This document contains questions and answers about various medical topics related to pediatrics. It includes questions testing knowledge on conditions involving the respiratory, cardiac, musculoskeletal, integumentary, and other body systems. The questions cover topics such as nephrotic syndrome, croup, asthma, Kawasaki disease, burns, and more. The final jeopardy question asks about a specific congenital heart defect.
This document contains 15 multiple choice questions about child health nursing. Each question is followed by an answer and rationale section. The questions cover topics such as causative organisms, newborn assessments, congenital heart defects, malnutrition grading, advantages of delayed cord clamping, signs of hypocalcemia, teething, nursing care of IV fluids, Mantoux test interpretation, Bell's palsy eye care, and encopresis. The questions, answers and rationales provide information to help test knowledge of child health nursing concepts.
Nursing Competitive Exam Model Questions - 2018 Sathish Rajamani
This document contains 140 multiple choice questions related to nursing competitive exams. Each question is followed by 4 possible answer choices and then the answer. The questions cover a wide range of nursing topics including pharmacology, pathophysiology, diagnostic tests, nursing care, and more.
Practical pediatric quiz - Kaun Banega WinnerGaurav Gupta
Interactive quiz based on mentimeter platform for IAP Chandigarh Annual meeting in Dec 2017.
Great success for practising paediatricians in general,
Also a great teaching experience
This document provides an overview of pediatric emergencies and assessments. It discusses pediatric development across different age groups and how that impacts examinations. Key points include how trauma is the leading cause of death for children, the importance of involving parents in assessments, and anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults that providers must consider. Proper communication and understanding a child's development level are essential for pediatric assessments.
This document contains 20 self-assessment questions submitted by junior medical students on their Pediatric Clerkship rotation. The questions cover topics like rheumatic fever, Kawasaki disease, asthma severity classifications, otitis media, Down syndrome, HIV in mothers and newborns, Wilson's disease, and more. The questions are provided "as is" by the clerkship director as a study aid for subsequent students.
This document contains 16 multiple choice questions about newborn examinations. The questions cover topics like common newborn physical exam findings, conditions that should be investigated in a 5 day old baby, diagnoses for common newborn rashes, the fetal circulation transition after birth, lung development, and other newborn health issues.
A 75-year-old patient is disoriented and confused. She carries personal belongings in odd places like her underwear due to paranoid delusions. This likely represents senile dementia given her cognitive impairment and disturbed behavior.
Enjoy PMDC material on
Download the past paper from dec 2019.
Follow the video lectures on basic subjects for step 1 on youtube channel "think with dr shadab"
A 22-year-old girl presented with an itchy rash on her face for 2 days associated with applying a cosmetic cream. On examination, she had reddening, swelling, and a fine papulovesicular rash on her cheeks, chin, and forehead. The most likely diagnosis is allergic dermatitis.
This document contains 73 multiple choice questions related to pediatric medicine. The questions cover topics such as child development milestones, growth patterns, common childhood illnesses and disorders, and prenatal development. The questions are intended to test medical knowledge for topics like normal infant growth, childhood motor and language development stages, causes of intrauterine growth retardation, and more.
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The infant is exhibiting signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome and likely opioid withdrawal from maternal opioid use during pregnancy. Close monitoring and supportive care including pharmacotherapy if needed is indicated. Ensuring parental support and drug treatment referral is also important.
Complicated Pediatric Pneumococcal Meningitis - Case PresentationFatima Farid
A unique case report of pneumococcal meningitis complicated by diffuse vasculitis and severe neurologic debility. Child displayed remarkable recovery with steroid therapy despite prolonged severe disease course!
Here are the key concepts needed to work through the growth problems cases:
- Phases of childhood growth: infancy, childhood, adolescent growth spurt
- Fusion of epiphyses and its role in limiting final adult height
- Precocious and delayed puberty definitions
- Tanner staging of pubertal development
- Orchidometer for testicular volume assessment
- Measurement of height and height velocity
- Estimation of final adult height from mid-parental height
- Features of Turner syndrome
Understanding these concepts will help in formulating differential diagnoses, guiding appropriate history taking and examinations, and selecting investigations. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!
This document discusses several common pediatric emergencies including fever, febrile seizures, dehydration, airway obstruction from croup, epiglottitis or foreign body aspiration, asthma, meningitis, submersion injury, poisoning, sudden infant death syndrome, and child abuse. For each condition, the document outlines signs and symptoms and recommended emergency care focusing on the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation), passive cooling, oxygen administration, positioning, and transport as needed. Respiratory arrest is identified as the most frequent cause of cardiac arrest in pediatrics.
This document discusses various respiratory diseases and conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. It provides descriptions of the pathophysiology and symptoms of each condition. It also covers topics like regulation of respiration, arterial blood gases, bronchodilators, and factors that can exacerbate respiratory diseases. Multiple choice questions are included to test understanding.
This document contains 29 multiple choice questions about various topics in neonatology. It begins with questions related to Apgar scoring, jaundice, treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, nasal obstruction in newborns, and clinical syndromes. Subsequent questions cover definitions, screening tests, causes of conditions like hypercalcemia and necrotizing enterocolitis, and appropriate actions for meconium stained fluid at delivery. Further questions address genital anomalies, respiratory distress syndrome risk factors, normal newborn findings, effects of caffeine, signs of zinc deficiency, and risks of assisted reproduction. The document concludes with questions on imprinting disorders, osteogenesis imperfecta, nasal malformations, cephalohematomas, group B
Foster care aims to safely care for children while providing family services to promote reunification. Most children in foster care have experienced abuse or neglect, and a permanency plan must be made within 12 months. Oral rehydration is not indicated for a 4-month-old with severe dehydration due to the risks associated with their critical condition. Patients at risk for hyponatremia from standard maintenance fluids include those who may produce antidiuretic hormone due to conditions like bronchiolitis, trauma, or nephrotic syndrome.
Presents information concerning the developmental and anatomical differences in infants and children, discuss common medical and trauma situations, and also covered are infants children dependent on special technology. Dealing with an ill or injured infant or child patient has always been a challenge for EMS providers. Presentation is over 100 slides in length. Meets or exceeds USDOT NHTSA 2009 Training Standards.
The document contains questions and answers related to pediatric nursing topics organized into 5 categories (H1-H5). Key topics covered include pain assessment in children, Lyme disease, sickle cell disease, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and gastrointestinal disorders like appendicitis and Hirschsprung's disease. The questions test nursing knowledge and understanding of pediatric assessment, disease management, and appropriate patient education.
A child was brought to the hospital with skin changes in skin folds. Examination found dry skin with bumps and ill-defined patches of thickened skin. The rash was very itchy and worse in winter. The child has been formula-fed since age 2 months and has a history of excessive sweating. The grandmother on the mother's side has asthma. The most likely diagnosis is atopic dermatitis.
A worker was off work for 16 days due to illness and was under outpatient treatment. The doctor initially issued a 5-day sick note, which was then extended for another 10 days. The document asks who can further prolong the sick note for this patient. The correct answer is that the doctor in charge of the case can further prolong the sick note, but only with the permission of the head of the patient's department.
A 4-month-old boy experienced symptoms of Quincke's edema 15 minutes after receiving a diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine. Prednisolone is the recommended medication for emergency treatment. The document provides multiple choice questions regarding diagnosis and treatment for various pediatric patient cases.
A 47-year-old patient complains of skin itching, jaundice, and bone pain. Laboratory tests reveal elevated bilirubin, AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase levels. The liver is enlarged. The probable diagnosis is primary biliary liver cirrhosis based on the clinical presentation and laboratory abnormalities.
This document contains 39 multiple choice questions about various topics in neonatology. The questions cover areas such as Apgar scoring, jaundice, respiratory issues, genetic disorders, complications of prematurity and more. Each question is followed by 5 possible answer choices. The questions are from a 100 question MCQ exam on neonatology created by Dr. Ayman Abu Mehrem from King Abdulaziz Hospital in Saudi Arabia.
The document contains 20 multiple choice questions related to child health nursing. The questions cover topics like signs and symptoms of various childhood illnesses, appropriate nursing care and health teachings for conditions like seizures, Down syndrome, cleft lip repair, sickle cell crisis, and more. Correct answers are identified for issues such as associated disorders with myelomeningocele, signs of dehydration in children, and conditions diagnosed with specific medical tests.
A 2-year-old child presents periodically with moderate proteinuria and microhematuria. An ultrasound shows the left kidney is undetectable, while the right kidney is present. This suggests the child has unilateral renal agenesis, or the absence of the left kidney.
A 75-year-old patient is disoriented and confused. She carries personal belongings in odd places like her underwear due to paranoid delusions. This likely represents senile dementia given her cognitive impairment and disturbed behavior.
Enjoy PMDC material on
Download the past paper from dec 2019.
Follow the video lectures on basic subjects for step 1 on youtube channel "think with dr shadab"
A 22-year-old girl presented with an itchy rash on her face for 2 days associated with applying a cosmetic cream. On examination, she had reddening, swelling, and a fine papulovesicular rash on her cheeks, chin, and forehead. The most likely diagnosis is allergic dermatitis.
This document contains 73 multiple choice questions related to pediatric medicine. The questions cover topics such as child development milestones, growth patterns, common childhood illnesses and disorders, and prenatal development. The questions are intended to test medical knowledge for topics like normal infant growth, childhood motor and language development stages, causes of intrauterine growth retardation, and more.
For step 1,2 and 3, subscribe
we will soon be uploading all stuff related to pmdc exams for your ease.
To follow video lectures, subscribe 'think with dr shadab' on youtube.
Follow 'PMDC material' page on facebook for latest updates, on slideshare, website, youtube etc..
The infant is exhibiting signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome and likely opioid withdrawal from maternal opioid use during pregnancy. Close monitoring and supportive care including pharmacotherapy if needed is indicated. Ensuring parental support and drug treatment referral is also important.
Complicated Pediatric Pneumococcal Meningitis - Case PresentationFatima Farid
A unique case report of pneumococcal meningitis complicated by diffuse vasculitis and severe neurologic debility. Child displayed remarkable recovery with steroid therapy despite prolonged severe disease course!
Here are the key concepts needed to work through the growth problems cases:
- Phases of childhood growth: infancy, childhood, adolescent growth spurt
- Fusion of epiphyses and its role in limiting final adult height
- Precocious and delayed puberty definitions
- Tanner staging of pubertal development
- Orchidometer for testicular volume assessment
- Measurement of height and height velocity
- Estimation of final adult height from mid-parental height
- Features of Turner syndrome
Understanding these concepts will help in formulating differential diagnoses, guiding appropriate history taking and examinations, and selecting investigations. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!
This document discusses several common pediatric emergencies including fever, febrile seizures, dehydration, airway obstruction from croup, epiglottitis or foreign body aspiration, asthma, meningitis, submersion injury, poisoning, sudden infant death syndrome, and child abuse. For each condition, the document outlines signs and symptoms and recommended emergency care focusing on the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation), passive cooling, oxygen administration, positioning, and transport as needed. Respiratory arrest is identified as the most frequent cause of cardiac arrest in pediatrics.
This document discusses various respiratory diseases and conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. It provides descriptions of the pathophysiology and symptoms of each condition. It also covers topics like regulation of respiration, arterial blood gases, bronchodilators, and factors that can exacerbate respiratory diseases. Multiple choice questions are included to test understanding.
This document contains 29 multiple choice questions about various topics in neonatology. It begins with questions related to Apgar scoring, jaundice, treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, nasal obstruction in newborns, and clinical syndromes. Subsequent questions cover definitions, screening tests, causes of conditions like hypercalcemia and necrotizing enterocolitis, and appropriate actions for meconium stained fluid at delivery. Further questions address genital anomalies, respiratory distress syndrome risk factors, normal newborn findings, effects of caffeine, signs of zinc deficiency, and risks of assisted reproduction. The document concludes with questions on imprinting disorders, osteogenesis imperfecta, nasal malformations, cephalohematomas, group B
Foster care aims to safely care for children while providing family services to promote reunification. Most children in foster care have experienced abuse or neglect, and a permanency plan must be made within 12 months. Oral rehydration is not indicated for a 4-month-old with severe dehydration due to the risks associated with their critical condition. Patients at risk for hyponatremia from standard maintenance fluids include those who may produce antidiuretic hormone due to conditions like bronchiolitis, trauma, or nephrotic syndrome.
Presents information concerning the developmental and anatomical differences in infants and children, discuss common medical and trauma situations, and also covered are infants children dependent on special technology. Dealing with an ill or injured infant or child patient has always been a challenge for EMS providers. Presentation is over 100 slides in length. Meets or exceeds USDOT NHTSA 2009 Training Standards.
The document contains questions and answers related to pediatric nursing topics organized into 5 categories (H1-H5). Key topics covered include pain assessment in children, Lyme disease, sickle cell disease, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and gastrointestinal disorders like appendicitis and Hirschsprung's disease. The questions test nursing knowledge and understanding of pediatric assessment, disease management, and appropriate patient education.
A child was brought to the hospital with skin changes in skin folds. Examination found dry skin with bumps and ill-defined patches of thickened skin. The rash was very itchy and worse in winter. The child has been formula-fed since age 2 months and has a history of excessive sweating. The grandmother on the mother's side has asthma. The most likely diagnosis is atopic dermatitis.
A worker was off work for 16 days due to illness and was under outpatient treatment. The doctor initially issued a 5-day sick note, which was then extended for another 10 days. The document asks who can further prolong the sick note for this patient. The correct answer is that the doctor in charge of the case can further prolong the sick note, but only with the permission of the head of the patient's department.
A 4-month-old boy experienced symptoms of Quincke's edema 15 minutes after receiving a diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine. Prednisolone is the recommended medication for emergency treatment. The document provides multiple choice questions regarding diagnosis and treatment for various pediatric patient cases.
A 47-year-old patient complains of skin itching, jaundice, and bone pain. Laboratory tests reveal elevated bilirubin, AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase levels. The liver is enlarged. The probable diagnosis is primary biliary liver cirrhosis based on the clinical presentation and laboratory abnormalities.
This document contains 39 multiple choice questions about various topics in neonatology. The questions cover areas such as Apgar scoring, jaundice, respiratory issues, genetic disorders, complications of prematurity and more. Each question is followed by 5 possible answer choices. The questions are from a 100 question MCQ exam on neonatology created by Dr. Ayman Abu Mehrem from King Abdulaziz Hospital in Saudi Arabia.
The document contains 20 multiple choice questions related to child health nursing. The questions cover topics like signs and symptoms of various childhood illnesses, appropriate nursing care and health teachings for conditions like seizures, Down syndrome, cleft lip repair, sickle cell crisis, and more. Correct answers are identified for issues such as associated disorders with myelomeningocele, signs of dehydration in children, and conditions diagnosed with specific medical tests.
A 2-year-old child presents periodically with moderate proteinuria and microhematuria. An ultrasound shows the left kidney is undetectable, while the right kidney is present. This suggests the child has unilateral renal agenesis, or the absence of the left kidney.
1. A 48-year-old patient experienced acute abdominal pain 1.5 hours after an esophageal procedure and examination revealed a tense, painful abdomen.
2. The most probable diagnosis is perforation of the abdominal part of the esophagus.
3. Multiple choice questions and answers were provided about various pediatric medical cases and diagnoses.
The document contains a quiz about topics related to birth control, pregnancy, reproduction, and infertility. It includes multiple choice questions on subjects like the hormone detected in home pregnancy tests, diseases that can affect pregnant women, weight gain norms during pregnancy, stages of labor, various contraceptive methods, causes of infertility, and complications of pregnancy like preeclampsia. The quiz is divided into sections for pregnancy, reproduction, birth control, and infertility, with questions ranging from $100 to $400 in each section and a final round question.
Ace the BCEN-CFRN Exam and Earn Your Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN)...shirlybaker1
Are you a registered nurse seeking to advance your career as a flight nurse? Earn your Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) certification with the BCEN-CFRN Exam in 2023! Our comprehensive exam prep course provides you with all the tools and resources you need to succeed on the BCEN-CFRN exam and earn your certification. Our expert instructors will guide you through the exam content, provide you with study materials and practice exams, and equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your career as a flight nurse. By earning your BCEN-CFRN certification, you'll gain recognition as a top-tier nursing professional and open doors to new opportunities in the field of flight nursing. Don't wait - enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a Certified Flight Registered Nurse in 2023!
A 62-year-old male has been hospitalized in the intensive care unit with continuous chest pain that is unrelieved by nitroglycerin. His blood pressure is low and he has an irregular heartbeat. Based on his symptoms of chest pain and low blood pressure, it appears he is experiencing a reduction in cardiac output.
A 10-year-old child was admitted to the hospital with a closed craniocerebral injury and suspected cerebral edema. The child was unconscious with dyspnea, tachycardia, and hypertension. The mandatory treatment for intensive care in this case is diuresis. Furosemide is the adequate diuretic.
Krok 2 - 2008 Question Paper (General Medicine)Eneutron
This document presents a series of multiple choice questions related to medicine. The questions cover topics such as diagnosing a child's illness based on symptoms, examining a pregnant woman, complications during and after childbirth, diagnosing breast changes, and interpreting various medical tests and measurements.
Krok 2 - 2005 Question Paper (General Medicine)Eneutron
This document contains 26 multiple choice questions related to medicine. The questions cover topics like diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions, interpretation of test results, and evaluation of patient symptoms and histories. Response options include specific diseases, medical procedures, and other choices relevant to the questions being asked. The questions appear to be from a medical licensing exam or other assessment.
This document provides an overview of key differences between pediatric and adult patients and discusses approaches to common pediatric emergencies. It notes that children differ anatomically, physiologically and developmentally from adults. Common pediatric emergencies addressed include shock, trauma, respiratory issues like croup and asthma, burns, febrile seizures, gastroenteritis and meningitis. Management of these emergencies is aimed at stabilization of vital signs and rapid transport to the hospital.
Krok 2 - 2015 Question Paper (General Medicine)Eneutron
This document contains a summary of 3 sentences or less for each of the 19 multiple choice questions from a medical exam. The summaries provide the high-level context and essential information to understand what each question is asking without copying or translating the full text.
The document contains 20 multiple choice questions about the gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic systems. It provides explanations for each answer that focus on the key aspects of the disease process or nursing care being tested. Some examples covered include evaluating effectiveness of intestinal decompression, assessing a client with cirrhosis for signs of hepatic encephalopathy, and identifying appropriate dietary restrictions for a client taking medications to treat a uric acid kidney stone.
You can pass your CCNS Exam with our training kits and practice questions answers prepared by industry experts and professionals. For more info please visit here:
The tissue toolkit : Understanding the marvels of body's building blocksViresh Mahajani
"Explore the essential building blocks of the human body in this presentation on tissues. We'll cover the four primary types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous, detailing their structures and vital functions. Learn how these tissues form organs and systems, playing crucial roles in health and disease. Through clear explanations and visuals, you'll gain a fundamental understanding of tissue anatomy and physiology, highlighting their clinical significance and the body's remarkable complexity."
Patient-Centered Care:
MHN emphasizes understanding the individual needs, experiences, and preferences of each patient, tailoring interventions accordingly.
Respect for Autonomy:
Nurses must respect a patient's right to make informed decisions about their care, even if those decisions differ from what the nurse might recommend.
Promotion of Recovery:
MHN aims to support patients in their journey towards recovery, which may involve addressing symptoms, improving functioning, and enhancing overall well-being.
Non-Judgmental Acceptance:
Nurses should approach patients with empathy and understanding, avoiding any judgmental or stigmatizing attitudes
Chair and Presenter, Suzanne E. Schindler, MD, PhD, Tammie L.S. Benzinger, MD, PhD, and Lawren VandeVrede, MD, PhD, prepared useful Practice Aids pertaining to Alzheimers disease for this CME/MOC/AAPA activity titled Integrating Biomarker Testing Into Alzheimers Disease Workflows: Tools and Strategies for Specialty Care. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/MOC/AAPA credit will be available until March 17, 2026.
Acid base balance; interpretation & lines of defenceMedicoseAcademics
By Dr. Faiza
Assistant Professor of Physiology
MBBS (Best Graduate, AIMC Lahore), FCPS (Physiology), ICMT, CHPE, DHPE (STMU), MPH (GC University, Faisalabad), MBA (Virtual University of Pakistan)
This comprehensive lecture on Acid-Base Balance provides an in-depth understanding of the bodys regulatory mechanisms for maintaining pH homeostasis. Acid-base imbalances can lead to serious clinical conditions, and understanding these physiological processes is crucial for medical professionals.
Learning Objectives:
Compare the role of the three lines of defense in acid-base regulation
Explain the role of the respiratory system in acid-base balance
Describe the renal mechanisms for correcting acidosis and alkalosis
Correlate acid-base disorders with their underlying etiology
Interpret arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis for diagnosing acid-base imbalances
Define the anion gap and explain its clinical significance
Key Topics Covered:
Fundamentals of Acid-Base Chemistry Definition of acids, bases, buffers, and the pH scale
Physiological Buffers Bicarbonate, phosphate, and protein buffer systems
Respiratory Regulation Role of CO and ventilation in acid-base balance
Renal Regulation HCO reabsorption, H secretion, and new bicarbonate generation
Acid-Base Disorders Metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis
Clinical Applications Case studies on ABG interpretation and diagnosing acid-base imbalances
Who Should Watch?
Medical students (MBBS, BDS)
Postgraduate trainees in Physiology, Medicine, and Critical Care
Medical educators seeking a structured approach to teaching acid-base balance
Healthcare professionals interested in mastering ABG interpretation
Includes real-life clinical case discussions, ABG interpretation exercises, and graphical illustrations for better understanding.
Download Now & Enhance Your Understanding of Acid-Base Homeostasis!
Equation Of Motion In Mechanical Ventilation ApplicationFaisalRawagah1
Presentation Title: Equation of Motion in Mechanical Ventilation: Clinical Applications and Insights
Presenter: Dr. Faisal MA Rawagah (Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgeon and Intensivist)
This comprehensive presentation delves into the Equation of Motion and its critical role in understanding mechanical ventilation dynamics. Designed for intensivists, pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, and critical care professionals, the slides explore key concepts such as:
Core Components of the Equation:
Pressure (P), Resistance (R), Volume (V), Compliance (C), and PEEP.
Clinical Parameters:
Resistance Pressure, Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP), Plateau Pressure (Pplat), Driving Pressure, and Stress Index (SI).
Practical Applications:
Calculating resistance and compliance in ventilator management.
Interpreting P/V loops and time constants ( = RC).
Stress Index analysis for optimizing ventilation strategies.
Case Examples:
Step-by-step breakdowns of pressure equations and their real-world implications.
Learn how to translate theoretical principles into actionable clinical decisions, enhance patient outcomes, and avoid common pitfalls in ventilator settings. The presentation also addresses advanced topics like the "Equation of the Monster" (time constant) and the significance of slow P/V loops.
Presenter Credentials:
Dr. Faisal MA Rawagah combines expertise in minimally invasive surgery and critical care, offering a unique perspective on bridging surgical and intensive care practices.
For inquiries, reach Dr. Rawagah at or +962 7 75 44 1427.
Ideal for:
Medical professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of mechanical ventilation mechanics and improve bedside practice.
Chester Uni MSc Sports Med - Vladimir Bobic - Sports Knee Ligament Injuries -...Vladimir Bobic
University of Chester, MSc Sports Medicine Module. Chester 13th March 2025. A review of sports knee ligament Injuries, treatments and rehabilitation with emphasis on ACL, PTOA and OA (reconstruction vs. non-operative treatment).
2. $100 Question from H1
What clinical finding warrants further intervention for the 10
year old child with acute poststreptococcal
a. Weight loss to within 1 lb of the preillness weight
b. Urine output of 1 mL/kg/hr
c. A positive ASO titer
d. Inspiratory crackles
3. $100 Answer from H1
d. Inspiratory crackles
D Children with excess fluid
volume may have pulmonary
edema. Inspiratory crackles
indicate fluid in the lungs.
Pulmonary edema can be a life-threatening
4. $200 Question from H1
Which diagnostic finding is present
when a child has primary nephrotic
a. Hyperalbuminemia
b. Leukocytosis
c. Positive ASO titer
d. Proteinuria
6. $300 Question from H1
Which finding indicates that a child receiving
prednisone for primary nephrotic syndrome is
in remission?
a. Urine is negative for casts for 5 days.
b. Urine is 0 to trace for protein for 5 to 7 days.
c. Urine is positive for glucose for 1 week.
d. Urine is 0 to trace for blood for 1 week.
7. $300 Answer from H1
B The child receiving steroids for the treatment of primary
nephrotic syndrome is considered in remission when the urine is
0 to trace for protein for 5 to 7 days
8. $400 Question from H1
Which intervention is appropriate when
examining a male infant for cryptorchidism?
a. Cooling the examiner's hands
b. Eliciting the cremasteric reflex
c. Taking a rectal temperature
d. Warming the room
9. $400 Answer from H1
D For the infant's comfort, the infant should be
examined in a warm room with the examiner's
hands warmed. Testes can retract into the
inguinal canal if the infant is upset or cold.
10. $500 Question from H1
Which condition is characterized by a history of bloody diarrhea,
fever, abdominal pain, and low hemoglobin and platelet counts?
a. Acute viral gastroenteritis
b. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
c. Acute glomerulonephritis
d.Acute nephrotic syndrome
11. $500 Answer from H1
b. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
C Hemolytic-uremic syndrome is an acute disorder
characterized by anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal
failure. Most affected children have a history of
gastrointestinal symptoms, including bloody diarrhea.
12. $100 Question from H2
A child has had cold symptoms for more than
2 weeks, a headache, nasal congestion with
purulent nasal drainage, facial tenderness,
and a cough that increases during sleep. The
nurse recognizes that these symptoms are
characteristic of which respiratory condition?
a. Allergic rhinitis
b. Asthma
c. Bronchitis
d. Sinusitis
14. $200 Question from H2
The father of an infant calls the nurse to his
sons room because he is making a strange
noise. The child has been diagnosed with
laryngomalacia. What does the nurse expect to
find on assessment?
a. Stridor
b. Nasal congestion
c. High-pitched cry
d. Spasmodic cough
16. $300 Question from H2
Which intervention for treating croup at home
should be taught to parents?
a. Have a decongestant available to give the child
when an attack occurs.
b. Have the child sleep in a dry room.
c. Sit with the child in the bathroom with the
shower on when an attack occurs.
d. Give the child an antibiotic at bedtime.
17. $300 Answer from H2
c. Sit with the child in the bathroom
with the shower on when an attack
18. $400 Question from H2
The nurse is caring for a child hospitalized for status
asthmaticus. Which assessment finding suggests that the
childs condition is worsening?
a. Hypoventilation
b. Bradycardia
C. Thirst
d. Clubbing
19. $400 Answer from H2
A) The nurse would assess the child for signs of
hypoxia, including restlessness, fatigue,
irritability, and increased heart and respiratory
rate. As the child tires from increased work of
breathing hypoventilation occurs, leading to
increased carbon dioxide levels.
20. $500 Question from H2
Which classification of drugs is used to relieve
an acute asthma episode?
a.Short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist
b. Leukotriene blockers
c. Inhaled corticosteroids
d. Long-acting bronchodilators
21. $500 Answer from H2
A Short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist is the first
medication administered. Later, systemic corticosteroids
decrease airway inflammation in an acute asthma attack.
They are given for short burst courses of 5 to 7 days.
24. $200 Question from H3
The nurse is admitting a child who has been
diagnosed with Kawaski disease. What is the
most serious complication of Kawasaki disease
for which the nurse should assess?
a. Cardiac valvular disease
b. Coronary aneurysm
c. Cardiomyopathy
d. Rheumatic fever
25. $200 Answer from H3
b. Coronary aneurysm
Coronary artery aneurysms are
seen in 20% of children with
untreated Kawaski disease.
26. $300 Question from H3
What is an expected assessment finding in a
child with coarctation of the aorta?
a. Orthostatic hypotension
b. Systolic hypertension in the lower extremities
c. Blood pressure higher on the left side of the
d. Disparity in blood pressure between the upper
and lower extremities
27. $300 Answer from H3
d. Disparity in blood pressure between the upper
and lower extremities
The classic finding in children with
coarctation of the aorta is a disparity in pulses
and blood pressures between the upper and
lower extremities
28. $400 Question from H3
An infant with an unrepaired tetralogy of Fallot defect is
becoming extremely cyanotic during a routine blood draw.
Which interventions should the nurse implement? Place in
order from the highest-priority intervention to the lowest-priority
intervention. Provide answer using lowercase
letters separated by commas (e.g., a, b, c, d).
a. Administer 100% oxygen by blow-by.
b. Place infant in knee-chest position.
c. Remain calm.
d. Give morphine subcutaneously or by an existing
intravenous line
29. $400 Answer from H3
This is the correct response:
b, a, d, c
Hypercyanotic spells, also referred to as blue spells or tet spells because they are often seen
in infants with tetralogy of Fallot, may occur in any child whose heart defect includes
obstruction to pulmonary blood flow and communication between the ventricles. The infant
becomes acutely cyanotic and hyperpneic because sudden infundibular spasm decreases
pulmonary blood flow and increases right-to-left shunting. Because profound hypoxemia
causes cerebral hypoxia, hypercyanotic spells require prompt assessment and treatment to
prevent brain damage or possibly death. The infant should first be placed in the knee-chest
position to reduce blood returning to the heart. Next 100% oxygen is given to alleviate the
hypoxemia. Morphine is next administered to reduce infundibular spasms. Last, the nurse
should remain calm.
30. $500 Question from H3
The nurse is conducting a staff in-service on congenital heart
defects. Which structural defect constitutes tetralogy of Fallot?
A. Pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta,
right ventricular hypertrophy
B. Aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, right
ventricular hypertrophy
C. Aortic stenosis, atrial septal defect, overriding aorta, left
ventricular hypertrophy
D. Pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, aortic hypertrophy,
left ventricular hypertrophy
31. $500 Answer from H3
A. Pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect,
overriding aorta, right ventricular hypertrophy
32. $100 Question from H4
The nurse is taking care of an adolescent diagnosed with
kyphosis. Which describes this condition?
A. Lateral curvature of the spine
B. Immobility of the shoulder joint
C. Exaggerated concave lumbar curvature of the spine
D. Increased convex angulation in the curve of the thoracic spine
33. $100 Answer from H4
D. Increased convex angulation in
the curve of the thoracic spine
34. $200 Question from H4
Which medication is usually tried first when a
child is diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic
arthritis (JIA)?
A. Aspirin
B. Corticosteroids
C. Cytotoxic drugs such as methotrexate
D. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
35. $200 Answer from H4
D. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs)
36. $300 Question from H4
The nurse is caring for a preschool child with a
cast applied recently for a fractured tibia.
Which assessment findings indicate possible
compartment syndrome? (Select all that apply.)
A. Palpable distal pulse
B. Capillary refill to extremity less than 3
C. Severe pain not relieved by analgesics
D. Tingling of extremity
E. Inability to move extremity
37. $300 Answer from H4
C. Correct Severe pain not relieved by analgesics
D. Correct Tingling of extremity
E. Correct Inability to move extremity
38. $400 Question from H4
A nurse is conducting discharge teaching for parents
of an infant with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
Further teaching is indicated if the parents make
which statement?
A. We will be very careful handling the baby.
B. We will lift the baby by the buttocks when
C. Were glad there is a cure for this disorder.
D. We will schedule follow-up appointments as
39. $400 Answer from H4
C. Were glad there is a cure for this disorder.
40. $500 Question from H4
A 4-year-old child is newly diagnosed with Legg-Calv辿-
Perthes disease. Nursing considerations should include which
A. Encouraging normal activity for as long as is possible
B. Explaining the cause of the disease to the child and family
C. Preparing the child and family for long-term, permanent
D. Teaching the family the care and management of the
corrective appliance
41. $500 Answer from H4
D. Teaching the family the care and
management of the corrective appliance
42. $100 Question from H5
What should be included in teaching a parent
about the management of small red macules and
vesicles that become pustules around the child's
mouth and cheek?
a. Keep the child home from school for 24 hours
after initiation of antibiotic treatment.
b. Clean the rash vigorously with Betadine three
times a day.
c. Notify the physician for any itching.
d. Keep the child home from school until the
lesions are healed.
43. $100 Answer from H5
a. Keep the child home from school for 24
hours after initiation of antibiotic
To prevent the spread of impetigo to others,
the child should be kept home from
school for 24 hours after treatment is
initiated. Good handwashing is
imperative in preventing the spread of
44. $200 Question from H5
What nursing assessment and care holds the highest
priority in the initial care of a child with a major
burn injury?
a. Establishing and maintaining the childs airway
b. Establishing and maintaining intravenous access
c. Insertion of a catheter to monitor hourly urine
d.Insertion of a nasogastric tube into the stomach to
supply adequate nutrition
45. $200 Answer from H5
a. Establishing and maintaining the childs airway
46. $300 Question from H5
The nurse is planning an educational in-service on burn
injuries in children. In teaching nursing care for burned children, the
nurse will stress that children with more severe injuries will require a
higher level of care. Prioritize the following types of burns and level
of nursing care required. Use the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Prioritize
from highest level of nursing care required (number 1) to lowest level
of nursing care required (number 4).
___ Destruction of epidermis and some dermis. Thin-walled, fluid
filled blisters present.
___ Epidermis effected. Redness. No blisters.
___ Flat, dehydrated, tissue-paperlike appearance. Mottled, waxy
white, dry surface
___ Cherry red or black colored skin, flat dehydrated skin.
47. $300 Answer from H5
The question asks you to prioritize in order of importance
the nursing management plan. Remember that when
prioritizing, the ABCs (airway, breathing, and circulation)
come first. The level of care will be highest with a full
thickness burn. In caring for a child with a full thickness
burn, the airway may be affected. With this type of burn the
child may not be experiencing pain (due to destruction of
nerve endings), but will be at risk for infection, fluid loss,
and shock. The next highest level of care will be for a child
with a deep partial thickness burn, next with a superficial
partial thickness burn, and last with a superficial burn.
48. $400 Question from H5
The process of burn shock
continues until what physiologic
mechanism occurs?
a. Heart rate returns to normal.
b. Airway swelling decreases.
c. Body temperature regulation
returns to normal.
d. Capillaries regain their seal.
49. $400 Answer from H5
d. Capillaries regain their seal.
D Within minutes of the burn injury, the capillary seals are lost
with a massive fluid leakage into the surrounding tissue, resulting
in burn shock. The process of burn shock continues for
approximately 24 to 48 hours, when capillary seals are restored.
50. $500 Question from H5
A 4-year-old child is admitted to the burn unit with injuries sustained in
a house fire. She has partial thickness burns on 10% of her body and full
thickness burns on 10% of her body. Areas involved include her hands,
arms, and head. Which nursing assessments and care hold the highest
priority in the initial care for this childs burn injury? Prioritize the
following nursing concerns in the management for this child. Use the
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Prioritize from highest priority (number 1) to
lowest priority (number 5).
___ Insertion of a nasogastric tube into the stomach to supply adequate
___ Comforting the parents, who are emotionally distraught
___ Establishing and maintaining the childs airway
___ Establishing and maintaining intravenous access
___ Insertion of a catheter to monitor hourly urine output
51. $500 Answer from H5
5 Insertion of a nasogastric tube into the stomach to supply adequate
4 Comforting the parents, who are emotionally distraught
1 Establishing and maintaining the childs airway
2 Establishing and maintaining intravenous access
3 Insertion of a catheter to monitor hourly urine output
1 C. Establishing and maintaining the childs airway is always the
priority focus for assessment and care.
2 D. Establishing intravenous access is the second priority in this
situation, after the airway has been established.
3 E. Inserting a catheter and monitoring hourly urine output is the third
most important nursing intervention.
53. Final Jeopardy Answer
Transposition of the Great Arteries
5% to 7% of cardiac defects
Abnormal separation and rotation of the fetal
common truncal vessel causes the aorta to arise
from the right ventricle and the pulmonary
artery to arise from the left ventricle
Associated VSD