This document discusses three projects in France since 2006 that aimed to map key concepts in information and media literacy:
1. A dictionary and mapping of 133 concepts in information literacy created by teachers and researchers between 2006-2012.
2. A report produced by researchers (GRCDI) that introduced the idea of transliteracy in France.
3. An open group project called Limin-R, running from 2013-2016, that aims to map concepts across media, information, and computer literacy and create a critical glossary.
The projects represent different attempts to analyze and organize concepts in these fields through tools like dictionaries, reports, and wikis, but challenges remain around integration into education and determining
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1. Critical analysis of different projets about key concepts
mapping in information and media literacy
in France since 2006.
Jacques Kerneis, CREAD, University of Occidental Brittany :
Olivier le Deuff, MICA, University of Bordeaux 3
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 1 ECER 2012 Cadiz
2. Outline :
1. Necessity of archeology and architecture of Knowledge
2. Project 1 : dictionary and integrators concepts in information literacy
3. Projet 2 : GRCDI : report on information culture
4. Projet 3 : Limin-R : transliteracy : archeology and evolutions
5. Perspectives and questions
ECER 2012 Cadiz
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 2
2 ECER 2012 Cadiz
3. Necessity of archeology and architecture
of Knowledge
(Foucault and Salaun)
The relevance of this symposium project : 2 examples :
workshop 27 in Berlin (ECER) : 束Beyond fragmentation :
didactic, learning and teaching損
In francophone didactics : Ligozat (of Geneve University),
束for the young researchers, an archeology of concepts
(Foucault) in didactic is essential for concepts like
contract, transposition...)
3 projects in an architectural perspective
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 3 ECER 2012 Cadiz
4. dictionary and integrators
concepts in culture of information
The first project began in 2006 :
Two teachers and a group :
a map with the concepts of online search
a little dictionary of culture of information, try to
overlay the field: 133 concepts for a first base of
Fonctions : own concepts of culture of information
and target concepts to teach.
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 4 ECER 2012 Cadiz
5. First : a map
about online search
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 5 ECER 2012 Cadiz
7. A first use
64 Concepts including 7 core :
around a professional association (Fadben).
The essential goal : distinguish sixty four
main concepts in information literacy.
This work is now completed and on line.
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 7 ECER 2012 Cadiz
9. A private wiki
for concepts
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 9 ECER 2012 Cadiz
10. Results ?
A big job little used by the institution
Productivity of some militants
Care for direct links with teaching
Only information literacy fiefd
These people fed later projects
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 10 ECER 2012 Cadiz
11. GRCDI : report on information
culture and didactic
Emanate from a researcher group
We produced an outlook report and
intoduced in France the idea of
transliteracy (media, digital and
information culture and education).
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 11 ECER 2012 Cadiz
12. A private wiki
for texts of the archeology
An archeology of information culture and
didactic reflexions
150 articles on line
An annual seminar (researchers and teachers)
Opening to other cultures (digital,
informatic, media)
The need of level approach (Convergence
of arguments)
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 12 ECER 2012 Cadiz
13. The third project (Limin-R) : http://www.iscc. open group (media,
information, computer science).
We aim at mapping the web around the
concepts of these 3 cultures
and a critical glossary
Before a model?
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 13 ECER 2012 Cadiz
14. Only researchers (20)
An official project for 3 years ( 2013-2016)
Consider transliteracy in USA and in Great britain
Directed by main professors : Divina Frau-Meigs
(medias), Eric delamotte (Information & knowledge
literacy and Eric Bruillard (computer literacy) and a
lot of young researchers
Widening of GRCDI and differents laboratories
Interested by our project, here
Translitt辿ratie ( la fran巽aise) open on numbers and
pictures and movies culture (not only artistic)
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 14 ECER 2012 Cadiz
15. The transliteracy perspective ?
New literacies, new skills, new stakes ?
A desire to gather to better train
(Medialiteracy, information literacy, digital
Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and
interact across a range of platforms, tools
and media from signing and orality through
handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to
digital social networks. Sue Thomas, 2007)
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 15 ECER 2012 Cadiz
16. A private platform
For websites
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 16 ECER 2012 Cadiz
19. References :
Duplessis P., Ballarini-Santonocito I. Petit dictionnaire des concepts info-
documentaires : Approche didactique lusage des enseignants
documentalistes. [en ligne] Site de SavoirsCDI, janvier 2007:
Duplessis Pascal (dir.) et al., Inventaire des concepts info-documentaires
mobilis辿s dans les activit辿s de recherche dinformations en ligne, Acad辿mie
de Nantes, Site de la cellule CDI du Rectorat de Nantes, janvier 2006 http://
Rapport GRCDI :
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 19 ECER 2012 Cadiz
20. Questions
For our project:
What paradigm?: traduction (Latour)
transpositionS (Chevallard)
or the question of 束point of views損
"There are always (only?) contexts" S. Fish
Archeology: often built against another
The link with didactic action?
The Tool: a wiki?
Jacques KERNEIS & Olivier LE DEUFF 20 ECER 2012 Cadiz