This document contains a quiz on neuroscience and psychiatry topics. It includes multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions about depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, antidepressant medications, memory, and neuroplasticity/long-term potentiation. The questions cover definitions, symptoms, treatments, mechanisms of action, and other details about these topics as discussed in a neuroscience or psychiatry class.
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Jeopardy neuroscience final
1. NeuroJeopardy Final CountdownNeuroJeopardy Final Countdown
Dont bring
me down
Crazy here
Give me
Those drugs
Dont sing the
Theme from CATS
I see
$500 $500
Final JeopardyFinal Jeopardy
2. 1 - $1001 - $100
Depressed people often report disturbances inDepressed people often report disturbances in
this vegetative behavior (this vegetative behavior (disturbances of a
person's functions necessary to maintain life)
3. 1 - $2001 - $200
Depressed individuals who receiveDepressed individuals who receive
psychotherapy are MORE or LESS likely topsychotherapy are MORE or LESS likely to
relapse than individuals on antidepressantsrelapse than individuals on antidepressants
Patients receiving psychotherapy in addition toPatients receiving psychotherapy in addition to
antidepressants are LESS likely to relapseantidepressants are LESS likely to relapse
4. 1 - $3001 - $300
State true or false to the followingState true or false to the following
Depression is more common in women than menDepression is more common in women than men
In depressed people the left hemisphere is lessIn depressed people the left hemisphere is less
activated than expectedactivated than expected
5. 1 - $4001 - $400
Becoming depressed after giving birth to a childBecoming depressed after giving birth to a child
is know as?is know as?
Postpartum depressionPostpartum depression
6. 1 - $5001 - $500
Bonus Question- If medications for depressionBonus Question- If medications for depression
begin exerting effects soon after the patientbegin exerting effects soon after the patient
takes the medication, why does it take weeks ortakes the medication, why does it take weeks or
months to see an effect on mood and behavior?months to see an effect on mood and behavior?
Did you think I was just going toDid you think I was just going to givegive you the answer?you the answer?
Changes have to be made by intercellular andChanges have to be made by intercellular and
intracellular mechanism which will involve genes andintracellular mechanism which will involve genes and
the proteins they producethe proteins they produce
7. 2 - $1002 - $100
Depression which regularly occurs during aDepression which regularly occurs during a
particular season is known as ______?particular season is known as ______?
Where does this phenomenon most often occur?Where does this phenomenon most often occur?
SAD or seasonal affective disorderSAD or seasonal affective disorder
Closer to the poles (farther away from theCloser to the poles (farther away from the
8. 2 - $2002 - $200
Someone with bipolar depression alternatesSomeone with bipolar depression alternates
between what two states?between what two states?
Mania and DepressionMania and Depression
9. 2 - $3002 - $300
What is Korsakoffs syndrome?What is Korsakoffs syndrome?
Who is most likely to develop the syndrome?Who is most likely to develop the syndrome?
What is a unique symptom of the syndrome which weWhat is a unique symptom of the syndrome which we
discussed in classdiscussed in class
chronic memory disorder caused by severe deficiency
of thiamine (vitamin B-1). Korsakoff syndrome is most
commonly caused by alcohol misuse
Long time alcoholics
10. 2 - $4002 - $400
What drug is commonly prescribed for bipolarWhat drug is commonly prescribed for bipolar
Why should you be very careful to monitor itsWhy should you be very careful to monitor its
levels in the bloodlevels in the blood
Because lithium has a very narrow therapeuticBecause lithium has a very narrow therapeutic
window of functioning and can become toxic ifwindow of functioning and can become toxic if
levels rise too muchlevels rise too much
11. 2 - $5002 - $500
What is the most common side effect for ECTWhat is the most common side effect for ECT
(electroconvulsive therapy)(electroconvulsive therapy)
Patients complain of memory lossPatients complain of memory loss
12. 3 - $1003 - $100
What category of antidepressant medicationsWhat category of antidepressant medications
work by preventing the presynaptic neuron fromwork by preventing the presynaptic neuron from
reabsorbing 5-HT after it is released?reabsorbing 5-HT after it is released?
13. 3 - $2003 - $200
SSRIs operate similarly to what other class ofSSRIs operate similarly to what other class of
drugs (i.e. they have a similar mechanism of action)drugs (i.e. they have a similar mechanism of action)
Bonus question-Which is the more effectiveBonus question-Which is the more effective
medication of the two?medication of the two?
TCA (tricyclics)TCA (tricyclics)
Interesting question; Lets look below for the answerInteresting question; Lets look below for the answer
Ha! Trick question SSRIs are not more effective andHa! Trick question SSRIs are not more effective and
imipramine (TCA) is still the gold standardimipramine (TCA) is still the gold standard
14. 3 - $3003 - $300
Name the four major categories of
antidepressants as discussed in class
Tricyclics (TCAs), MAOIs, SSRIs and AtypicalTricyclics (TCAs), MAOIs, SSRIs and Atypical
15. 3 - $4003 - $400
Before the advances of more recent work inBefore the advances of more recent work in
psychopharmacology, how were manypsychopharmacology, how were many
medications or drugs discovered?medications or drugs discovered?
Trial and error, accidentTrial and error, accident
16. 3 - $5003 - $500
What is the mechanism of action of mostWhat is the mechanism of action of most
antipsychotic medicationantipsychotic medication
Blockage of Dopamine (DA) receptorsBlockage of Dopamine (DA) receptors
17. 4 - $1004 - $100
_______ memory has limited capacity while
_________ is said to have unlimited capacity
STM (short term memory), LTMSTM (short term memory), LTM
18. 4 - $2004 - $200
Whenever you watch a scary movie you always eatWhenever you watch a scary movie you always eat
chocolate covered raisins. After a while just seeingchocolate covered raisins. After a while just seeing
chocolate covered raisins makes you scared. Inchocolate covered raisins makes you scared. In
this classical paradigm 1) What is the movie? 2)this classical paradigm 1) What is the movie? 2)
What are the chocolate covered raisins? 3) What isWhat are the chocolate covered raisins? 3) What is
the feeling of being scared?the feeling of being scared?
Unconditioned stimulusUnconditioned stimulus
Conditioned stimulusConditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response (and CR)Unconditioned response (and CR)
19. 4 - $3004 - $300
Forgetting events prior to brain injury isForgetting events prior to brain injury is
_____amnesia while being unable to form new_____amnesia while being unable to form new
memories after a brain injury is ______amnesiamemories after a brain injury is ______amnesia
Retrograde, anterogradeRetrograde, anterograde
20. 4 - $4004 - $400
The ability to state a memory in words is knownThe ability to state a memory in words is known
as ______memory while the ability to perform aas ______memory while the ability to perform a
certain skill or task is known as ______memorycertain skill or task is known as ______memory
Declarative, ProceduralDeclarative, Procedural
21. 4 - $5004 - $500
Karl Lashley looked for a physical basis ofKarl Lashley looked for a physical basis of
memory which he called the _____. He alsomemory which he called the _____. He also
stated two principles known as ________ andstated two principles known as ________ and
Mass ActionMass Action
22. 5 - $1005 - $100
What structural defect of the brain is often seenWhat structural defect of the brain is often seen
in schizophrenia?_____in schizophrenia?_____
Is this or some other structural defect seen in theIs this or some other structural defect seen in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia?majority of cases of schizophrenia?
Ventricular EnlargementVentricular Enlargement
23. 5 - $2005 - $200
In Schizophrenia an example of a positiveIn Schizophrenia an example of a positive
symptom would be_____ while an example of asymptom would be_____ while an example of a
negative symptom would be______negative symptom would be______
Hallucinations or DelusionsHallucinations or Delusions
Social Isolation or Flat affect, or AnhedoniaSocial Isolation or Flat affect, or Anhedonia
24. 5 - $3005 - $300
What is the concordance ratio for monozygoticWhat is the concordance ratio for monozygotic
(identical twins) for schizophrenia?(identical twins) for schizophrenia?
What are some of the causes of schizophreniaWhat are some of the causes of schizophrenia
as discussed in class?as discussed in class?
Genetics, Environment, Viral Hypothesis, Migration ofGenetics, Environment, Viral Hypothesis, Migration of
neurons in the hippocampus, Toxins, Drugs, Shoeneurons in the hippocampus, Toxins, Drugs, Shoe
Size, Owning a dog, Orange Juice-pretty muchSize, Owning a dog, Orange Juice-pretty much
whatever you wantwhatever you want
25. 5 - $4005 - $400
A single gene has been identified that accountsA single gene has been identified that accounts
for all cases of schizophrenia True or Falsefor all cases of schizophrenia True or False
Childhood schizophrenia is considered commonChildhood schizophrenia is considered common
True or FalseTrue or False
26. 5 - $5005 - $500
In making a differential diagnosis ofIn making a differential diagnosis of
schizophrenia what is essential for you to doschizophrenia what is essential for you to do
Rule out any other medical or related conditionsRule out any other medical or related conditions
which may account for the symptomswhich may account for the symptoms
27. Final JeopardyFinal Jeopardy
Long Term Potentiation begins by stimulating the____ receptorLong Term Potentiation begins by stimulating the____ receptor
and then expels the ____ion out of the ______receptor site whichand then expels the ____ion out of the ______receptor site which
allows ___ and ___ions to enter the _____ receptor. Ultimately theallows ___ and ___ions to enter the _____ receptor. Ultimately the
signal cascades ends in the nucleus where new _____ aresignal cascades ends in the nucleus where new _____ are
Why should I tell you?Why should I tell you?
AMPA, Magnesium, NMDA, Calcium andAMPA, Magnesium, NMDA, Calcium and
Sodium, NMDA, proteinsSodium, NMDA, proteins