The document discusses various aspects of designing infrastructure to promote cycling, including the cycling network, links, and junctions. It notes that the network needs to go beyond desire lines on a map and considers level of service assessments. For links, it discusses different types of infrastructure like segregated paths and cycle streets in low traffic areas. Key factors for cycle streets are low motor traffic and speeds with high bicycle volumes. The document also provides several examples of junction designs that prioritize cycling.
5. @johnstreetdales
h i
a. bi-directional? b. tree pits; c. sign poles; d. guard-railing; e. tactile paving; f. inactive frontage;
g. excessive carriageway; h. low ped/cyc priority at signals; i. cycle track switches sides; j.
colour?; k. badly-located boxes
25. @johnstreetdales
Royal College Street Phase 1 scheme implemented 2013.
Cycling volumes increased by 70% from 2011 to 2014.
Cyclist injury rate before was 4/year; rate in 15 months after
was <2/year (none serious).
Difference in the % of women cycling on RCS compared to
alternatives varied from 9% to 17% depending on period.
Difference in the % of people cycling in normal clothes on
RCS compared to alternatives varied from 8% to 24%
depending on period.
Few young or old people (<18 years and >60 years) were
observed on RCS or alternatives, though the proportions
were appreciably larger on RCS than alternatives.
35. @johnstreetdales
Key to the success of Cycle Streets is for motor traffic
speeds and volumes to be relatively low, and cycle volumes
to be relatively high.
Max speed limit must be <20mph or less.
Advised max daily traffic flow is 2,000 vehicles in the
Netherlands (CROW Manual) and 3,000 in Germany.
Cycle volumes should be no lower than those for general
traffic, and ideally higher.
Dutch guidance states Cycle Streets should have (potential
for) flows of at least 1,000 cycles/day and that cycles should
generally outnumber other vehicles 2:1 during peak hours.