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MAED 206- Sociological and
Psychological Theories
Prepared by: Mayflor S. Barile
Jerome Bruners
Theory of Learning
One of the first proponent of
Learning is an active process
in which learners construct
new ideas or concepts based
upon their current/past
Bruners Main Concepts
a.Enactive representation  at the earliest
ages, children learn about the world through
actions on physical objects and the outcome
of these objects.
b.Iconic representation- learning can be
obtained through using models and pictures.
c. Symbolic representation  the learner has
developed the ability to think in abstract
2. Spiral Curriculum
Teaching should always lead to
boosting cognitive development.
Student will not understand the
concept if teacher plans to teach it
using only the teachers level of
Instruction needs to be anchored on
the learners cognitive capabilities.
In a Spiral Curriculum,
Principles of Instruction stated by Bruner
1. Instruction must be concerned w/ the
experiences and context that makes the
student willing and able to learn (READINESS).
2. Instruction must be structured so that it can
be easily grasped by the student (SPIRAL
3. Instruction should be designed to facilitate
extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (GOING
3. Discovery Learning
Refers to obtaining knowledge
for oneself.
Learning becomes more
meaningful when students
explore their learning
environment rather than listen
passively to teacher.
Four major aspects of Theory of Instruction
* he introduced the idea of readiness for learning
* He believed that any subject could be taught at
any stage of development in a way that fits the child
cognitive abilities.
* refers to the ways in which a body of knowledge
can be structured so that it can be most readily
grasped by their learner.
* No one sequencing will fit every learner, but in
general, the lesson can be presented in increasing
* rewards and punishments should be selected and
paced appropriately.
* interest in the subject matter is the best stimulus for
* Bruner did not like external competitive goals such
as grades or class ranking.
Bruners gave much attention to
categorization of information in the
construction of internal COGNITIVE
MAPS. He believed that perception,
conceptualization, learning, decision
making and making inferences all
involved categorization.
Kinds of Categories
1. Identity Categories = categories include
objects based on their attributes or features.
2. Equivalent Categories = Equivalence can
be determined by affective criteria, which
render objects equivalent by emotional
reactions, functional criteria, based on
related function.
3. Coding systems = categories that serve to
recognize sensory input.
Learners are
encouraged to discover
facts and relationships
for themselves.
-Jerome Bruner
Information Processing is a
cognitive theoretical framework
that focuses on how knowledge
enters and is stored in and is
retrieved from our memory. It is
one of the most significant
cognitive theories in the last
century and it has strong
implications on the teaching
learning process.
Information Processing Theory
IPT described how the learner
receives information (stimuli) from the
environment through the senses and
what takes place in between
determines whether the information
will continue to pass through the
sensory register, then the short term
memory and the long term memory.
whether the knowledge is useful in many
tasks, or only in one.
DECLARATIVE : Refers to factual
knowledge. They relate to the nature of
how things are. Can be in the form of
word or image.
PROCEDURAL = includes
knowledge on how to do things.
EPISODIC = this includes
memories of life events.
CONDITIONAL = this is about
knowing when and why to
apply declarative or procedural
Three Main Stage in the
Memory Process
1. SENSORY REGISTER is the first step in the IP
model holds all sensory information for a very
brief time.
CAPACITY: Our mind receives a great amount of
information but it is more than what our mind
can hold or perceive.
DURATION: 1 to 3 seconds only.
* The Role of Attention
 To bring information into Consciousness. We can only perceive
and remember later those things that pass through our
attention gate.
 Getting through this attentional filter is done when the learner
is interested in the material; when there is conscious control
over attention, or when information involves novelty, surprise
and distinctiveness.
 Before information is perceived it is known as precategorical
information. Once it is perceived we can categorize, judge
,interpret and place meaning to the stimuli. If we fail to
perceived, we have no means by which to recognize that the
stimulus was ever encountered.
* Short-Term Memory
(STM or Working Memory)
CAPACITY: The STM can hold only 5 to 9 chunks
of information. It is called working memory
because it is where new information is
temporarily placed while it is mentally
DURATION: Around 18 seconds or less
To reduce the loss of information you need to
* Long- Term Memory (LTM)
The LTM is the final or permanent storing
house for memory information. It hold
the stored information until needed
CAPACITY: LTM has unlimited capacity
DURATION: duration in the LTM is
The ECP involve the executive processor
or what is refered to as metacognitive
This process guide the flow of information
through the system, help the learner make
informed decisions about how to
categorize, organize or interpret
It is the inability to retrieve or access
information when needed.
a. DECAY: Information is not attended to, and
eventually fades away.
b. INTERFERENCE : new or old information
blocks access to the information in question.
Repeating informationRehearsal
Making connection between new
information and prior knowledge.
 Making connection among
various pieces of informationOrganization
 Connecting new info with old to
gain meaning.Elaboration
Forming a picture of the
Visual Imagery
Things we produce are easier to
remember than things we hearGeneration
 Remembering the situationContext
Making the info relevant to the
Other Memory Methods
 remember the beginning and end of a list more readily
Serial position Effect-
 Chunk Information
Part Learning 
breaking up learning session than cramming all the info
at once
Distributed Practice-
 memory techniques
Mnemonic Aids
Maintenance Rehearsal Rehearsal, Elaboration,
Meaningful Learning,
Organization, Visual,
Imagery, Generalization
Executive Control Processes (including Metacognition)
Senses PerceptionSensory
Long Term
decay retrievalforgetting
The Information Processing Model
Learning Theories
and Their Application
to Classroom and
School Practices
In the classroom settings, teachers are
said to reinforce the kind of behavior
they want see through praise, smiles
marks, rewards and the like. Since in
the typical classroom situation, a
teacher cannot supply reinforcement
quickly enough or often enough,
Skinner introduced programmed
Programmed learning
Is a system of learning in which pre-established subject
matter is broken down into sequential steps, the learner is
immediately reinforced after each step as soon as he
makes the correct response.
The emphasis on cognition and insight by cognitive-field
theories has far-reaching implications for the present day
classroom and school practices. It implies that the teacher
has to select and provide appropriate learning experience
whereby the learners can discover relationships between
elements in various situations and understand them as a
whole in an organized, unified pattern.
Applied to classroom situation in generals
the filed theories implied the need for
emphasis on looking at the total situation
at the beginning. This is accomplished by
having learners discuss both the
immediate and ultimate goals of
learning. The teacher has to preview the
activities involved in the problems to be
For Example in primary readings the
teacher should tell briefly what the story is
about describe the characters and relate
the story to the pupils experience.
At the high school level instead of
introducing the study of chemistry by
detailed analysis, of a given element, the
teacher must first discuss the operation of
chemistry in daily living, the overall field,
and the problems to be encountered.
Although this theories emphasize the place of
generalities in introducing any subject area,
emphasis is also make on the details which are
aspects of the larger area.
Example: the teaching of world analysis and
phonetics is subsidiary to the importance of
getting the idea. Word analysis and phonetics
are significant as they contribute to better
understanding. Teachers know that there are
many pupils who can read the words but fail to
grasp their meaning.
The interest of cognitive-field theories in developing
reflective thinking implies setting up school program
that are focused on teaching students to think
effectively in a wide variety of situation.
It implies teaching approaches which are child-
centered as well as problem- centered.
This calls for a teacher who understands the nature of
the learner and perceives the learners life space,
one who advocate greater learner participation;
one who plans, executes and evaluates learning
tasks in a problem-centered matter.
Transfer of
Transfer of Learning
happens when learning in one
context or with one set of materials
affects performance in another
context or with other related
Simply put, it is applying to another
situation what was previously learned.
Types of Transfer
A. POSITIVE TRANSFER = occurs when learning in one
context improves performance in some other context.
B. NEGATIVE TRANSFER = occurs when learning in one
context impacts negatively on performance in
C. NEAR TRANSFER = refer to transfer between very
similar context. Referred to as SPECIFIC TRANSFER
refers to transfer between context that on
appearance, seem remote and alien to one another.
Conditions and Principles of Transfer
Affecting transfer of
Principles Of Transfer Implication
Similarity between
two learning
The more similar the two
situations are, the greater
the chances that learning
from one situation will be
transferred to the other
Involve students in learning
situations and tasks that are
similar as possible to the
situations where they would
apply the tasks.
Degree of
vance of learning
Meaningful learning leads
to greater transfer than rote
Remember to provide
opportunities for learners to link
new material to what they
learned in the past.
Length of
instructional time
The longer the time spent in
instruction, the greater the
probability of transfer.
To ensure transfer, teach a few
topics in depth rather than
many topics tackled in a
shallow manner.
Variety of
Exposure to many and
varied examples and
opportunities for practice
encourage transfer
Illustrate a new concepts
and principles with a variety
of examples. Plan
Context for
Transfer of learning is most
likely to happen when
learners discover that what
they learned is applicable
to various context.
Relate a topic in one subject
to topics in other subjects or
disciplines. Relate it also to
real life situations.
Focus on
principles rather
than tasks
Principles transfer easier
than facts.
Zero in on principles related
to each topic together with
strategies based on those
Emphasis on
Students reflection
improves transfer of
Encourage students to take
responsibility for their own
learning, and to reflect on
what they learned.
Jerome Bruner Theory of Education

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Jerome Bruner Theory of Education

  • 1. MAED 206- Sociological and Psychological Theories Prepared by: Mayflor S. Barile
  • 3. One of the first proponent of Constructivism. Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • 4. Bruners Main Concepts 1.Representation a.Enactive representation at the earliest ages, children learn about the world through actions on physical objects and the outcome of these objects. b.Iconic representation- learning can be obtained through using models and pictures. c. Symbolic representation the learner has developed the ability to think in abstract terms.
  • 5. 2. Spiral Curriculum Teaching should always lead to boosting cognitive development. Student will not understand the concept if teacher plans to teach it using only the teachers level of understanding. Instruction needs to be anchored on the learners cognitive capabilities.
  • 7. Principles of Instruction stated by Bruner 1. Instruction must be concerned w/ the experiences and context that makes the student willing and able to learn (READINESS). 2. Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student (SPIRAL ORGANIZATION). 3. Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (GOING BEYOND THE INFORMATION GIVEN).
  • 8. 3. Discovery Learning Refers to obtaining knowledge for oneself. Learning becomes more meaningful when students explore their learning environment rather than listen passively to teacher.
  • 9. Four major aspects of Theory of Instruction 1. PREDISPOSITION TO LEARN * he introduced the idea of readiness for learning * He believed that any subject could be taught at any stage of development in a way that fits the child cognitive abilities. 2. STRUCTURE OF KNOWLEDGE * refers to the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by their learner.
  • 10. 3. EFFECTIVE SEQUENCING * No one sequencing will fit every learner, but in general, the lesson can be presented in increasing difficulty. 4. REINFORCEMENT * rewards and punishments should be selected and paced appropriately. * interest in the subject matter is the best stimulus for learning. * Bruner did not like external competitive goals such as grades or class ranking.
  • 11. CATEGORIZATION Bruners gave much attention to categorization of information in the construction of internal COGNITIVE MAPS. He believed that perception, conceptualization, learning, decision making and making inferences all involved categorization.
  • 12. Kinds of Categories 1. Identity Categories = categories include objects based on their attributes or features. 2. Equivalent Categories = Equivalence can be determined by affective criteria, which render objects equivalent by emotional reactions, functional criteria, based on related function. 3. Coding systems = categories that serve to recognize sensory input.
  • 13. Learners are encouraged to discover facts and relationships for themselves. -Jerome Bruner
  • 15. Information Processing is a cognitive theoretical framework that focuses on how knowledge enters and is stored in and is retrieved from our memory. It is one of the most significant cognitive theories in the last century and it has strong implications on the teaching learning process.
  • 16. Information Processing Theory IPT described how the learner receives information (stimuli) from the environment through the senses and what takes place in between determines whether the information will continue to pass through the sensory register, then the short term memory and the long term memory.
  • 17. TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE GENERAL VS. SPECIFIC: This involves whether the knowledge is useful in many tasks, or only in one. DECLARATIVE : Refers to factual knowledge. They relate to the nature of how things are. Can be in the form of word or image.
  • 18. PROCEDURAL = includes knowledge on how to do things. EPISODIC = this includes memories of life events. CONDITIONAL = this is about knowing when and why to apply declarative or procedural strategies.
  • 19. Three Main Stage in the Memory Process 1. SENSORY REGISTER is the first step in the IP model holds all sensory information for a very brief time. CAPACITY: Our mind receives a great amount of information but it is more than what our mind can hold or perceive. DURATION: 1 to 3 seconds only.
  • 20. * The Role of Attention To bring information into Consciousness. We can only perceive and remember later those things that pass through our attention gate. Getting through this attentional filter is done when the learner is interested in the material; when there is conscious control over attention, or when information involves novelty, surprise and distinctiveness. Before information is perceived it is known as precategorical information. Once it is perceived we can categorize, judge ,interpret and place meaning to the stimuli. If we fail to perceived, we have no means by which to recognize that the stimulus was ever encountered.
  • 21. * Short-Term Memory (STM or Working Memory) CAPACITY: The STM can hold only 5 to 9 chunks of information. It is called working memory because it is where new information is temporarily placed while it is mentally processed. DURATION: Around 18 seconds or less To reduce the loss of information you need to do MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL.
  • 22. * Long- Term Memory (LTM) The LTM is the final or permanent storing house for memory information. It hold the stored information until needed again. CAPACITY: LTM has unlimited capacity DURATION: duration in the LTM is indefinite.
  • 23. 2. EXECUTIVE CONTROL PROCESSES The ECP involve the executive processor or what is refered to as metacognitive skills. This process guide the flow of information through the system, help the learner make informed decisions about how to categorize, organize or interpret information.
  • 24. 3. FORGETTING It is the inability to retrieve or access information when needed. TWO MAIN WAYS IN WHICH FORGETTING OCCURS a. DECAY: Information is not attended to, and eventually fades away. b. INTERFERENCE : new or old information blocks access to the information in question.
  • 25. METHODS FOR INCREASING RETRIEVAL OF INFORMATION Repeating informationRehearsal Making connection between new information and prior knowledge. Meaningful Learning Making connection among various pieces of informationOrganization Connecting new info with old to gain meaning.Elaboration
  • 26. Forming a picture of the information. Visual Imagery Things we produce are easier to remember than things we hearGeneration Remembering the situationContext Making the info relevant to the individual.Personalization
  • 27. Other Memory Methods remember the beginning and end of a list more readily Serial position Effect- Chunk Information Part Learning breaking up learning session than cramming all the info at once Distributed Practice- memory techniques Mnemonic Aids
  • 28. Maintenance Rehearsal Rehearsal, Elaboration, Meaningful Learning, Organization, Visual, Imagery, Generalization Executive Control Processes (including Metacognition) Senses PerceptionSensory Memory Short term Memory Long Term Memory decay retrievalforgetting The Information Processing Model
  • 29. Learning Theories and Their Application to Classroom and School Practices
  • 30. In the classroom settings, teachers are said to reinforce the kind of behavior they want see through praise, smiles marks, rewards and the like. Since in the typical classroom situation, a teacher cannot supply reinforcement quickly enough or often enough, Skinner introduced programmed learning.
  • 31. Programmed learning Is a system of learning in which pre-established subject matter is broken down into sequential steps, the learner is immediately reinforced after each step as soon as he makes the correct response. The emphasis on cognition and insight by cognitive-field theories has far-reaching implications for the present day classroom and school practices. It implies that the teacher has to select and provide appropriate learning experience whereby the learners can discover relationships between elements in various situations and understand them as a whole in an organized, unified pattern.
  • 32. Applied to classroom situation in generals the filed theories implied the need for emphasis on looking at the total situation at the beginning. This is accomplished by having learners discuss both the immediate and ultimate goals of learning. The teacher has to preview the activities involved in the problems to be encountered.
  • 33. For Example in primary readings the teacher should tell briefly what the story is about describe the characters and relate the story to the pupils experience. At the high school level instead of introducing the study of chemistry by detailed analysis, of a given element, the teacher must first discuss the operation of chemistry in daily living, the overall field, and the problems to be encountered.
  • 34. Although this theories emphasize the place of generalities in introducing any subject area, emphasis is also make on the details which are aspects of the larger area. Example: the teaching of world analysis and phonetics is subsidiary to the importance of getting the idea. Word analysis and phonetics are significant as they contribute to better understanding. Teachers know that there are many pupils who can read the words but fail to grasp their meaning.
  • 35. The interest of cognitive-field theories in developing reflective thinking implies setting up school program that are focused on teaching students to think effectively in a wide variety of situation. It implies teaching approaches which are child- centered as well as problem- centered. This calls for a teacher who understands the nature of the learner and perceives the learners life space, one who advocate greater learner participation; one who plans, executes and evaluates learning tasks in a problem-centered matter.
  • 37. Transfer of Learning happens when learning in one context or with one set of materials affects performance in another context or with other related materials. Simply put, it is applying to another situation what was previously learned.
  • 38. Types of Transfer A. POSITIVE TRANSFER = occurs when learning in one context improves performance in some other context. B. NEGATIVE TRANSFER = occurs when learning in one context impacts negatively on performance in another. C. NEAR TRANSFER = refer to transfer between very similar context. Referred to as SPECIFIC TRANSFER D. FAR TRANSFER = also called GENERAL TRANSFER, refers to transfer between context that on appearance, seem remote and alien to one another.
  • 39. Conditions and Principles of Transfer Conditions/Factors Affecting transfer of Learning Principles Of Transfer Implication Similarity between two learning situation The more similar the two situations are, the greater the chances that learning from one situation will be transferred to the other situation. Involve students in learning situations and tasks that are similar as possible to the situations where they would apply the tasks. Degree of meaningfulness/rele vance of learning Meaningful learning leads to greater transfer than rote learning Remember to provide opportunities for learners to link new material to what they learned in the past. Length of instructional time The longer the time spent in instruction, the greater the probability of transfer. To ensure transfer, teach a few topics in depth rather than many topics tackled in a shallow manner.
  • 40. Variety of Learning Experiences Exposure to many and varied examples and opportunities for practice encourage transfer Illustrate a new concepts and principles with a variety of examples. Plan Context for learners experiences Transfer of learning is most likely to happen when learners discover that what they learned is applicable to various context. Relate a topic in one subject to topics in other subjects or disciplines. Relate it also to real life situations. Focus on principles rather than tasks Principles transfer easier than facts. Zero in on principles related to each topic together with strategies based on those principles Emphasis on metacognition Students reflection improves transfer of Learning Encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, and to reflect on what they learned.