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Job Objectives vs. Career

    Which to Use?
    Martha Schwer,
    Madison Area Technical College
Standard Parts of a Résumé

 Heading (name and contact info)
 Career Objective or Qualifications
 Employment or Experience
 Related Skills and Abilities
 Honors and Activities

 A Career Objective frames the résumé for a
 specific job and helps your reader understand
 your goal.
   Headings like “Objective,” “Employment
 A Qualifications Summary focuses more on
 what you bring from prior experiences to a
 specific job opening.
   Headings like “Summary Statement,” or “Career
How to Write a Solid Objective

 No more than 3 lines long.
 Include 3 parts: the type of job you are
 looking for, the context you want to work in,
 and what you can do for the company:

Example: “A full-time computer-science
 position aimed at solving engineering
 problems and contributing to a management
How to Write A Solid Summary

  3-5 lines long
  Include who, what, and major achievements.

Example: “Astute senior analyst and corporate
 financial planner with 11 years of experience
 and proven success enhancing P&L
 scenarios by millions of dollars.
 Demonstrated ability to apply critical thinking
 and sound strategic/economic analysis to
 multi-dimensional business issues.”
Choose wisely!
    Use headings!
Happy Résumé Writing!

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Job objective career summary

  • 1. Job Objectives vs. Career Summaries Which to Use? Martha Schwer, Madison Area Technical College
  • 2. Standard Parts of a Résumé Heading (name and contact info) Career Objective or Qualifications Summary Education Employment or Experience Related Skills and Abilities Honors and Activities References
  • 3. Definitions A Career Objective frames the résumé for a specific job and helps your reader understand your goal. Headings like “Objective,” “Employment Objective” A Qualifications Summary focuses more on what you bring from prior experiences to a specific job opening. Headings like “Summary Statement,” or “Career Summary.”
  • 4. How to Write a Solid Objective No more than 3 lines long. Include 3 parts: the type of job you are looking for, the context you want to work in, and what you can do for the company: Example: “A full-time computer-science position aimed at solving engineering problems and contributing to a management team.”
  • 5. How to Write A Solid Summary 3-5 lines long Include who, what, and major achievements. Example: “Astute senior analyst and corporate financial planner with 11 years of experience and proven success enhancing P&L scenarios by millions of dollars. Demonstrated ability to apply critical thinking and sound strategic/economic analysis to multi-dimensional business issues.”
  • 6. Choose wisely! Use headings! Happy Résumé Writing!