joiz is a social TV company founded 4 years ago that produces nearly 100% of its own daily content. It pioneered the concept of social TV by integrating viewer interactions and social media content directly into the TV channel and mobile apps. However, joiz found that over 70% of traffic to its website was from mobile users, even though the website was not optimized for mobile. To address this, joiz plans to re-engineer its front-end using AngularJS to build a modular, customizable platform that can be white-labeled for clients and deliver fast, optimized experiences across devices. This will transform joiz into a B2B company providing tools and solutions for social TV.
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Joiz Erik Funk MOMO42
1. joiz social TV
building a mobile community marketing B2B platform
Eric Funk, Head of development joiz Global
2. A few words about joiz TV (CH)
¡ñ Founded 4 years ago by a group TV enthusiasts
¡ñ Young target audience
¡ñ nearly 100% own content produced every day (concerts, talks,
¡ñ Social TV - Lives through interaction on cross media stories all
3. Social TV
¡ñ What happens online happens on the TV channel
¡ð Viewer Interactions (Checkin, Chat message, Skype in)
¡ð Social Content from Twitter/ Instagram / FB on the TV screen
¡ñ What happens on the TV channel happens on online / mobile
¡ð Live stream
¡ð Live Trigger ( Second Screen Information, Adverts, Polls)
¡ð VOD / Comment/ share
¡ð Youtube / Social Media
4. Mobile from the first day
¡ñ Mobile Site (reduced offering)
¡ñ Iphone App
5. Expansion to Germany
¡ñ Needed an Android App
¡ð Not just a clone
¡ð Double development efforts
¡ð Hard to deal with as a small
¡ñ Building a new website (CMS)
¡ñ Connect to a new studio
¡ñ We ¡°forgot¡± the mobile
8. Problem - we don¡¯t have a mobile website
¡ñ (Twitter) Bootstrap to the rescue
¡ñ Implement the bootstrap responsive to the existing sites
¡ð Add Break points
¡ð Remove all Popups
¡ð Use responsive forms
9. Demo
Pro Tip :) Impress your developers and check your mobile performance
by using the Chrome Developer Console - ALT- CMD -J ( Windows F12)
10. The downside
Making the site responsive is OK but it
doesn¡¯t improve the overall experience.
¡ñ Slow Loading
¡ñ Too much content
¡ñ Not optimized for touch
12. Transforming B2B
¡ñ Whitelabel you website, apps
¡ñ standardise your offering
¡ñ build standard interfaces
¡ð simplify
¡ð trigger data
¡ñ offer SDK¡¯s, API¡¯s
14. Re-engineering the front-end
¡ñ Usability
¡ñ Fast loading times
¡ñ Customisable for existing and future clients
¡ñ Modular / ¡°Plugins¡±
Stop current PHP based website-development
-->build a Javascript Application!
15. Going AngularJS
¡ñ Why AngularJS?
¡ð Re-Use the existing mobile (smart TV) API
¡ð Load only ¡°data¡±
¡ð Render the website on the client
¡ð Extend the Browser DOM (HTML) with own directives
¡ö Create Re-usable components
¡ñ Unit Testing the Frontend
a good read:
16. But!
¡ñ There are disadvantages too
¡ð High Learning Curve for your developers
¡ö its application development
¡ö developers need special skills
¡ð SEO needs special attention
¡ð Initial higher loading time
¡ð Needs a stronger Browser / faster device
It¡¯s not a website - it¡¯s a web application !!!
18. Lessons learned
¡ñ Build one common powerful API for all your applications
¡ñ Never underestimate mobile browser traffic!
¡ñ Review your technologies constantly / Adopt and Redevelop
¡ñ Dont try to make existing website concept to work on mobile