This story is about a seagull named Jonathan Livingston who loves practicing advanced flight techniques, unlike the other gulls who only use flight for utility purposes. Jonathan is exiled from his flock for being different. He later joins a new flock led by an elder gull named Chiang and masters advanced flight abilities like teleportation. Jonathan returns to teach his skills to other outcast gulls. Over time, more gulls join Jonathan's flock to learn about innovative flying techniques, starting a new era of flight. In the end, Jonathan ascends to an even higher existence, leaving Fletcher in charge of continuing his legacy.
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1. Richard Bach
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
This is a story for people who follow their
hearts and make their own rules...people who
get special pleasure out of doing something
well, even if only for themselves...people who
know there's more to this living than meets
the eye: theyll be right there with Jonathan,
flying higher and faster than ever they
He struggles with being differenthe is sad to disappoint
his parents.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is different from the other
birds in his Flock. Most gulls only know the simplest facts
of flight, and use flight as a utilitarian mode of
transportation and as a way to get food. Jonathan,
however, loves practicing airborne acrobatics and testing
the limits of his speed and form.
2. He briefly considers trying hard to be just another member of
the Flock.
That night, when Jonathan rejoins his Flock up on
the beach, he is called into the center of a Council
meeting and singled out for Shame by the Elder Gull
before being Outcast and banished to the distant Far
After he experiences a breakthrough in flight, though, and
successfully executes a complicated dive from a height of
five thousand feet, he is more determined than ever to
devote his life to studying flight.
3. Jonathan had hoped to share his new flight
methods with the Flock.
After many years pass, Jonathan has lived a long but
solitary life.
He wanted to and show them how different methods of flight
would make it even easier to find fruitful food sources in the ocean,
but resignedly accepts that he will be a loner for the rest of his life.
4. He was flanked in flight one evening by two gleaming gulls
who invited him to ascend with them to a higher plane of
In his conversations with the Elder Gull of this new
Flock, Chiang, Jonathan learns that there are ways to
transcend even the physical limits of his body.
In this new world, there are a handful of gulls who believe
the same things Jonathan does, and long to perfect their
innovative methods of flight. Jonathan trains with an
instructor named Sullivan, who admires Jonathans skill,
speed, and self-possession, and tells Jonathan he is the
best pupil hes ever had.
5. He comes to realize that perfection comes from being
present in the understanding that his true nature lives
everywhere at once across space and time.
As Jonathan learns more and more, he cannot stop
thinking about the world he left behind on earthhe
longs to return and teach the gulls the truths he has
learned in this new realm.
Eventually, Jonathan masters instantaneous teleportation,
impressing even Chiang and becoming Chiangs special
6. Jonathan returns to earth and approaches a recently
Outcast gull from his own Flock named Fletcher Lynd
Seagulladmiring Fletchers flight, Jonathan offers to take
Fletcher on as a pupil on the condition that one day they
will return to their Flock and spread the things they have
learned together. Fletcher agrees, and the two begin
One day, Jonathan tells his students that the time has
come to return to their Flock and share their
knowledge. His students are doubtful, but agree
nonetheless to follow him back to their old shore.
After three months, Jonathan has amassed a small group
of six special pupils, whom he trains in flight techniques
and mental exercises to help them break the chains of
their bodies.
7. The Flock shuns Jonathan and his pupils as they
demonstrate their feats of flight over the water just beyond
the shore, but slowly, some curious gulls from the Flock
begin approaching Jonathan and his group and asking to
learn to fly.
And soon hundreds and hundreds of gulls gather
every day to listen to Jonathans musings on the glory
of freedom and the rituals, superstitions, and
limitations that stand in the way of true freedom.
Even the nervous Terrence Lowell Gull and the lame Kirk
Maynard Gull exhibit bravery in joining Jonathans group.
8. Jonathan is soon rumored to be a Divine birdperhaps even
the Son of the Great Gull himself, though Jonathan laments
the fact that the others cannot simply see him as one of
Jonathan tells Fletcher that it is time for him to
ascend, and leave Fletcher behind to continue his
After Fletcher crashes into a cliff and has a near-death
experience, which he returns to life from, the others begin
to hail Fletcher, too, as a Divine gull.
9. Fletcher begs Jonathan to stay.
Fletcher, distraught but determined to carry on
Jonathans teachings, assumes his new role as instructor
of Jonathans old pupils. In the years following Jonathans
departure from earth, Fletcher and his new Flock of pupils
travel up and down the coastline, spreading their
messages to new Flocks, and as more and more gulls take
up Jonathans message, a golden age of flight and
innovation commences.
Jonathan begins to shimmer, and then ascends into the