CBEDS is an annual data collection conducted by the California Department of Education that collects student and staff information from public K-12 schools. It includes data on classified staffing, educational programs, calendars, truancy rates, and other metrics. Schools must submit their CBEDS forms by October 7th each year. The document outlines the types of data collected, timeline for submission, and key changes to simplify the CBEDS form for this year's data collection cycle.
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California Basic
Education Data
Daina Lujan, Vice Principal
Fernando Rivera Intermediate School
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What is CBEDS?
CBEDS is an annual statewide data collection of student and staff
aggregate-level data.
Data are collected on two forms:
County District Information Form (CDIF)
School Information Form (SIF)
Collects data on: Classified staff Educational options
enrollment Educational calendar Parental exception waivers
Truancy School Improvement Grant (SIG) data
Collected for every public K12 school
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How Data is Used
Produce state and federal reports for:
Estimated teacher hires
Classified staff
Special education
School improvement grants
Title III teachers
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) data
Common Core of Data (CCD)
Migrant education
Data are made available to the public through the
CDEs Data and Statistics Web page at:
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Key Changes
In the interest of simplifying the form, some
changes you may notice:
Streamlining of FTE Classified Counts by gender,
race, and ethnicity
Removal of High School Graduation
Requirements, Technology, Bilingual
Increased Explanation for 0 Truancies (35
Character Minimum, with a 500 Maximum)
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Types of Data Being Collected
School Information
Full-Time Equivalent Classified Staff
Educational Options
District/School Calendar
English Language Classrooms
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Data Collection Timeline
October 1: Information Day (Report Data
as Current as of Information Day)
October 7: Completed Forms Due to
By October 31: District Submits Data to
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Next Steps
Identify who will be completing the form
for your site
Share the Data Collection Checklist with
the person who will be completing the
Review and certify the form upon
9. Thank you!
Daina Lujan, Vice Principal
Fernando Rivera Intermediate School
Editor's Notes
#3: CBEDS is an annual statewide data collection of student and staff aggregate level data.
CBEDS data are reported through an Online Reporting Application referred to as CBEDS-ORA.
Two forms are used to collect CBEDS data:
The County/District Information Form (CDIF), which collects county or district level data on the number and full-time equivalent (FTE) of classified staff, estimated number of teacher hires, and high school graduation requirements. CDIF data are collected for each county office of education and district office. There are roughly 1,000 LEAs in the state.
The other form, the School Information Form (SIF), collects school level data on the number and full-time equivalent (FTE) of classified staff,some educational options enrollment, technology, education calendars, parental exception waivers, bilingual paraprofessionals, the School Improvement Grant (SIG) reporting requirements, and truancy. SIF data are collected for every public kindergarten through grade twelve (K12) school, including charter schools. There are over 10,300 public K12 schools in the state.
#4: CBEDS data are used by the CDE to produce the following required state and federal reports, as well as to compute funding:
Estimated teacher hirers
Classified staff
Special education
School Improvement grants
Title III teachers
Office of Civil Rights data
Common Core of Data (CCD)
Migrant education
After CBEDS data are certified, data are made available to the general public through the CDEsData and StatisticsWeb page.