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1FIRE portfolio and offering overviewJerker WilanderFIREstationwww.ict-fire.eu:
2FIRE ProjectsMulti-hop wirelessLarge-scale dataLAWAOPNEXECODECognitive routingCONECTFlexible radioPERIMETERUser centricCONVERGENCEContent centricN4CDTNEULERRoutingSmart-NetSmart AntennasHOBNETSmart buildingsSelf-NetSelf Mngt.NOVIVirtual infra.Vital ++P2P / IMSServices on opport. networksSCAMPIResume-NetNetwork ResilienceSPITFIRENanodatacentersEdge InfrastructureInternet of thingsFIRE experimental Facilities:PlanetLab (OneLab2)Wireless (NITOS/OneLab)Cognitive radio (CREW)Open Flow (OFELIA)IMS (PII)Services on Clouds/Grids(BonFIRE, TEFIS)Internet  of Things(WISEBED, SmartSantander)Core network (FEDERICA)
3FIRE is here, start using itPlanetLab Europe  corenetwork
OneLab NITOS  - wireless
Panlab  IMS
WISEBED  sensors
FEDERICA  e-Infrastructure4NITOS  wireless located at CERTH federated with PlanetLab Europe
ETOMIC  high precision hardware supportedmeasurements
PlanetLab Europe  and itsfederatedPLJ,PLC,PPK
DIMES  tool to study the topology of Internet.See:  www.onelab.eu
5 PanLab supports through use of TEAGLE availability and implementation (of test cases) on existing testbeds .
 Some examples of testbeds :
FOKUS IMS playground  supporting latest IMS technology- OCTOPUS  - offering an wireless environment See:  www.panlab.net
6 FEDERICA has created a European-wide, technology-agnostic e-infrastructure of network resources and nodes that can be sliced to provide virtual Internet environments for research.
 FEDERICA is a unique and expensive resource and should be used with care.www.fp7-federica.eu
7WISEBED Sensor based testbeds at 9 locations.
 Recently opened for experimenters.
 Currently free to use. http://www.wisebed.eu/index.php/testbeddescripton
8FIRE experimental facilitiesCore Network    IMS        Services         Wireless              SensorsSmartSantander          FEDERICABonFIRE OneLab/NITOSApplicationPanlab/PIIStorage Wisebed  OneLab/PLEOperating SystemTefisTransport ProtocolsOFELIA(Packet) NetworkCrewData LinkPhysicalNowNowNowNowNow卒2011卒2011卒2011卒2011卒2011Availability
9Challenges & opportunitiesin FIRENew facilities
Match FIRE offer with demand
Collaboration in FIRE
Establish federation with other initiatives

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