The document discusses marketing opportunities on the JobsCentral Learning portal including course listings, featured training provider logos, banner ads, weekly course alerts sent via email, articles published on the resources page, and electronic direct mailers. It notes that course listings are the main draw of the portal as they allow visitors to browse courses and make enquiries. Premium course listings stand out at the top of search results, though only three courses can have this placement. New partners are also offered a featured training provider logo to drive traffic to their listings.
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6. Marketing Opportunities
Course Listings
Course listings are the main draw on our portal. The niche portal serves as a one stop location for visitors to browse a
range of courses and make enquiries. For postgraduate programmes with a local buyer decision making process, it can
serve as a means to reach out to the prospective student early in their decision making process.
We offer premium listings which standout at the top of the search results page. However, these are limited to 3 courses.
Featured Training Provider Logo
New partners who come on board the portal will be offered the Featured Training Provider Logo as a means of driving
traffic to their listings.
Banner Ads
We have a total of 5 banner slots available on our search results page, each slot with a SOV of 20%. These are usually
used to promote a new programme or promotions.
7. Marketing Opportunities (cont.)
Weekly Course Alerts
A weekly emailer sent out to our database of users who have opted-in to receive education related EDMs. The course
alerts will be customized based on the users education preferences and seeks to drive traffic to the JobsCentral
Learning Portal.
Articles/Advertorials on Resources Page
As a means of priming prospects who are still early in the decision making process, we publish
2 3 articles each month with an average of 2200 views monthly.
Electronic Direct Mailers
This proactive approach complements the course listings. Often used by our partners to invite their targeted segments
to attend course previews or promote new programmes.