This document provides information about an international co-op job opportunity. The job is located in an unspecified country and city with a program/company. The job title, description, required skills, hours, GPA requirement, accepted majors, and language requirements are outlined. Additional details around compensation, housing, and the company website are also included.
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Job Template Form- Drexel University
1. Steinbright Career Development Center
International Co-op Job Template
I. Program at a Glance
Program/Company Name:
Company Information/Description:
II. Job Description and Required Skills
Job Title:
Job Description:
Required Job Skills:
Number of Positions:
Hours per Week:
GPA Requirement:
Language Requirement:
III. Additional Information
Compensation Offered?(for example, salary, food allowance, transportation):
Housing Provided? (if so, include such things as utilities, internet, etc.):