Sandvik Mining, a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry, tested a prototype of its Sandvik DR461i rotary drill rig at Barrick Golds Cortez mine in Nevada. As part of the testing process, Sandvik Mining engineers collaborated with Barrick Gold equipment operators to evaluate the new drills safety features and recommend enhancements before the product launches globally. The results of this process, formally known as EMESRT Design Evaluation for EME Procurement (EDEEP), were presented by Sandvik Mining and Barrick Gold representatives at the Global Health & Safety Excellence for Mining Forum in Las Vegas.
TechRaking 7 Presentation: The Whisper HuntersCole Goins
A design solution by Tomas Davis, Marimar Suarez, Jorge Torres. This concept was the runner-up at TechRaking 7, hosted by The Center for Investigative Reporting and the California College of the Arts.
Copyright: Tomas Davis, Marimar Suarez, Jorge Torres
Buyers: 4 Secret ways to Beat Other OffersRandyBett
1. The real estate market in many places seems to be heating up after an extended winter, with more buyer activity leading to shorter selling times, more certain sales, and higher prices for sellers.
2. The document provides 4 secret ways for buyers to beat other offers: 1) Offer more than the asking price if market data justifies it, 2) Maximize your chances of a quick closing to reassure sellers, 3) Work with a well-respected realtor and mortgage professional, 4) Express your love for the home in letters to sellers.
3. The document was written by Randy Bett, an investment realtor, author, and investor based in Calgary,
El documento presenta una serie de preguntas sobre la adolescencia, las relaciones, el sexo y la educaci坦n sexual dirigidas a estudiantes. Algunas de las preguntas tratan sobre en qui辿n conf鱈an m叩s los adolescentes, qu辿 les gustar鱈a ser, si hablan con sus padres sobre sexo, de d坦nde obtienen informaci坦n sobre temas sexuales y si consideran el sexo como algo positivo. El documento tambi辿n ofrece ver videos educativos sobre la adolescencia.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el significado del nombre Javier, eventos hist坦ricos del 16 de junio como la fundaci坦n de Ford Motor Company en 1903 y el estreno de la pel鱈cula Grease en 1978, y detalles sobre el piloto de motociclismo Giacomo Agostini que naci坦 el 16 de junio de 1942 y es el piloto con m叩s victorias en el Campeonato Mundial de Motociclismo.
This document discusses 3 steps for determining how much house a buyer can handle. The first step is to consider future family size and career plans to understand space needs. The second step is to evaluate maintenance responsibilities and costs, including repairs and upkeep. The third step is to assess finances to sustain both short and long-term costs of homeownership, including the space, maintenance requirements, and affordability over time. Buyers are encouraged to carefully weigh their needs, responsibilities, and budgets to find the optimal housing solution.
The WVU Craft Center offers a variety of craft activities like pottery, stained glass, tie-dye, glass fusing, beadwork, and sewing. It is open Sunday through Thursday from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Craft Center welcomes students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels to create jewelry, pillows, recycled glass gifts, or tie-dye t-shirts.
Este documento discute la evoluci坦n de los indicadores educativos en M辿xico y su utilidad para el sistema educativo. Menciona que diversas organizaciones como la DIE, INEE, SEP y HEEE han desarrollado marcos conceptuales y nuevos indicadores, incluyendo estudios sobre habilidades educativas, supervisi坦n en primaria y dise単o de indicadores sint辿ticos. Tambi辿n propone un marco para evaluar la infraestructura educativa y desarrollar instrumentos para recopilar informaci坦n sobre agentes y supervisores educativos. Finalmente, analiza
An 8 point financial health day checklistRandyBett
The document provides an 8-point checklist for improving financial health on "Financial Health Day" by reviewing various accounts and bills. The checklist includes reviewing bank statements for unnecessary subscriptions, checking mortgage interest rates and PMI for potential refinancing opportunities, reviewing insurance policies for appropriate coverage and costs, auditing phone, cable, internet and savings accounts, obtaining credit reports to check for inaccuracies, and creating a plan to pay down debt by redirecting saved funds. The goal is to take a half day to thoroughly audit finances, optimize expenses, and improve savings and debt repayment.
This document provides an overview of participatory project planning and the Logical Framework Approach (LFA). It discusses the importance of planning, ensuring participation, considering gender, and managing the project cycle. The LFA is presented as a tool to facilitate identification of problems and solutions, and design projects in a systematic way. It also helps structure monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. Gender analysis should be integrated into all phases of project planning and implementation.
This document outlines 10 key pieces of paper that buyers and sellers must provide when buying or selling a home. It discusses identification, pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns, updated financial documents, quitclaim deeds, divorce decrees, gift letters, compliance certificates, and mortgage statements. For each document, it specifies who must produce it and why it is required, usually by the lender, title company, or local government regulations. The overall purpose is to verify identity, income, funds, legal ownership or marital status, and pay off any existing mortgages.
Sandvik Mining, a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry, tested a prototype of its Sandvik DR461i rotary drill rig at Barrick Golds Cortez mine in Nevada. As part of the testing process, Sandvik Mining engineers collaborated with Barrick Gold equipment operators to evaluate the new drills safety features and recommend enhancements before the product launches globally. The results of this process, formally known as EMESRT Design Evaluation for EME Procurement (EDEEP), were presented by Sandvik Mining and Barrick Gold representatives at the Global Health & Safety Excellence for Mining Forum in Las Vegas.
TechRaking 7 Presentation: The Whisper HuntersCole Goins
A design solution by Tomas Davis, Marimar Suarez, Jorge Torres. This concept was the runner-up at TechRaking 7, hosted by The Center for Investigative Reporting and the California College of the Arts.
Copyright: Tomas Davis, Marimar Suarez, Jorge Torres
Buyers: 4 Secret ways to Beat Other OffersRandyBett
1. The real estate market in many places seems to be heating up after an extended winter, with more buyer activity leading to shorter selling times, more certain sales, and higher prices for sellers.
2. The document provides 4 secret ways for buyers to beat other offers: 1) Offer more than the asking price if market data justifies it, 2) Maximize your chances of a quick closing to reassure sellers, 3) Work with a well-respected realtor and mortgage professional, 4) Express your love for the home in letters to sellers.
3. The document was written by Randy Bett, an investment realtor, author, and investor based in Calgary,
El documento presenta una serie de preguntas sobre la adolescencia, las relaciones, el sexo y la educaci坦n sexual dirigidas a estudiantes. Algunas de las preguntas tratan sobre en qui辿n conf鱈an m叩s los adolescentes, qu辿 les gustar鱈a ser, si hablan con sus padres sobre sexo, de d坦nde obtienen informaci坦n sobre temas sexuales y si consideran el sexo como algo positivo. El documento tambi辿n ofrece ver videos educativos sobre la adolescencia.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el significado del nombre Javier, eventos hist坦ricos del 16 de junio como la fundaci坦n de Ford Motor Company en 1903 y el estreno de la pel鱈cula Grease en 1978, y detalles sobre el piloto de motociclismo Giacomo Agostini que naci坦 el 16 de junio de 1942 y es el piloto con m叩s victorias en el Campeonato Mundial de Motociclismo.
This document discusses 3 steps for determining how much house a buyer can handle. The first step is to consider future family size and career plans to understand space needs. The second step is to evaluate maintenance responsibilities and costs, including repairs and upkeep. The third step is to assess finances to sustain both short and long-term costs of homeownership, including the space, maintenance requirements, and affordability over time. Buyers are encouraged to carefully weigh their needs, responsibilities, and budgets to find the optimal housing solution.
The WVU Craft Center offers a variety of craft activities like pottery, stained glass, tie-dye, glass fusing, beadwork, and sewing. It is open Sunday through Thursday from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Craft Center welcomes students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels to create jewelry, pillows, recycled glass gifts, or tie-dye t-shirts.
Este documento discute la evoluci坦n de los indicadores educativos en M辿xico y su utilidad para el sistema educativo. Menciona que diversas organizaciones como la DIE, INEE, SEP y HEEE han desarrollado marcos conceptuales y nuevos indicadores, incluyendo estudios sobre habilidades educativas, supervisi坦n en primaria y dise単o de indicadores sint辿ticos. Tambi辿n propone un marco para evaluar la infraestructura educativa y desarrollar instrumentos para recopilar informaci坦n sobre agentes y supervisores educativos. Finalmente, analiza
An 8 point financial health day checklistRandyBett
The document provides an 8-point checklist for improving financial health on "Financial Health Day" by reviewing various accounts and bills. The checklist includes reviewing bank statements for unnecessary subscriptions, checking mortgage interest rates and PMI for potential refinancing opportunities, reviewing insurance policies for appropriate coverage and costs, auditing phone, cable, internet and savings accounts, obtaining credit reports to check for inaccuracies, and creating a plan to pay down debt by redirecting saved funds. The goal is to take a half day to thoroughly audit finances, optimize expenses, and improve savings and debt repayment.
This document provides an overview of participatory project planning and the Logical Framework Approach (LFA). It discusses the importance of planning, ensuring participation, considering gender, and managing the project cycle. The LFA is presented as a tool to facilitate identification of problems and solutions, and design projects in a systematic way. It also helps structure monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. Gender analysis should be integrated into all phases of project planning and implementation.
This document outlines 10 key pieces of paper that buyers and sellers must provide when buying or selling a home. It discusses identification, pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns, updated financial documents, quitclaim deeds, divorce decrees, gift letters, compliance certificates, and mortgage statements. For each document, it specifies who must produce it and why it is required, usually by the lender, title company, or local government regulations. The overall purpose is to verify identity, income, funds, legal ownership or marital status, and pay off any existing mortgages.
2. Significat de Jennifer
El meu nom en japones 辿s: he n ni fe ru
Igual que altres noms anglosaxons,
Jennifer s'ha popularitzat a Espanya a
partir dels anys 70 a causa de la influ竪ncia
de les pel 揃 l鱈cules i teles竪ries nord-
americanes. Fins i tot en el m坦n
angloparlant 辿s un nom d'炭s recent.
El 9 de octubre es el ducent辿simo
octog辿simo segundo d鱈a del a単o en el
calendario gregoriano y el ducent辿simo
octog辿simo tercero en los a単os bisiestos.
Quedan 83 d鱈as para finalizar el a単o.
3. Significat i escut de Salazar
Cognom basc derivat del nom rab amb
qu竪 es coneixia la vall de Salazar, a
Navarra. Etimol嘆gicament prov辿 de Sala,
amb tsar, "vell", "antic". Un altre significat:
provinent de Salcedo antic (de sarats,
5. Significat i escut de Pacheco
Origen: Hi ha diverses teories sobre
l'origen d'aquest cognom: un ho fa procedir
del noble rom Junio Pacheco, que va
viure uns anys abans de Crist. Altres
parlen que 辿s un cognom d'origen
portugu竪s i que despr辿s va passar a
Castella i es va assentar a Belmonte
Significat: Podria venir d'un sobrenom
donat pel rei a un cavaller portugu竪s per
ser "pacieco", gruixut i de mitja al巽ada.
Escut: En plata, dues calderes jaqueladas
de sabre i or; Bordura jaquelado de sabre i
en or.
7. 9 d'Octubre del 1997
John Lennon(1940-1980)
Cantant dels Beatles i compositor dels 竪xits que
inclouen un sol, Imagine.
John Winston Lennon va n辿ixer a Liverpool el 9
d'octubre de 1940, mentre els avions nazis
bombardejaven la ciutat. El seu pare, Anomenat
Alfred, era un mar鱈 Que visitava poc la llar, Fins
que va desapar竪ixer per complet. Despr辿s va
ser la seva mare, Julia Stanley, la qual va
desapar竪ixer, deixant el nen sota la
responsabilitat d'una germana seva anomenada
Cantant i m炭sic Britnic, fundador del m鱈tic
Grup The Beatles, sense quartet que va formar
a la ciutat de Liverpool al costat de Paul
McCartney, George Harrison i Ringo Starr i que
s'ha convertit en una refer竪ncia indiscutible de
la hist嘆ria de la m炭sica moderna.
9. Che Guevara
Ernesto "Che" Guevara es ejecutado por el
soldado Mario Ter叩n en la escuela de La
Higuera (Bolivia) tras haber sido herido en
una pierna y capturado el d鱈a anterior.
Va n竪ixer en 1928, i mor el 9 d'Octubre de
1967, amb 45 anys,
10. Che Guevara
Ernesto "Che" Guevara es ejecutado por el
soldado Mario Ter叩n en la escuela de La
Higuera (Bolivia) tras haber sido herido en
una pierna y capturado el d鱈a anterior.
Va n竪ixer en 1928, i mor el 9 d'Octubre de
1967, amb 45 anys,