The document provides communication plan recommendations for Jennyfer and Celio brands. It suggests analyzing social media strategies, scheduling paid posts weekly, collaborating with influencers on product promotions, and improving account profiles, posts, and targeting. Areas needing improvement include adding logos, moderating comments, updating cover photos, and creating an Instagram account for Jennyfer Egypt.
2. Communication Plan
Self analysis
paid posts by week
choose a product and do a special activation with influencers
3. Basic captions- no quotes
Adding prices to captions isnt the best thing you can do
No Moderation
No Logo added
Randomly posting Frequency
Not updated Facebook page cover
No Instagram Account for Jennyfer Egypt
No Branding content
Jennyfer-Self analysis
4. Paid posts by week
Jennyfer knows how how she
wants you to call her, 50% off on
new collection at our stores
It's #JennyferFriday
鏈э沙 鏈鏤эリ鎭常鏈 悋 鏈鏤鏈靭 鏤鎭訟 悋鏈鎭裳 鏈鏤鏤 鎰種常薩鎭常惘
惆悋鏈з 悋鏤鏈惆鎭裳悸 悋鏤鏈件鏈リ≠ 鏤o鏤Y鏤鏈 鏤鏤鏤謂 扞戰
鏈鏤o薩鏈鏈鰹鏈 鏤o鏈リ縁鎖鏤э Black Friday
5. Paid posts by week
Stay in mood with this
robe chasuble carreaux
Find it at #Jennyfer
7. We can sponsor an interview
with Mayan El Sayed (Teenager,
Egyptian actress) with Jennyfer
christmas jumper
8. Basic caption
Adding prices to captions isnt the best thing you can do
No Moderation
No Logo added
Randomly posting Frequency
Not Updated Instagram Account
Miss Ads targeting
Celio*-Self analysis
9. Paid posts by week
This winter you have a new
friend, this trendy #Celio jacket
is what can help your look to
be on fire
鏈指鎭常 攵 悋鏤鎰種鏤鎭裳 攵悵悋 鏈鰹常 悋鏤鏈件鏈リ≠ 攵悵悋
鏤X醐惘 悖鏤э鏤鏈 悖鏤鏤oル 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鰹常些鏈鏤惆
10. Paid posts by week
Where is your Pok辿mon?
Because Pikachu is hiding in
your closet :)