JJUC-CCC - Japan Java Users Group Cross Communiy Conference - 2016 Spring v處Y創。
テスト、いてますか燭呂ぁ⇔辧はいていませんでした。しかし書は`います。繍薙のxを咾すかのように匯返ずつテストをきMめるための蚩gと藺圓里茲Δ覆發里髻△しできればと房います。このセッションは揖じチ`ムの揖租による恍定拍のセッション仝JJUG-CCC 2015 Fall CD-2 Java8卞佩から兵めた室g議との蕕ぁ垢両A、里茲Δ覆發里任后
JJUC-CCC - Japan Java Users Group Cross Communiy Conference - 2016 Spring v處Y創。
テスト、いてますか燭呂ぁ⇔辧はいていませんでした。しかし書は`います。繍薙のxを咾すかのように匯返ずつテストをきMめるための蚩gと藺圓里茲Δ覆發里髻△しできればと房います。このセッションは揖じチ`ムの揖租による恍定拍のセッション仝JJUG-CCC 2015 Fall CD-2 Java8卞佩から兵めた室g議との蕕ぁ垢両A、里茲Δ覆發里任后
Po?me sa porozpr│va? pre?o s┣ najv???┴ poskytovatelia webov?ch slu?ieb tak ┣spe?n?, ak└ technol┏gie pou?┴vaj┣, ?o s┣ to tie mikroservisy a ako do toho v?etk└ho zapad│ nov? OpenShift 3.
Jakub je v?voj│r OpenShift platformy, open-source nad?enec, ktor? okrem programovania v rozli?n?ch jayzkoch ako Go, Ruby, JavaScript nem│ probl└m ani s grafikou a designom.
This presentation explains the new challenges to be resolved with a Microservices Architecture and how the WildFly Swarm container & OpenShift/Kubernetes can address some of the patterns like running a lightweight JavaEE container, discover and load balance the services, inject the configuration of the services.
This document discusses Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and their background. It then defines microservices and discusses if you are ready to adopt this architecture. It introduces WildFly Swarm as an open source project for building Java EE microservices and how it provides just enough of an application server. It covers converting existing applications and creating new ones using WildFly Swarm and discusses fractions and the main method. Code examples and additional resources are provided.
Check out the talk to the slides:
Talk Abstract:
Using Swarm, you can select ^just enough app server ̄ to support each of your microservices.
In this session, we¨ll outline how WildFly Swarm works and get you started writing your first microservices using Java EE technologies you¨re already familiar with.
You¨ll learn how to setup your build system (Maven, Gradle, or your IDE of choice) to run and test WildFly Swarm-based services and produce runnable jars. We will walk from the simple case of wrapping a normal WAR application to the more advanced case of configuring the container using your own main(´) method.
As Mark Twain once said "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". This statement may now easily be applied to Java. Even if the official stewards of Java seemed to have lost their enthusiasm, there are many groups and companies supporting and thriving with Java. Innovation is occurring within the enterprise Java space at a constant rate, more organizations are solving new and exciting problems with advanced Java technologies and project. Java is not dead.
Developing microservices with wildfly swarm and deploying on openshiftandreas kuncoro
The document discusses developing microservices with WildFly Swarm and deploying them on OpenShift. It covers how WildFly Swarm allows Java EE components to be packaged independently as microservices. It also explains how OpenShift provides the prerequisites for managing microservices like automated deployment, service discovery, and containers. The key takeaways are that Java EE is still relevant through projects like WildFly Swarm, which enable microservices, and that OpenShift's PaaS capabilities complement a microservices architecture.
With Java 8 released in March 2014, Oracle Java Technology Ambassador James Weaver discusses many of its new features such as lambda expressions, the stream API, and client-side capabilities with the JavaFX library.
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containersClaus Ibsen
The so-called experts are saying microservices and containers will
change the way we build, maintain, operate, and integrate
applications. This talk is intended for Java developers who wants to hear and see how you can develop Java microservices that are ready to run in containers.
In this talk we will build a set of Java based Microservices that uses a mix of technologies with Apache Camel, Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm.
You will see how we can build small discrete microservices with these Java technologies and build and deploy on the Kubernets container platform.
We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Camel EIPs, and Netflixx Hysterix.
And the self healing and fault tolerant aspects of the Kubernetes platform is also discussed and demoed when we let the chaos monkeys loose killing containers.
This talk is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo.
The talk was presented at JDKIO on September 13th 2016.
Microservice With Spring Boot and Spring CloudEberhard Wolff
Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are an ideal foundation for creating Microservices based on Java. This presentation explains basic concepts of these libraries.
Rasheed Amir presents on Spring Boot. He discusses how Spring Boot aims to help developers build production-grade Spring applications quickly with minimal configuration. It provides default functionality for tasks like embedding servers and externalizing configuration. Spring Boot favors convention over configuration and aims to get developers started quickly with a single focus. It also exposes auto-configuration for common Spring and related technologies so that applications can take advantage of them without needing to explicitly configure them.
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4. 2015-08-10(輿) JJUG ナイト?セミナ` 仝ビ`ル頭返にLT&{氏々 4
Spring Boot + Java EE API
Spring は Java EE の API もいろいろサポ`ト
C JAX-RS, JSR-330 の DI アノテ`ション, JTA, JMS ´
API だけでも聞いTれたものにしたい、ということであれば
C [鍬U] Spring Boot 1.2における"Bootiful" なJava EEサポ`ト
5. 2015-08-10(輿) JJUG ナイト?セミナ` 仝ビ`ル頭返にLT&{氏々 5
Payara Micro
Payara は GlassFish から fork されたアプリケ`ションサ`バ
fat-jar ではなく、 參和のようにg佩
C java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy test.war
C payara-micro.jar を喘吭すればふつうの war がすぐ咾!
C Payara Micro をしてみる