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What is Hare Krishna Movement
The Hare Krishna movement is a branch of Hinduism,
formally known as Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Its name comes
from its chant Hare Krishna which devotees repeat over
and over. It was started in the 16th century by Sri Chaitanya
of Bengal (1486-1533). He emphasized the worship of
Krishna and believed that chanting the names of God was
so powerful that in addition to one's own meditation on
them, they should also be chanted in the streets for the
benefit of all.
How does the Hare Krishna movement
differ from other strains of Hinduism?
Devotees of the Hare Krishna movement consider
themselves monotheistic. According to the sacred texts,
Bhagavad Gita and Bhagvat Purana, Krishna is the supreme
God, who oversees millions of demigods who are seen as
administrators of the universal affairs. These demigods are
needed to run creation. They have certain roles, but just as
the secretary of state reports to the president these
demigods serve at the pleasure of Krishna. Krishna is often
accompanied by Radharani, the female aspect or
counterpart of Krishna.
What is the Hare Krishna mantra?
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
The word "mantra" means to deliver or free the mind. The
word "Hare" refers to the divine feminine potency of God.
"Krishna" means the all-attractive one, and "Rama" is the
reservoir of all pleasure.
Reincarnation and karma  what are
those about?
In Hinduism, karma  what a person deserves for his past
acts  proceeds not only from what he has done in the
present life but from past lives as well. According to Hindu
philosophy, human beings are not always reborn as human
beings. Some are, but others are promoted to still higher
forms, forms beyond our present experience, and others are
degraded to lower species. One's future status depends on
whether one lives in harmony with nature's laws or violates
them. Only human beings can gain freedom from the cycle of
birth and death.
Why don't Hare Krishna Devotees eat
Hindus believe that animals are children of Krishna, created by
God with a soul. Therefore, to eat an animal is an affront to
God. Moreover, it's bad for your consciousness: Because the
slaughter of animals is violent, when you eat meat, fish or fowl,
you are subjecting yourself to more violent thoughts and,
perhaps, violent behavior. In Hinduism, cooking is intertwined
with spirituality. Hare Krishna Devotees believe they are
cooking for the pleasure of God. They never sample the food
they are cooking, since it must be offered to Krishna first.
What is Hare Krishna movement?
The Hare Krishna movement is originated from the Gaudily
Vaishnavism, wherein the word Vaishnavism means worship of
the Vishnu, and Gaudiya means the particular region where
Vaishnavism originated, that is, West Bengal. The movement is
also known as the Hare Consciousness and Hare Krishna the
Hare followers practice bhakti yoga and worship the supreme
lord, Krishna. Through bhakti yoga, the followers try to
dedicate all their actions and thoughts to Lord Krishna.
What Hare Krishna do?
The Hare followers practice Bhakti yoga. They preach
the teaching of Bhagwad Gita and Sri mand Bhagavatanam.
They enchant the Hare Krishna Mantra. With their preaching,
they try to draw away themselves from the materialistic world.
The Bhakti Yoga motivates them to move on the right path,
and shed off the vanity and become virtuous. All these Hare
followers congregate at the ISKCON temple. At present, all
Hare followers gather there to the worship the Lord and sing
his praises.
Original Source: http://www.macuhoweb.org/be-a-part-of-the-hare-krishna-
To know more Interesting Facts About
Lord Krishna visit following address
Plot No.-4, Sub-City Level,
Dwarka Sector -13,
Behind Radisson blu
Hotel Delhi-110075
Email id: info@iskcondwarka.org
Ph. No.: +918800223226
Website: http://iskcondwarka.org/
Join Hare Krishna Movement and Become Virtuous

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Join Hare Krishna Movement and Become Virtuous

  • 2. What is Hare Krishna Movement The Hare Krishna movement is a branch of Hinduism, formally known as Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Its name comes from its chant Hare Krishna which devotees repeat over and over. It was started in the 16th century by Sri Chaitanya of Bengal (1486-1533). He emphasized the worship of Krishna and believed that chanting the names of God was so powerful that in addition to one's own meditation on them, they should also be chanted in the streets for the benefit of all.
  • 3. How does the Hare Krishna movement differ from other strains of Hinduism? Devotees of the Hare Krishna movement consider themselves monotheistic. According to the sacred texts, Bhagavad Gita and Bhagvat Purana, Krishna is the supreme God, who oversees millions of demigods who are seen as administrators of the universal affairs. These demigods are needed to run creation. They have certain roles, but just as the secretary of state reports to the president these demigods serve at the pleasure of Krishna. Krishna is often accompanied by Radharani, the female aspect or counterpart of Krishna.
  • 4. What is the Hare Krishna mantra? Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare The word "mantra" means to deliver or free the mind. The word "Hare" refers to the divine feminine potency of God. "Krishna" means the all-attractive one, and "Rama" is the reservoir of all pleasure.
  • 5. Reincarnation and karma what are those about? In Hinduism, karma what a person deserves for his past acts proceeds not only from what he has done in the present life but from past lives as well. According to Hindu philosophy, human beings are not always reborn as human beings. Some are, but others are promoted to still higher forms, forms beyond our present experience, and others are degraded to lower species. One's future status depends on whether one lives in harmony with nature's laws or violates them. Only human beings can gain freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
  • 6. Why don't Hare Krishna Devotees eat meat? Hindus believe that animals are children of Krishna, created by God with a soul. Therefore, to eat an animal is an affront to God. Moreover, it's bad for your consciousness: Because the slaughter of animals is violent, when you eat meat, fish or fowl, you are subjecting yourself to more violent thoughts and, perhaps, violent behavior. In Hinduism, cooking is intertwined with spirituality. Hare Krishna Devotees believe they are cooking for the pleasure of God. They never sample the food they are cooking, since it must be offered to Krishna first.
  • 7. What is Hare Krishna movement? The Hare Krishna movement is originated from the Gaudily Vaishnavism, wherein the word Vaishnavism means worship of the Vishnu, and Gaudiya means the particular region where Vaishnavism originated, that is, West Bengal. The movement is also known as the Hare Consciousness and Hare Krishna the Hare followers practice bhakti yoga and worship the supreme lord, Krishna. Through bhakti yoga, the followers try to dedicate all their actions and thoughts to Lord Krishna.
  • 8. What Hare Krishna do? The Hare followers practice Bhakti yoga. They preach the teaching of Bhagwad Gita and Sri mand Bhagavatanam. They enchant the Hare Krishna Mantra. With their preaching, they try to draw away themselves from the materialistic world. The Bhakti Yoga motivates them to move on the right path, and shed off the vanity and become virtuous. All these Hare followers congregate at the ISKCON temple. At present, all Hare followers gather there to the worship the Lord and sing his praises. Original Source: http://www.macuhoweb.org/be-a-part-of-the-hare-krishna- movement/9040/#prettyPhoto
  • 9. To know more Interesting Facts About Lord Krishna visit following address ISKCON TEMPLE Plot No.-4, Sub-City Level, Dwarka Sector -13, Behind Radisson blu Hotel Delhi-110075 Email id: info@iskcondwarka.org Ph. No.: +918800223226 Website: http://iskcondwarka.org/