Jeunesse Global Team Italia l'azienda del secolo,la rivoluzione che tutti aspettavano... ringiovanire senza bisturi!
Opportunit di business nel settore Wellness e Ringiovanimento Cellulare
Societ Multinazionale da 1 Billion dollars in soli 6 anni operativa in 120 paesi grazie ai suoi prodotti e alla sua formula innovativa. Apertura ufficiale del mercato ITALIA nel 2016 piano marketing innovativo ed evoluto : Social Franchising.
Supporto personalizzato
Dedicato a persone con volont e dedicazione .. meglio con esperienza o con "burning desire"
realizzata dalla J-WORLD TEAM :
Siamo una squadra parecchio organizzata , perch竪 qualsiasi distributore ricever gratuitamente la sua pagina web personale che lo aiuter sul lavoro e quindi anche per i suoi iscritti e quelli che ne deriveranno !
Contatta il DISTRIBUTORE DELLA J-WORLD TEAM che ti ha presentato l'opportunit Jeunesse ed assicurati che faccia parte della nostra squadra perch竪 il suo sito web inizier cos狸 : https://jworldteaminfo.wordpress.com
VUOI ESSERE GIOVANE PIU' A LUNGO ? Y.E.S. by Jeunesse GlobalMauro Favaron
Un modo straordinario per aumentare le
con un sistema innovativo
una magica combinazione
di elementi che hanno cura della
e del
il risultato 竪 che
Jeunesse 竪 un business globale che aiuta la gente a raggiungere pieni potenziali nell'apparenza della giovent湛, nel vivere in salute, nell'abbracciare la vita.
Jeunesse combina una svolta delle scienze in un sistema di prodotti che aumenta la giovent湛 lavorando a livello cellulare. Focalizzando sulla salute, longevit e rinnovo delle cellule, aiutiamo la gente a godere di risultati vivaci e giovani che durano.
Jeunesse compensation-plan by www.bizjaya.comDevan Kumar
WiseMLM.com - An new MLM resource and products index site, featuring the best and freshest latest MLM or multi-level marketing opportunities and the best products online. Order MLM company products much much lower than anywhere else on the internet here. Join our WiseMLM network and get your MLM wealth building program up and running.
L'opportunit di Business nel settore del Benessere con l'azienda n属1 del settore. Scopri la differenza tra lavorare per guadagnare e lavorare per costruirsi una rendita
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Jeunesse Global
Jeunesse Global Business Opportunity
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Jeunesse Global Distributor
Jeunesse Global Team
Jeunesse Global Scam
Jeunesse Skin Care Products
Jeunesse Skin Care
Jeunesse Nutrition
Best 10 Skin Care Products
Anti Aging Skin Care Products
Dermatologist Skin Care Products
Best 10 Skin Care Companies
Top 10 Face Care Products
Best Skin Care Line
Jeunesse World Team - Registrazione Nuovo Distributorejiraia80
Jeunesse Global Team Italia l'azienda del secolo,la rivoluzione che tutti aspettavano... ringiovanire senza bisturi!
Jeunesse Global Business Opportunity with Adult Stem Cells Skin Care & Resveratrol Supplement.
Make money from home with a remarkable Business Opportunity in a $300 Billion Anti Aging market.
Start Your Own Home Base Global Business Today
Every company promises rewards that are financial. We promise rewards that are so much more than just moneythey change outlooks, reshape goals and dreams, and transform the way people experience life. With one of the most lucrative and truly balanced compensation plans around, the Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan is able to reward more people with more money.
There are six ways to get paid with Jeunesse:
Retail Profit
New Customer Acquisition Bonus
Team Commission
Leadership Matching Bonus
Customer Acquisition Incentive
Leadership Bonus Pool
The Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan pays commission on sales volume weekly with no limit to the number of levels on which you can earn commissions. You earn money based on product sales and by building and training your own organization of Independent Sales Representatives (ISR).
Contact http://www.seanconrad.jeunesseglobal.com for more details.
A Best Proven Method to Make Money Online. Join Now & Make Huge Money with Jeunesse, the worldwide leader in advanced skincare and anti-aging technology.
More details : http://www.officialshop.jeunesseglobal.com/
Introduzione all'uso di 際際滷share. Traduzione di "際際滷share tutorial", presentazione in catalano di Immaculada Vilatersana del Centro di Formazione per Adulti di Matar嘆, Barcelona.
Le metriche vitali di ogni shop online: http://ininja.it/2jCrpbb
Segui un'anteprima del webinar e iscriviti gratis per sbloccare il video completo!
Daniele Vietri e Giovanni Cappellotto, docenti delleCommerce Lab di Ninja Academy, svolgeranno una panoramica completa delle principali metriche quali e quantitative che ogni buon eCommerce Manager deve tener docchio.
Ecco cosa saprai fare dopo questa Free Masterclass:
- Svolgere unanalisi completa delle performance di un eCommerce
- Elaborare report puntuali ed esaustivi
- Impostare una dashboard personale di metriche ed analytics
Internet ha cambiato drasticamente la vita delle persone
In tutto il mondo! Quali sono i maggiori utilizzi di internet? Informazione | Comunicazione Intrattenimento | Shopping | Viaggi!!
E se potessimo far risparmiare alla gente migliaia di euro allanno SENZA cambiare le loropreferenze o abitudini
giornaliere? (marche, prodotti, negozi etc..)
E se potessi farlo senza confini o limiti?
ORA SI PUO'!!!!!!!!
Per registrarsi come cliente DUBLI clicca qui:
Email: dubliteam2014@gmail.com
Adboxs presentazione Ufficiale - Professione NetworkLuca Cavanna
Adboxs e' un Azienda Americana con Sede a Boston che opera nel settore del Web Advertising attraverso il sistema di vendita del Network Marketing per creare una community di consulenti in tutto il mondo!
VUOI ESSERE GIOVANE PIU' A LUNGO ? Y.E.S. by Jeunesse GlobalMauro Favaron
Un modo straordinario per aumentare le
con un sistema innovativo
una magica combinazione
di elementi che hanno cura della
e del
il risultato 竪 che
Jeunesse 竪 un business globale che aiuta la gente a raggiungere pieni potenziali nell'apparenza della giovent湛, nel vivere in salute, nell'abbracciare la vita.
Jeunesse combina una svolta delle scienze in un sistema di prodotti che aumenta la giovent湛 lavorando a livello cellulare. Focalizzando sulla salute, longevit e rinnovo delle cellule, aiutiamo la gente a godere di risultati vivaci e giovani che durano.
Jeunesse compensation-plan by www.bizjaya.comDevan Kumar
WiseMLM.com - An new MLM resource and products index site, featuring the best and freshest latest MLM or multi-level marketing opportunities and the best products online. Order MLM company products much much lower than anywhere else on the internet here. Join our WiseMLM network and get your MLM wealth building program up and running.
L'opportunit di Business nel settore del Benessere con l'azienda n属1 del settore. Scopri la differenza tra lavorare per guadagnare e lavorare per costruirsi una rendita
Join Jeunesse http://joinjeunesseglobal.com
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Jeunesse Global
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Jeunesse Global Compensation Plan
Jeunesse Global Distributor
Jeunesse Global Team
Jeunesse Global Scam
Jeunesse Skin Care Products
Jeunesse Skin Care
Jeunesse Nutrition
Best 10 Skin Care Products
Anti Aging Skin Care Products
Dermatologist Skin Care Products
Best 10 Skin Care Companies
Top 10 Face Care Products
Best Skin Care Line
Jeunesse World Team - Registrazione Nuovo Distributorejiraia80
Jeunesse Global Team Italia l'azienda del secolo,la rivoluzione che tutti aspettavano... ringiovanire senza bisturi!
Jeunesse Global Business Opportunity with Adult Stem Cells Skin Care & Resveratrol Supplement.
Make money from home with a remarkable Business Opportunity in a $300 Billion Anti Aging market.
Start Your Own Home Base Global Business Today
Every company promises rewards that are financial. We promise rewards that are so much more than just moneythey change outlooks, reshape goals and dreams, and transform the way people experience life. With one of the most lucrative and truly balanced compensation plans around, the Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan is able to reward more people with more money.
There are six ways to get paid with Jeunesse:
Retail Profit
New Customer Acquisition Bonus
Team Commission
Leadership Matching Bonus
Customer Acquisition Incentive
Leadership Bonus Pool
The Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan pays commission on sales volume weekly with no limit to the number of levels on which you can earn commissions. You earn money based on product sales and by building and training your own organization of Independent Sales Representatives (ISR).
Contact http://www.seanconrad.jeunesseglobal.com for more details.
A Best Proven Method to Make Money Online. Join Now & Make Huge Money with Jeunesse, the worldwide leader in advanced skincare and anti-aging technology.
More details : http://www.officialshop.jeunesseglobal.com/
Introduzione all'uso di 際際滷share. Traduzione di "際際滷share tutorial", presentazione in catalano di Immaculada Vilatersana del Centro di Formazione per Adulti di Matar嘆, Barcelona.
Le metriche vitali di ogni shop online: http://ininja.it/2jCrpbb
Segui un'anteprima del webinar e iscriviti gratis per sbloccare il video completo!
Daniele Vietri e Giovanni Cappellotto, docenti delleCommerce Lab di Ninja Academy, svolgeranno una panoramica completa delle principali metriche quali e quantitative che ogni buon eCommerce Manager deve tener docchio.
Ecco cosa saprai fare dopo questa Free Masterclass:
- Svolgere unanalisi completa delle performance di un eCommerce
- Elaborare report puntuali ed esaustivi
- Impostare una dashboard personale di metriche ed analytics
Internet ha cambiato drasticamente la vita delle persone
In tutto il mondo! Quali sono i maggiori utilizzi di internet? Informazione | Comunicazione Intrattenimento | Shopping | Viaggi!!
E se potessimo far risparmiare alla gente migliaia di euro allanno SENZA cambiare le loropreferenze o abitudini
giornaliere? (marche, prodotti, negozi etc..)
E se potessi farlo senza confini o limiti?
ORA SI PUO'!!!!!!!!
Per registrarsi come cliente DUBLI clicca qui:
Email: dubliteam2014@gmail.com
Adboxs presentazione Ufficiale - Professione NetworkLuca Cavanna
Adboxs e' un Azienda Americana con Sede a Boston che opera nel settore del Web Advertising attraverso il sistema di vendita del Network Marketing per creare una community di consulenti in tutto il mondo!
Da quando ci siamo avventurati nel mondo On Line dei network si fa un gran parlare di Life Style, stile di vita per dirla in italiano ... una ricerca particolare, una vita spensierata, dedicata alle passioni, al soddisfare desideri leciti, libera.
Probabilmente tanti di noi hanno iniziato questo percorso ... e forse diverse volte, in quest'ultimo anno, abbiamo dovuto cambiare rotta per conseguire quell'obbiettivo; CI STA, l'importante 竪 cambiare per migliorare!
Ora ci 竪 stata data un'opportunit straordinaria ... infatti cos'竪 WORLDVENTURES?
Solo tre parole: Dream Trips Life !!! Sogno Viaggi Vita ... tre parole che rievocano la nostra Mission, il nostro stile di vita.
L'obbiettivo di questo gruppo 竪 di raggiungere insieme la meta.
Certamente non tutti partono nello stesso istante e non tutti arriveranno nello stesso momento, anzi, sappiamo gi che non tutti arriveranno ... qualcuno si perder lungo il cammino.
Ma quello che si prefigge questo gruppo 竪 di dare un aiuto e supporto reale.
Il materiale didattico, siano slide, videotutorial o filmati; le webinar settimanali; la formazione ... un carico ridistribuito sinergicamente su tutto il gruppo.
La parola d'ordine 竪 Responsabilit ... ognuno ha la propria, sia nel collaborare che nel contribuire a formare nuovi rappresentanti WV.
Ognuno lavorer come meglio crede, ma con la consapevolezza che la duplicazione e la struttura accrescono se si mantengono rapporti etici e professionali.
Obbiettivo a livello Italiano 竪 di arrivare velocemente a 700 membri per poter richiedere l'apertura di un ufficio in Italia, con tutti i vantaggi che ne conseguirebbero.
All'interno del gruppo verranno pubblicate anche Novit, nuove iscrizioni e nuovi traguardi raggiunti.
Ognuno faccia la sua parte. Buon lavoro a tutti!
Hai sentito parlare dell'azienda Snep e vuoi conoscere come funziona il piano compensi?
Hai scoperto da poco il mondo del newtork marketing e vuoi sapere di pi湛 come funziona?
Oppure sei gi un Networker e stai cercando un confronto, o semplicemente ti stai guardando intorno?
In questo file ho rappresentato la mia rappresentazione del Piano Marketing Snep dalla qualifica Distributore alla qualifica FOUNDER passando per Supervisore, Zaffiro, Rubino, Smeraldo, Diamante, Diamante Black e Charman SNEP.
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Ecco un'ottima strategia di guadagno con Goldbex alberto mariani
Un'ottima strategia con cui generare guadagni con Goldbex.
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Le 5 skill fondamentali dei migliori eCommerce Manager: Scopri il Corso Ninja...Ninja Academy
Roberto Fumarola, Francesco Varuzza e Gabriele Taviani, docenti Ninja Academy, svelano competenze da possedere e aggiornare prima di lanciare una piattaforma di vendita online. Prossimi Corsi: http://www.ninjacademy.it/corsi/marketing/
Presentazione ufficiale di wishclub, tradotta in italiano.
Wishclub 竪 una societ di network marketing focalizzata sul mercato dell'informazione attraverso la pubblicazione di riviste e pubblicit sui media digitali.
Si uniranno cos狸 le forze con i milioni di consulenti indipendenti in tutto il mondo, lavoratori autonomi che avranno anche loro stessi una soddisfazione professionale.
Iscriviti gratuitamente da qui : http://www.wishclub.com/wishpanel/ninovers
7. Fondata 9.9.2009 alle 9.00 di mattina
Senza debiti e redditizia
Posizionata all 86esimo posto della classifica Direct
Seling Global su 100, nell anno 2012
Posizionatata al 46esimo posto della classifica Direct
Seling Global su 100, nell anno 2013
Nel 2013 lazienda ha avuto un riconoscimento per la
piu veloce crescita in DSA Global (Rising star award)
La co-fondatrice Wendy Lewis, per 3 anni consecutivi
ha avuto la nomination come: La piu influente donna
di network marketing al mondo dal DSA global
Su una classifica delle 500 migliori aziende
commerciali dAmerica, la Jeunesse e stata premiata
come lazienda a cresita piu veloce nell anno 2014
(American Business Award, Inc 500)
La Jeunesse ha vinto la competizione Stewie Award su
3300 aziende per il miglior marketing. Oltre al primo
premio ha vinto altri 18 premi speciali, battendo
aziende di importanza mondiale (Google, Sony, Beats
Electronics, AT&T,)
15. Risultati Clinici
* Studies conducted by ST&T Research Intl.
Independent Third Party Laboratory Studies
Acquisto dei prodotti dal Vostro shop
Esempio: voi pagate 78,38 per il
prodotto a prezzo distributore e
lo vendete al publico a 121,96 -
guadagno 43,58
I bonus di reclutamento (CAB) si ottengono iscrivendo nuovi distributori che
aquistano uno dei pacchetti messi alla disposizione nel sito dalla
JeunesseGlobal, come da tabella sottostante:
*CV = punti volume
* Il dettaglio dei prodotti contenuti nei
pacchi e presente nel sito aziendale
* * Include Autoship per tutto l anno
BASIC* 25 $ 100 183,00
SUPREME * 100 $ 300 479,30
JUMBO* 200 $ 400 723,30
JUMBO 1 ANNO* * 200 $ 400 1.638,31
AMBASSADOR * 250 $ 500 958,59
Costo IVA inclusa esclusa spedizione
Per magiori informzioni guardare piano compensi. Questo grafico e indicativo, il guadagno dipende dal lavoro personale.
Accquisendo 5 nuovi clienti nel mese
potrete avere un bonus supplementare del
5% sulle vostre prime linee. Se acquisite 10
clienti nel mese il bonus sara del 10%.
Per maggiori informazioni consultare il piano
#3: Jeunesse速 opened its doors on September 9, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. This date was chosen because of its symbolic weight: the number 9 symbolizes longevity.
Jeunesse速 was listed as #46 on the Direct Selling News 2014 Global 100 Report. This report keeps track of the highest revenues earned by network marketing companies around the world.
It is also listed as the third fastest growing company by the same association.
Jeunesse速 is part of the $500 billion-dollar beauty and anti-aging market, and there are only 7 billion people in the world.
This company is firmly established in over 30 offices around the world and ships to more than 100 countries.
In 2014, Jeunesse速 was recognized in the INC. 500 List as #258 and ranked among top 5% fastest growing companies in the nation.
#4: Founders, Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis have spent over 20 years in the multi-level marketing business.
Randy sold and oversaw the original installation of a multi-million dollar computer hardware and software package for NASA, which is still in use today.
In 2012, Wendy Lewis was recognized as one of The Most Influential Women in Direct Selling. She was recognized again in 2013. In 2014, she was named Woman of the Year by the American Business Awards.
Both strongly believe in honesty, integrity, and fairness in all dealings with Distributors.
#5: Our newest program, Jeunesse Kids, provides you with a way to give back. The mission of this charitable organization is simple: to feed the hungry children across the globe, deliver urgently needed medical supplies, and provide clothing, educational materials and toys. Our goal is to feed ten million kids within the next six months. Join us!油
#6: Danas, glavni vizualni slu転benik Scott Lewis-sin Wendy Lewis nastavlja obiteljsku tradiciju neumorno radei na pro邸irenju dostignua tvrtke i pomaganju rasta svojih distributera 邸irom svijeta.
Nakon 邸to je odrastao zadubljen u industriju izravne prodaje i posjeduje prirodnu strast za promjenama u 転ivotu, Scott Lewis lider je Jeunessa i njezinih elnika prema budunosti neogranienog uspjeha i prosperiteta.
Scott je bio vrlo znaajan za ulogu u 邸irenju Jeunesse poslovanja na meunarodnoj razini i razvoju globalne platforme.
#7: At Jeunesse速, our economy is booming. In fact, we have been waiting years for this economy.
When was the last time you heard that?
We are a part of the $500 billion dollar beauty and wellness market and there are only 7 billion people in the world!* So, who is buying all those products?
It is becoming more noticeable that the world population is growing older. In fact, experts predict that in just than ten years, there will be 1 billion people who are over the age of 60.** What if we could show you a way to look and stay younger longer, age gracefully, and have access to the worlds most exclusive products?
*CNN U.N.: World can thrive as population reaches 7 billion.
**United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Population of Over-60-Year-Olds to Reach One Billion within the Decade.
#8: JEUNESSE je otvorio svoja vrata 9. Rujna 2009 godine u 09:00 h.Tvrtka je izabrala upravo taj datum zbog svoje simbolike te転ine: broj 9 simbolizira dugovjenost.JEUNESSE je lan Udruge za izravnu prodaju te je navedena kao 46. po redu u godi邸njem 2014. izvje邸u, Novosti izravne prodaje,100 najboljih u Svijetu.Takoer je navedena od strane iste udruge kao trea najbr転e rastuih tvrtki.
Jeunesse速tvrtka pokazala je vodstvo u:
INOVACIJI PROIZVODA LUMINESCE serum za pomlaivanje stanica je istinski proizvod izmjena te je Jeunesse速 jedina kompanija u Svijetu koja nudi inovativne,patentirane formule koristei se tehnologijom matinih stanica.
LOGISTIKA Jeunesseov globalni sustav upisa ukljuuje vi邸ejezine web stranice; preko 30 lanova osobolja, meunarodne urede s korisnikom podr邸kom i preko 12 distribucijskih centara. Jeunesse速 dostavlja svoje proizvode u vi邸e od 100 zemalja,邸to znai da mo転ete poslovati diljem svijeta iz svog doma!
MARKETING Jeunesse速 pru転a distributerima visko kvalitetno umjetniki razraene videe,promotivne letke i kataloge,dogaanja,promocije i ostale marketin邸ke ideje.
FINANCIJSKE NAGRADE Na邸 plan naknade je isplativ te prilagoen potrebama onih koji koriste oba dijela i puno radno vrijeme distributera.
POUZDANOST Jeunesse速 ima iskusne vlasnike i menament sa 邸irokom razinom razumijevanja kulturnih razliitosti i brzo rastue industrije .
#9: Jeunesse速 offers you incredible opportunities as well as global offices to support your needs.
You have the potential to earn an income from all over the world as your team grows.
You can literally earn money from anywhere at any time.
#10: Jeunesse kombinira proboj znanosti promiui mladenako starenje na staninoj razini. Mi to nazivamo MLADO POBOLJANJE SUSTAVA (Y.E.S)
Ovo nije sluajni skup proizvoda! Y.E.S je pa転ljivo razvio kombinirajue sna転ne prednosti u sinergijskom sustavu osobnih i prehrambenih artikala koje neete nai nigdje drugdje.
Kada se koriste zajedno, Y.E.S je usmjeren na samo zdravlje na邸ih stanica da bi bile mlade i vitalne na 4 naina:
TEHNOLOGIJA MATINIH STANICA: Razvijen od strane svjetski poznatog estetskog kirurga, LUMINESCE nudi ekskluzivnu, patentiranu tehnologiju matinih stanica koja podr転ava na邸u prirodnu sposobnost da se obnavlja - obnovite i podmladite va邸u ko転u i tijelo s nevjerojatnim rezultatima.PRODU貼IVANJE TELOMERA: istra転ivanje nagraeno Nobelovom nagradom, ukazuje da su skraeni telomeri, odnosno za邸titne zavr邸ne kape na邸eg DNK, zapravo temeljni uzrok starenja, FINITI sadr転i sna転an, patentirani dodatak koji je pokazatelj produljenja kratkih telomera kod ljudi.
DETOKSIKACIJA: ProPectin je prirodni proizvod jabunog pektina koji podr転ava uklanjanje ne転eljenih toksina iz na邸eg tijela.
OBRANITI I UNAPRIJEDITI : RESERVE antioxidant fruit blend combines resveratrolknown to support the activation of a gene related to healthy longevitywith a host of superfruits to fortify and defend cells from environmental damage. AM & PM Essentials contain potent vitamins, minerals and nutrients that support healthy cellular function and delay premature aging.
*de Jesus, Bruno Bernardes, Kerstin Schneeberger, Elsa Vera, Agueda Tejera, Calvin Harley, and Maria Blasco. August 2011. The telomerase activator TA-65 elongates short telomeres and increases healthspan of adult/old mice without increasing cancer incidence. Aging Cell 10(4): 604-621. Harley CB, Liu W, Blasco MA, Vera E, Andrews WH, Briggs LA, Raffaele JM. February 2011. A natural product telomerase activator as part of a health maintenance program. Rejuvenation Research 14(1): 45-56. Malorga, Brenda, Riley Bateman, Greg Sweeney, Danielle Finger, Taylor Dimler, Rita B. Effros and Hector F. Valenzuela. March 2013. Functional Assessment of Pharmacological Telomerase Activators in Human T Cells. Cells. 2(1), 163-187; doi:10.3390/cells2010163.
#11: Imagine economic hope and security in these uncertain times. What you are about to see could change your life for the better.
What if you could never get fired?
What if you could never get laid off?
What if you were in control of how much money you could make today or this week?
How about earning money where you want, when you want, and working with who you want?
What if you didnt have to deal with any office politics or phone calls from your boss?
Best of all, what if you could stay younger longer and look great?
Who wouldn't want to know more? We are here to empower people and the decision is up to you.
#12: We have something no other company in the world has. Think about that. Something no other company in the world has. In fact, we have it all!
#13: Back in March of 2009, Randy Ray, our CEO, was one of his first patients to use the stem cell therapy on his knee. While he was treating him, Dr. Newman had a chance to share with Randy and Wendy how the adipose stem cells work and how they interact with the body. He even bragged about a facial serum he had developed so people could do something about premature aging without resorting to surgery. They knew immediately that this could be a billion dollar product. Plus, they had the resources to take it to market.
The conversation went something like this: Dr. Newman said, I sell about 40 of these a month. Wendy and Randy looked at each other, smiled, and then replied in unison, How would you like to sell 40,000 a month? And that is how the partnership started.
Dr. Nathan Newman has worked for years studying the properties of human fat. He has developed solutions to help burn victims and formulas to help slow the signs of premature aging skin. Being an expert on fat, he came to understand the importance of the healing communication between our stem cells, also called growth factors.
Dr. Newman specializes in Advanced Dermatologic and Laser Surgery using Integrative Age Management and Stem Cell Therapy in Beverly Hills, CA.
#15: To really understand how adult adipose stem cells work, think of them as the cells that communicate the healing actions to our bodies. You find these cells in the fat that covers your body. Our fat is the front line to cuts, bruises, scrapes and burns.
The messages these cells send to each other are the signals that help us to rebuild new blood vessels, produce more elasticity or collagen, and so on.
Imagine you bang your head badly. It becomes swollen and bleeds. A few hours later, its better. Then, the next day, the swelling goes down. After a few days, you can hardly tell you were hurt. All of those actions came from the signals that your cells sent to each other.
Our product has over 200 growth factors, making it a trend-setting, super-serum.
#16: Introducing the award-winning, patentpending LUMINESCE skincare line with advanced skin rejuvenation and restoration capability. The entire line of LUMINESCE products is hypoallergenic, made with all-natural ingredients, contains no artificial color, and is dermatologist approved. Finallya safe and natural way to slow the signs of aging.
LUMINESCE cellular rejuvenation serum contains an exclusive, patent-pending formula derived from adult stem cells with over 200 key human growth factors that we just talked about. This is one-of-a-kindno one else has this product.
LUMINESCE youth restoring cleanser helps protect your skins natural hydration while detoxifying deep within your pores. This product is the first step in the daily LUMINESCE skincare system.
LUMINESCE daily moisturizing complex is one of the few high-end moisturizers with SPF 30 designed to naturally protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays. This non-greasy formula helps delay the aging process for men and women by protecting, nourishing, and restoring your skin cells.
LUMINESCE¬essential body renewal gently hydrates, restores, and softens all skin types, particularly rough and dry areas of your body. This luxurious lotion delivers ultimate hydration and cellular attention all over.
LUMINESCE advanced night repair contains a powerful blend of ingredients, include vitamins A and E. By applying this specialized formula and allowing your face time to absorb and assimilate the night cream while you sleep, you are giving your cells the extra boost they need to help them recover from daily stresses such as sun, make-up, food, drink, and other environmental toxins.
#18: How many of you are here to learn about the products?
How many of you are here to learn about a financial opportunity?
How many of you are here because you have to be? (Smile.)
Over the next 30 minutes, you are going to find out why Jeunesse速 is the industrys best kept secret. 油
We are generation youngempowering people to reach their full potential.
#19: How many of you are here to learn about the products?
How many of you are here to learn about a financial opportunity?
How many of you are here because you have to be? (Smile.)
Over the next 30 minutes, you are going to find out why Jeunesse速 is the industrys best kept secret. 油
We are generation youngempowering people to reach their full potential.
#20: How many of you are here to learn about the products?
How many of you are here to learn about a financial opportunity?
How many of you are here because you have to be? (Smile.)
Over the next 30 minutes, you are going to find out why Jeunesse速 is the industrys best kept secret. 油
We are generation youngempowering people to reach their full potential.
#21: How many of you are here to learn about the products?
How many of you are here to learn about a financial opportunity?
How many of you are here because you have to be? (Smile.)
Over the next 30 minutes, you are going to find out why Jeunesse速 is the industrys best kept secret. 油
We are generation youngempowering people to reach their full potential.
#23: A friend told her to take a before picture with her iPhone so she could see the progress. After just five days, she took another picture and was surprised at how fast she could see the results.
#25: Winny is a retired civil engineer and proudly likes to share that she is 65 years young. When she first joined Jeunesse速, she decided to try the serum on only half of her face to see how it would work.
For ten weeks, she applied the serum in the morning and at night to just one half of her face. The results were so dramatic that she agreed to let a dermatologist show them by using a dermascope in a room full of people. As you can see, the results were amazingon the side where she did not apply the serum, her skin was red with blackheads. By contrast, you can see the difference with the thin layer of collagen on the side she did apply the serum.
#27: This was sent in by a young lady who is 24 years old. She had tried many products to help with her acne and was delighted with the results she experienced with Jeunesse速 after just two weeks.
#29: Phyllis is 82 years young. She burned her face and hands badly while cooking. After just seven days of using the Jeunesse速 cellular rejuvenation serum twice a day, she was amazed at the speed of her recovery. Now her neighbors call her the lady with the magic serum.
#31: FINITI naturally enhances the enzyme (telomerase) needed to lengthen our short telomeres.* This adds healthy life to our cells. Thousands of studies show the connection between short telomeres and the natural process of cellular aging. Of course nothing is known to stop aging, but healthy cells equal healthy internal systems. Healthy systems equal a healthy body. And a healthy body equals a strong, happy, youthful you.BENEFITS
Contains the only known patented nutrient shown to lengthen short telomeres in humans*
Transiently activates telomerase, the enzyme that adds length to telomeres*
Supports the delay in cellular aging, including cells of the immune system
Promotes a feeling of youthful vitality
Contains a powerful combination of antioxidants that protect our cells, DNA, stem cells, and telomeres from oxidative stress
A source of natural nutrients that help maintain our bodys adult stem cells
Supports our natural rejuvenation system
Supports the maintenance of our natural DNA repair mechanisms
#32: RESERVE is a delicious tasting gel rich in antioxidants like resveratrol, anthocyanins, and essential fatty acids.
RESERVE is designed to provide healthy immune system support, protect cells from oxidative damage and premature aging, and support healthy inflammation. With combined ingredients that also help support improved cardiovascular function and assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, this product is a win-win for everyone.
#33: FINITI contains the only proprietary blend of natural nutrients known to safely lengthen short telomeres and maintain healthy stem cells. It also protects your cells, DNA, stem cells, and telomeres from oxidative stress. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. 60 capsules per bottle
#34: How many of you take a vitamin? Everyone in the world knows that there is hardly any nutrition left in our food. Just about everything is now enriched or enhanced with vitamins and mineralseven bread!
AM Essentials contains powerful vitamins, nutrients, extracts, and antioxidants to help boost your energy during the day, protect your cells from free radicals, support natural cellular DNA repair, and help you maintain healthy cell function.
How many of you know someone who has trouble sleeping? Did you know that according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, about 40 million adults in the USA suffer from a chronic sleep disorder? An additional 20 to 30 million have intermittent sleep-related problems.
PM Essentials also contains powerful vitamins, nutrients, extracts, and antioxidants that naturally help protect your cells and improve the quality of your sleep.
#36: You can participate in the Jeunesse速 Global Financial Rewards Plan at whichever level you wish. You decide whether you want to create a part-time income through retail sales or build a full-time businessYOU control your destiny.
Here are a few more questions to consider. Where would you like to see yourself? What do you really want out of life? Whats going to get your there? Think of the last five years of your life. Whats going to be different five years from today? With Jeunesse速 the possibilities are unlimited because you are in charge.
#37: Your first decision is if you want to be a Customer, or an Associate, or better yeta Distributor. As a Customer, you can buy products at retail and enjoy the great results.
As an Associate, you can buy products at wholesale and get ready for the business. (Its kind of like owning a franchise.) Who knowsoften when you really like something, you cant help but recommend it to others, so why not get paid for doing so? Who wouldnt want some extra income every month? How about every week?
When you purchase the $29.95 USD Virtual Starter Kit you get:
A personalized website with a shopping cart
A realtime, Back Office business
The ability to buy wholesale and sell retail
A global reporting system to track your business
Tools, reports, and product information
#43: Na bilo kojoj razini u Jeunessu, distributeri su u mogunosti kupiti proizvode po veleprodajnim cijenama za osobnu uporabu. Kao distributer vi ste u mogunosti preprodavati Jeunesse proizvode i zaraditi maloprodajnu dobit. Mo転ete zaraditi izmeu 20% do 45% maloprodajne dobiti na svaku prodaju.
Mo転ete platiti 78,38 dolara za proizvod i prodavati ga po preporuenoj maloprodajnoj cijeni od 121,96 dolara-zaraujete 43,58 dolar od maloprodajne dobiti
#44: Who likes getting stuff for free?
Wouldnt it be great if there was an easy way for you to get free product and make money? Wondering how this is even possible? Well, it is! We know your time is valuable, so were keeping it plain and simple.
Associates and Distributorssign-up your first two Preferred Customers (PCs). One will automatically be placed on your left and the second on your right. Then you: get $50.00 USD, automatically become qualified for the month, send 60 CV points upline, and get two FREE bottles of LUMINESCE cellular rejuvenation serum!
#45: Kao 邸to ste osobno upisali nove klijente u svoj tim, mo転ete zaraditi unosan korisniki bonus. Ovi bonusi su plaeni za kupnju jednog od izabranih paketa kako slijede :
JUMBO PACKAGE * = 400 CV, $200 CAB
*CV = Commissionable Volume
Details on all product packages can be found on the corporate website: www.jeunesseglobal.com
Autoship qualified for a year.
#46: mo転ete ostvariti timsku proviziju kako gradite svoj prodajni tim
Ova provizija osmi邸ljena je kao pomo i podr邸ka svima koji pristupe timu
邸to im vi邸e poma転ete u uspjehu vi邸e ete zaraditi
#47: Its油simple. Find two friends and invite them to join with the package that is right for them.
You place one on your left and one on your right. Congratulations! You are an Executive and ready to earn team commissions.
Every time you accumulate 300 points on one side and 600 on the other, you earn $35.00 USD. This can happen many times a day or even an hour! You have the potential to earn up to $28,250.00 USD a week. How many of you could live on that?
So, now you have found your two friends and all you have to do is help them find two new friends and so on.
#48: Leadership bonuse mo転ete zaraditi nakon 邸to osobno ukljuite svoj tim
ovakav bonus mo転ete postii kroz 7 razina
svaka osoba koju ukljuite kreira svoju prodajnu liniju
potrebno je osobno prikupiti min. 60 PV bodova svaki mjesec kako biste participirali za takve bonuse
broj nivoa za koje 転elite ostvariti bonus odreen je va邸om pozicijom propisanim financijskim planom nagrada
#49: Dodatnih 5% poticajnih sredstava na prvoj razini ostvarujete ako imate :
5 Retail Customers
5 Preferred Customers
or 5 Wholesale Customers
I dodatnih 10 % ako imate:
10 Retail Customers
10 Wholesale Customers
ili 10 Preferred Customers za mjesec dana
Za meunarodne distributere odnose se pravila za upisane u Autoship program.
#50: You can earn a share of the Companys total global sales by qualifying for our Diamond Bonus Pool.
The Company takes 3% of total CV and shares this amongst those qualified to earn this bonus.
In order to participate, you must have 10 Customers (Retail, Preferred, or Wholesale) each month in the quarter.
Shares are accumulated based on the following criteria:
One share is awarded for becoming a Diamond Director
One share is awarded for each month you Diamond qualify in the quarter
One share is awarded for each personally sponsored Diamond
One share is awarded for every 1,000 cycles achieved during the quarter
And one share is awarded for each month you qualify as a Double Diamond*
*International Distributors only need to have 10 personally enrolled Distributors complete an Autoship order each calendar month of the quarter in order to participate.
#51: Jeunesse速 offers a whole range of incentives and additional bonuses.
Customer incentives, the Diamond Pool, and your ability to win trips and participate in personal training seminars are just a few ways. We also have national and international conventions that offer a chance to see the country and the world.
Inexpensive to join, no need to leave current your job or business, no need to make large investments, and no previous experience required.
Life-changing income can be achieved.
#53: Reason number one is to improve your own life and reason number two is to help others.
Imagine a worry-free businessthe company will take care of the products, ordering, processing, delivery, accounting, customer service, and even language options. Most importantly, you will get paid weekly.
Remember those questions we posed right at the beginning? You now have all of the answers to make your decision. Here is what we are going to suggest: visit your Sponsors website or get with your Sponsor to decide which product package is right for you. Then sign-up and place your order.