J-K and D flip-flops are two common types of flip-flops. A J-K flip-flop can maintain a binary state until an input signal switches it, and both J and K inputs can toggle the state. A D flip-flop samples the D input during a clock pulse to set or clear the output. Both flip-flops use NAND gates in a feedback configuration to store state, but the D flip-flop directly connects the D input to the set input and inverts it for the clear input.
Flip Flop Circuit can Maintain a binary state indefinitely Until directed by an
input signal to switch states.
The Major Differences Among Various types of flip-flops are in the number of
inputs .
A JK Flip Flop is a refinement of the RS Flip Flop.
Inputs J & K behaves like inputs S & R to set and
Clear Flip Flop.
When inputs ae applied to both J and K
Simultaneously, the flip-flop switches to its complement
State , that is if Q=1,it switches to Q=0, and vice versa.
A Clocked JK flip flop is Shown in Fig.
5. As Shown in the characteristic table in fig, the J-K Flip Flop behaves like an RS
flip flop, expect when both J and K are equal to 1.
When both J and K are 1,the clock pulse is transmitted through one NAND
gate Only the one whose inputs is connected to the flip flop output which is
permenetly equal to 1.
If Q=1, the output of the upper AND gate becomes 1 upon application of clock
pluse, and the flip flop is cleread.
If Q=1, the output of lower AND gate becomes a 1 and the flip flop is set .
The output state of the flip flop is complemented.
The D Flip Flop Shown in Fig. is a modification
The clocked RS flip-flop.
The D input goes directly to the S input ,
and is complement, thorugh gate 5, is applied to
The R input.
As long as the clock pulse input is at 0, gates
3 and 4 have a 1 in their outputs.
This Conferms to the requirement that the two
inputs of a basic NAND flip flop remain initially at
1 level.
7. The D input is Sampled during the occurrence of a clock pulse.
If it is 1, the output of Gates 3 goes to 0, switching the flip flop to the set
If it is 0,the output of gate 4 goes to 0, switching the flip flop to the clear
The D flip flop receives the designation from its ability to transfer data into a
flip flop.
It is basically an RS flip flop with an inverter in the R inout.
9. This Type of flip flops is sometimes called a gated D-latch.
The clock input is Often given the variable designation G to indicate that this enables the
gated latch
To make possible the data entry into the flip flop.
The Symbol for a clocked D flip flop is shown in fig.
The Characteristic table is listed in part and the characteristic equation is derived.