being able to sort things out in my                               I use my trolley for balance when I am
    home at my own pace, I know there is             Good              walking, I prefer this to a walking stick as it
    a lot to do but I really value my             communicator         has weight. I can use a stick too so ask
    belongings, they all have a lot of                                 me if I am needed to
    memories attached                               Creative          Sit and talk with me, I am a reserved
                                                                       person with a cheeky side!
   Being able to go out shopping, go to
                                                                      Give me information in writing and ask me
    the bank and post office when I need            Resilient
                                                                       to put any meeting dates onto my calendar
    to, I like having control over my                                  so I can check what is happening during
    dealings                                      Adventurous          the week
   Seeing people I know on the street, it                            I attend St Mauritius House on a Monday
    makes me feel good to know I am                 Flexible           and Friday, my meals on wheels are
    known by my neighbours                                             delivered to my home on other days
                                                    Friendly           between 12pm-1.30pm, support me by
   My friendship with Eddie and June                                  reminding me not to go out during that
    across the road, they look out for me                              time
I didnt know I still
I didnt know I still
  wanted to do so
  wanted to do so
    many things
    many things

    It feels nice to tell
    It feels nice to tell
    my story and have
    my story and have
      someone listen
      someone listen

I enjoyed the visits
I enjoyed the visits
   and having the
   and having the
opportunity to begin
opportunity to begin
to enjoy socialising
to enjoy socialising
What the families say...

..it taught me not to    This has enabled her
                          This has enabled her
    presume anything           to confront her
                                to confront her
                             problems & reflect
                              problems & reflect
  about who she is or
                             upon what is really
                             upon what is really
   how she perceives         important to her to
                             important to her to
things. Mum has plenty      maintain harmony in
                            maintain harmony in
 of wishes and dreams             the family
                                  the family
    and this made me
  realise that so much
     more is not only
possible but essential
Access for Black, Asian
 and Minority Ethnic Elders

        Contact us via
        020 7358 4070

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Age UK Lewisham and Southwark - Social care and disability

  • 1. Access for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Elders Age UK Lewisham and Southwark Jennifer Werner and Chithmini De Silva
  • 2. Background Older people in Lewisham and Southwark informed us that they feel: Undervalued Unhealthy Uninformed Disempowered Excluded
  • 3. Outcomes 240 older people: Empowered and informed to make/take decisions and voice their choices Increased levels of physical activity Increased levels of enjoyment and social activity Connected with their communities and have active social networks 60 volunteers: Will have gained new skills and increase their confidence leading to increased employability and better life chances
  • 4. Person Centred Planning is A set of tools and approaches that can be used to plan support with someone rather than for them. It is a process of continual listening and learning that focuses on what is important to someone now and in the future.
  • 5. Gathering rich Gathering rich information using person information using person centred tools centred tools One Page Profile One Page Profile Working/Not working Working/Not working Action Planning Action Planning
  • 6. What is important to Remi How best to support Remi My children, I have two sons and one Do not call me SIR!! daughter My memory is not what it used to be, I My family history, I have been through sometimes forget names but I am good a lot in my life. I am normally a private with faces, dont be offended if I dont person but I might share a little of my remember your name If you are coming to visit me, call the day life story listen! before to remind me and again before you My physical health, keeping active and arrive to warn me so I can be ready on maintaining good circulation to keep time mobile, I want to remain independent Knock on the door and step back so I can My mental health, having stimulating see you from the window conversation and keeping in control of Ask me if I would like to take part in any the things happening around me Remis Gifts and activities or programmes, I like to have Talents some variety Being able to sort things out in my I use my trolley for balance when I am home at my own pace, I know there is Good walking, I prefer this to a walking stick as it a lot to do but I really value my communicator has weight. I can use a stick too so ask belongings, they all have a lot of me if I am needed to memories attached Creative Sit and talk with me, I am a reserved person with a cheeky side! Being able to go out shopping, go to Give me information in writing and ask me the bank and post office when I need Resilient to put any meeting dates onto my calendar to, I like having control over my so I can check what is happening during dealings Adventurous the week Seeing people I know on the street, it I attend St Mauritius House on a Monday makes me feel good to know I am Flexible and Friday, my meals on wheels are known by my neighbours delivered to my home on other days Friendly between 12pm-1.30pm, support me by My friendship with Eddie and June reminding me not to go out during that across the road, they look out for me time Wise
  • 8. I didnt know I still I didnt know I still wanted to do so wanted to do so many things many things It feels nice to tell It feels nice to tell my story and have my story and have someone listen someone listen I enjoyed the visits I enjoyed the visits and having the and having the opportunity to begin opportunity to begin to enjoy socialising to enjoy socialising again again
  • 9. What the families say... ..it taught me not to This has enabled her This has enabled her presume anything to confront her to confront her problems & reflect problems & reflect about who she is or upon what is really upon what is really how she perceives important to her to important to her to things. Mum has plenty maintain harmony in maintain harmony in of wishes and dreams the family the family and this made me realise that so much more is not only possible but essential
  • 10. Access for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Elders Contact us via bamesupport@ageuklands.org.uk 020 7358 4070