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              Mr. Jim Dwyer, Executive Director of Business Council of Mongolia

弌仂亟仂仂: 仂亶仆 仄仆亟 勵亰亞亳亟 . 仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 勵勵 仍舒仆 亳仍仍舒亞舒 仆于勵勵仍亞亳亶仆
仍亢亳 亟亞舒舒 舒 弍勵仆亟 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 亟亞舒舒 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆
勵亶亞 亰舒亳舒仍 仆仂仆 亳仄 于舒亶亠-亞 亢 仂仂仍仍亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒亟舒舒 舒舒舒亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 弌舒亶仆
弍舒亶仆舒 ?

亳仄: 弌舒亶仆 弍舒亶仆舒 !

弌仂亟仂仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆 舒仍舒舒 亳仍舒 亞亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒亟舒舒 弍舒舒亶
弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 于亳亶仆 于亳仍, 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 弍仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亞仄亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆
亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 弍舒亶 , 唏唏仍亟唏 舒亟于舒亞 仂亟仂仂亶仍于仂仍? 勳亰亞亳亟亟 仍亟
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒仆亳仍仍舒 ?

What synergies among Mongolian stakeholders, among Mongolian community and public
organizations could be built with BCMs resources and competence? Would you start
introducing your organization?

亳仄: 丐亞仍亞勵亶 磠舒于. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 仆 4 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆
弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆. 仆 仆亳亶 35 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 丐亟仆亳亶 亳仆亳 仆 亞舒亟仆
唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒亞亳亟 弍舒亶舒仆. 亊仍舒仆亞磠 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒. 丐勵勵仆 仂亶亳 亞舒舒舒仆亟
亞亳勵勵亟亳亶仆 仄舒舒仆 仂仂 仄舒 亳亟于亶 唏唏仆 唏唏唏唏 仍弍仍 6 亟舒亳仆 唏 仂亟仂仂 仆亳亶 180 亞舒亶
亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 磦仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳勵仆 舒仍 亞舒亶 于 仆
仂仆亞仂仍仆 亢亳亢亳亞 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仄 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞 弍仂仍 勵仍亟仆 亞 仆 仂仍仂仆 仍仆
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟, 15 仂亳仄 亅仍亳仆 弌舒亶亟仆 亊舒仄亟亟, 亟亳仗仍仂仄舒 亞舒亰亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 勳勵仆 亞舒亟仆舒
亠 亶亠 仂仆亠于舒仆亳 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍舒亞仆 唏于仍唏仍 亰亞 唏亳亶仆
弍 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 亞亳勵勵亟亟 仄舒舒仆 弍舒亞亟舒亞. 丐亳亶仄 弍亳亟 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆
舒仍弍舒仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒.

Jim: The Business Council was formed as an independent entity about 4 years ago. We started
with 35 members. They were almost all foreign investors since we spun off from the NAMBC
based in Washington, DC. And largely mining. And its amazing, maybe because its the right
time for Mongolia, for weve multiplied by 6 times. We now have about 180 members, about
half are Mongolian, large and small companies, little less than half are international, about 15
embassies and diplomatic missions in Mongolia, and a number of NGOs ranging from
international like the Nature Conservancy to local like the Arts Council of Mongolia. So we now
represent all business stakeholders.

弌仂亟仂仂: 亟 舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 舒仆 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 亞仆 舒舒舒 丱仂亶亟 仄亠亳从
 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 仆 亟仂 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 丐亳亶仄  弍仂仍仂仂仂  勵勵,
勵仄勵勵 舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亞 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 亰唏于唏仆 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 亟仄亢亳亢

舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 亞仆 仂亶仍亞仂仍 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 于 舒仆舒亶 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 唏亟亳亶亞勵亶 仄仂仆亞仂仍仆
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 舒仍 舒仍亳仆亞 仆 亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒.

Sodo: But you began as a foreign entity? NAMBC? And therefore many have view that if you
are foreign entity and you stand to promote the interest of only foreign entities. Now you are a
multinational Mongolian entity.

亳仄: 丐亞仍亞勵亶 磠舒于. 舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仂仍仂亞 舒仍亟亞 唏仍唏唏仍唏 舒仄亞亳亶仆
仂仄仂仂仂仆 亰唏于仍唏 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 仆亞 弍仂仍仂于 . 亳亟仆亳亶 亰仂亳仍亞仂 舒仆仆 弍舒亶舒仆 丕-仆 35
亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 仆仄亞亟勵勵仍亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶, 仄仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟亞 亞亳勵勵仆
仍勵勵仍, 仄仂仆亞仂仍 亞舒亟舒舒亟 仆勵勵仆 亞亳勵勵亟亳亶仆 弍勵仍亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 弍亳亶 弍仂仍亞仂亞 亰仂亢 弍舒亶仍舒舒.
丐丕-仆 亞亳勵勵亟 仄舒舒仆 勵仍 舒亶仆 勵亠亟 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 7 亞亳勵勵亟 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 唏亟亞唏唏
仆亳亶 19 丐丕-仆 亞亳勵勵亟亶, 勵勵仆 10 仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亞 亟亳亟舒仆 舒于 磦舒舒; 舒亶仍弍舒仍:
亅 弌 亅弌, 丐舒于舒仆 仂亞亟, ミ歳笑, 亅仆亠亢亳 亠仂亠, 丱丱舒仆从, 仂仆仆亳 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍
亰亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟亞 仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳亟仆亳亶 亰仂亳仍亞仂 弍仂仍 仍舒亟 仂亢 亳 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆
唏唏仍亳亶亞 亟仄亢亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶 亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 唏唏仍唏亟 舒舒亟 弍仂仍亢 弍亶 仍 仂亞仂仂仄亢,
弍仂亟仍仂亞仂 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 唏唏仍唏仆, 亳仆仍亳亶仆 唏仍唏唏 舒亢亳仍仍舒, 仂仆亞仂仍仆
丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢-亳亶亞 唏唏仆 亟于亢亳亟 亟仄亢仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍 亰亞 舒亶仆 亠从仂 弍ム 舒仍弍舒舒亶
仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 舒亟仍亟 亟 亳仍勵勵 舒仆舒舒亟舒亞.

Jim: Thats for sure. Probably the strongest business advocate for Mongolian business
stakeholders. So our goal was to not only move from 35 foreign members to a mix, complete
mix, but our board, we had seven people on our board at the start, all with international
entities. Now we have nineteen, ten of them are running Mongolian companies including MCS,
Tavan Bogd, Newcom, Energy Resources, TDB, Monnis, and MAK. Our goal is to help sectors,
help not only introduce investment in the country, but to help sectoral issues, such as reforming
laws that inhibit economic growth or for example helping the Mongolian Stock Exchange get
upgraded. Things that affect sectors, not individual companies, where embassies or others can
help do that. Were looking at business climate issues.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒 仆仍亟 亟仆 舒亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟亶, 亟仆亳亶 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 舒仆亳仍仍弍舒仍?

Sodo: You have number of working groups in your structure. How do they operate?

亳仄: 亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟 仄舒舒仆 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶 100 亞舒亶 舒亶仆
亟仆 仍舒亞舒 弍勵亳亶 勵仄勵勵 弍勵亟亟亞. 亳亶亟 7 舒亢仍仆 亞亶. 丕-仆 舒仍ム仆 弌舒仆
弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 丐唏亳亶仆 舒仆亞亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏勵勵亟亶 舒于舒仆 仍亳亟亞 弍仂仍仂于仂仆亞亶 弍仂仍亞仂
亳亞仍仍 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒 勵勵亞 弍勵亳亶 亢仍仆 亞 2 勵仆 仄舒仆舒亶 丐舒于舒仆 舒亢仍仆 亞
弍舒亶亟舒亞. 弌舒舒仆 弍亳亟 丐舒于舒仆 唏仆亳亶 亞舒亰仆 仆亳亶 55 勵仆亟 丕-仆 舒于舒仆 仍亳亶仆 舒仍舒舒
亞舒仍 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆. 舒亞 仆舒 仆 舒亶于仂亠舒勵勵仗亠 弍仂仍仂仆 亳 亳 亅仄 亳 亞仆
舒亟亳仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 亳亞亟舒亢 仂仂仍仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 舒仆舒亶 仂仍仂于仂仍仆 亢仍仆 亞 亞舒亶
仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 亞舒仍仆 舒亟舒仍亟 亳 舒仆舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 仂亟仂仂 亳仍勵勵 勵仍勵勵 亟亟 弍仂仍仂于仂仍

 舒仆舒舒舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亢亳仍勵勵亟亟 亞舒亶 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍勵勵亟亳亶亞
亳亶仆. 唏仆亳亶亟唏唏 舒亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒仍 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒舒亶
仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 舒亟仍亞 唏仆亟唏亢, 勵勵仆亟 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶亞仂仂 舒仆舒仍, 亰唏于仍唏仄亢 弍仂仍仂于仍亢
仂仍弍仂亞亟仂 亊舒仄亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亟 舒仆亟舒舒亟 亳亞仍亟亞. 亳亟 丕-仆
亰舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒, 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶, 亰唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 亞亳勵勵亟亶 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂亳仆亟 亞舒舒 舒仍 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍,
舒亟仍舒舒 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亳仍仂, 仆仍亶 亳舒 仍仍勵勵仍亞 唏仆勵勵仍 亳亞仍仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒舒
亳仆, 勵勵仆  亳仍勵勵 亳亳亶亞 亳亶 弍仂仍仆仂.

Jim: We have 100 volunteers from our BCM members. Experienced people and they are for
free! Were organized in seven different working groups. Our Tax WG  we have two people on
a national Tax task force and BCM just arranged a training session for 55 Tax Authority officials
about international tax laws taught by PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG. BCMs Education
WG has shifted from a vocational training focus with a lot of mining company, human resource
people to also a higher education thrust. Weve accomplished quite a lot in vocational training
over the last year. Our working groups tend to focus on important business issues and come up
with recommendations and proposals to be taken to ministries, Government departments
and/or agencies. We work to have dialogue that influences some significant positive changes
which weve been doing. And theres lot more we can do.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 弍勵仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍 丕舒亶仆 丱舒仆亞舒仆 亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵仍亢仆亳亶 舒仍 亟 亟舒仍亞舒舒
亳亶亢, 仂仄仂仂仂仆 勵仍亢亞 勵勵亞仆亳亶亞 仄亟 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒.  舒亞舒舒 仂仍仂仆, 亰唏于 亰勵亶仍 弍仂仍仂仆 亞亢
弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仆 磠亢 舒仆舒舒亳仍舒仆 弍?  仆  勵 亟勵仆亶 弍舒亶仆舒 于?

Sodo: I know that you have conducted a survey on Mongolia Mining Supply Chain. That was very
timely, very useful database. How do you find the use of this work? How its been initialized?
How pragmatic are the results?

亳仄:  勵 亟勵仆亶 弍舒亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳亟 亟唏仆亞唏亢 仍勵勵仍亟 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒
弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 亞舒亞舒亟舒亞 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仆亳亶 1300 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟
弍勵亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 唏于唏仆 仍 舒亶仆 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 弍 仄唏仆 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵亞仍亳亶仆
勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 弍舒亶亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳仍弍仍 亰亳仆 亳仍亞亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 仄唏仆 舒仄舒亞亟舒仆
弍舒亶亞舒舒, 亳 仆 哦仄仆唏 亞仂于  舒亶亟亞 亰唏唏亟唏亞 ミ. 亞 勵亞 仍弍仍 亟亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟
勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 舒仍仍舒 勵仆亞勵亶 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ. 唏亞唏唏亶亞勵勵, 亟舒仍亟舒仆
舒于舒亞 仆舒 仄唏仆 勵仍亢仆亟 弍舒亞舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丐亳亶仄 亟舒仍亟舒亞 弍仂仍仂仆 亟舒仍亟舒仆 舒于舒亞 仂
仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 唏仍唏唏亶 亟 舒亳仍舒 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 ミ. 亳仍弍仍, 舒仆舒亶 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 仆
从从舒于舒仂-仆 仂仂仍仂亶 亳亶亟亞 弍仂仍 唏唏仍 弍勵亳亶仆 仂仂仍仂亶 勵亶仍亟于仍亞 亞仆 亟亟 亞
弍舒亶仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 丐亞 仆 从从舒于舒仂-仆 仂仂仍仂亶 舒亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 舒仆舒亶舒亶
亟 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 亞仆 勵亞. 亟 亟亞 1300 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 舒仆舒仆 唏仆亟唏
勵于仆亳亶 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆, 勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 弍舒亶 舒舒亟仍舒亞舒舒亶. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍 舒仆亞舒仆
仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶 舒仆舒亞 舒亶亢仍舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳 仍亟
ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶 于仍 亅仆亠亢亳 亠仂亠 舒仆舒舒亶 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 丱舒亟仆
勵亶仍亟于仍亞 亳仍勵勵 仂仆亞仂仍 从仂仄仗舒仆亳舒舒舒 10% 亳仍勵勵 勵仆 舒于舒亞 勵亳亶亞 勵亞勵亶亞亞勵亶, 亞于
舒仆舒 勵亞勵亶亞 亞舒亟仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳舒 舒于舒舒舒 唏唏 舒亞舒亞勵亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 丐亞 亠 仆 弍仂仍 仂亶仆 5

亢亳仍亳亶仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶 舒仆舒 亟 亳仍勵勵 舒仆舒舒 亞舒亟舒舒亟舒亟
从仗仂仍仂亢 弍仂仍仂亶 舒仆舒亞 仍亳亶仍 亞亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ.

亞 唏唏仄亟唏亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 仂亳仂仍亟仂仆 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 亳舒亟, 亅亶 亶 亳 亳 仄 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 勵亶仍
舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 舒亶亢舒舒亟 亳 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亞舒亟仆舒 唏唏 仍舒亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞
仍亳亶仍亢, 舒亰舒从舒仆亟 仆亞 唏仍亳亶亞 亞亢勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仆 ミ. 仂仆亞仂仍亟 唏于仍亳亶仆 舒亞舒舒 勵亶仍
舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 亰仂亞仂仆亞亳 弍仂仍亟仂亞 勵亠 舒亰舒从舒仆亟 唏于唏仍 亳亶亢 弍仂仍仂 亞 舒亢亳仍 亳仆 舒亳亞
舒于亳舒仆 ミ. 亟仂仂 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶-亟 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亟亞 舒亢仂 亳仍仍亳仆亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亞  仂仂于仂仍 亅亶 亶
亳 亳 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄 唏唏仄亟唏亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 弍勵仆亳亶 亳 仆 亟 弍勵 仆舒亞
唏于仍唏唏仆 弍仂亟仍仂亞仂仂 仍仆亟 仂亳亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丕亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍舒亶仍舒亢 勵亶仍
舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 磦仍亟舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 ミ. 勳勵仆 亳亞 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 仄舒舒仆 勵亶仍
舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 亞舒亰舒 亰勵亶仆 勵于亳仆亟 仍, 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟 舒仆舒舒舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仂于 . 舒仆舒亶
勳仆亟仆亳亶 丱唏亞亢亳仍 丿亳仆亞仍亳亶仆 丱仂仂仂 (勳丱丿丱)-仂亶 舒仄舒 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 仄舒仆舒亶 舒仍舒舒 于亳亶仆
亠从仂仆仆亞 舒亳舒亢, 勳丱丿丱 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒亞 舒亳舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕亞 丕仍 舒亶仆
舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵仍亢 仄舒舒仆 亳亟勵亶亟 仂仄仂, 亳仆 亠亞 仆唏仍唏唏亞 勵亰勵勵仍仆 亞亟亞
亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶仆舒.

Jim: It really will be useful. Weve just upgraded it. We registered 1,300 Mongolian suppliers
that have products or services for the mining industry. They might not just be mining products
for mining only. They could also serve other sectors such as caterers. Eznis Airways is included
since they transport miners back and forth to the South Gobi. What weve done is provided free
advertising to these 1300 companies. At the same time, the upgrade enables buyers of the
services to also be on it. So buyers and sellers can directly interact and talk to each other. For
example, if your company happens to make buckets for steamshovels, youll be listed on the
database sub-segment as a bucket manufacturer. Companies who want to buy steamshovel
buckets can directly contact you and you can try to supply them. To make this really work
though, these 1300 suppliers need to have quality products and services. Suppliers are going to
have to improve their products because, for example, OT or Energy Resources need quality
products and services and they prefer to buy from Mongolians. They might even will to pay 10%
more than to a Chinese supplier. But if the quality isnt there, they have problem in doing
business locally. The goal should in five years or so suppliers should be looking to have quality
items that can be even be exported. An example of what can happen occurred for a driller,
Australasian Independent Diamond Drilling. A.I.D.D. was doing marginally well, but then they
looked outside of Mongolia and they got projects in Kazakhstan which could continue year-long
through the winter months when they were shut down by the cold weather in Mongolia. This
was almost like found money. Now they are I think the largest driller in Mongolia other than
Major Drilling which supplies OT. Theyre doing really well because they expanded with a
regional focus. Theyre based in Mongolia and are a Mongolian company. A lot of these mining
supply chain suppliers will have to find ways to upgrade and geographical expansion might be
one. BCM is teaming with the National Development and Innovation Council where well bring
our private sector members using basically systems approach and the NDIC will bring the public

sector: universities, government agencies, and ministries. Hopefully we can help see this whole
mining supply chain grow and eventually become significant exporters regionally and beyond.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 亞亳勵勵亟 亟仆亟 15 亅弌亊-亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丐亟仆亶 礆舒 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒
舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 于?

Sodo: In your membership, you have about 15 embassies and its interesting to look into the
ways you work with the embassies. How are embassies engaged in BCMs activities?

亳仄: 于舒仍亳, 舒仆舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 亅弌亊 亟仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒仆 仍亶 舒仄舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆
弍亳亰仆亠 仍亞亟 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 仍 仂仆亟舒亟 亰仂亳仂亞亟仂亢 弍亶 仂仄仂仂仂仆 从仗仂, 勵亰亞仍仆亞勵勵亟
勵勵 舒于 磦亟舒亞. 亅从仗仂-亞 仂亳亢 勵亰仆, 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂, 弍舒舒舒
弍勵亞亟勵勵仆, 勵亶仍亳仍亞亞 仂仆亞仂仍亟 仆于勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仄亢 弍勵亟亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亰仆 仆
唏仍亳亶仆 弍亳亰仆亠 舒磿舒仍亞 于舒仍亳亶仆 亠仍弍仆-亟 弍仂仍仂仆 个舒仆舒亶亰亳仆亞-亳亶仆 亅从仗仂  亰仂亳仂仆
弍舒亶亞仍舒仆. 于舒仍亳舒 亳亶 舒仆舒亶亰亳仆亞 亳亶亢 弍仂仍仂 仂仍仂仆 唏仍亳亶仆 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆
弍亳亶. 2 舒仆 唏仄仆唏 仄唏仆 舒仆舒亟仆 舒仆从勵于亠 弍仂仍仂仆 丐仂仂仆仂 仂亟  磦舒舒亟 亳仆. 舒仆舒亟
仍舒舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亢 弍舒亶舒仆 仍亳仆 舒亶亟 舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍舒舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亶亞
舒仆从勵于亠 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆 ミ. 丐 从仂仆亠亠仆-亟 仄唏仆 仂仂仍仂仂亟 亳仆. 丕亟舒亞勵亶, 20 仂亳仄
勵仆亳亶 弍勵仍亟勵勵仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 亞仗仗-亞 丕-仆 舒 亠亞舒- 弍仂仍仂 丐仂仆仂亞仍仂仍, 舒亞舒亢
亞仍亳亶仆 勵亰亞仍仆-勵勵 舒于 磦舒 亞亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亠仄舒仆 亅弌亊-舒亶 亳亶仄勵勵 唏仍亳亶仆 舒仄仆
舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆 舒仍舒舒 亳仍舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒.

唏仆 亅弌亊-亟 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亰勵亞 仍舒亢 舒亟舒 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶于舒仍 仆仍亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 亳仍亟 亠仄舒仆
亅弌亊-舒仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒仆 舒仍弍舒仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏亞亟亳亶亞 勵仍亢 舒于 弍舒亶仆舒 亞亢 弍仂亟于仂仍 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亰勵亞
亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒舒舒 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍勵仍亟勵勵仍仆 勵亟亳亶仆 亰仂仂亞 舒仄亟舒舒 弍舒亢 弍仂仍仆仂,
唏唏唏唏 仍弍仍 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏亞唏仆 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞 仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂仂亶 ミ.

Jim: Well, one way weve been working with a number of embassies including the Australian,
Canadian, US, and soon the German. Weve been taking Mongolian missions to tradeshows in
other countries, so they can learn best international practices and corporate governance. We
took a group to Melbourne, Australia last summer where they attended a Franchising Show and
met with franchisors. There are a lot of products in Australia that could be franchised here. We
took a Mongolian group to Vancouver and Toronto two months ago accompanied by the
Canadian Trade mission in Mongolia. The former Canadian ambassador to Mongolia arranged a
conference in Vancouver about Mongolian mining. Were taking a Mongolian group to a
hardware show in Las Vegas in May and about 20 Mongolian business people signed up. The
German ambassador is coordinating with BCM to also do this in Germany. So thats one way.

Were also cooperating with embassies which might not have a big support staff here. For
example, the German Embassy might have a trade delegation coming and BCM might have a
luncheon to introduce them to a number of BCM members for background on business
opportunities and practices here. So we can be kind of additional support.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 亞 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂仍弍仂亢, 亞勵勵 弍仂仍亢 唏亞 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒仆舒亞亟舒亢

丐舒 丕-仆 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仆亟仆亳亶 仄亢仆亳亶 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亟仆 亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆亟亞
仗仂仆仂仍仂亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 丱舒仄亞亳亶仆 勵勵仍亟 亞亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亅亟亳亶仆 舒亞亳亶仆 个仂仄. 丐勵勵仆仍仆
唏仆亞唏唏仆 舒 仄唏仆 丱仂仆亞 仂仆亞仂亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍仆 亟仄亢亳亞
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆. 亅仆 舒亶亞舒舒 勵亰亞亳亟亶 仄舒舒仆 于舒舒仍于舒仍?

Sodo: So youre bridging opportunities. Wonderful!

Also I know that you sponsor many international and national economic events, most recently
Mongolian Economic Forum, also you sponsored or supported Mines and Money in Hong Kong
last month, I know that you went there. Please share with my audience the overall atmosphere?

亳仄: 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍 仆 仆仍仆 仂仄仂仂仂仆 仄亢仆亳亶 仂亞
从仂仆亠亠仆亳 ミ. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 10 舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒亶 舒仍 亟 弍亳亟 舒仄舒
舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆. 弌舒 3 舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 仆 亰亳亶仆 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 亅仆亳亶 2 唏亟亳亶仆 仆亳亶
亳仍亞亞 仆 亶于舒仆仂亠 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶仆 仂弍亠 个亳亶亟仄舒仆 弍舒亶舒仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶-亞亳亶仆 舒亶
舒仆. 丐弍 仍亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶, 亞仂于亟 10000 舒亢亳仍亟舒舒 弍勵亟仆 仂仄仂仂仂仆 弍勵仆
弍舒亶亞仍舒仍, 仂亞仂仍弍仂亞 亳亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 亟舒舒舒 亢亳仍 勵亶仍亟于仍仍 仆 仍
仂仂仂仂仍仂亞亟仂亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 舒亶 仍仆. 2000 勵仆 仂仂仍仂仆 亞 仍亰舒仍仆 勵亠 弍勵亞亟 仍 仂仆亞仂仍仆
舒亶 亞舒舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亳亟 仆 3 亟舒 唏亟亳亶仆 唏亞仍唏唏亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仆仄亢亳
仍仍勵勵仍亞 亳亶 弍仂仍仂仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 勵勵仆亟 400 勵仆 弍勵亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶舒仆. 丕亞 仍仍勵勵仍亞亳亶仆 2
舒仍弍舒 舒仍亟舒舒仆亞 仄亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 亟亳亟舒仆 磦仍舒仆. 仂仆亞仂仍亞 亞仆 仂仆亳仂仍 仄舒 亳
弍舒亶舒仆. 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏  亳亶仆 2 亟舒 仂仆亞仂仍亳舒 从仂亠亠仆亳 亳 10 舒亟 弍仂仍仂 亞亢
弍舒亶亞舒舒, 仄舒仆舒亶 亰勵亞 仄唏仆 亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 哦仆唏唏 勵亠亟, 弍亳亢亳亶仆 亰舒 亰舒舒仍亳亶仆
勵亰勵勵仍仍, 于舒仍ム仆 勵亰勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍, 亞舒亰仆 仂仆 仆唏唏 亞亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍
亟仍亳亶 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒舒舒仆亟 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳勵仆亳亶 仂亟 亢亳, 舒舒仆 仂仆亟仂仆亞亳亶仆 丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢
仄舒仆舒亶 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢-亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 仆亞仆
仂仂仆 仆亞亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 唏唏 仍 仂仆仂仂 舒仆勵勵亢勵勵仍仍 舒亶亞勵亶亞 唏唏仆唏唏 仄唏仆亞唏唏 唏亞唏
弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 弍仂仍仂 ミ.

Jim: Mines and Money is one of the best organized sets of conferences. We assisted with their
first Mongolia conference last October in HK. This conference in March 2011 was an Asian
conference. But the first speaker of the two full days was Robert Friedman from Ivanhoe who
talked about Oyu Tolgoi. He vividly described having 10000 workers constructing OT in the Gobi
this year with production starting next year. Everybody was talking about Mongolia during the
whole conference which 2,000 attended. The organizers had decided to have a Mongolian
morning the third day and 400 registered. I moderated the two panels on the Mongolian
morning; there was tremendous interest in Mongolia. So Mines and Money is planning to do
their second Mongolia conference in HK in October 2011 which BCM will support. Mongolia is
really becoming increasingly in the global eye right now with our stock market performance,
currency performance, and mineral and oil deposits with mining just beginning to ramp up. The

London Stock Exchange has just started to upgrade our MSE to where local companies will be
able to raise money on it and not have to look for funding solely offshore in Australia or
elsewhere. So the money side of thing has a ways to go, and so does the mining. But the overall
focus on Mongolia has never been higher.

弌仂亟仂: 仂仆 个亳亶亟仍舒仆亟-仆 亳仍亞仍亳亶仆 亞仂仍 舒仆舒舒 仆 ム 弍舒亶舒仆 弍? 丐 仂仆亞仂仍-亞
亳亟于亶 亟仄亢亳亞亟亳亶仆 仆亞.

Sodo: What is the key message delivered by Mr. Friedland on conference? He is a great
promoter of Mongolia.

亳仄: 丐 亳 仂亟仂仆 勵仆. 丐弍 仍亟: 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 仆勵勵 弌舒亟仆 舒弍 弍仂仍仆仂
亞亢 仍仆. 舒亟 仍仆 亰勵亶仍勵勵亟 仆 舒亶仆 舒仆舒亞勵亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 亟 勵勵仆亳亶 亞仂仍 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆
舒仆舒舒 仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍仆 仄舒 亳 仆唏唏 弍勵亳亶 仍 仂仂仆, 舒亟 勵仄仆 仆 勵仆亟仆
唏唏仆亞唏 仆 ミ 亞亢 个亳亶亟仍舒仆亟 仍仆 舒仆舒亞亟舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳亞勵亶 弍仂仍 弍舒亟 仆 亳仆亞亢 仍亢
弍舒亶舒仆. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亞亟 弍仂仍 舒仄亞亳亶仆 舒仍 勵仆亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏, 亟 弍舒磿舒亞 仄唏仆.

Jim: Hes phenomenal. He comes up with sayings like Mongolia will become the Saudi Arabia
of coal. He was wonderful. I wish I could remember more quotes! But his message was
Mongolia is really a world class mineral deposit country and people here are probably the best
asset. I think Friedland said that, if not others were saying that. The people are really Mongolias
best asset. Minerals are in the ground, but Mongolian people are the best.

弌仂亟仂: 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亞仆 弍勵 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟仍亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 舒舒舒舒亶 亞亢 勵亟亞. 唏于唏仆
舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍 弍, 唏唏 亰勵亶仍, 勵仆 弍亳亟 弍舒舒舒亢 弍仂仍仂 仂ム仆 唏仄, 弍勵仍
仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仆 亞舒舒舒舒亶 亞亢 勵亟亞.

哦仆亞唏唏仆 亢亳仍勵勵亟亳亶仆 丐舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆 仍舒亞舒舒 舒舒舒亟 勵勵仍亳亶仆 10 于仍 15 亢亳仍亟
仂仆亞仂仍仆 亞舒亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 仆唏唏仍 弍舒亶亟舒仍  唏唏仍唏亞亟唏仆 弍?

Sodo: Every Mongolian wants Mongolia to get the worlds attention, not only for buyers of our
mineral endowments, but also for something else, with which we can really rave about, which is
Mongolian capital, intellectual capital.

Just looking back at your experience dealing with the Mongolian government, Mongolian public,
in the area of promotional foreign direct investment, if you recall say five years ago, or 10 years
ago, how has Mongolias foreign investment environment improved?

亳仄: 仍亳亶 舒亶亢亳舒仆 亞亢 仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 -仆 丱唏唏仆亞唏
仂仍舒仍仆 弍舒仆从亳-仆 于亟 丱丱-亞 亟舒仍亟舒 舒亟仍舒舒 舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亳仆. 仍亟亞勵亶
勵亳仆 舒仄舒亶仍 亞舒亞舒仆 亟勵仆亟 仄亠亳从亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 7 舒 亟仂仍仍舒仆 弍舒亞舒 唏唏亞唏唏 丱丱-亞
亟舒仍亟舒亢 舒于舒仆. 丐 勵亠亟 仆 仆 仍仂仆 仍仆 亠仆亟亠亠亠 亟舒仍亟舒舒仍舒亞亟舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆
舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄 舒仆仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 ミ. 舒舒舒 仆 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从仆 于亟 舒亟亳仍, 亊仗仂仆
从仂仄仗舒仆亳 3 舒 亟仂仍仍舒仆 唏唏亞唏唏 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从亞 亟舒仍亟舒亢 舒于舒仆. 亟仂仂 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从 100 舒
亟仂仍仍舒舒舒 弍舒亞舒亞勵亶 仄亢仆亳亶 唏唏仆亞唏亶, 勵勵仆亶 舒仍舒舒亟 2000 仂仆仂仂 仂亶 亳 亰勵亶仍

唏唏仍唏亞亟唏仆亳亶亞 舒亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 2009 仂仆 9 舒亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶亞亳亶仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 亞
亳亶亞亟亢, 唏仆亞唏唏仆 仂仆 3 舒亟 亟亞舒于舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 丕亞 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍 亳仆 仆唏仍唏唏仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
勳勵仆亳亶 勵 亟勵仆亟 仆 亢亳仍 亳仂 丐亳仆仂 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶亟 2 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟 亟仂仍仍舒仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍
亳亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒.

Jim: Its improved dramatically! I came here exactly 10 years ago to manage the sale of TDB as
investment banker for the Government. It was a real struggle, but finally the Governments
ownership in TDB was sold for small amount of money, about USD7 million, to an American firm.
At the time, that was the first and the largest sale ever in Mongolia by international tender.
Then I was asked to be investment banker again for the Government to sell Khan Bank which a
Japanese entity bought for about USD3 million. Compare this to today when Khan Bank has over
USD100 million in equity capital. Things have changed so dramatically from the early 2000s. FDI
is really ramping up. It really started with OT investment agreement signing in September of
2009 which was finalized in March of last year. That opened the flood gates with Rio Tinto
investing over USD2 billion in OT this year.

弌仂亟仂: 亟 仍仂仆 丕仍仆 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亟舒仍亞舒舒仆 亟, 亢亳仍弍仍 仂仍仂仆 仍舒亟 唏唏仍亟唏
舒亟于舒仆 舒亶仍舒仆 亟 舒舒舒亟, 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 弍亳亰仆亠, 舒仄舒舒仆 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍, 唏唏仆亞唏
仂仍舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仍亳亶仆 仂仆 仂亞于仂仂亶 弍舒亶亟仍仆 于亟 亳亶仄  舒亶仆 勵亰勵勵仍仍亶
弍舒亶亟舒亞亞勵亶. 丐亞 亳亟勵亶亟 仂仆亞仂仍亟 仂亢 亳 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 舒仍 亟 仆 弍勵仆
仆 仆唏仍唏唏仍唏 弍仂仍? 亳亟 唏亞亢亳亳亶仆 仍亟 弍亳亟仆亟 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 亰舒仄舒舒 仂亢 亳
唏唏仆亞唏 仄唏仆亞唏 亰舒亶仍亞勵亶 亞亶.

Sodo: But in many surveys, many international competitiveness reports, Mongolia is still rate
among the not best performance in doing business area, in corporate governance, in investment
and environment stability of law. So how does all this affect the future of foreign direct
investment into Mongolia? Because we all need this money. We need to grow and for that we
need the money that is injected to Mongolia through FDI.

亳仄: 亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂, 唏唏仆亞唏 仄唏仆亞唏 仂亢 亳亢, 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍仆 仆唏唏 弍舒亶舒舒 弍舒亶
仂亳仂亟仂仍亟, 仍仂仆 仍仆 于舒仍ム仆 舒仆-亞舒舒 仍仆仍仆 2013 仂仆仂仂 仍仆 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 
亢亳仍 弍勵 25%-亳舒 唏, 仄唏仆 亟舒舒舒 亢亳仍 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶 勵亶仍亟于仍仍 亞舒亞舒舒亟 仍弍仍 弍亳亟
勵仆 唏亞亢亳 弍仂仍仆仂. 丱唏亞亢亳亳亶仆 , 舒仄舒舒仆 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍, 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶亟舒仍 唏亞亢亳 弍仂仍仂于
 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亳仍弍仍 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 丕-仆 舒亟亳仆 舒仆亟舒亞 弍舒亳仆舒.
丕亳 仆, 亳仆亞仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 弍亳亢 亟 亶亳哦勵-亞 (IPO) 亳亶 舒舒亟仍舒亞亞
舒仆亞舒仆舒. 亅仆 仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶仆 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶亟仍亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟 舒仍 仆唏仍唏唏 勵亰勵勵仍 ミ. 亟仂仂
亳仆 弍舒亳亞亟舒亢 弍亶 丿舒仆亞亳-舒 仆 21 亟舒于舒, 亟亞亟 700 勵仆亳亶 弍亟舒仍舒亶 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆
亞舒亰舒舒亶, 亟仍亳亶仆 亳仍亟亞 亰仂亳亟 弍亟仍亟仆 仆亞 丕仍舒舒仆弍舒舒舒 仂仂亟 仄舒舒仆 勵仆亟仍 亞亢

2012 仂仆 勵勵仍 舒亳亞仍舒仍舒仆亟 仂仂 仆勵勵 亳仆 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍 弍舒亳亞亟舒仆舒舒 弍舒亟 亰仂亳亟
弍亟仍亟, 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰亟 勵亶仍亳仍亞亞 舒亶亢仍舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仂 ミ.

亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒 唏亞亢唏仆唏唏, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亟亳亶仆
弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 舒仆舒亢亳亢, 亳仆亞仆 从仗仂 亟舒亞舒舒亟 唏亞亢亳仆 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒.  仆 弍仂仍仂 亳
仂仍仂仆 亰勵亶仍亟 舒亶仆舒舒 仆唏仍唏唏仍唏 亳舒亶. 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 磦仍舒舒亟 唏仍唏唏
仂亳仆 亞仆 亟舒仍亞舒舒仆舒舒 舒舒舒亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 120-仂仂 60 亟亞舒舒 亢舒亞舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒仆舒亶
仍 亟舒仍舒亶亟 亞舒亞勵亶 仂仂仆 弍仂仍仂于 仄舒仆舒亶 亳仍 亞舒舒仍亳亶仆 仂亳仆 亳仍勵勵 舒亶亢舒仆舒 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶
弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丐亞仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂亳仆 亳仍勵勵 舒仄舒 磿弍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 亟仂仂 丱舒亟  70 仂仆仆 弍勵亳亶
舒舒舒仆 仄舒亳仆 仆勵勵亳亶亞 仍 亟于亞勵亶 亰舒仄舒舒 于仍亟 舒亟舒仍 仆仍仆 弍亳亶. 舒仄舒舒
仍亢仍舒, 于仍 唏仄唏 亰舒仄 弍舒亳 舒亢亳仍 亰舒亶仍亞勵亶 亞亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆 勵仆仆. 亞仆 亰亞
仂仍仂仆 亰勵亶仍 唏唏仍唏亞亟唏亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒  于 勵 亟勵仆 仆 亠亞 亞舒舒 ミ.

Jim: I think, if the money is coming in and minerals will come out of the ground, and the IMF
talks about growth of 25% a year for 10 year starting in 2013, OT will actually start producing
next year, so the thought is that we are definitely ramping up. But as we ramp up, I think our
corporate governance, and transparency, can be improved. For example, by having
international audit standards applied to Mongolian companies. Why? This will be necessary to
do an IPO on the MSE. This will improve transparency at all companies. A new Shangri La, which
will be a world class hotel with a 21 story tower and a 700 seat dining facilities next to it is
under construction.

When it opens in late 2012, it will force other providers of restaurants or other hotels to
upgrade their services. I think as mining goes forward, hopefully quality will increase with
Mongolian suppliers, and there will eventually be an increase in exporting as well; it ought to
simultaneously cause lot of things to be upgraded. In surveys on Ease of Doing Business,
Mongolia now ranks about 60 out of 120. Were landlocked, but hopefully our customs and
permitting procedures will become much more efficient. If and when they do, business will
become much easier and our ratings will improve greatly. Right now there are problems with
trucking of coal in 70 ton trucks over unpaved roads to the Chinese border where there is a huge
gridlock. Building paved roads and rail is sorely needed. Theres so much change going on at
the same time. But the net result is definitely positive.

弌仂亟仂:  仂仍仂仆 仍仂仆 丕仍仆 舒仆舒舒亶 舒亞舒 仄亢仆勵勵亟 亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仆亟仆亳亶
于亳亶仆 于仍亳亶仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒亞 仆舒 舒仆亟舒亢 仍亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 亞勵勵仆, -仆
亞勵勵仆 仆舒 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶, 舒亳仍舒亞舒舒亶 弍舒亶 亰亞 舒亟仍亟亞 仂仆仂仍亢 舒于 勵亰亟亞. 丐亟 仄唏仆
亟舒亞舒 弍舒亶亟舒仍, 舒亳仍舒亞亞 舒仄舒仍舒 舒亶 亳 舒仆舒舒 亟舒亞. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亟仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞,
丿勵勵亳亶仆 丿亳仆仍仍 仂仄 亟 唏仆亳亶仍唏亞亳亶仆 仆亢 仍仆 勵亞亳亶亞 丐舒 亳 舒仆舒舒舒仍舒亶
仂仆仂亢 舒舒亞亟舒仆. 亅仆 弍勵仆 亟 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟  舒仍 于? 唏于唏仆
亞舒亟舒舒亟仆  弍亳 仄唏仆 亟仂仂仂亟仆?

Sodo: And many international events, the head of state Mongolia, head of government of
Mongolia, they emphasized the principles of transparency, responsibility, accountability, and
also in their talks addressed to the private investors, including both national and international.
They talk about justice and accountability too. Last week, I saw you very carefully listening to

opening remarks of the President on Judicial Reform. How important is that to promoting direct
investment? Im not here talking only about foreign, but all private investment.

亳仄: 丿勵勵亳亶仆 亳仆仍仍-亟 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 舒仆亟仍亢, 仍亳亶亞 勵仆亟仍亢 亟舒亞舒亢
仄唏亟唏 舒亶 仂仆仍仂仆 舒仆舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 仆 亳 舒亞舒舒 仂仍仂仆 亰唏于 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶舒仆. 亅仆 舒亶亟 仆仂仆
唏仆亳亶仍唏亞亳亶亞 弍仂仍仂仆 勵勵仆亳亶 亰唏于仍唏 仆仂仆 丶舒亞舒舒仆 亞舒亶亞 仄舒亞仄舒舒 弍舒亶仆舒. 丕亞 舒亟舒仍 弍勵亳亶
仍 勵于亳仆亟 舒亶亢舒 仂亶 亳仆亞仆 弍亳亟 弍勵亞亟亟 弍勵亞亟亟 仆 亞亶.

Jim: I think focusing people on judicial reform and saying people at all levels in Mongolia need to
respect the Rule of Law was wonderful. I commend the President and his advisor Tsagaan. I
think it was very timely. This area needs to be improved at all levels, which will only help
everybody here.

弌仂亟仂: 丐亳亶仄 . 丐舒仆舒亶 仆 弍勵仆亳亶 舒仍舒舒 亟仍亞仆亞勵亶 亳仍舒仆 , 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍亳亰仆亠
仍亳亶亞 仂仆亳仂亢 弍亶 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟亞 亟仄亢亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍仂仍仂仆
亞舒亟仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 仂仂仂仆亟 舒亳仍舒舒 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂亢 唏亞仆唏唏 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆
仂亳仆亞 舒亶亢仍舒, 唏亞唏亢勵勵仍亟 丐舒仆 弍亳亠 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆舒亶 舒仄 仂仍仂仆 亳 于 仆仄 仂仍亢
弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆勵勵 勵仍 仄仍亰仍 舒仆 勵亞仍亢 舒亞亳仍亢, 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亰舒 亰仍亳亶仆
亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒仆 唏亞亢亳仍亟 亳 仆仄 弍仂仍仆仂 亞亟亞 亳亞亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丐舒 仄舒仆舒亶
勵亰亞亳亟亶 于舒舒仍舒 唏唏 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 丕亟舒亞勵亶 亰仂亳仂亞亟仂 亰舒亳仄 仆亞 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒  ミ
. 丐舒仆舒亶舒舒 亞舒亞舒亟舒亞 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟仆亳亶 舒亶 仄唏仆 亳亞勵亶 ム.

Sodo: Great. And BCM, through this conversation with you, I wanted to give some insights into
the philosophy of BCM that it brings to not only those foreign entities interested in doing
business in Mongolia, but with them and through building the synergies between Mongolian
and foreign entity, you are contributing to the promotion of best doing business technologies,
best doing business practices into Mongolia. And I wish to continue these noble aspirations and
promoting fair market development, market economic relations development in Mongolia. Do
you have any other important news to share with us that my audience should know? Any
upcoming studies, surveys, that youll be doing in mining supply chain model, or any big events
that public should know and that you are supporting? Also you have that wonderful NewsWire?

亳仄: 6 舒仆 21-22仆亟 丼亳仆亞亳 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍亟 唏勵仍丐舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亳舒 亞仆 仂仄
亰仂亳仂亞亟仂 亞亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒.

丐亳亶仄 . 舒仆舒亶  弌 亅-亳亶仆 ム于舒亶 仄 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟 仄舒舒仆 弍亳亰仆亠, 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞
弍仂仍仂仆 仍 唏亳亶仆 舒亟仍亟亞 舒仄舒舒仆 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 亞舒亟舒亞 仆仍亟 舒仍 仄亟 弍仂仍仂仂亟
弍舒亶亞舒舒. 舒仆舒亶 仄亟仆亳亶 亠亟舒从仂仂仂 40 亢亳仍 亞勵勵仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆 仍舒亞舒舒亶 亅仆亞
勵仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 ミ. 仂仆亞仂仍仂亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 弍亳亟仆亳亶 仂仆亞仂仂仆  于舒仍亢 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟亳亶亞
 亟舒亳仆 弍仂仍仂于仍亢 弍亳亟亞 ミ. 仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞 弍勵亳亶仆 5 亟舒 唏亟唏 亞舒亟舒亞. 丕亞 仍亠从仂仆
仄亟仆亳亶 仄舒舒仆 仆亳亶亟 勵仆仍亞亟 弍舒亶  仆仍亟 唏仆亟唏 仂仂仂亞亟仂 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳亟 亞
仍亠从仂仆 仄亟亞 亰唏于唏仆 亞亳勵勵亟亟 舒舒舒亟舒亞 ミ.

亟仂仂亞亳亶仆 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 仆亳亶 750 亞舒亶 于 勵仄勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆 仗舒仍舒仄亠仆亳亶仆 亞亳勵勵亟 仄唏仆 弍舒亟
-仆 勵仄勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆 50 亞舒亶 亟亳仗仍仂仄舒亟舒亟 亳仍亞亟亞 ミ. 舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 弍亳亟 亞 仄亟亞
仆亳亶亟 亰舒亢 弍仂仍仂  亰唏于唏仆 亞亳勵勵亟亟 舒仆亞舒 亟舒于 舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍亶 ミ.

舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 舒亳仄 亟舒, 磿舒仆亞磠 仄仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒 仄舒舒仆 弍舒
仆仍亟亞勵亶 仂仍仆 舒仆亳仍 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒  舒亟 亟仆亟亢舒舒 3000
舒仆亟舒仍 仂亢 亳亟亞 弍仂仍 仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒舒亶 仆亳亶仍亟 仆亳亶亟 舒亟 7000
舒仆亟舒仍舒亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 弌舒舒仆 仄舒仆舒亶 于弍仄舒亠 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍 舒亳仄 亟舒仆亟 仄舒舒仆 舒亶亞仍
亳亶 磦亞 仂仆仂于仂亶 弍仂仍亞仂 舒亶亢仍舒仍亞 亳亶仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 亳亶亞亟仆 舒仆仆
亞 唏仍亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍仂于 .

丱勵仄勵勵 礆舒 仆亞 仂于 勵亞 舒亳亞仍舒仆 舒亶仍 亳亶亟亞. 亳亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亶亞亟舒 仄舒亞舒亟仍舒仍
唏仆亟唏 弍勵亳亶 仂于 勵亞 仍仍亞勵勵亟 亟 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆 ミ. 勳勵仆亳亶 勵 亟勵仆亟 仆亳亶 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆亳亶唏唏 75
%-亳亶亞 舒亶亞仍仆 亳亠仄, 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒 舒于 弍舒亶亞舒舒.

舒仆舒亶 舒亳仄 亟舒仆 亟 亰舒亳仄 仆亞 仍亳亟 弍仂仍仂仆 仄舒仆舒亶 7 舒亢仍仆 亞 亞舒亞舒亢 舒于舒仆
亞亶 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞 ミ. 亳亟 仄唏仆 仆仍亟亞勵亶 仄亢仆亳亶 亳仍亞仍勵勵亟亳亶亞 舒于舒仆
弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亳仍弍仍, 丱仂仆亞 仂仆亞-亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 亟于 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍仆
仂仆亞仂仍仆 唏亞仍唏唏 仂仄 亟 舒于亳亞亟舒仆 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 亳 舒舒仆 8 亳仍亞仍 弍舒亶亞舒舒.
唏仆 勵勵仍亳亶仆 勵亠亳亶仆 磿舒仆亞磠 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仆 仄亟 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟 弍舒亞舒仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亞 勵亞
仍弍仍 弍亳亟 亞 ム于舒亠 舒亳仄 仄亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亳仄 亟亟舒舒舒舒 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仄亟仍仍

Jim: Coaltrans Mongolia, June 21-22 in the Chinggis Khan Hotel! And yes, our BCM NewsWire
has become the strongest English source of business, economic and political news. We have a
wonderful Indian editor who has been a journalist for 40 years. He rewrites stories we gather
from sources that have stories pertinent to Mongolia. He has a few stories each Friday that
arent necessarily just about Mongolia, but indirectly, theyre all about Mongolia. Its become an
amazingly important publication. Its for members only,

So right now we have 750 individuals at our members who are receive it, plus all Parliament
members and other Government officials, and also about 50 at diplomatic missions. We could
probably sell it. But we dont for we focus on providing value to our members. Its become a
great source of news. Our BCM websites, particularly our Mongolian website, are becoming
very popular too. The Mongolian website now gets up to 3000 hits a month, and is catching up
to the English website with a total of 7000 hits a month between the two websites. We just had
our excellent webmaster do an upgrade of the Mongolian content called a Search Engine
Optimization ( SEO). It was one of the first SEOs done with respect to Mongolian language.

People come and search using key words. They had to come up with keywords in Mongolian,
lot of which had not been done. Now we get about 75 % of the traffic coming through search
engines which we would not get otherwise because of this upgrade. Theres a wealth material
on our websites such as laws and information from our 7 working groups. We upload many
presentations, such as 8 presentations from the two panels in Mines and Money-HKs

Mongolian morning, which drew a lot of interest. We put a lot of news stories some of which are
in Fridays NW. So this NW and our website are providing information, thats one of the things
we do in conjunction with trying to reform certain laws.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶舒舒 弍舒 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丐亠仍亠于亳亰-亳亶仆 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 仄亟仆亳亶 弍仍舒仆亞
仄亟亞 舒仆亞舒亟舒亞 ?

Sodo: Also supply news to the MNB for the English news?

亳仄: 丐亳亶仄 . 5 亟舒 唏亟唏 弍勵 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丐亠仍亠于亳亰 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 仄亟仆亳亶
弍仍舒仆亞 勵亞亟亞 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕亞 仄亟-仆亟 仄舒仆舒亶 舒亶 唏亟亳亶仆 亞舒亞舒舒仆 ム于舒亠-舒舒 仄亟仆勵勵亟
仂仂仆 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 唏仆 弍亳亟 BTV-亶 弍舒 舒仄舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 丐亟仆亳亶 7 仂仆仂亞亳亶仆 5 唏亟唏 舒仆亞仍亳
仍 亟 仄亟 亞舒亞舒亢 仄舒仆舒亶 ム于舒亠-舒舒 仄唏仆 仄亟仆勵勵亟 仂仍亟舒亞 ミ. 舒亳仄
仄亟仆勵勵亟亳亶亞 仄仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 亟仆亳亶 仂仍亢 弍亳亟仆亟 唏亞亟唏亞. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍 舒亶仆 仄亟
仄亟仍仍亳亶亞 弍亳亶 弍仂仍亞仂 仆亞 仍弍 仄舒磪舒舒 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆 仆 ミ.

Jim: We do. Every Friday evening MNB has a show, and they run stories in English on articles
from that days NW. We also do the same with BTV where 5 nights during the week they have
an English show and again use the NW. BTV also translates some stories into Mongolian on
certain Friday evenings. So its just another way to get out good information.

弌仂亟仂: 丐亳亶仄 , 仄亟仍仍 于舒舒仍舒舒亟 亳 舒亶舒仆, 舒亳亞舒亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丕亳 仆 仆 仆 仄亟仍亞
仆仄亟亞. 丐亞 舒仆 舒亢亳仍 勵亶仍 舒仆 勵亞仍亢 亟 唏亞亢亳仆 亟于亳亢 弍舒亶亞 勵 弍舒亶仆舒.
亟 丐舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟 唏仆亞唏勵勵仍仆 于 勵仆亳亶 仍舒亞仆 舒仍舒舒 舒亞勵亶亞 仆于勵勵仍亞
亟亞舒亢 舒亟舒亞勵亶 仆. 丕亳 仆 丐舒仆亞 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆亞亳亶仆 亞舒亟舒舒亟 勵仆 弍亳,
仂仆亞仂仍亞 亞仆 亰勵 亞仍亶 勵仆仆 舒仆舒舒舒 弍仂仍 仂仆亞仂仍 勵仆 亞亢 弍仂亟亟仂亞. 丐舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 10
亢亳仍 舒仄亟舒仍舒舒. 丐舒仆 仍舒亞舒?

Sodo: Its always good, beneficial to share information. Because it multiplies the knowledge. So I
hope you continue this very important mission. Now I cannot end my program without asking of
your personal experience in Mongolia. Because I know that you are man, not a foreigner living in
Mongolia, you are virtually Mongolian with Mongolian heart and mind. Youve lived in Mongolia
for about 10 years. Your experiences?

亳仄: 丐仍舒亞舒 亞于仍: 弍亳 唏亞亢亳仄亟 亳 亟舒亶  舒亰 唏亞亢亳仄亶 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞
仂仍弍仂亞亟仂亢 磦亟舒亞. 舒亰-仆  丐舒仍 仄 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丐  仆 亟亟 亰舒亳仍舒舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 丕亞
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勵亰亞亳亟亟 舒亰 唏亞亢仄亳亶亞 舒仍仍舒舒舒 亞舒亟仆舒 丱唏亞亢亳仄 勵亢亞亳亶仆
仂仍仍亠亢 弍仂仍仂仆 弌丕弌-仆 仂ム仆亟亞 舒仍亢 亟仄亢亟亞. 弌 亞亟 丐  仄唏仆 亟亟 亰舒亳舒仍
亳亶亟亞. 亶亠从 仆 亟仍亳亶仆 仂ム仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 磦仍亟舒亞 仂仄仂仂仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 仆亞
ミ. 亅仆亟亳亶仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟 舒亢亳仍仍仍舒舒舒 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 仍 仂仆仂仂 亟舒亟仍舒亞舒亢亳亞
仆舒亞 仆亟 舒于亳亟舒亞 弍唏亞唏唏亟 仂仆亞仂仍亟亞 仄唏仆 亞舒亟仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟 亟舒亟仍舒亞舒 亳亶仍亞
磦仍亟舒亞. 唏仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍舒亞仆 亰唏于仍唏仍亶 仆仍亟 亟仆 亢亳仍 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂亢 磦仆舒.

仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍舒亞亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏仍 仆 仂仍仂仆 唏仍亳亶仆 仍舒亞, 仍舒亞舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 弍仂仍仂于仂仍亞
亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 亞亢 弍仂亟亟仂亞. 勳仆仆亟 弍仂仍 2004 仂仆亟 舒仆仆 舒亰
个亠亳于舒仍-亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍舒亞亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 勵勵仆 仂亶 舒亰-
仆  丐舒仍 勵勵仆亳亶亞 仆 唏于仍唏仆 舒于 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳亟 亳 10 舒亟 5 亟舒
亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 个亠亳于舒仍-亞 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍仆舒. 亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 仍 仆 舒仆 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 仂仆亞仂仍亟
弍舒仆从 亰舒舒 亰仂亳仍亞仂仂亶 亳亟 勵勵仆 仂亶 弍ム 2003 仂仆仂仂 仂亶 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍舒亶仆亞仆 仂亳仆
 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳 仂仆亞仂仍 亞 弍勵仍亶. 亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂 亰亳-亳亶仆 仍 仂仆亟舒舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟
舒仄亟舒 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂亳仂仄亢仂亶 舒仆舒亞亟亟舒亞, 亟 仆 仂亟仂仂 勵亠亟 弍勵亞亟 仍 亰亳  仂舒
弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 弍仂仍 唏仍唏唏 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞舒亶, 舒亟亳仍舒仆 仍, 舒亟 勵仄仆 仆 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶
舒亶舒仆 亞仍亶 亞亢 弍亳 弍仂亟亟仂亞.

Jim: My experiences - I like music and am involved with jazz. Im vice chairman of Giant Steppes
of Jazz, a Mongolian NGO promoting jazz to Mongolian public and helping young musicians at
the College of Music and the Arts and Culture University. Im vice chairman of AIESEC, which is
the worlds largest student run organization. Theyre bringing interns from other countries here
to work in companies and theyre sending Mongolians out. Both ways. And the Arts Council of
Mongolia where Ive been involved for several years.

I think ACM is a wonderfully giving organization promoting a lot of different kinds of arts and
arts education. In fact the GSJAZZ took just the jazz slice out of the ACMs hundred or so
cultural slices to promote jazz awareness in Mongolia after the ACM did the 1st Jazz Festival in
2004. Well produce the fifth Festival this October, and now its become an annual event. I came
here 10 years ago for sixth months to sell a bank and return to Manhattan, but instead have
lived here permanently since 2003. I have a Mongolian family. I think Mongolia is just a great
place to be based in Asia, particularly now with the way the whole world is tilting to Asia.
Mongolia is free market, democratic, with wonderful people, with all kinds of interesting things
going on here. Even though I cant play golf or go swimming.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亟舒亞 ?

Sodo: Do you speak Mongolian?

亳仄: 仂仂仂仆. 丐亳亶仄  舒亶仆 亟舒亞亞勵亶. 勳仆 勵仄勵勵亶 舒亟舒亞 弍仂仍仆仂 亞于仍 仄亳仆亳亶
舒亢亳仍, 舒仄亟舒仍仆 于舒舒亳舒 30% 亰舒仍舒亞亟舒 ミ 亳亞 弍舒亶仆舒 仍, 亳亶仄 30% 舒舒仄舒仍舒亶 仆
弍舒亶亞勵亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亢亳仍 亳亶亟亞亞勵亶 于仍 亅仆 丐舒亶于仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒亟 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢, 唏亟唏唏 亳仍
亰舒舒亟舒亞 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 仄舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 舒亶仆 舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍舒亶. 亳仆亳亶 勵勵 丱仂弍弍亳 亞仍亟 亟舒亞,
亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒亶仆 舒仆亞仍亳舒 亟舒亞. 亳 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亟舒亞 弍舒亶亞 亳 勵 弍舒亶仆舒.

Jim: 仂仂仂仆. I did somewhat after my first few years. But it would take 30 % of my time to
really become conversational, I dont have an extra 30%. If I wasnt working, probably would. Or
if I was in the Peace Corps teaching in the countryside. My son whos at Hobby School has fluent
English. I wish I could speak Mongolian.

弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 仆舒 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丶舒亞 亰舒于 亞舒亞舒仆, 仄舒仆舒亶 仆于勵勵仍亞 亰仂仆仂仂 仂仂仍仂仆亟 亳
弍舒亶仍舒仍舒舒. 勳亰亞亳亟 仄舒舒仆 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亳舒仆舒舒 亞亶 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 仂仍亢 仂仆仂仆 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶

丐舒仆 舒亢亳仍 勵亶仍亟 舒仆 亟舒亳仆 舒仄亢亳仍 勵 仂仆亞仂仍 亟舒 舒仄亟舒仍 舒仆 舒亰 亢舒亞舒仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆
弍舒亶亞 勵仆 亠唏唏亠!

Sodo: You will learn it. Thank you for your time, for being a guest in Face to Face. The audience
will find this conversation quite informative, resourceful in terms of using the resources that you
put together at Business Council o f Mongolia.

Again, Id like to wish you success, enjoyful happy life in Mongolia, all your activities with BCM
and with Mongolians!

亳仄: 舒仄舒亶亞 仄唏仆 仆 舒亶舒仆 仆于勵勵仍亞 亢 仂仂仍仍舒仆亟 亳 弍舒仍舒仍舒舒. 丐舒 弍勵仆亟
仄唏仆 舒亢仍仆 唏仆亟唏 舒仄亢亳仍 勵亠!

Jim: Sodo, youre a blessing for all Mongolia. Thanks for having me.

弌仂亟仂: 亅仆 亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 亟亞舒舒 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 亞勵亶亞 亰舒亳舒仍 仆仂仆
亳仄 于舒亶亠 亳亞亟舒仆 仂仂仍仍仂仂. 丐舒 弍勵仆亟 仂仆亳仂仍仂亶 弍舒亶舒仆 弍舒亶 亞亢 仆舒亶亟舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
舒舒舒亞亳亶仆 亟亞舒舒舒舒 仍亰舒仍舒舒 弍舒亶舒亶 勵亰亞亳亟 !

Sodo: I hope you liked the conversation, the information Executive Director, Mr. Jim Dwyer of
BCM, has shared with you. See you in my next program, good bye!


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Jim Face to Face

  • 1. FACE TO FACE, MNB TV Mr. Jim Dwyer, Executive Director of Business Council of Mongolia 弌仂亟仂仂: 仂亶仆 仄仆亟 勵亰亞亳亟 . 仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 勵勵 仍舒仆 亳仍仍舒亞舒 仆于勵勵仍亞亳亶仆 仍亢亳 亟亞舒舒 舒 弍勵仆亟 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 亟亞舒舒 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 勵亶亞 亰舒亳舒仍 仆仂仆 亳仄 于舒亶亠-亞 亢 仂仂仍仍亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒亟舒舒 舒舒舒亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 弌舒亶仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 亳仄: 弌舒亶仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ! 弌仂亟仂仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆 舒仍舒舒 亳仍舒 亞亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒亟舒舒 弍舒舒亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 于亳亶仆 于亳仍, 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 弍仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亞仄亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 弍舒亶 , 唏唏仍亟唏 舒亟于舒亞 仂亟仂仂亶仍于仂仍? 勳亰亞亳亟亟 仍亟 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒仆亳仍仍舒 ? What synergies among Mongolian stakeholders, among Mongolian community and public organizations could be built with BCMs resources and competence? Would you start introducing your organization? 亳仄: 丐亞仍亞勵亶 磠舒于. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 仆 4 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆. 仆 仆亳亶 35 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 丐亟仆亳亶 亳仆亳 仆 亞舒亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒亞亳亟 弍舒亶舒仆. 亊仍舒仆亞磠 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒. 丐勵勵仆 仂亶亳 亞舒舒舒仆亟 亞亳勵勵亟亳亶仆 仄舒舒仆 仂仂 仄舒 亳亟于亶 唏唏仆 唏唏唏唏 仍弍仍 6 亟舒亳仆 唏 仂亟仂仂 仆亳亶 180 亞舒亶 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 磦仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳勵仆 舒仍 亞舒亶 于 仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亢亳亢亳亞 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仄 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞 弍仂仍 勵仍亟仆 亞 仆 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟, 15 仂亳仄 亅仍亳仆 弌舒亶亟仆 亊舒仄亟亟, 亟亳仗仍仂仄舒 亞舒亰亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 勳勵仆 亞舒亟仆舒 亠 亶亠 仂仆亠于舒仆亳 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍舒亞仆 唏于仍唏仍 亰亞 唏亳亶仆 弍 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 亞亳勵勵亟亟 仄舒舒仆 弍舒亞亟舒亞. 丐亳亶仄 弍亳亟 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. Jim: The Business Council was formed as an independent entity about 4 years ago. We started with 35 members. They were almost all foreign investors since we spun off from the NAMBC based in Washington, DC. And largely mining. And its amazing, maybe because its the right time for Mongolia, for weve multiplied by 6 times. We now have about 180 members, about half are Mongolian, large and small companies, little less than half are international, about 15 embassies and diplomatic missions in Mongolia, and a number of NGOs ranging from international like the Nature Conservancy to local like the Arts Council of Mongolia. So we now represent all business stakeholders. 弌仂亟仂仂: 亟 舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 舒仆 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 亞仆 舒舒舒 丱仂亶亟 仄亠亳从 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 仆 亟仂 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 丐亳亶仄 弍仂仍仂仂仂 勵勵, 勵仄勵勵 舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亞 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 亰唏于唏仆 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 亟仄亢亳亢 1
  • 2. 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 亞仆 仂亶仍亞仂仍 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 于 舒仆舒亶 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 唏亟亳亶亞勵亶 仄仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 舒仍 舒仍亳仆亞 仆 亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. Sodo: But you began as a foreign entity? NAMBC? And therefore many have view that if you are foreign entity and you stand to promote the interest of only foreign entities. Now you are a multinational Mongolian entity. 亳仄: 丐亞仍亞勵亶 磠舒于. 舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仂仍仂亞 舒仍亟亞 唏仍唏唏仍唏 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄仂仂仂仆 亰唏于仍唏 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 仆亞 弍仂仍仂于 . 亳亟仆亳亶 亰仂亳仍亞仂 舒仆仆 弍舒亶舒仆 丕-仆 35 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒 仆仄亞亟勵勵仍亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶, 仄仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟亞 亞亳勵勵仆 仍勵勵仍, 仄仂仆亞仂仍 亞舒亟舒舒亟 仆勵勵仆 亞亳勵勵亟亳亶仆 弍勵仍亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 弍亳亶 弍仂仍亞仂亞 亰仂亢 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 丐丕-仆 亞亳勵勵亟 仄舒舒仆 勵仍 舒亶仆 勵亠亟 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 7 亞亳勵勵亟 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 唏亟亞唏唏 仆亳亶 19 丐丕-仆 亞亳勵勵亟亶, 勵勵仆 10 仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亞 亟亳亟舒仆 舒于 磦舒舒; 舒亶仍弍舒仍: 亅 弌 亅弌, 丐舒于舒仆 仂亞亟, ミ歳笑, 亅仆亠亢亳 亠仂亠, 丱丱舒仆从, 仂仆仆亳 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍 亰亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟亞 仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳亟仆亳亶 亰仂亳仍亞仂 弍仂仍 仍舒亟 仂亢 亳 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 唏唏仍亳亶亞 亟仄亢亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶 亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 唏唏仍唏亟 舒舒亟 弍仂仍亢 弍亶 仍 仂亞仂仂仄亢, 弍仂亟仍仂亞仂 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 唏唏仍唏仆, 亳仆仍亳亶仆 唏仍唏唏 舒亢亳仍仍舒, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢-亳亶亞 唏唏仆 亟于亢亳亟 亟仄亢仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍 亰亞 舒亶仆 亠从仂 弍ム 舒仍弍舒舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 舒亟仍亟 亟 亳仍勵勵 舒仆舒舒亟舒亞. Jim: Thats for sure. Probably the strongest business advocate for Mongolian business stakeholders. So our goal was to not only move from 35 foreign members to a mix, complete mix, but our board, we had seven people on our board at the start, all with international entities. Now we have nineteen, ten of them are running Mongolian companies including MCS, Tavan Bogd, Newcom, Energy Resources, TDB, Monnis, and MAK. Our goal is to help sectors, help not only introduce investment in the country, but to help sectoral issues, such as reforming laws that inhibit economic growth or for example helping the Mongolian Stock Exchange get upgraded. Things that affect sectors, not individual companies, where embassies or others can help do that. Were looking at business climate issues. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒 仆仍亟 亟仆 舒亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟亶, 亟仆亳亶 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 舒仆亳仍仍弍舒仍? Sodo: You have number of working groups in your structure. How do they operate? 亳仄: 亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟 仄舒舒仆 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶 100 亞舒亶 舒亶仆 亟仆 仍舒亞舒 弍勵亳亶 勵仄勵勵 弍勵亟亟亞. 亳亶亟 7 舒亢仍仆 亞亶. 丕-仆 舒仍ム仆 弌舒仆 弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 丐唏亳亶仆 舒仆亞亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏勵勵亟亶 舒于舒仆 仍亳亟亞 弍仂仍仂于仂仆亞亶 弍仂仍亞仂 亳亞仍仍 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒 勵勵亞 弍勵亳亶 亢仍仆 亞 2 勵仆 仄舒仆舒亶 丐舒于舒仆 舒亢仍仆 亞 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 弌舒舒仆 弍亳亟 丐舒于舒仆 唏仆亳亶 亞舒亰仆 仆亳亶 55 勵仆亟 丕-仆 舒于舒仆 仍亳亶仆 舒仍舒舒 亞舒仍 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆. 舒亞 仆舒 仆 舒亶于仂亠舒勵勵仗亠 弍仂仍仂仆 亳 亳 亅仄 亳 亞仆 舒亟亳仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 亳亞亟舒亢 仂仂仍仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 舒仆舒亶 仂仍仂于仂仍仆 亢仍仆 亞 亞舒亶 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 亞舒仍仆 舒亟舒仍亟 亳 舒仆舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 仂亟仂仂 亳仍勵勵 勵仍勵勵 亟亟 弍仂仍仂于仂仍 2
  • 3. 舒仆舒舒舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亢亳仍勵勵亟亟 亞舒亶 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍勵勵亟亳亶亞 亳亶仆. 唏仆亳亶亟唏唏 舒亢仍仆 亞勵勵亟亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒仍 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 舒亟仍亞 唏仆亟唏亢, 勵勵仆亟 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶亞仂仂 舒仆舒仍, 亰唏于仍唏仄亢 弍仂仍仂于仍亢 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂 亊舒仄亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亟 舒仆亟舒舒亟 亳亞仍亟亞. 亳亟 丕-仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒, 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶, 亰唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 亞亳勵勵亟亶 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂亳仆亟 亞舒舒 舒仍 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍, 舒亟仍舒舒 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亳仍仂, 仆仍亶 亳舒 仍仍勵勵仍亞 唏仆勵勵仍 亳亞仍仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒舒 亳仆, 勵勵仆 亳仍勵勵 亳亳亶亞 亳亶 弍仂仍仆仂. Jim: We have 100 volunteers from our BCM members. Experienced people and they are for free! Were organized in seven different working groups. Our Tax WG we have two people on a national Tax task force and BCM just arranged a training session for 55 Tax Authority officials about international tax laws taught by PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG. BCMs Education WG has shifted from a vocational training focus with a lot of mining company, human resource people to also a higher education thrust. Weve accomplished quite a lot in vocational training over the last year. Our working groups tend to focus on important business issues and come up with recommendations and proposals to be taken to ministries, Government departments and/or agencies. We work to have dialogue that influences some significant positive changes which weve been doing. And theres lot more we can do. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 弍勵仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍 丕舒亶仆 丱舒仆亞舒仆 亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵仍亢仆亳亶 舒仍 亟 亟舒仍亞舒舒 亳亶亢, 仂仄仂仂仂仆 勵仍亢亞 勵勵亞仆亳亶亞 仄亟 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒亞舒舒 仂仍仂仆, 亰唏于 亰勵亶仍 弍仂仍仂仆 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仆 磠亢 舒仆舒舒亳仍舒仆 弍? 仆 勵 亟勵仆亶 弍舒亶仆舒 于? Sodo: I know that you have conducted a survey on Mongolia Mining Supply Chain. That was very timely, very useful database. How do you find the use of this work? How its been initialized? How pragmatic are the results? 亳仄: 勵 亟勵仆亶 弍舒亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳亟 亟唏仆亞唏亢 仍勵勵仍亟 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 亞舒亞舒亟舒亞 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仆亳亶 1300 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 弍勵亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 唏于唏仆 仍 舒亶仆 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 弍 仄唏仆 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵亞仍亳亶仆 勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 弍舒亶亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳仍弍仍 亰亳仆 亳仍亞亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 仄唏仆 舒仄舒亞亟舒仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 亳 仆 哦仄仆唏 亞仂于 舒亶亟亞 亰唏唏亟唏亞 ミ. 亞 勵亞 仍弍仍 亟亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 舒仍仍舒 勵仆亞勵亶 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ. 唏亞唏唏亶亞勵勵, 亟舒仍亟舒仆 舒于舒亞 仆舒 仄唏仆 勵仍亢仆亟 弍舒亞舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丐亳亶仄 亟舒仍亟舒亞 弍仂仍仂仆 亟舒仍亟舒仆 舒于舒亞 仂 仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 唏仍唏唏亶 亟 舒亳仍舒 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 ミ. 亳仍弍仍, 舒仆舒亶 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 仆 从从舒于舒仂-仆 仂仂仍仂亶 亳亶亟亞 弍仂仍 唏唏仍 弍勵亳亶仆 仂仂仍仂亶 勵亶仍亟于仍亞 亞仆 亟亟 亞 弍舒亶仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 丐亞 仆 从从舒于舒仂-仆 仂仂仍仂亶 舒亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 舒仆舒亶舒亶 亟 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 亞仆 勵亞. 亟 亟亞 1300 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 舒仆舒仆 唏仆亟唏 勵于仆亳亶 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆, 勵亶仍亳仍亞 勵亰勵勵仍亟亞 弍舒亶 舒舒亟仍舒亞舒舒亶. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶 舒仆舒亞 舒亶亢仍舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳 仍亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶 于仍 亅仆亠亢亳 亠仂亠 舒仆舒舒亶 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 丱舒亟仆 勵亶仍亟于仍亞 亳仍勵勵 仂仆亞仂仍 从仂仄仗舒仆亳舒舒舒 10% 亳仍勵勵 勵仆 舒于舒亞 勵亳亶亞 勵亞勵亶亞亞勵亶, 亞于 舒仆舒 勵亞勵亶亞 亞舒亟仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳舒 舒于舒舒舒 唏唏 舒亞舒亞勵亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 丐亞 亠 仆 弍仂仍 仂亶仆 5 3
  • 4. 亢亳仍亳亶仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆亳亶 舒仆舒 亟 亳仍勵勵 舒仆舒舒 亞舒亟舒舒亟舒亟 从仗仂仍仂亢 弍仂仍仂亶 舒仆舒亞 仍亳亶仍 亞亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ. 亞 唏唏仄亟唏亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 仂亳仂仍亟仂仆 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 亳舒亟, 亅亶 亶 亳 亳 仄 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 舒亶亢舒舒亟 亳 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亞舒亟仆舒 唏唏 仍舒亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仍亳亶仍亢, 舒亰舒从舒仆亟 仆亞 唏仍亳亶亞 亞亢勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仆 ミ. 仂仆亞仂仍亟 唏于仍亳亶仆 舒亞舒舒 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 亰仂亞仂仆亞亳 弍仂仍亟仂亞 勵亠 舒亰舒从舒仆亟 唏于唏仍 亳亶亢 弍仂仍仂 亞 舒亢亳仍 亳仆 舒亳亞 舒于亳舒仆 ミ. 亟仂仂 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶-亟 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亟亞 舒亢仂 亳仍仍亳仆亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亞 仂仂于仂仍 亅亶 亶 亳 亳 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄 唏唏仄亟唏亞 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 弍勵仆亳亶 亳 仆 亟 弍勵 仆舒亞 唏于仍唏唏仆 弍仂亟仍仂亞仂仂 仍仆亟 仂亳亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丕亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍舒亶仍舒亢 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 磦仍亟舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 ミ. 勳勵仆 亳亞 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亳亟 仄舒舒仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞舒舒 亞舒亰舒 亰勵亶仆 勵于亳仆亟 仍, 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟 舒仆舒舒舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仂于 . 舒仆舒亶 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丱唏亞亢亳仍 丿亳仆亞仍亳亶仆 丱仂仂仂 (勳丱丿丱)-仂亶 舒仄舒 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 仄舒仆舒亶 舒仍舒舒 于亳亶仆 亠从仂仆仆亞 舒亳舒亢, 勳丱丿丱 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒仍弍舒亞 舒亳舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕亞 丕仍 舒亶仆 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍 勵仍亢 仄舒舒仆 亳亟勵亶亟 仂仄仂, 亳仆 亠亞 仆唏仍唏唏亞 勵亰勵勵仍仆 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶仆舒. Jim: It really will be useful. Weve just upgraded it. We registered 1,300 Mongolian suppliers that have products or services for the mining industry. They might not just be mining products for mining only. They could also serve other sectors such as caterers. Eznis Airways is included since they transport miners back and forth to the South Gobi. What weve done is provided free advertising to these 1300 companies. At the same time, the upgrade enables buyers of the services to also be on it. So buyers and sellers can directly interact and talk to each other. For example, if your company happens to make buckets for steamshovels, youll be listed on the database sub-segment as a bucket manufacturer. Companies who want to buy steamshovel buckets can directly contact you and you can try to supply them. To make this really work though, these 1300 suppliers need to have quality products and services. Suppliers are going to have to improve their products because, for example, OT or Energy Resources need quality products and services and they prefer to buy from Mongolians. They might even will to pay 10% more than to a Chinese supplier. But if the quality isnt there, they have problem in doing business locally. The goal should in five years or so suppliers should be looking to have quality items that can be even be exported. An example of what can happen occurred for a driller, Australasian Independent Diamond Drilling. A.I.D.D. was doing marginally well, but then they looked outside of Mongolia and they got projects in Kazakhstan which could continue year-long through the winter months when they were shut down by the cold weather in Mongolia. This was almost like found money. Now they are I think the largest driller in Mongolia other than Major Drilling which supplies OT. Theyre doing really well because they expanded with a regional focus. Theyre based in Mongolia and are a Mongolian company. A lot of these mining supply chain suppliers will have to find ways to upgrade and geographical expansion might be one. BCM is teaming with the National Development and Innovation Council where well bring our private sector members using basically systems approach and the NDIC will bring the public 4
  • 5. sector: universities, government agencies, and ministries. Hopefully we can help see this whole mining supply chain grow and eventually become significant exporters regionally and beyond. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 亞亳勵勵亟 亟仆亟 15 亅弌亊-亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丐亟仆亶 礆舒 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 于? Sodo: In your membership, you have about 15 embassies and its interesting to look into the ways you work with the embassies. How are embassies engaged in BCMs activities? 亳仄: 于舒仍亳, 舒仆舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 亅弌亊 亟仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒仆 仍亶 舒仄舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍亳亰仆亠 仍亞亟 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 仍 仂仆亟舒亟 亰仂亳仂亞亟仂亢 弍亶 仂仄仂仂仂仆 从仗仂, 勵亰亞仍仆亞勵勵亟 勵勵 舒于 磦亟舒亞. 亅从仗仂-亞 仂亳亢 勵亰仆, 丕-仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂, 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆, 勵亶仍亳仍亞亞 仂仆亞仂仍亟 仆于勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仄亢 弍勵亟亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亰仆 仆 唏仍亳亶仆 弍亳亰仆亠 舒磿舒仍亞 于舒仍亳亶仆 亠仍弍仆-亟 弍仂仍仂仆 个舒仆舒亶亰亳仆亞-亳亶仆 亅从仗仂 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆. 于舒仍亳舒 亳亶 舒仆舒亶亰亳仆亞 亳亶亢 弍仂仍仂 仂仍仂仆 唏仍亳亶仆 弍舒舒舒 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 弍亳亶. 2 舒仆 唏仄仆唏 仄唏仆 舒仆舒亟仆 舒仆从勵于亠 弍仂仍仂仆 丐仂仂仆仂 仂亟 磦舒舒亟 亳仆. 舒仆舒亟 仍舒舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亢 弍舒亶舒仆 仍亳仆 舒亶亟 舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍舒舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亶亞 舒仆从勵于亠 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆 ミ. 丐 从仂仆亠亠仆-亟 仄唏仆 仂仂仍仂仂亟 亳仆. 丕亟舒亞勵亶, 20 仂亳仄 勵仆亳亶 弍勵仍亟勵勵仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 亞仗仗-亞 丕-仆 舒 亠亞舒- 弍仂仍仂 丐仂仆仂亞仍仂仍, 舒亞舒亢 亞仍亳亶仆 勵亰亞仍仆-勵勵 舒于 磦舒 亞亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亠仄舒仆 亅弌亊-舒亶 亳亶仄勵勵 唏仍亳亶仆 舒仄仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆 舒仍舒舒 亳仍舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 唏仆 亅弌亊-亟 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亰勵亞 仍舒亢 舒亟舒 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶于舒仍 仆仍亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 亳仍亟 亠仄舒仆 亅弌亊-舒仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒仆 舒仍弍舒仆 唏仍唏唏仍唏亞亟亳亶亞 勵仍亢 舒于 弍舒亶仆舒 亞亢 弍仂亟于仂仍 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亰勵亞 亞亳勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒舒舒舒 唏仍唏唏仍唏仍 弍勵仍亟勵勵仍仆 勵亟亳亶仆 亰仂仂亞 舒仄亟舒舒 弍舒亢 弍仂仍仆仂, 唏唏唏唏 仍弍仍 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏亞唏仆 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞 仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂仂亶 ミ. Jim: Well, one way weve been working with a number of embassies including the Australian, Canadian, US, and soon the German. Weve been taking Mongolian missions to tradeshows in other countries, so they can learn best international practices and corporate governance. We took a group to Melbourne, Australia last summer where they attended a Franchising Show and met with franchisors. There are a lot of products in Australia that could be franchised here. We took a Mongolian group to Vancouver and Toronto two months ago accompanied by the Canadian Trade mission in Mongolia. The former Canadian ambassador to Mongolia arranged a conference in Vancouver about Mongolian mining. Were taking a Mongolian group to a hardware show in Las Vegas in May and about 20 Mongolian business people signed up. The German ambassador is coordinating with BCM to also do this in Germany. So thats one way. Were also cooperating with embassies which might not have a big support staff here. For example, the German Embassy might have a trade delegation coming and BCM might have a luncheon to introduce them to a number of BCM members for background on business opportunities and practices here. So we can be kind of additional support. 5
  • 6. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 亞 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 仂仍弍仂亢, 亞勵勵 弍仂仍亢 唏亞 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒仆舒亞亟舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丐舒 丕-仆 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仆亟仆亳亶 仄亢仆亳亶 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亟仆 亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆亟亞 仗仂仆仂仍仂亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 丱舒仄亞亳亶仆 勵勵仍亟 亞亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亅亟亳亶仆 舒亞亳亶仆 个仂仄. 丐勵勵仆仍仆 唏仆亞唏唏仆 舒 仄唏仆 丱仂仆亞 仂仆亞仂亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍仆 亟仄亢亳亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆. 亅仆 舒亶亞舒舒 勵亰亞亳亟亶 仄舒舒仆 于舒舒仍于舒仍? Sodo: So youre bridging opportunities. Wonderful! Also I know that you sponsor many international and national economic events, most recently Mongolian Economic Forum, also you sponsored or supported Mines and Money in Hong Kong last month, I know that you went there. Please share with my audience the overall atmosphere? 亳仄: 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍 仆 仆仍仆 仂仄仂仂仂仆 仄亢仆亳亶 仂亞 从仂仆亠亠仆亳 ミ. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 10 舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒亶 舒仍 亟 弍亳亟 舒仄舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆. 弌舒 3 舒亟 弍仂仍仂仆 仆 亰亳亶仆 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 亅仆亳亶 2 唏亟亳亶仆 仆亳亶 亳仍亞亞 仆 亶于舒仆仂亠 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶仆 仂弍亠 个亳亶亟仄舒仆 弍舒亶舒仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶-亞亳亶仆 舒亶 舒仆. 丐弍 仍亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶, 亞仂于亟 10000 舒亢亳仍亟舒舒 弍勵亟仆 仂仄仂仂仂仆 弍勵仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒仍, 仂亞仂仍弍仂亞 亳亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 亟舒舒舒 亢亳仍 勵亶仍亟于仍仍 仆 仍 仂仂仂仂仍仂亞亟仂亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 舒亶 仍仆. 2000 勵仆 仂仂仍仂仆 亞 仍亰舒仍仆 勵亠 弍勵亞亟 仍 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒亶 亞舒舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亳亟 仆 3 亟舒 唏亟亳亶仆 唏亞仍唏唏亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仆仄亢亳 仍仍勵勵仍亞 亳亶 弍仂仍仂仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 勵勵仆亟 400 勵仆 弍勵亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶舒仆. 丕亞 仍仍勵勵仍亞亳亶仆 2 舒仍弍舒 舒仍亟舒舒仆亞 仄亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 亟亳亟舒仆 磦仍舒仆. 仂仆亞仂仍亞 亞仆 仂仆亳仂仍 仄舒 亳 弍舒亶舒仆. 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 亳亶仆 2 亟舒 仂仆亞仂仍亳舒 从仂亠亠仆亳 亳 10 舒亟 弍仂仍仂 亞亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒, 仄舒仆舒亶 亰勵亞 仄唏仆 亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 哦仆唏唏 勵亠亟, 弍亳亢亳亶仆 亰舒 亰舒舒仍亳亶仆 勵亰勵勵仍仍, 于舒仍ム仆 勵亰勵勵仍 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍, 亞舒亰仆 仂仆 仆唏唏 亞亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟仍亳亶 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒舒舒仆亟 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳勵仆亳亶 仂亟 亢亳, 舒舒仆 仂仆亟仂仆亞亳亶仆 丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢 仄舒仆舒亶 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丱唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 亳亢-亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 仆亞仆 仂仂仆 仆亞亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 唏唏 仍 仂仆仂仂 舒仆勵勵亢勵勵仍仍 舒亶亞勵亶亞 唏唏仆唏唏 仄唏仆亞唏唏 唏亞唏 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 弍仂仍仂 ミ. Jim: Mines and Money is one of the best organized sets of conferences. We assisted with their first Mongolia conference last October in HK. This conference in March 2011 was an Asian conference. But the first speaker of the two full days was Robert Friedman from Ivanhoe who talked about Oyu Tolgoi. He vividly described having 10000 workers constructing OT in the Gobi this year with production starting next year. Everybody was talking about Mongolia during the whole conference which 2,000 attended. The organizers had decided to have a Mongolian morning the third day and 400 registered. I moderated the two panels on the Mongolian morning; there was tremendous interest in Mongolia. So Mines and Money is planning to do their second Mongolia conference in HK in October 2011 which BCM will support. Mongolia is really becoming increasingly in the global eye right now with our stock market performance, currency performance, and mineral and oil deposits with mining just beginning to ramp up. The 6
  • 7. London Stock Exchange has just started to upgrade our MSE to where local companies will be able to raise money on it and not have to look for funding solely offshore in Australia or elsewhere. So the money side of thing has a ways to go, and so does the mining. But the overall focus on Mongolia has never been higher. 弌仂亟仂: 仂仆 个亳亶亟仍舒仆亟-仆 亳仍亞仍亳亶仆 亞仂仍 舒仆舒舒 仆 ム 弍舒亶舒仆 弍? 丐 仂仆亞仂仍-亞 亳亟于亶 亟仄亢亳亞亟亳亶仆 仆亞. Sodo: What is the key message delivered by Mr. Friedland on conference? He is a great promoter of Mongolia. 亳仄: 丐 亳 仂亟仂仆 勵仆. 丐弍 仍亟: 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 仆勵勵 弌舒亟仆 舒弍 弍仂仍仆仂 亞亢 仍仆. 舒亟 仍仆 亰勵亶仍勵勵亟 仆 舒亶仆 舒仆舒亞勵亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 亟 勵勵仆亳亶 亞仂仍 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 舒仆舒舒 仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍仆 仄舒 亳 仆唏唏 弍勵亳亶 仍 仂仂仆, 舒亟 勵仄仆 仆 勵仆亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仆 ミ 亞亢 个亳亶亟仍舒仆亟 仍仆 舒仆舒亞亟舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳亞勵亶 弍仂仍 弍舒亟 仆 亳仆亞亢 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亞亟 弍仂仍 舒仄亞亳亶仆 舒仍 勵仆亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏, 亟 弍舒磿舒亞 仄唏仆. Jim: Hes phenomenal. He comes up with sayings like Mongolia will become the Saudi Arabia of coal. He was wonderful. I wish I could remember more quotes! But his message was Mongolia is really a world class mineral deposit country and people here are probably the best asset. I think Friedland said that, if not others were saying that. The people are really Mongolias best asset. Minerals are in the ground, but Mongolian people are the best. 弌仂亟仂: 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亞仆 弍勵 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟仍亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 舒舒舒舒亶 亞亢 勵亟亞. 唏于唏仆 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍 弍, 唏唏 亰勵亶仍, 勵仆 弍亳亟 弍舒舒舒亢 弍仂仍仂 仂ム仆 唏仄, 弍勵仍 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仆 亞舒舒舒舒亶 亞亢 勵亟亞. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亢亳仍勵勵亟亳亶仆 丐舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 弍舒亶舒仆 仍舒亞舒舒 舒舒舒亟 勵勵仍亳亶仆 10 于仍 15 亢亳仍亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亞舒亟仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 仆唏唏仍 弍舒亶亟舒仍 唏唏仍唏亞亟唏仆 弍? Sodo: Every Mongolian wants Mongolia to get the worlds attention, not only for buyers of our mineral endowments, but also for something else, with which we can really rave about, which is Mongolian capital, intellectual capital. Just looking back at your experience dealing with the Mongolian government, Mongolian public, in the area of promotional foreign direct investment, if you recall say five years ago, or 10 years ago, how has Mongolias foreign investment environment improved? 亳仄: 仍亳亶 舒亶亢亳舒仆 亞亢 仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 -仆 丱唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 弍舒仆从亳-仆 于亟 丱丱-亞 亟舒仍亟舒 舒亟仍舒舒 舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亳仆. 仍亟亞勵亶 勵亳仆 舒仄舒亶仍 亞舒亞舒仆 亟勵仆亟 仄亠亳从亳亶仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 7 舒 亟仂仍仍舒仆 弍舒亞舒 唏唏亞唏唏 丱丱-亞 亟舒仍亟舒亢 舒于舒仆. 丐 勵亠亟 仆 仆 仍仂仆 仍仆 亠仆亟亠亠亠 亟舒仍亟舒舒仍舒亞亟舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄 舒仆仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 ミ. 舒舒舒 仆 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从仆 于亟 舒亟亳仍, 亊仗仂仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 3 舒 亟仂仍仍舒仆 唏唏亞唏唏 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从亞 亟舒仍亟舒亢 舒于舒仆. 亟仂仂 丱舒舒仆 舒仆从 100 舒 亟仂仍仍舒舒舒 弍舒亞舒亞勵亶 仄亢仆亳亶 唏唏仆亞唏亶, 勵勵仆亶 舒仍舒舒亟 2000 仂仆仂仂 仂亶 亳 亰勵亶仍 7
  • 8. 唏唏仍唏亞亟唏仆亳亶亞 舒亢 弍仂仍仆仂. 2009 仂仆 9 舒亟 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶亞亳亶仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 亞 亳亶亞亟亢, 唏仆亞唏唏仆 仂仆 3 舒亟 亟亞舒于舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 丕亞 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍 亳仆 仆唏仍唏唏仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 勳勵仆亳亶 勵 亟勵仆亟 仆 亢亳仍 亳仂 丐亳仆仂 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶亟 2 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟 亟仂仍仍舒仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍 亳亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒. Jim: Its improved dramatically! I came here exactly 10 years ago to manage the sale of TDB as investment banker for the Government. It was a real struggle, but finally the Governments ownership in TDB was sold for small amount of money, about USD7 million, to an American firm. At the time, that was the first and the largest sale ever in Mongolia by international tender. Then I was asked to be investment banker again for the Government to sell Khan Bank which a Japanese entity bought for about USD3 million. Compare this to today when Khan Bank has over USD100 million in equity capital. Things have changed so dramatically from the early 2000s. FDI is really ramping up. It really started with OT investment agreement signing in September of 2009 which was finalized in March of last year. That opened the flood gates with Rio Tinto investing over USD2 billion in OT this year. 弌仂亟仂: 亟 仍仂仆 丕仍仆 仆仍亟亞勵亶 亟舒仍亞舒舒仆 亟, 亢亳仍弍仍 仂仍仂仆 仍舒亟 唏唏仍亟唏 舒亟于舒仆 舒亶仍舒仆 亟 舒舒舒亟, 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 弍亳亰仆亠, 舒仄舒舒仆 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍, 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仍亳亶仆 仂仆 仂亞于仂仂亶 弍舒亶亟仍仆 于亟 亳亶仄 舒亶仆 勵亰勵勵仍仍亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞亞勵亶. 丐亞 亳亟勵亶亟 仂仆亞仂仍亟 仂亢 亳 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 舒仍 亟 仆 弍勵仆 仆 仆唏仍唏唏仍唏 弍仂仍? 亳亟 唏亞亢亳亳亶仆 仍亟 弍亳亟仆亟 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍仆 亰舒仄舒舒 仂亢 亳 唏唏仆亞唏 仄唏仆亞唏 亰舒亶仍亞勵亶 亞亶. Sodo: But in many surveys, many international competitiveness reports, Mongolia is still rate among the not best performance in doing business area, in corporate governance, in investment and environment stability of law. So how does all this affect the future of foreign direct investment into Mongolia? Because we all need this money. We need to grow and for that we need the money that is injected to Mongolia through FDI. 亳仄: 亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂, 唏唏仆亞唏 仄唏仆亞唏 仂亢 亳亢, 舒亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍仆 仆唏唏 弍舒亶舒舒 弍舒亶 仂亳仂亟仂仍亟, 仍仂仆 仍仆 于舒仍ム仆 舒仆-亞舒舒 仍仆仍仆 2013 仂仆仂仂 仍仆 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 亢亳仍 弍勵 25%-亳舒 唏, 仄唏仆 亟舒舒舒 亢亳仍 ム 丐仂仍亞仂亶 勵亶仍亟于仍仍 亞舒亞舒舒亟 仍弍仍 弍亳亟 勵仆 唏亞亢亳 弍仂仍仆仂. 丱唏亞亢亳亳亶仆 , 舒仄舒舒仆 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍, 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶亟舒仍 唏亞亢亳 弍仂仍仂于 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亳仍弍仍 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟 丕-仆 舒亟亳仆 舒仆亟舒亞 弍舒亳仆舒. 丕亳 仆, 亳仆亞仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 唏唏仆亞亳亶仆 弍亳亢 亟 亶亳哦勵-亞 (IPO) 亳亶 舒舒亟仍舒亞亞 舒仆亞舒仆舒. 亅仆 仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶仆 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶亟仍亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟 舒仍 仆唏仍唏唏 勵亰勵勵仍 ミ. 亟仂仂 亳仆 弍舒亳亞亟舒亢 弍亶 丿舒仆亞亳-舒 仆 21 亟舒于舒, 亟亞亟 700 勵仆亳亶 弍亟舒仍舒亶 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒舒亶, 亟仍亳亶仆 亳仍亟亞 亰仂亳亟 弍亟仍亟仆 仆亞 丕仍舒舒仆弍舒舒舒 仂仂亟 仄舒舒仆 勵仆亟仍 亞亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 2012 仂仆 勵勵仍 舒亳亞仍舒仍舒仆亟 仂仂 仆勵勵 亳仆 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍 弍舒亳亞亟舒仆舒舒 弍舒亟 亰仂亳亟 弍亟仍亟, 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰亟 勵亶仍亳仍亞亞 舒亶亢仍舒 亞亶 弍仂仍仂 ミ. 8
  • 9. 亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂 仍 舒亶仆 舒仍弍舒 唏亞亢唏仆唏唏, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒仆亞舒仆 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍亞亟亳亶仆 弍勵亞亟勵勵仆 舒仆舒亢亳亢, 亳仆亞仆 从仗仂 亟舒亞舒舒亟 唏亞亢亳仆 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仆 弍仂仍仂 亳 仂仍仂仆 亰勵亶仍亟 舒亶仆舒舒 仆唏仍唏唏仍唏 亳舒亶. 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 磦仍舒舒亟 唏仍唏唏 仂亳仆 亞仆 亟舒仍亞舒舒仆舒舒 舒舒舒亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 120-仂仂 60 亟亞舒舒 亢舒亞舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒仆舒亶 仍 亟舒仍舒亶亟 亞舒亞勵亶 仂仂仆 弍仂仍仂于 仄舒仆舒亶 亳仍 亞舒舒仍亳亶仆 仂亳仆 亳仍勵勵 舒亶亢舒仆舒 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丐亞仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂亳仆 亳仍勵勵 舒仄舒 磿弍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 亟仂仂 丱舒亟 70 仂仆仆 弍勵亳亶 舒舒舒仆 仄舒亳仆 仆勵勵亳亶亞 仍 亟于亞勵亶 亰舒仄舒舒 于仍亟 舒亟舒仍 仆仍仆 弍亳亶. 舒仄舒舒 仍亢仍舒, 于仍 唏仄唏 亰舒仄 弍舒亳 舒亢亳仍 亰舒亶仍亞勵亶 亞亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆 勵仆仆. 亞仆 亰亞 仂仍仂仆 亰勵亶仍 唏唏仍唏亞亟唏亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 于 勵 亟勵仆 仆 亠亞 亞舒舒 ミ. Jim: I think, if the money is coming in and minerals will come out of the ground, and the IMF talks about growth of 25% a year for 10 year starting in 2013, OT will actually start producing next year, so the thought is that we are definitely ramping up. But as we ramp up, I think our corporate governance, and transparency, can be improved. For example, by having international audit standards applied to Mongolian companies. Why? This will be necessary to do an IPO on the MSE. This will improve transparency at all companies. A new Shangri La, which will be a world class hotel with a 21 story tower and a 700 seat dining facilities next to it is under construction. When it opens in late 2012, it will force other providers of restaurants or other hotels to upgrade their services. I think as mining goes forward, hopefully quality will increase with Mongolian suppliers, and there will eventually be an increase in exporting as well; it ought to simultaneously cause lot of things to be upgraded. In surveys on Ease of Doing Business, Mongolia now ranks about 60 out of 120. Were landlocked, but hopefully our customs and permitting procedures will become much more efficient. If and when they do, business will become much easier and our ratings will improve greatly. Right now there are problems with trucking of coal in 70 ton trucks over unpaved roads to the Chinese border where there is a huge gridlock. Building paved roads and rail is sorely needed. Theres so much change going on at the same time. But the net result is definitely positive. 弌仂亟仂: 仂仍仂仆 仍仂仆 丕仍仆 舒仆舒舒亶 舒亞舒 仄亢仆勵勵亟 亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕-仆 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仆亟仆亳亶 于亳亶仆 于仍亳亶仆 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒亞 仆舒 舒仆亟舒亢 仍亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 亞勵勵仆, -仆 亞勵勵仆 仆舒 亳仍 仂亟 弍舒亶, 舒亳仍舒亞舒舒亶 弍舒亶 亰亞 舒亟仍亟亞 仂仆仂仍亢 舒于 勵亰亟亞. 丐亟 仄唏仆 亟舒亞舒 弍舒亶亟舒仍, 舒亳仍舒亞亞 舒仄舒仍舒 舒亶 亳 舒仆舒舒 亟舒亞. 哦仆亞唏唏仆 亟仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞, 丿勵勵亳亶仆 丿亳仆仍仍 仂仄 亟 唏仆亳亶仍唏亞亳亶仆 仆亢 仍仆 勵亞亳亶亞 丐舒 亳 舒仆舒舒舒仍舒亶 仂仆仂亢 舒舒亞亟舒仆. 亅仆 弍勵仆 亟 唏唏仆亞唏 仂仍舒仍亞 舒亶亢仍舒舒亟 舒仍 于? 唏于唏仆 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 弍亳 仄唏仆 亟仂仂仂亟仆? Sodo: And many international events, the head of state Mongolia, head of government of Mongolia, they emphasized the principles of transparency, responsibility, accountability, and also in their talks addressed to the private investors, including both national and international. They talk about justice and accountability too. Last week, I saw you very carefully listening to 9
  • 10. opening remarks of the President on Judicial Reform. How important is that to promoting direct investment? Im not here talking only about foreign, but all private investment. 亳仄: 丿勵勵亳亶仆 亳仆仍仍-亟 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 舒仆亟仍亢, 仍亳亶亞 勵仆亟仍亢 亟舒亞舒亢 仄唏亟唏 舒亶 仂仆仍仂仆 舒仆舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 仆 亳 舒亞舒舒 仂仍仂仆 亰唏于 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶舒仆. 亅仆 舒亶亟 仆仂仆 唏仆亳亶仍唏亞亳亶亞 弍仂仍仂仆 勵勵仆亳亶 亰唏于仍唏 仆仂仆 丶舒亞舒舒仆 亞舒亶亞 仄舒亞仄舒舒 弍舒亶仆舒. 丕亞 舒亟舒仍 弍勵亳亶 仍 勵于亳仆亟 舒亶亢舒 仂亶 亳仆亞仆 弍亳亟 弍勵亞亟亟 弍勵亞亟亟 仆 亞亶. Jim: I think focusing people on judicial reform and saying people at all levels in Mongolia need to respect the Rule of Law was wonderful. I commend the President and his advisor Tsagaan. I think it was very timely. This area needs to be improved at all levels, which will only help everybody here. 弌仂亟仂: 丐亳亶仄 . 丐舒仆舒亶 仆 弍勵仆亳亶 舒仍舒舒 亟仍亞仆亞勵亶 亳仍舒仆 , 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍亳亰仆亠 仍亳亶亞 仂仆亳仂亢 弍亶 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟亞 亟仄亢亟 亰仂亞仂亞勵亶, 仂仆亞仂仍仆 弍仂仍仂仆 亞舒亟仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 仂仂仂仆亟 舒亳仍舒舒 仂仍弍仂仂 仂亞仂仂亢 唏亞仆唏唏 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂亳仆亞 舒亶亢仍舒, 唏亞唏亢勵勵仍亟 丐舒仆 弍亳亠 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆舒亶 舒仄 仂仍仂仆 亳 于 仆仄 仂仍亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 ミ 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆勵勵 勵仍 仄仍亰仍 舒仆 勵亞仍亢 舒亞亳仍亢, 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亰舒 亰仍亳亶仆 亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒仆 唏亞亢亳仍亟 亳 仆仄 弍仂仍仆仂 亞亟亞 亳亞亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丐舒 仄舒仆舒亶 勵亰亞亳亟亶 于舒舒仍舒 唏唏 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 丕亟舒亞勵亶 亰仂亳仂亞亟仂 亰舒亳仄 仆亞 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 ミ . 丐舒仆舒亶舒舒 亞舒亞舒亟舒亞 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟仆亳亶 舒亶 仄唏仆 亳亞勵亶 ム. Sodo: Great. And BCM, through this conversation with you, I wanted to give some insights into the philosophy of BCM that it brings to not only those foreign entities interested in doing business in Mongolia, but with them and through building the synergies between Mongolian and foreign entity, you are contributing to the promotion of best doing business technologies, best doing business practices into Mongolia. And I wish to continue these noble aspirations and promoting fair market development, market economic relations development in Mongolia. Do you have any other important news to share with us that my audience should know? Any upcoming studies, surveys, that youll be doing in mining supply chain model, or any big events that public should know and that you are supporting? Also you have that wonderful NewsWire? 亳仄: 6 舒仆 21-22仆亟 丼亳仆亞亳 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍亟 唏勵仍丐舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亳舒 亞仆 仂仄 亰仂亳仂亞亟仂 亞亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丐亳亶仄 . 舒仆舒亶 弌 亅-亳亶仆 ム于舒亶 仄 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟 仄舒舒仆 弍亳亰仆亠, 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞 弍仂仍仂仆 仍 唏亳亶仆 舒亟仍亟亞 舒仄舒舒仆 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 亞舒亟舒亞 仆仍亟 舒仍 仄亟 弍仂仍仂仂亟 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 舒仆舒亶 仄亟仆亳亶 亠亟舒从仂仂仂 40 亢亳仍 亞勵勵仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆 仍舒亞舒舒亶 亅仆亞 勵仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 ミ. 仂仆亞仂仍仂亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 弍亳亟仆亳亶 仂仆亞仂仂仆 于舒仍亢 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟亳亶亞 亟舒亳仆 弍仂仍仂于仍亢 弍亳亟亞 ミ. 仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞 弍勵亳亶仆 5 亟舒 唏亟唏 亞舒亟舒亞. 丕亞 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟仆亳亶 仄舒舒仆 仆亳亶亟 勵仆仍亞亟 弍舒亶 仆仍亟 唏仆亟唏 仂仂仂亞亟仂 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳亟 亞 仍亠从仂仆 仄亟亞 亰唏于唏仆 亞亳勵勵亟亟 舒舒舒亟舒亞 ミ. 10
  • 11. 亟仂仂亞亳亶仆 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 仆亳亶 750 亞舒亶 于 勵仄勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆 仗舒仍舒仄亠仆亳亶仆 亞亳勵勵亟 仄唏仆 弍舒亟 -仆 勵仄勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆 50 亞舒亶 亟亳仗仍仂仄舒亟舒亟 亳仍亞亟亞 ミ. 舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 弍亳亟 亞 仄亟亞 仆亳亶亟 亰舒亢 弍仂仍仂 亰唏于唏仆 亞亳勵勵亟亟 舒仆亞舒 亟舒于 舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍亶 ミ. 舒仆舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞仆 舒亳仄 亟舒, 磿舒仆亞磠 仄仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒 仄舒舒仆 弍舒 仆仍亟亞勵亶 仂仍仆 舒仆亳仍 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒 舒亟 亟仆亟亢舒舒 3000 舒仆亟舒仍 仂亢 亳亟亞 弍仂仍 仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 舒亳仄 亟舒舒亶 仆亳亶仍亟 仆亳亶亟 舒亟 7000 舒仆亟舒仍舒亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 弌舒舒仆 仄舒仆舒亶 于弍仄舒亠 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍 舒亳仄 亟舒仆亟 仄舒舒仆 舒亶亞仍 亳亶 磦亞 仂仆仂于仂亶 弍仂仍亞仂 舒亶亢仍舒仍亞 亳亶仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 亳亶亞亟仆 舒仆仆 亞 唏仍亳亶仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍仂于 . 丱勵仄勵勵 礆舒 仆亞 仂于 勵亞 舒亳亞仍舒仆 舒亶仍 亳亶亟亞. 亳亟 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 舒亶亞亟舒 仄舒亞舒亟仍舒仍 唏仆亟唏 弍勵亳亶 仂于 勵亞 仍仍亞勵勵亟 亟 舒亢亳仍仍舒舒仆 ミ. 勳勵仆亳亶 勵 亟勵仆亟 仆亳亶 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆亳亶唏唏 75 %-亳亶亞 舒亶亞仍仆 亳亠仄, 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒 舒于 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 舒仆舒亶 舒亳仄 亟舒仆 亟 亰舒亳仄 仆亞 仍亳亟 弍仂仍仂仆 仄舒仆舒亶 7 舒亢仍仆 亞 亞舒亞舒亢 舒于舒仆 亞亶 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟 弍舒亶亟舒亞 ミ. 亳亟 仄唏仆 仆仍亟亞勵亶 仄亢仆亳亶 亳仍亞仍勵勵亟亳亶亞 舒于舒仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亳仍弍仍, 丱仂仆亞 仂仆亞-亟 弍仂仍仂仆 丕仍 舒亶 弍舒 唏仆亞唏 亟于 仍亞舒 仍亰舒仍仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 唏亞仍唏唏 仂仄 亟 舒于亳亞亟舒仆 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仆舒舒仍亞 亳 舒舒仆 8 亳仍亞仍 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 唏仆 勵勵仍亳亶仆 勵亠亳亶仆 磿舒仆亞磠 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仆 仄亟 仄亟仍仍勵勵亟 弍舒亞舒仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亞 勵亞 仍弍仍 弍亳亟 亞 ム于舒亠 舒亳仄 仄亟 弍仂仍仂仆 舒亳仄 亟亟舒舒舒舒 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仄亟仍仍 舒仆亞舒亟舒亞. Jim: Coaltrans Mongolia, June 21-22 in the Chinggis Khan Hotel! And yes, our BCM NewsWire has become the strongest English source of business, economic and political news. We have a wonderful Indian editor who has been a journalist for 40 years. He rewrites stories we gather from sources that have stories pertinent to Mongolia. He has a few stories each Friday that arent necessarily just about Mongolia, but indirectly, theyre all about Mongolia. Its become an amazingly important publication. Its for members only, So right now we have 750 individuals at our members who are receive it, plus all Parliament members and other Government officials, and also about 50 at diplomatic missions. We could probably sell it. But we dont for we focus on providing value to our members. Its become a great source of news. Our BCM websites, particularly our Mongolian website, are becoming very popular too. The Mongolian website now gets up to 3000 hits a month, and is catching up to the English website with a total of 7000 hits a month between the two websites. We just had our excellent webmaster do an upgrade of the Mongolian content called a Search Engine Optimization ( SEO). It was one of the first SEOs done with respect to Mongolian language. People come and search using key words. They had to come up with keywords in Mongolian, lot of which had not been done. Now we get about 75 % of the traffic coming through search engines which we would not get otherwise because of this upgrade. Theres a wealth material on our websites such as laws and information from our 7 working groups. We upload many presentations, such as 8 presentations from the two panels in Mines and Money-HKs 11
  • 12. Mongolian morning, which drew a lot of interest. We put a lot of news stories some of which are in Fridays NW. So this NW and our website are providing information, thats one of the things we do in conjunction with trying to reform certain laws. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒仆舒亶舒舒 弍舒 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丐亠仍亠于亳亰-亳亶仆 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 仄亟仆亳亶 弍仍舒仆亞 仄亟亞 舒仆亞舒亟舒亞 ? Sodo: Also supply news to the MNB for the English news? 亳仄: 丐亳亶仄 . 5 亟舒 唏亟唏 弍勵 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丐亠仍亠于亳亰 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 仄亟仆亳亶 弍仍舒仆亞 勵亞亟亞 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丕亞 仄亟-仆亟 仄舒仆舒亶 舒亶 唏亟亳亶仆 亞舒亞舒舒仆 ム于舒亠-舒舒 仄亟仆勵勵亟 仂仂仆 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 唏仆 弍亳亟 BTV-亶 弍舒 舒仄舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 丐亟仆亳亶 7 仂仆仂亞亳亶仆 5 唏亟唏 舒仆亞仍亳 仍 亟 仄亟 亞舒亞舒亢 仄舒仆舒亶 ム于舒亠-舒舒 仄唏仆 仄亟仆勵勵亟 仂仍亟舒亞 ミ. 舒亳仄 仄亟仆勵勵亟亳亶亞 仄仂仆亞仂仍 仍 亟 亟仆亳亶 仂仍亢 弍亳亟仆亟 唏亞亟唏亞. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍 舒亶仆 仄亟 仄亟仍仍亳亶亞 弍亳亶 弍仂仍亞仂 仆亞 仍弍 仄舒磪舒舒 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆 仆 ミ. Jim: We do. Every Friday evening MNB has a show, and they run stories in English on articles from that days NW. We also do the same with BTV where 5 nights during the week they have an English show and again use the NW. BTV also translates some stories into Mongolian on certain Friday evenings. So its just another way to get out good information. 弌仂亟仂: 丐亳亶仄 , 仄亟仍仍 于舒舒仍舒舒亟 亳 舒亶舒仆, 舒亳亞舒亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 丕亳 仆 仆 仆 仄亟仍亞 仆仄亟亞. 丐亞 舒仆 舒亢亳仍 勵亶仍 舒仆 勵亞仍亢 亟 唏亞亢亳仆 亟于亳亢 弍舒亶亞 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. 亟 丐舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟 唏仆亞唏勵勵仍仆 于 勵仆亳亶 仍舒亞仆 舒仍舒舒 舒亞勵亶亞 仆于勵勵仍亞 亟亞舒亢 舒亟舒亞勵亶 仆. 丕亳 仆 丐舒仆亞 仂仆亞仂仍亟 亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 仆亞亳亶仆 亞舒亟舒舒亟 勵仆 弍亳, 仂仆亞仂仍亞 亞仆 亰勵 亞仍亶 勵仆仆 舒仆舒舒舒 弍仂仍 仂仆亞仂仍 勵仆 亞亢 弍仂亟亟仂亞. 丐舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 10 亢亳仍 舒仄亟舒仍舒舒. 丐舒仆 仍舒亞舒? Sodo: Its always good, beneficial to share information. Because it multiplies the knowledge. So I hope you continue this very important mission. Now I cannot end my program without asking of your personal experience in Mongolia. Because I know that you are man, not a foreigner living in Mongolia, you are virtually Mongolian with Mongolian heart and mind. Youve lived in Mongolia for about 10 years. Your experiences? 亳仄: 丐仍舒亞舒 亞于仍: 弍亳 唏亞亢亳仄亟 亳 亟舒亶 舒亰 唏亞亢亳仄亶 仂亟仂仂亶 仄亢亞 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂亢 磦亟舒亞. 舒亰-仆 丐舒仍 仄 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丐 仆 亟亟 亰舒亳仍舒舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 丕亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 勵亰亞亳亟亟 舒亰 唏亞亢仄亳亶亞 舒仍仍舒舒舒 亞舒亟仆舒 丱唏亞亢亳仄 勵亢亞亳亶仆 仂仍仍亠亢 弍仂仍仂仆 弌丕弌-仆 仂ム仆亟亞 舒仍亢 亟仄亢亟亞. 弌 亞亟 丐 仄唏仆 亟亟 亰舒亳舒仍 亳亶亟亞. 亶亠从 仆 亟仍亳亶仆 仂ム仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 磦仍亟舒亞 仂仄仂仂仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟仆 仆亞 ミ. 亅仆亟亳亶仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟 舒亢亳仍仍仍舒舒舒 亞舒亟舒舒亟仆 仍 仂仆仂仂 亟舒亟仍舒亞舒亢亳亞 仆舒亞 仆亟 舒于亳亟舒亞 弍唏亞唏唏亟 仂仆亞仂仍亟亞 仄唏仆 亞舒亟仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亟舒亟 亟舒亟仍舒亞舒 亳亶仍亞 磦仍亟舒亞. 唏仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍舒亞仆 亰唏于仍唏仍亶 仆仍亟 亟仆 亢亳仍 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂亢 磦仆舒. 12
  • 13. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仍舒亞亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏仍 仆 仂仍仂仆 唏仍亳亶仆 仍舒亞, 仍舒亞舒亶 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶 弍仂仍仂于仂仍亞 亟仄亢亳亢 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 亞亢 弍仂亟亟仂亞. 勳仆仆亟 弍仂仍 2004 仂仆亟 舒仆仆 舒亰 个亠亳于舒仍-亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 丕仍舒亞亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 勵勵仆 仂亶 舒亰- 仆 丐舒仍 勵勵仆亳亶亞 仆 唏于仍唏仆 舒于 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳亟 亳 10 舒亟 5 亟舒 亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 个亠亳于舒仍-亞 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍仆舒. 亳仆亳亶 弍亳亠 仍 仆 舒仆 10 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍舒仆从 亰舒舒 亰仂亳仍亞仂仂亶 亳亟 勵勵仆 仂亶 弍ム 2003 仂仆仂仂 仂亶 仂仆亞仂仍亟 弍舒亶仆亞仆 仂亳仆 弍仂仍仂仆. 亳 仂仆亞仂仍 亞 弍勵仍亶. 亳仆亳亶 弍仂亟仍仂仂 亰亳-亳亶仆 仍 仂仆亟舒舒 仂仆亞仂仍亟 舒仄亟舒 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂亳仂仄亢仂亶 舒仆舒亞亟亟舒亞, 亟 仆 仂亟仂仂 勵亠亟 弍勵亞亟 仍 亰亳 仂舒 弍仂仍亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍 弍仂仍 唏仍唏唏 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞舒亶, 舒亟亳仍舒仆 仍, 舒亟 勵仄仆 仆 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒亶舒仆 亞仍亶 亞亢 弍亳 弍仂亟亟仂亞. Jim: My experiences - I like music and am involved with jazz. Im vice chairman of Giant Steppes of Jazz, a Mongolian NGO promoting jazz to Mongolian public and helping young musicians at the College of Music and the Arts and Culture University. Im vice chairman of AIESEC, which is the worlds largest student run organization. Theyre bringing interns from other countries here to work in companies and theyre sending Mongolians out. Both ways. And the Arts Council of Mongolia where Ive been involved for several years. I think ACM is a wonderfully giving organization promoting a lot of different kinds of arts and arts education. In fact the GSJAZZ took just the jazz slice out of the ACMs hundred or so cultural slices to promote jazz awareness in Mongolia after the ACM did the 1st Jazz Festival in 2004. Well produce the fifth Festival this October, and now its become an annual event. I came here 10 years ago for sixth months to sell a bank and return to Manhattan, but instead have lived here permanently since 2003. I have a Mongolian family. I think Mongolia is just a great place to be based in Asia, particularly now with the way the whole world is tilting to Asia. Mongolia is free market, democratic, with wonderful people, with all kinds of interesting things going on here. Even though I cant play golf or go swimming. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亟舒亞 ? Sodo: Do you speak Mongolian? 亳仄: 仂仂仂仆. 丐亳亶仄 舒亶仆 亟舒亞亞勵亶. 勳仆 勵仄勵勵亶 舒亟舒亞 弍仂仍仆仂 亞于仍 仄亳仆亳亶 舒亢亳仍, 舒仄亟舒仍仆 于舒舒亳舒 30% 亰舒仍舒亞亟舒 ミ 亳亞 弍舒亶仆舒 仍, 亳亶仄 30% 舒舒仄舒仍舒亶 仆 弍舒亶亞勵亶 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 亢亳仍 亳亶亟亞亞勵亶 于仍 亅仆 丐舒亶于仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒亟 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢, 唏亟唏唏 亳仍 亰舒舒亟舒亞 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 仄舒亞舒亟亞勵亶 舒亶仆 舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍舒亶. 亳仆亳亶 勵勵 丱仂弍弍亳 亞仍亟 亟舒亞, 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒亶仆 舒仆亞仍亳舒 亟舒亞. 亳 仂仆亞仂仍仂仂 亟舒亞 弍舒亶亞 亳 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. Jim: 仂仂仂仆. I did somewhat after my first few years. But it would take 30 % of my time to really become conversational, I dont have an extra 30%. If I wasnt working, probably would. Or if I was in the Peace Corps teaching in the countryside. My son whos at Hobby School has fluent English. I wish I could speak Mongolian. 13
  • 14. 弌仂亟仂: 丐舒 仆舒 亞亢 弍仂亟仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 丶舒亞 亰舒于 亞舒亞舒仆, 仄舒仆舒亶 仆于勵勵仍亞 亰仂仆仂仂 仂仂仍仂仆亟 亳 弍舒亶仍舒仍舒舒. 勳亰亞亳亟 仄舒舒仆 弍亳亟仆亳亶 亳舒仆舒舒 亞亶 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 仂仍亢 仂仆仂仆 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 丐舒仆 舒亢亳仍 勵亶仍亟 舒仆 亟舒亳仆 舒仄亢亳仍 勵 仂仆亞仂仍 亟舒 舒仄亟舒仍 舒仆 舒亰 亢舒亞舒仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆 弍舒亶亞 勵仆 亠唏唏亠! Sodo: You will learn it. Thank you for your time, for being a guest in Face to Face. The audience will find this conversation quite informative, resourceful in terms of using the resources that you put together at Business Council o f Mongolia. Again, Id like to wish you success, enjoyful happy life in Mongolia, all your activities with BCM and with Mongolians! 亳仄: 舒仄舒亶亞 仄唏仆 仆 舒亶舒仆 仆于勵勵仍亞 亢 仂仂仍仍舒仆亟 亳 弍舒仍舒仍舒舒. 丐舒 弍勵仆亟 仄唏仆 舒亢仍仆 唏仆亟唏 舒仄亢亳仍 勵亠! Jim: Sodo, youre a blessing for all Mongolia. Thanks for having me. 弌仂亟仂: 亅仆 亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 亟亞舒舒 仄舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 唏于仍唏仍亳亶仆 亞勵亶亞 亰舒亳舒仍 仆仂仆 亳仄 于舒亶亠 亳亞亟舒仆 仂仂仍仍仂仂. 丐舒 弍勵仆亟 仂仆亳仂仍仂亶 弍舒亶舒仆 弍舒亶 亞亢 仆舒亶亟舒亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 舒舒舒亞亳亶仆 亟亞舒舒舒舒 仍亰舒仍舒舒 弍舒亶舒亶 勵亰亞亳亟 ! Sodo: I hope you liked the conversation, the information Executive Director, Mr. Jim Dwyer of BCM, has shared with you. See you in my next program, good bye! 14