This document provides instructions for opening tickets in JIRA for two different classes: business class and residential. For business class tickets, the instructions specify to choose the IT BI Tech Ops Dev project and provide details for filling out priority, description, attachments. For residential tickets, the instructions specify to choose the IT BI Tech Ops project and provide a component/s section to classify issues or enhancements along with similar instructions to the business class.
2. JIRA How Tos
IT BI Tech OPS Support
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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
How to open a ticket in Jira Business Class ..................................................................................................................................3
How to open a ticket in Jira Residential.......................................................................................................................................5
Version Control
Version ControlVersion Control
Date Version Description Authored/Revised By
6/08/15 1.0 New Deborah Obasogie
3. JIRA How Tos
IT BI Tech OPS Support
Page 3
H o w t o o p e n a t i c k e t i n J i r a B u s i n e s s C l a s s
1. pen a new page in your web browser and go to the BI Tech Ops page (click here)
2. Click on the Create button on the top navigation bar
3. A new screen will pop up.
4. In the Project drop-down choose IT BI Tech Ops Dev
5. In the Issue Type drop-down choose:
a. Bug : For issues in the production or development environments
b. Enhancement: For new enhancements or features
6. The Reporter section should already be populated with your name.
a. You can change this if you are entering on someone elses behalf
7. In the Priority drop-down choose:
a. Blocker : Urgent request, Highest priority, equivalent to a P1 in Service Desk
b. Critical : High Priority, equivalent to a P2 in Service Desk
c. Major : Normal Priority, equivalent to a P3 in Service Desk, default priority
d. Minor : Low Priority, equivalent to a P4 in Service Desk
e. Trivial : Lowest Priority
8. The Due Date section allows you to enter a desired Due Date (Optional)
9. The Summary section is a short, single line description or reason for the ticket/story
10. The Description section is a free form field where you can add a full description of the issue or request. This is optional, but
this will help us understand the nature of the request.
11. In the Component/s section is not required for BC requests.
12. To attach a file (word, excel, screenshot, etc.):
a. Click on Choose Files to browse your computer
b. Locate the file(s) you wish to attach
c. Click on the file, hold the Ctrl key and click on another file if there are multiple files to add
d. Click on the Open button on the bottom of the screen once all files have been selected
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IT BI Tech OPS Support
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13. Click Create once you have entered in all the information to create the ticket/story.
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IT BI Tech OPS Support
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H o w t o o p e n a t i c k e t i n J i r a R e s i d e n t i a l
1. Open a new page in your web browser and go to the BI Tech Ops page (click here)
2. Click on the Create button on the top navigation bar
3. A new screen will pop up.
4. In the Project drop-down choose IT BI Tech Ops
5. In the Issue Type drop-down choose:
a. Bug : For issues in the production or development environments
b. Enhancement: For new enhancements or features
6. The Reporter section should already be populated with your name.
a. You can change this if you are entering on someone elses behalf
7. In the Priority drop-down choose:
a. Blocker : Urgent request, Highest priority, equivalent to a P1 in Service Desk
b. Critical : High Priority, equivalent to a P2 in Service Desk
c. Major : Normal Priority, equivalent to a P3 in Service Desk, default priority
d. Minor : Low Priority, equivalent to a P4 in Service Desk
e. Trivial : Lowest Priority
8. The Due Date section allows you to enter a desired Due Date (Optional)
9. The Summary section is a short, single line description or reason for the ticket/story
10. The Description section is a free form field where you can add a full description of the issue or request. This is optional, but
this will help us understand the nature of the request.
11. In the Component/s section choose all that apply:
a. For Issues:
i. Issue : For general issues (i.e. slow responses)
ii. Issue Data : For issues specific to data (i.e. missing records, anomalies)
iii. Issues MSTR : For issues specific to MicroStrategy (i.e. Dashboards or report errors)
b. For NEW enhancements or features:
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IT BI Tech OPS Support
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i. Data : For requests to add new data to TOPS (i.e. CSG or Icoms fields)
ii. MicroStrategy : For enhancements in MicroStrategy (i.e. new Metric or Attribute, New Report or Dashboard)
iii. General : For any request that does not fall under Data or MicroStrategy
12. To attach a file (word, excel, screenshot, etc.):
a. Click on Choose Files to browse your computer
b. Locate the file(s) you wish to attach
c. Click on the file, hold the Ctrl key and click on another file if there are multiple files to add
d. Click on the Open button on the bottom of the screen once all files have been selected
13. Click Create once you have entered in all the information to create the ticket/story.