The document promotes joining a science club by highlighting various activities and interests related to science that appeal to different people such as animals, science in the news, experiments, and careers. It mentions exploring and investigating topics that matter most to each person through club activities like backyard and kitchen science experiments, trivia, and getting information from a club sponsor.
3. You might be thinking…I love animals they’re so cute and funny!OMG I LOVE SCIENCEWhat does science have to do with me?Yea what’s going on with all those oil spills?Save the planet!Ooooh I need a clone to do all my homework for me.I was recently pondering the often misconceived understanding of the third law of thermodynamics regarding increased entropy in organized life forms anyways.
5. You might be thinking…I love animals they’re so cute and funny!OMG I LOVE SCIENCEI thought we already figured out just about everything. Yea what’s going on with all those oil spills?YES!Save the planet!Ooooh I need a clone to do all my homework for me.I was recently pondering the often misconceived understanding of the third law of thermodynamics regarding increased entropy in organized life forms anyways.
6. Science Clubmuahahahaaa~Science in the news~~Explore & Investigate on what matters most to you~~Science in your back yard~~Kitchen lab experiments~~Science trivia and oddities~~Careers & studies~Email Mrs. Harris for more info! hharris@insightfaculty.netGet your nerd on!