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 Governance in Science and Technology

    Citizens engagement for social innovation ?

                 Spring School
                 May 25, 2011

              Dr. Johan Evers
                 Project manager



      WHO ARE WE?

   Mission statement

To monitor and investigate the societal aspects of scientific & technological

Based on this work, to organise and stimulate the public debat on these
societal aspects, thereby involving experts, stakeholders and the broader public.

The results of these debates ought to be made of use for the Flemish
Parliament (advices, reports, brochures,)


viWTA/IST  Historical background
 End of the 90s dominated by foods scandals in
  Belgium => Questions in public opinion
 Debate on GM food in Flemish parliament
    Five major advisory councils (science, agriculture,
     health, social economical, environment)
     demanded public debate, whilst admitting scientific
 This originated the birth of Flemish Foundation for
  Science and Technology Assessment (viWTA)

Daily practices
   IST = Parliamentary TA institution
   Board of Directors
      8 Members of Flemish Parliament (delivers chairman)
      8 scientific experts (Advisory Councils on Science, Economy, Environment
       and Health)
   Scientific Secretariat (6)
        Director & Secretary
        4 project managers / researchers
        1 research assistant
        1 communication & coordination officer


  Daily practices
   Yearly programme
   Selection procedure
       Trends & weak signals
       Research and contacts of project managers
       Approved by Board of Directors (IST)
   Projects can be commissioned by the parliament in the
    context of
         Research and substantial support
         Hearings, workshops and seminars
         Informative notes
         Participatory activities

  Technology assessment

Technology assessment is a scientific, interactive and
communicative process which aims to contribute to the
formation of public and political opinion on societal aspects of
science and technology (Decker & Ladikas, 2004)

          Forecasting developments        Assessing mutual impact
                           Product       Process


    Technology assessment in the context of policy making


    EPTA -members
     Catalonia (Spain)
     Flanders (Belgium)
     France                      EPTA-associates:
     Italy                       Council of Europe
     Netherlands                 Poland
     Norway                      USA
     United Kingdom

    Parliamentary Technology Assessment (PTA)
                                                     Need for
                                                 independent and           Specific policy
                                               societal assessments     context: informing &
                                                of S&T in decision-     advising parliaments
            Normative                                 making
                                                  Parliament as
Cognitive                  Pragmatic              'chambres de
                                                                          Specific research
dimension                  dimension                r辿flexion'

             TA                                  Problem-driven
                                                                         Specific approach:
                                                                        strongly participative

                                                             Practical attitude


     Some guiding principles in PTA

   Problem-driven rather than technology driven
   Constructive logic rather than acceptance logic
   Prospective and anticipatory rather than
      evaluative (ex ante rather than ex post or ex

     Participatory TA



Why public participation?
To articulate societal preferences
                                                            Active participation
To make societal interests explicit


                 What do we do?

       2002                                                              2011
                            2009                 2009
   GMO Food in                                                     Impact of noise
                         Smart grid             Biofuels
    Flanders                                                         pollution

                            2009                                         2011
       2004                                      2010
                      World Wide Views                            ICT, always a good
  ICT and Elderly                          Digital exclusion
                      on climate change                                  idea?

       2005                                                              2011
Meetings of Minds          2009                                  Climate adaptation:
                                          Fertility: beyond the
the future of brain       CIVISTI                                  the challenges for
     sciences                                                           Flanders

       2007                 2008                 2010                    2011
   Poverty and         Flemish energy     Intelligent transport      Gender and
   Technology           system 2050              systems             technology

       2008                                      2010                    2011
 Road traffic and                           Awards and ICT             Smartly
                      Youth and gaming
     health                                    festival              underground


Working areas of IST

                        Life sciences

       Methodology                             Environment

              Energy and              Information
                climate                 society

Cornerstones of IST
                            Science and
                        decision-making and
                        evolution of society

                                                research, public
                                                debate and lucid
         and dialogue

                           consultation and


                                                                   Theatre plays
                                                                   Focus groups
                                                                Technology festival
                                                                Delphi methodology
                                                               Scenario workshops
                                                     Citizens Convention/ Town hall meeting
                                                              Consensus conference
                                                          Didactical packages for scholars
                                                               Participation toolkit

Genetically modified food
                                               Suppoting the societal debate
Supporting the dialogue between stakeholders

                                                         Retrospective                  International
                                                         trend study                     symposium

                                                                         Public forum

                                                         Stakeholders                    Media debate

                                                                Advise Flemish Parliament
                                                                 Better decision making


Digital exclusion mechanisms
 ICT and elderly(2005) & Technology and poverty(2006)
      Challenge to creativity: design of participatory part of
       the project
      Combination of literature study, interviews, Delphi
       studies, scenarios, theatre plays, group discussions
                      Policy recommendations to the parliament
 2010 : Analysis of digital exclusion in Flanders &
  Technology festival E-dinges
                      Policy recommendations to the parliament

Technology festivals: Nano Now and E-dinges

Expert opinion research on nanotech     Survey and brainstorm on digital
in Flanders
                                           exclusion in Flanders
Brochure in newspaper
                                        Recommendations on digital inclusion
Didactical package distributed in       EOS ICT special
                                        3 day activity
3 day activity
                                        E-dinges Awards: movie clips and
ons                                        awards

Interactivity and diversity             Workshops for professionals
                                        Public day
Information and discussion
                                        Infotainment and debate
      3400 persons present
    Resolution in parliament on                 600 persons present
         nanotechnology                  Results presented in parliamentary


Foresight: The Road to Anoroso
   A vision of the Flemish energy system 2050 was developed in
    an interaction between citizens and experts
      Experts: their knowledge
      Informed citizens with open and broad perspectives, their
        values and preferences
      complementary producers of useful knowledge for policy
   Definition phase
   Three future scenarios  one selected
   Backcasting with experts             policy recommendations
    on timeline
   Conference day 13 December 2008


Citizens convention
 Meeting of Minds  European Citizens
  Deliberation on Brain Sciences (2005-2006)
   Organised by King Baudouin Foundations
   Results presented in European Parliament

 The car and our health Public Convention in
  Flemish Parliament (May 2008)
   Extensive evaluation
   Presentation in Environment Committee & Governance

Same method, same rigorous process and quality



TA & Governance?
    Governance means making systematic use of the richness of societal
    diversity, (re)order it, and define its boundaries in iterative governing
    interactions. (Kooiman, 2003: 196)

   TA aims to produce better technology in a better society, and emphasises
   the early involvement of a broad array of actors to facilitate social learning
   about technology and potential impacts. Genus, 2006: 13)

                                          Common goal:

                                  increase the democratic quality
           of decision-making on science and technology through participatory procedures

Resistance to public participation

 Validity of knowledge
    not scientific  status of lay knowledge?
    not representative  how to select citizens?

 Primacy of politics
    representative versus deliberative democracy

    time consuming
    (social) return on investment


  Evaluation criteria for public participation in innovation governance?

 Inclusiveness    Comprehensiveness         Fairness/respect   Social learning

  Consensual      Balancing consensus
                                              Legitimacy       Process design
decision-making      and dissensus


  Challenges for PTA cooperation

        Create a learning space for mutual learning
        Inspire and be inspired by other policy tools

  Foresight  Evaluation  Science communication

        Promote a role for PTA in innovation policy





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Governance in Science and Technology: Johan Evers

  • 1. 4/05/2011 Governance in Science and Technology Citizens engagement for social innovation ? Spring School May 25, 2011 Amsterdam Dr. Johan Evers Project manager SETTING THE STAGE 1
  • 2. 4/05/2011 WHO ARE WE? Mission statement To monitor and investigate the societal aspects of scientific & technological developments. Based on this work, to organise and stimulate the public debat on these societal aspects, thereby involving experts, stakeholders and the broader public. The results of these debates ought to be made of use for the Flemish Parliament (advices, reports, brochures,) 2
  • 3. 4/05/2011 viWTA/IST Historical background End of the 90s dominated by foods scandals in Belgium => Questions in public opinion Debate on GM food in Flemish parliament Five major advisory councils (science, agriculture, health, social economical, environment) demanded public debate, whilst admitting scientific uncertainty This originated the birth of Flemish Foundation for Science and Technology Assessment (viWTA) Daily practices IST = Parliamentary TA institution Board of Directors 8 Members of Flemish Parliament (delivers chairman) 8 scientific experts (Advisory Councils on Science, Economy, Environment and Health) Scientific Secretariat (6) Director & Secretary 4 project managers / researchers 1 research assistant 1 communication & coordination officer 3
  • 4. 4/05/2011 Daily practices Yearly programme Selection procedure Trends & weak signals Research and contacts of project managers Approved by Board of Directors (IST) Projects can be commissioned by the parliament in the context of Support Research and substantial support Hearings, workshops and seminars Informative notes Elucidations Participatory activities Technology assessment Technology assessment is a scientific, interactive and communicative process which aims to contribute to the formation of public and political opinion on societal aspects of science and technology (Decker & Ladikas, 2004) Forecasting developments Assessing mutual impact Product Process 4
  • 5. 4/05/2011 Technology assessment in the context of policy making IST OTA EPTA -members Catalonia (Spain) Flanders (Belgium) Finland France EPTA-associates: Germany Greece Austria Italy Council of Europe Netherlands Poland Norway USA Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Parliamentary Technology Assessment (PTA) Need for independent and Specific policy societal assessments context: informing & of S&T in decision- advising parliaments Normative making dimension Parliament as Cognitive Pragmatic 'chambres de Specific research context dimension dimension r辿flexion' TA Problem-driven multidisciplinary research Specific approach: strongly participative Practical attitude 5
  • 6. 4/05/2011 Some guiding principles in PTA Client-oriented Problem-driven rather than technology driven Constructive logic rather than acceptance logic Prospective and anticipatory rather than evaluative (ex ante rather than ex post or ex durante) Participatory TA Information Consultation Why public participation? To articulate societal preferences Active participation To make societal interests explicit 6
  • 7. 4/05/2011 What do we do? 2002 2011 2009 2009 GMO Food in Impact of noise Smart grid Biofuels Flanders pollution 2009 2011 2004 2010 World Wide Views ICT, always a good ICT and Elderly Digital exclusion on climate change idea? 2005 2011 2010 Meetings of Minds 2009 Climate adaptation: Fertility: beyond the the future of brain CIVISTI the challenges for technology sciences Flanders 2007 2008 2010 2011 Poverty and Flemish energy Intelligent transport Gender and Technology system 2050 systems technology 2008 2010 2011 2008 Road traffic and Awards and ICT Smartly Youth and gaming health festival underground 7
  • 8. 4/05/2011 Working areas of IST Life sciences Methodology Environment Energy and Information climate society Cornerstones of IST Science and technology, decision-making and evolution of society Independent Assessment, research, public recommendation debate and lucid and dialogue communication Information, consultation and participation 8
  • 9. 4/05/2011 Methodologies Theatre plays Focus groups Technology festival Awards Delphi methodology Scenario workshops Lectures Expositions Citizens Convention/ Town hall meeting Consensus conference Didactical packages for scholars Participation toolkit Genetically modified food Suppoting the societal debate Supporting the dialogue between stakeholders Retrospective International trend study symposium Public forum Stakeholders Media debate forum Advise Flemish Parliament Better decision making 9
  • 10. 4/05/2011 Digital exclusion mechanisms ICT and elderly(2005) & Technology and poverty(2006) Challenge to creativity: design of participatory part of the project Combination of literature study, interviews, Delphi studies, scenarios, theatre plays, group discussions Policy recommendations to the parliament 2010 : Analysis of digital exclusion in Flanders & Technology festival E-dinges Policy recommendations to the parliament Technology festivals: Nano Now and E-dinges Expert opinion research on nanotech Survey and brainstorm on digital in Flanders exclusion in Flanders Brochure in newspaper Recommendations on digital inclusion Didactical package distributed in EOS ICT special schools 3 day activity 3 day activity E-dinges Awards: movie clips and Lectures/discussions/theatre/expositi ons awards Interactivity and diversity Workshops for professionals Public day Information and discussion Infotainment and debate 3400 persons present Resolution in parliament on 600 persons present nanotechnology Results presented in parliamentary committees 10
  • 11. 4/05/2011 Foresight: The Road to Anoroso A vision of the Flemish energy system 2050 was developed in an interaction between citizens and experts Experts: their knowledge Informed citizens with open and broad perspectives, their values and preferences complementary producers of useful knowledge for policy makers Definition phase Three future scenarios one selected Backcasting with experts policy recommendations on timeline Conference day 13 December 2008 11
  • 12. 4/05/2011 Citizens convention Meeting of Minds European Citizens Deliberation on Brain Sciences (2005-2006) Organised by King Baudouin Foundations Results presented in European Parliament The car and our health Public Convention in Flemish Parliament (May 2008) Extensive evaluation Presentation in Environment Committee & Governance Committee Same method, same rigorous process and quality control CITIZENS PARTICIPATION AND GOVERNANCE: SOME CONSIDERATIONS 12
  • 13. 4/05/2011 TA & Governance? Governance means making systematic use of the richness of societal diversity, (re)order it, and define its boundaries in iterative governing interactions. (Kooiman, 2003: 196) TA aims to produce better technology in a better society, and emphasises the early involvement of a broad array of actors to facilitate social learning about technology and potential impacts. Genus, 2006: 13) Common goal: increase the democratic quality of decision-making on science and technology through participatory procedures Resistance to public participation Validity of knowledge not scientific status of lay knowledge? not representative how to select citizens? Primacy of politics representative versus deliberative democracy Cost-benefit time consuming (social) return on investment impact? 13
  • 14. 4/05/2011 Evaluation criteria for public participation in innovation governance? Inclusiveness Comprehensiveness Fairness/respect Social learning Consensual Balancing consensus Legitimacy Process design decision-making and dissensus Challenges for PTA cooperation Create a learning space for mutual learning Inspire and be inspired by other policy tools Foresight Evaluation Science communication Promote a role for PTA in innovation policy 14
  • 15. 4/05/2011 THANK YOU! www.samenlevingentechnologie.be Johan.Evers@vlaamsparlement.be 15